
The following will cover a list of resources for pagans, Wiccans and witches, including a variety of material ranging from books to blogs, apps, podcasts, Youtube channels and more.  This is an incredibly necessary update of my 2013 reading list, which will now be deleted and linked to this article.

Before we begin, I would encourage you read my article entitled 13 Critical Reading Tips for Pagans, Wiccans and Witches.

A variety of circumstances can affect the validity of a text, which is why it's so important to hone your critical thinking skills.  It's rare to find a book that isn't problematic in some way but that doesn't mean that the whole of the text is useless.  By reading critically, you can read a wider range of texts without them forcibly shaping your personal paradigm.

Resources on this list may contain problematic or triggering language but have been included for the useful information they provide around the issues they have.

Finally, in the past, I've included a miniature review of the books.  I will no longer be doing so in this version because I want the reader to develop their own opinion of the text.  I'm not here to shape your craft but rather to guide you in shaping your own.

The following list includes 101 books and beyond, beginning with general paganism, moving into Wicca and ending in a variety of Witchcraft traditions and practices.  Each is linked to either the corresponding website, Youtube channel, app, blog, etc or to an Amazon link for purchase.  This is obviously not a comprehensive list but more a list of texts I approve. Enjoy!


General Paganism
Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions – River and Joyce Higginbotham
Exploring the Pagan Path: Wisdom from the Elders (a collection)
Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe – H.R. Ellis Davidson
Drawing Down the Moon – Margot Adler
A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism – John Michael Greer
Shades of Faith: Minority Voices in Paganism – Crystal Blanton

World Mythology
Mythology: Myths, Legends and Fantasies – Alice Mills
The Oxford Companion to World Mythology - David Leeming
World Mythology: The Illustrated Guide – Roy Willis

Greek and Roman
Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds – Daniel Ogden
Greek Folk Religion – Martin P Nilsson

The Celts: A Very Short Introduction – Barry Cunliffe
Celtic Gods and Heroes – Marie-Louise Sjoestedt
The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles – Ronald Hutton
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries – W.Y. Evans

Norse, Northern Tradition and Heathenism
Essential Asatru: Walking the Path of Norse Paganism - Diana L Paxson
Exploring the Northern Tradition – Galina Krasskova
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals and Beliefs – John Lindow
The Norse Myths – Kevin Crossley-Holland
A Dictionary of Northern Mythology - Rudolph Simek and Angela Hall

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner – Scott Cunningham
The Spiral Dance – Starhawk (most recent edition only)
Elements of Ritual: Air, Fire, Water and Earth in the Wiccan Circle – Deborah Lipp
Her Hidden Children: The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America – Chas S Clifton

The History of Witchcraft
Witchcraft: A History – P.G. Maxwell-Stuart
Popular Magic: Cunning-folk in English History – Owen Davies
The Magical Universe: EVeryday Ritual and Magic in Pre-Modern Europe - Stephen Wilson
The Power of Words: Studies on Charms and Charming in Europe – Kapalo, Pocs and Ryan
A Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices – Claude Lecouteux
Witchcraft in Early North America - Alison Games
The Salem Witch Hunt: A Brief History with Documents – Richard Godbeer
Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft - Ronald Hutton
The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern - Alex Owen
Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult - Richard Metzger
Ozark Magic and Folklore – Vance Randolph

Traditional Witchcraft
Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways – Gemma Gary
A Deed Without a Name: Unearthing the Legacy of Traditional Witchcraft – Lee Morgan
Treading the Mill: Practice Craft Working in Modern Traditional Witchcraft – Nigel G. Pearson
Mastering Witchcraft – Paul Huson
Cornish Witchcraft - Gemma C Gary (website)

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development  – Christopher Penczak
Traditional Witchcraft: Visualization - Peter Paddon

The Casting of Spells - Christopher J Penczak
Pure Magic: A Complete Course in Spellcasting – Judika Illes
Exploring Spellcraft - Gerina Dunwich
Protection and Reversal Magick – Jason Miller
Earth, Air, Fire and Water - Scott Cunningham
A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk – Peter Paddon
Your Book of Shadows - Patricia Telesco
Wicca Calendar - App
Wiccan and Witchcraft Spells - App
Candle - App

Complete Book of Correspondences - Sandra Kynes
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs – Scott Cunningham
Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic – Scott Cunningham
Dakota Matrix Minerals Identifying Gemstones - Website
Illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook - Adele Nozedar
Sigil Magic: A Practical Guide - Philip Cooper
Spiritual Cleansing – Draja Mickaharic
Moon Phase - App

The Kybalion: A study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece - Three Initiates
Hermetic Magic: The Postmodern Papyrus of Abaris - Stephen Edred Flowers
The Spirit of Magic by Virgil: Rediscovering the Heart of Our Sacred Art - Virgil
Seven Spheres - Rufus Opus

Ceremonial Magic
The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order – Israel Regardie
The Foundations of High Magick - Melita Denning
Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts - Donald Michael Kraig
Magick in Theory and Practice - Aleister Crowley

Green Witchcraft
The Way Of The Green Witch – Arin Murphy-Hiscock
A Compendium of Herbal Magick –  Paul Beyerl
Tree Wisdom: The definitive guidebook to the myth, folklore and healing power of Trees – Jacqueline Memory Paterson
Encyclopedia of Natural Magic - John Michael Greer
LearningHerbs.com - Youtube
Wisewomantradition (Weed Walks) - Youtube
EatTheWeeds - Youtube
Herbs Guide - App

