When you think of your local library it is not very likely that the thought of a group of drooling babies comes to mind. However you may be surprised at how likely it is to see babies frequenting programs at the library and how important it is to introduce your little one to books from as early as the day they are born.
But how much can an infant really benefit from library story time? Research shows that a child’s brain is only partially developed at birth, therefore every interaction they experience onwards will stimulate development. So the more a parent reads to, sings to, plays with or simply talks to their baby they are fostering faster brain development. It really is amazing to realize that every essential brain connection that determines a child’s creativity and intelligence are in place before their first birthday!
And babies love books! Not only will reading stories and rhymes aloud to babies give their brain a jump start, it’s the perfect way to bond with your child while laying down the foundations of early literacy. Reading aloud to any child early in their life can help develop essential speaking and reading skills. Children will not learn to talk if they are not spoken to. What better way to engage in conversations with your child than cuddled up in your lap with a book at home or at a story time bouncing around with other babies. At story time they will delight in the different rhymes and songs as well as the pictures on a storybook page or the other faces in group.
Make sure to contact your local library branch about baby, toddler and preschool story times as well as other educational programs. Early literacy begins at home and as early learning experts, we want to help parents and caregivers give the next generation a creative kick start. Come join us!