
Top and Reliable Drupal 8.1.2 Hosting

What is Drupal?

Drupal is a free community supported framework for creating, organizing, presenting and managing a website. It powers millions of websites and applications from all over the world. Drupal makes it easy for contributors to publish to websites and easy for developers to deploy new sites as well as add features to existing ones.

Most commonly referred to as a content management system, or CMS, Drupal has much more to offer. Drupal installations include a set of modules called Core Components, which provide features such as user management, menu systems, and user contributed content. The Drupal open source community (one of the largest in the world) contributes and supports thousands of free flexible and robust modules and themes, which can be easily integrated into websites to offer powerful features such as multimedia, calendars, rating systems, and other social media tools.

Drupal is also an application framework that can be used to build other aps. Drupal requires no programming skills yet the HTML code produced is accessible, cross browser compatible, and search engine friendly. Drupal is used for every type of site from personal blogs to highly trafficked enterprise level sites. 2% of all websites worldwide are built in Drupal including whitehouse.gov and many other high profile, highly visited sites.

What is Drupal Used for?

Drupal is a great choice for building all manner of websites from simple 1 page personal websites to enterprise level applications. It is particularly well suited to e-Learning systems, Community/social networking sites, and news publishing, where its powerful authoring and publishing features allow administrators to create, revise, and deploy content in a rapid and organized manner. User management, site reporting and statistics, ad management, community management, and other administrative functions utilize an intuitive and robust back-end user interface.

What is New in Drupal 8.1.2?

The newest version of Drupal is 8.1.2. This is a patch release of Drupal 8 and is ready for use on production sites. See the CHANGELOG.txt for a summary of changes and improvements since the last minor release. Learn more about Drupal 8.

This release only contains bug fixes, along with documentation and testing improvements.

The following important issues are resolved in 8.1.1 (in addition to the dozens of other fixes listed at the end of this post):

#2725415: Text Editor module fails to track usage of images uploaded in text_with_summary fields, allows uploaded images to be deleted

#2664880: DataEntityRow doesn’t respect translations

#842620: Update manager can’t install modules using FTP due broken FileTransferAuthorizeForm

#2575519: Twig template variables containing result of Drupal::url() and Drupal:l:() don’t bubble up their cacheability and attachment metadata (e.g. token placeholder)

Known issues

There are no known regressions in this release.

The following issues may affect people running Drupal 8.1.2 on specific hosting environments:

Installs on php-fpm environments may see fatal errors on enabling modules, due to#2572293: Do not rebuild router in kernel.terminate.

There is not yet per-commit testing for MySQL 5.7.9 or MariaDB 10.1.8 (both released October 2015), but there are no known issues with them. We intend to add per-commit testing on one of these databases in the future.

Particular Apache configurations may have issues with serving public file assets. Issue: #2619250: Disabling -MultiViews in .htaccess can cause 500 errors

Search the issue queue for all known issues.

All changes since the last release

Revert “Issue #2694391 by chx, benjy, catch, dawehner: Separate cache bin for migrations”

#2728137 by dawehner, amateescu: \Drupal\taxonomy\Plugin\views\argument_default\Tid doesn’t work with views selection plugin

#2631774 by Wim Leers, marthinal, dawehner, tedbow, tyler.frankenstein,gabesullice, valthebald: Impossible to update Comment entity with REST (HTTP PATCH): bundle field not allowed to be updated, but EntityNormalizer::denormalize() requires it

#2533776 by nicolas.rafaelli, lluvigne, dagmar: Instead of mocking TypedDataManager, use TypedDataManagerInterface in tests

#2729083 by martin107, jhodgdon: @encode becomes @endcode

#2701769 by snufkin: Missing @return documentation from ContentTranslationHandler::entityFormTitle

#2727901 by sreese: MimeTypeGuesser::__construct has doxygen typo

#2726837 by tim.plunkett, dipakmdhrm, dawehner: \Drupal\Core\Plugin\DefaultSingleLazyPluginCollection::addInstanceId should set $this->instanceId

#2708509 by damiankloip, dawehner, amateescu: custom_storage does not work on field types with a storage schema already

