Serenading your sweetheart may not be part of your romance repertoire on Valentine’s Day but help is on the way.
The Sun Parlour Chorus Barbershop Harmony Society is offering a special Singing Valentine package that’s sure to win his or her heart.
Wanting to spark a bit of romance on the day devoted annually to love, the chorus’s Singing Valentine includes a quartet of male singers who will perform a pair of love songs and then present the lucky recipient with a rose and a card. A photographer captures the special event.
“We serenade with a couple songs, usually Let me call you Sweetheart and Heart of my Heart,” said spokesman Tom Grimes, who has been singing with the chorus for more than 10 years. “It’s a fun thing.”
Grimes said quartets are preparing to travel throughout Windsor and Essex County, from morning to night on Valentine’s Day, to present the unique gift to unsuspecting men and women.
“It’s usually a surprise for the recipient,” he said.
The groups will perform almost anywhere – in workplaces, schools, offices, retirement homes.
The male-only Barbershop Harmony Society has approximately 25,000 members across North America. The Windsor chapter has been delivering singing valentines for more than 30 years.
The cost is $35 but proceeds benefit the group’s youth outreach program.
“We’ll go out to the schools and then we put on a cappella harmony clinics for the music classes,” said Grimes, who sings with a baritone voice.
The program’s aim is to encourage young people – boys and girls – to participate in the interactive music style with its distinctive chord structure.
And although barbershop quartets are all male, there are female groups such as the Sweet Adelines and Harmony Inc.
To book a Singing Valentine, call 519-948-0637 or visit Orders will be taken into the early evening on Monday.