
It's Friday!  Cheers!!

Are you glad it's the weekend? I am, but mainly because as time crawls on, we get closer and closer to fulfilling the dream of WARM WEATHER.

Ready for my weekly dose of random?

1.  This week Gavin was on spring break, and it was an abysmal 30 degrees at the beginning of the week.  Not that that stopped my kids from wanting to play outside.

2. I dreamed about summer and sipping drinks on my deck with this round up.

Thirty Summer Cocktails

3.  I remembered that I have the sweetest five year old on the planet.  Totally love this kid.

4.  I challenged the laws of physics by making a recipe that will make you want to reach through your computer screen to take a bite.  Sugar Cookie Cookie Butter Bars.

Sugar Cookie Cookie Butter Bars

Wondering what Cookie Butter is and where you can get your hands on some?  Think peanut butter . . . MADE WITH COOKIES.  Yumm.  You can get Cookie Butter at Trader Joe's, and though I've never tried it, word on the street is that it is pretty much the same as Biscoff Spread which can be found at World Market, Walmart, and Target.

Go out and get your hands on some.

5.  I made my kids some hooded towels.  Can you even remember the last time I posted a craft?  Me either.

Hooded Towel Pattern

I love this pattern so much because it fits babies all the way up through bigger kids.  And if I can sew it, so can you.  (Ha!  Get it?)

6.  Maybe most exciting this week, was my debut as the new collection contributor at Chef In Training.

Fifty Unique Chicken Recipes

If you aren't familiar with Nikki of Chef In Training, though if you have spent any time on Pinterest, I'm sure you've seen her amazing recipes, you will want to go check her out right away.  Not only does she create the most mouth watering recipes, she takes breathtaking pictures.

Yay!  So happy to be working with such a talented blogger!!  You can see my posts there every other Thursday.  Check out my next addition on April 19th.

7. This week I fought with Quinn approximately 497 times to put on her clothes.  Apparently since we didn't have anywhere we had to be, she thought a diaper would be the perfect attire.  I finally gave up.

Guess what the perfect accessory for a diaper is?

Snow boots.

8.  Because I know that these little doses of randomness to provide you with nearly enough information about me and you are just itching for more, I updated my About Me page!!

9.  Finally, this week, to help celebrate her two years of blogging, I co-hosted Ginger's weekly link up party.  There were so many great projects that were linked up!!  Check out some of the ones that grabbed my eye, all from great bloggers I wasn't familiar with yet.

Almond Joy Bars | Reasons to Skip the Housework

Silhouette 3D Flowers | A Southern Lady's Ramblings

Cake Mix Cookies | Your Crafty Friend

Honey Bunny Grahams | Half Baked Harvest

Amish Apple Dumplings | Twigg Studios

Nutella & Cheese Danish | Flour Me With Love

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