#2546248 by scythian, XaviP, darrenwh, mikebell_, ingaro, urbanlegend, jhodgdon,davidhernandez, andypost, joelpittet, emma.maria, cdykstra, Cottser, LewisNyman,joachim: Use consistent style to mention HTML tags in code comments

#2713831 by vegantriathlete, lisa.ugray, joshi.rohit100, jhodgdon, deviantintegral,kellyimagined, alexpott, akalata, soulsesa: Document #machine_name exists parameters

#2729439 by Wim Leers, Berdir: QueryArgsCacheContext should return a special value for ?arg (without value)

#2721355 by alexpott, neclimdul, Mile23: MissingDependentModuleUnitTest has the wrong namespace

#2721887 by snehi, Sonal.Sangale, gaurav.pahuja, Ashish.Dalvi, jhodgdon, joachim,Mile23: Docs topic ‘File interface’ contains obsolete data

#2729171 by Vinay15, kiamlaluno, jhodgdon: callback_batch_operation() code still contains Drupal 6 code

#2725415 by catch, Berdir, Wim Leers, xjm, juhaszg, cmanalansan: Text Editor module fails to track usage of images uploaded in text_with_summary fields, allows uploaded images to be deleted

#2724553 by snehi, Sonal.Sangale, er.pushpinderrana, jhodgdon, e.r.n.i.e: Chapter “Change file system storage settings” in INSTALL.txt needs to be adapted to Drupal 8

#2459339 by dagmar, klausi, David_Rothstein: Log messages should be XSS filtered on display

#2568287 by latikas, rashid_786, drnikki, anavarre, miteshmap, cilefen: NodeEditFormTest::testNodeEdit() sets but uses it only once

#2646328 by alexpott, Wim Leers, David_Rothstein, aaronott, Ayesh: CSRF in update module manual check links

#2617152 by Chi, alexpott, dawehner: Single import form needs to handle invalid YAML correctly and not with an exception

#2724225 by thpoul, alexpott, Wim Leers, mlewand: Update CKEditor library to 4.5.9

#2605654 by Mile23, donquixote, dawehner, alexpott, catch: Modify Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery to allow for scanning multiple file systems, enabling vfsStream testing

#2725541 by gargsuchi: Add phpcs.xml and phpunit.xml into the example.gitignore file

#2285311 by joelpittet, tomatkins, susannecoates: Theme’s “Path to custom logo” always validated even if “Use the default logo” is set

#2721921 by er.pushpinderrana, Pashupathi Nath G, shashikant_chauhan, joachim: @code tag showing on docs for ExtensionDiscovery

#842620 by alexpott, hansfn, BondD, jurjenn, Skin, xjm, hitesh-jain, solidwebcode: Update manager can’t install modules using FTP due broken FileTransferAuthorizeForm

#2575519 by Wim Leers, dawehner, alexpott: Twig template variables containing result of Drupal::url() and Drupal:l:() don’t bubble up their cacheability and attachment metadata (e.g. token placeholder)

#2724941 by vasi: Need to be able to lookup destination IDs by partial source IDs

#2725755 by mkalkbrenner: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\TestMigration

#2724259 by swentel: Remove swentel from MAINTAINERS.txt

#2683431 by penyaskito, EclipseGc, dawehner: PathItem doesn’t return correct main property from mainPropertyName()

#2710133 by vasi, mikeryan: Follow up to #2561697 – Migration should not choke when the content_node_field table isn’t available

#2725441 by tstoeckler: \Drupal\simpletest\ContentTypeCreationTrait::createContentType() needlessly rebuilds the router

#2692373 by heddn, rakesh.gectcr, edysmp, mikeryan, benjy: Value should be null when is produced skip process

#2722265 by willito, kellyimagined, joachim, hussainweb, munizjor, selfuntitled,lisa.ugray, soulsesa, The Sean, kjl16, kurthill4: docs for MailManager::mail() refer to obsolete function user_preferred_langcode()

