
If you are looking to build a WordPress Website like Monster.com and have your apprehensions about it then look no further as the WP Job Manager Plugin along with it’s extensions will help you implement just the requirements and that too on a BUDGET!

Developing a job listing website is more than just allowing registered users to submit jobs and making them available for job seekers. Everything, and believe me when I say this, EVERYTHING that is online is all about user experience! So apart from the basic functionalities that would be required in a job listings website it is important to make the entire process simple for all users concerned – admin, users posting jobs and job seekers alike.

Let’s take it one step at a time and understand the process of implementing a WordPress website like monster.com and that too with a paltry sum of $274 in hand.

Manage Jobs on Listing Website

Starting from the basics, the primary features required to develop a job listing WordPress website like monster.com from ground up can be acheived using WP Job Manager plugin.

It is available for free on wordpress.org and that’s what makes developing the job listings website an affordable prospect for those just starting out in this arena.

With easy to use options for registered users to submit jobs and a comprehensive admin panel to manage job listings it makes the process of taking available job openings to prospective candidates a hassle free, plug-n play process.

Cost of Job Listings Website: $0

Make Application Process Easy

The perfect parameter to gauge the success of a job listings website is the number of job listings and the number of applicants applying to the jobs. In order to make this a reality it is absolutely essential to make the application process easy for job seekers. It also allows users to to be able to view applications with ease.

This has been made possible with the Resume Manager add-on which allows job seekers submit a resume with a simple and straightforward form and allows them to use this online resume while applying for jobs.

Furthermore, employers can view resumes and contact job seekers based on the evaluation of their profiles. And with that we now add $39 to the development cost.

Cost of Job Listings Website: $0+$39=$39

Provide a ‘Save for Later’ Option

A save for later option essentially allows both employers and job seekers to bookmark resumes and job openings respectively to be acted upon later. This feature not only gives users the flexibility of acting upon a certain listing at a later point but it also works as a mechanism to prevent them from neglecting information related to a job listing.

And on that note I introduce the Bookmarks add-on that allows employers and job seekers to bookmark resumes and job listings relevant to them to view them later.

Cost of Job Listings Website: $39+$19= $58

Application Deadline

Most companies prefer setting a last day of submission for any job listing. While I would have liked to see this basic feature in the free plugin the developers have not included it. However though the Application Deadline extension allows you to incorporate this feature at a minuscule cost overhead and close to zilch set up effort

Cost of Job Listings Website: $58+$19= $77

Simplify the Search Process

The key for improving user experience in a website such as job listings is to make the search process easy for employers as well as job seekers. This is the essential as a significant  part of the system works around the search concept. But hold your horses as you will not need to to do much as there are an array of extensions available to make this a simple task for you and now I am going to talk about just that.

You might have seen the use of tags in blog posts that you read on the internet. The same concept of “tags” can be used for job listings too. Here, you will associate certain keywords with a particular job listing. On clicking on any of these keywords all other jobs associated with the keyword will be listed and will help candidates find jobs relevant to them. This functionality will be helpful especially as the number of jobs listed on the website will increase as analyzing every job manually would become impossible. You can add this to your shopping cart at a small sum of $12 with the Job Tags plugin specifically addressing this requirement.

If Google can then so can you! Wondering what? Auto suggest Jobs and Resumes to users based on what you type in the search box. While you will have to use two separate plugins – Auto Job Suggest and Auto Resume Suggest – priced at $20 each the plugins are worth every penny spent.

The search process can further be improved by allowing candidates to search for jobs based on company or location. Here again you will have to use to separate plugins. While the Company Profiles plugin is available for free the Geo Job Manager extension which allows to search for jobs based on location is available at $32.

And finally make the job seekers feel like they are on the top of the game with respect to the job search with the Jobs Alerts extension. This extension essentially allows users to be notified when a new job is posted. Also, they can set up alerts based on their requirement thereby getting more relevant and focussed alerts and staying updated at all times. And with that addition of $29 your cart now is worth $158

Cost of Job Listings Website: $77+$12+$20+$20+$32+$29= $158

Charge for Every Listing

So we have spoken about multiple methods to improve user experience on the website and thereby increase traffic. But the big question which I am sure has been fleeting in your mind is how is the WP Job Manager plugin going to help you rake in the Moolah! Right?

So, the sugar coating on top of this tempting cake is the Simple Paid Listings extension. This extension works on the pay-per-use model which requires employers to pay for every listing that they publish on the job portal.

This not only ensures that employers do not have to pay for more than they use, it also opens an earning opportunity for you as an admin.

Cost of Job Listings Website: $158+$19=$177

Subscription Plan for Employers

In the real world there are some people who subscribe to a particular newspaper and then there are others who buy the newspaper every morning on their way to work. Just like in the real world the first option is possible in the online WP Job Manager world too.

Now instead employers who are sure of publishing a job posting more than once can subscribe to a membership plan based on the requirements.

Of course the plans will be decided by you using the WC Paid Listings extension powered by WooCommerce. And with that plugin the total has reached to an affordable sum of $216.

Cost of Job Listings Website: $177+$39=$216

Choosing the Face of the Website

Last but not the least, when thinking of user experience choosing the user interface is essential along with taking care of the website functionality. While any WordPress theme can be used, a theme such as Jobify would be a better choice as it has been specifically developed for a Job Listings website.

Cost of Job Listings Website: $216+$58=$274

With the interface taken care for your WordPress website like monster.com is ready to be launched in just $274 plus the hosting charges. ( you obviously can’t forget that)

There are several more extensions available to support the WP Job Manager system. However to begin with these extensions should be sufficient. Me being me though I want to add some more :P. So, if you want to integrate your website with another popular website such as linkedin or careerbuilder then you can explore their integration extensions available. But that is only if you want to.

Is there any essential extension or functionality that I have missed out? Let me know in the comments section

Until then, Adios!

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