Urban Witchcraft
Traditional Witchcraft for Urban Living – Melusine Draco
The Urban Primitive: Paganism in the Concrete Jungle - Raven Kaldera and Tannin Schwartzstein

Cottage Witchcraft and Herbalism
Cottage Witchcraft – Jan McDonald
Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery - Kris Bradley
An Enchanted Life - Patricia J Telesco
Magical Housekeeping - Tess Whitehurst
The Magical Household - Scott Cunningham and David Harrington
House Magic - Ariana
The Goddess is in the Details - Deborah Blake
Altars: Bringing Sacred Shrines into Your Everyday Life – Denise Linn
Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of your Home – Denise Linn

Rituals and Covens

RitualCraft: Creating Rites for Transformation and Celebration - Azrael Arynn K and Amber K
Circle, Coven and Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice - Deborah Blake
The Art of Ritual - Renee Beck and Sydney Barbara Metrick
The Outer Temple of Witchcraft: Circles, Spells and Rituals – Christoper Penczak
Neopagan Rites: A Guide to Creating Public Rituals that Work - Isaac Bonewits
A Year of Ritual: Sabbats and Esbats for Solitaries and Covens - Sandra Kynes
The Circle Within: Creating a Wiccan Spiritual Tradition - Dianne Sylvan
Creating Circles and Ceremonies - Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart
Coven Craft: Witchcraft for Three or More - Amber K
The Real Witches' Coven - Kate West
Compass - App

Pagan Sabbats
Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life - Pauline and Dan Campanelli
Imbolc - Carl F. Neal
Ostara - Kerri Connor
Beltane - Melanie Marquis
Midsummer - Deborah Blake
Lughnasadh - Melanie Marquis
Mabon - Diana Rajchel
Samhain - Diana Rajchel
Yule - Susan Pesznecker

Chaos and Pop Culture Magic
Pop Culture Magic 2.0 - Taylor Ellwood
Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll
The Master Works of Chaos Magick - Adam Blackthorne

Spirit Work and Necromancy
Pagan Book of Living and Dying: Practical Rituals, Prayers, Blessings and Meditations on Crossing Over - Starhawk
Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan Mind - Claude Lecouteux
The Witches’ Book of the Dead - Christian Day
Communing with the Ancestors - Raven Grimassi
Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices - Claude Lecouteux
Communing with the Spirits: The Magical Practice of Necromancy - John M Hansen
Charnel Whispers: Mastery of Necromancy, Death and Undeath - Somnus Dreadwood
Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy - S Connolly
Necormantic Sacraments - S Connolly
Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices - Claude Lecouteux

Cunning-Folk and Familiar Spirits - Emma Wilby
The Witch's Familiar: Spiritual Partnership for Successful Magic - Raven GRimassi
Magickal Servitors - Damon Brand
Animal Familiars for Beginners - Alexandra Chauran
Spells for Cats - Daisy Pepper

Tarot & Magic - Donald Michael Kraig
The Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination – Robert Place
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot – A. E. Waite
Five Minute Tarot - John Bellantrae (Youtube)
Everyday Tarot Magic: Meditation & Spells – Dorothy Morrison
Modern Spellcaster's Tarot - Melanie Marquis
Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth – Benebell Wen
Rider-Waite Tarot - Deck
Thoth Tarot - Deck
Rider-Waite Tarot - App

The Runes Workbook - Leon D Wild
Runelore - Edred Thorsson
Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic - Edred Thorsson
A Technique for Memorising Runes - Kelly-Ann Maddox (Youtube)
Rune Learning Cards - Jay GreenMan DeForest
Northernway.org: Runes, Glyphs of Power & Spirit - Website
Sunnyway.com: An Introduction to Runes - Website
Runic Divination - App

Jailbreaking the Goddess: A Radical Revisioning of Feminist Spirituality - Lasara Firefox Allen
A Witch's Book of Silence - Karina BlackHeart
Lifting the Veil: A Witches' Guide to Trance-Prophesy, Drawing Down the Moon and Ecstatic Ritual - Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone
A New Look at Mercury Retrograde - Robert Wilkinson

General Online Resources
About.com’s Paganism/Wicca Section
BBC’s Guide to Religions: Paganism
Circle Sanctuary Teachings Tab
Cornell University's Witchcraft Collection
Gleewood.org's Seeking: First Steps and Tools
The MoonPath Chapter of Continental CUUPS Resource Links
The Proteus Library
Sacred Text Archive
Scarlet Imprint

The Fat Feminist Witch
Ora North
Sarah Anne Lawless

Bree Landwalker
Broom Corner
Fuck Yeah Paganism
Magic for the Masses
Storm Born Witch
The Darkest of Lights

BBC Radio 4: In our Time: Religion
Down at the Crossroads
Modern Witch
New World Witchery

Adam Balan
Ashera Star Goddess
Joey Morris
Pagan Perspective
Pagan Scholar
Ryan Espich
Samantha Valens

General Apps
Daily Numerology
Liber Umbrarum et Lux (Book of Shadows and Light)
Occult Library
Star Walk 2
The Witches Digest
Wiccan's Assistant

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