#2600228 by lauriii: Mark \Drupal\Core\Theme\Registry internal

#2310307 by marthinal, tedbow, clemens.tolboom, queenvictoria, vivekvpandya,juampynr, Berdir, dawehner, Damien Tournoud, stefan.r, Wim Leers: File needs CRUD permissions to make REST work on entity/file/{id}

#2724379 by generalconsensus: Typo on setUnrouted function

#2723345 by alexpott, dawehner: Simpletest cannot be uninstalled

#2713587 by tduong, mkalkbrenner, Berdir, Gábor Hojtsy: NodeController::revisionOverview() shows no revisions if node has no translation for current language

#2676186 by alexpott: XDebug does not work in InstallerTestBase

#2700495 by ronaldtebrake, droplet, samuel.mortenson, nod_: Method removing expired drupalSettings.ajax tries to remove settings when there is no ajax defined

#2702835 by ztl8702, pjonckiere, himanshugautam, dpovshed, mpdonadio: Update Doxygen for \Drupal\Component\DateTimePlus

#2694391 by chx, benjy, catch, dawehner: Separate cache bin for migrations

#2621504 by dawehner, mpdonadio, Lendude, jibran: \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\Field::getValue needs to support entity reference items

#2682723 by thpoul, jagjitsingh_drupal, avinashm, maggo: Allow ckeditor_stylesheets to refer to external URL, for e.g. webfonts

#2680227 by k4v, stBorchert, dawehner: Views does not respect order of area handlers

#2720869 by jibran: Remove the use of deprecated CssSelector and use CssSelectorConverter instead

#2721139 by klausi, dawehner: Replace deprecated files ParameterBag usage

#2716661 by anoopjohn: Fix ‘Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment’ coding standard – Issues related to @see references

#2708179 by anoopjohn: Fix ‘Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment’ coding standard – Issues related to @throws

#2721283 by alexpott: Fix Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.$InReturnType

#2660528 by swentel, david_garcia: File entity completely broken if the underlying file is gone

#2718697 by damiankloip, dawehner: EntityAutocomplete element cannot handle GET input values

#2628656 by thpoul, Matt_five, aerozeppelin, Wim Leers: Max dimensions do not apply to Editor Inline image

#2572619 by attiks, andypost, pfrenssen, vprocessor, tatarbj, andriyun, alexpott: Fix ‘Drupal.Classes.ClassDeclaration’ coding standard

#2378617 by jhedstrom, dagmar, eosrei, mgifford: Add test for Log Details links

#2708185 by anoopjohn: Fix ‘Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment’ coding standard – Issues related to spacing and styling

#2630578 by mikeryan, jonhattan, Matt B: Formats duplicated in D6 upgrade

#2667358 by twistor: CheckboxTest doesn’t test what it thinks it’s testing

#2719701 by jhedstrom: BrowserTestBase::drupalGet() incompatible with WebTestBase::drupalGet()

#2719695 by alexpott, Mile23: Fix ‘Drupal.Classes.ClassDeclaration.CloseBraceAfterBody’ coding standard

#2704457 by thtas, mpdonadio: Fix DrupalDateTime::diff()

#2720803 by Eric_A: Missing composer.json file in \Drupal\Component\FileSystem

#2572633 by vprocessor, andypost, attiks, andriyun: Fix ‘Drupal.Commenting.ClassComment’ coding standard

#2648562 by gapple, neclimdul: Symfony’s ApcClassLoader requires APC backwards compatibility layer

#2712643 by jibran: Update behat/* to 1.7.1 and fabpot/goutte to 3.1.2

#2714375 by kiamlaluno, malavya: hook_form_alter() implementations are still commented with a reference to a form builder that doesn’t exist anymore

#2715965 by alexpott: Fix ‘Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.IncorrectParamVarName’ coding standard

#2716685 by Mile23: Part 2: Fix several errors in the ‘Drupal.Commenting.DocComment’ coding standard

#2706753 by Mile23: Fix ‘PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.ScopeMissing/VarUsed’ coding standard

#2572777 by andypost, alexpott, attiks, andriyun: Fix ‘Squiz.Strings.ConcatenationSpacing’ coding standard

