
Wisdom Quarterly; ConsciousLifeExpo.com

The Expo comes to LA from Feb. 6-9, 2015, LAX Hilton (consciouslifeexpo.com)

The What's Next Panel: A Call to Action
A sample panel at this year's Expo in Los Angeles

How can each of us impact the "web of life" in our own world? How can we thrive within, deepen our connection, and flow toward the emergence of a glorious shift?

Join this stimulating panel for an interactive dialogue between exemplary luminaries who are leveling up their personal and professional lives by taking bold action steps globally.

Sharing their insights and lifelong experiences, they will illuminate the path for the "seekers" to discover one's true place in the "bigger Planetary picture."  Bring an open heart and imagination and resolve to live the question, "WHAT'S NEXT?"

Moderated by Lisa Garr, host of KPFK’s “The Aware Show”

Lisa Garr (also seen on Gaiam TV) created America’s  top-rated "The Aware Show" broadcast throughout Southern California on Pacifica Free Speech Radio (KPFK.org) and listened to by hundreds of thousands globally via Google Hangout. Garr interviews leading life-style experts and authors on natural health, personal growth, and spiritual consciousness. Garr also hosts "Being Aware" on Hay House Radio, "Gaiam Inspirations" on Gaiam TV, as well as guest hosting the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast.

Ven. Khen Rinpoche Tsetan is a Gelugpa Buddhist monk from Ladakh, India. At 15, he walked with his father over 800 miles from Ladakh to Shigatse, Tibet to enter the renowned Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. In 1995, Rinpoche founded The Siddhartha School in Stok, Ladakh (Buddhist India near Kashmir, high in the Himalayas bordering Tibet). In July 2005, the 14th Dalai Lama appointed Rinpoche to be the head abbot, or kachen, of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in southern India. Khen Rinpoche has been teaching in the United States for over 30 years.


Thom Hartmann is an internationally-syndicated talk show host [and nominally Left blowhard] reaching over half a billion homes.  A New York Times bestselling author of 24 books, Hartmann and his wife, Louise, started a community for abused children and The Hunter School, a school for autisitic and ADHD kids in New Hampshire. He initiated international relief programs on four continents and the largest community for abused children in the entire country of Israel. His latest book is The Crash of 2016.

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer.  A number one New York Times  best selling author four times over, she published A YEAR OF MIRACLES: Daily Devotions and Reflections in 2013.  In 2014, she  deeply impacted political consciousness by running for the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in Los Angeles and founded the U.S. Department of Peace Campaign, a grass roots campaign. Williamson serves on the Board of Directors of the RESULTS organization, working to end the worst ravages of hunger and poverty throughout the world.


Environmental film activist Leila Conners is founder of Tree Media, created to support and sustain civil society. She co-directed the award-winning documentary The 11th Hour and Urban Roots. Conners directed and launched Green World Rising -- short film series on climate change with Leonardo DiCaprio and Thom Hartmann. Tree Media works with the Council on Foreign Relations, NASA, RAND, Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev’s Green Cross International, Norman Lear, and PBS. She is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Pacific Council on International Policy. Currently, Conners is writing and directing her films We the People 2.0 and Into Eden about how we can change our society and ourselves in the face of disintegrative forces that threaten our biosphere. More

(Victory Over Violence) Solutions at the 11th Hour (1/7)

Some of the exciting speakers at this year's Conscious Life Expo MORE

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