#2714585 by neclimdul: Avoid definition constants in SearchMatchTest

#2572693 by Mile23, andriyun, andypost, attiks: Fix ‘Drupal.ControlStructures.ControlSignature’ coding standard

#2717723 by gargsuchi: NodeSearch::__construct() has an undocumented parameter ($renderer)

#2712405 by leolando.tan, jhodgdon: more detail needed for hook_theme() ‘variables’ property

#2664880 by vasi, dawehner, clemens.tolboom: DataEntityRow doesn’t respect translations

#2700335 by er.pushpinderrana, elakiyasamuel, malavya, therealssj, joachim,jhodgdon: hook_entity_update() and friends should document $entity->original

#2715507 by dagmar: @todo: Modify core/profiles/standard/src/Tests/StandardTest.php

#2718719 by dipakmdhrm: Add Wim Leers to REST module in MAINTAINERS.txt

#2719135 by dagmar: DamZ and Dave Reid have wrong links on MAINTAINERS.txt

Drupal 8 Features

Native Support for Integrations

Build interactions using 4 web services modules in core: RESTful web services, Serialization, Hypertext Application Language (HAL), and HTTP Basic Authentication. Make Drupal the backbone for the unique series of external applications your project needs. Patch records in a CRM or marketing automation tool. Post to social platforms and send email campaigns from a Drupal site. Get granular control over which resources are available and how they’re accessed.

API-first Publishing

Unlock the potential of your structured content. It can now be accessed via APIs. You can output it as JSON or XML almost as easily as HTML, and expose Views lists as services too. Send content wherever you need it to be, and present it with a front-end layer like React or AngularJS. This flexibility means groundbreaking experiences, and new architectural paradigms—like progressive and full decoupling—are real options, right now.

Better Performance and Scalability

Caching settings throughout Drupal 8 are better than before and better by default. Entity caching is in core. Cache tags let you invalidate content accurately and immediately. You don’t have to turn CSS/JS aggregation on, because we already did. There are mobile-friendly alternatives to JavaScript-intensive features, and support for the new data-saving <picture> element. All these features (and more), in any language, mean speed.

With Enhanced Testing

With all this new power comes great testing ability. Perform quicker, focused unit testing right from your IDE, with Drupal’s PHPUnit integration. Try BrowserTestBase—functional browser testing based on PHP standards—as an alternative to Simpletest’s custom code. Plus, Drupal now includes KernelTestBase for quick, API testing of how well various components are integrated.

How to Choose Top and Reliable Drupal 8.1.2 Hosting Provider?

How to choose a top and reliable web host for Drupal 8.1.2? Choosing the top and reliable web host for Drupal 8.1.2 is not a simple task especially with low price offers. You need to take a large number of factors into consideration, including the Drupal 8.1.2 compatibility, usability, features, speed, reliability, price, company reputation, etc. Therefore, we have established this Drupal 8.1.2 review site, which is designed to help you find the reliable Drupal 8.1.2 host within minutes, based on our specialized editors’ Drupal 8.1.2 hosting experience and real customers’ feedback.

Top and Reliable Drupal 8.1.2 Hosting


ASPHostPortal.com offer rock solid Drupal 8.1.2 hosting. They can load and stress test your site against anticipated traffic and recommend the best option for you. They can build your Drupal 8.1.2 hosting platform so that it is highly available, fault tolerant and responds optimally to your end users.

ASPHostPortal.com has Drupal 8.1.2 experts on staffs that are available 24/7 to help, a one click install script to make installation a breeze, and they guarantee their service, money back. ASPHostPortal.com use World Class Plesk Control Panel that helps you with single-click Drupal 8.1.2 installation. The minimal specs of their servers includes Intel Xeon Dual Core Processor, RAID-10 protected hard disk space with minimum 8 GB RAM. You don’t need to worry about the speed of your site. For more detail about top and reliable Drupal 8.1.2 hosting offer, please visit their site at http://asphostportal.com/

The post Top and Reliable Drupal 8.1.2 Hosting appeared first on Windows Hosting Leader.

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