February 07, 2014
Wage Board
Justice G.R Majithia Wage Board’s recommendation on new pay structure for journalist and non-journalist
Newspaper employees have been categorized broadly into 3 categories as working journalist, non-journalist newspaper employees- administrative staff and non-journalist newspaper employees-factor staff.
Peons and drivers come under non-journalist newspaper employees-administrative staff and non-journalist newspaper employees-factory staff.
The report made by board made some suggestion for consideration of the government on issues like post retirement benefits, promotion policy and improve enforcement of award etc.
The report classified newspaper establishment into 8 categories and news agencies into 4 categories based on gross revenues.
Recommended pay scales classified into 6 categories for jobs in each class of establishment. The revised pay has component of ‘variable pay’ at rate of 35% for employees working in top 4 classes and 20% for other four class establishment.
Wage board recommended many allowances like night shift, transport etc.
Union carbide denies role in Bhopal contamination
The Union Carbide Corporation has denied that new evidence release by plaintiffs who suggested that the company was responsible for creation of contaminated water in area. Plaintiffs said that new evidence they released demonstrated company’s direct role in designing and building the pesticide plant. Also UCC provided critical design for the plant and its waste management system and this design caused the ongoing toxic waste problem in Bhopal.
The Bhopal gas tragedy considered India’s worst industrial disaster occurred on dec 2 1984 at UCIL pesticide plant and its wake many thousands of people were injured from exposure to methyl isocynate gas and other chemicals and killed several people.
All India helpline for rail passengers
Increasing incidents of molestation Indian railway has decided to launch an all India security helpline number for passengers in sub urban trains. It has launched a 4 digit number 1322 at cost of Rs. 4.7 crore. It will be managed by professional call centre and complaints will be monitored by DIG and 4 inspectors.
Simla agreement
Simla agreement made UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir invalid and had no legal basis.
The simla agreement was signed between India and Pakistan on July 2, 1972 in simla the capital city of Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. It followed from war between the two nations in 1971 that also led to the independence of Bangladesh. The agreement was ratified by the parliament of the both nations. The agreement was the result of resolve of both the countries to put an end to the conflict and confrontation that have hitherto marred there relation.
Major outcomes of simla agreement:
Both countries “settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations”. India has many times maintained that Kashmir dispute is bilateral issue and must be settled through bilateral negotiations as per simla agreement 1972 and thus denied any third party intervention even that of UN. However Pakistan does not agree with India’s view and seek UN intervention in Kashmir.
The agreement converted the cease fire line of dec 17, 1971 into line of control between (LOC) India and Pakistan.
Good neighbourhood and durable peace between them is a commitment by both countries to peaceful co-existence, respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.
The basic issues and causes of conflict which have bedeviled the relations between the 2 countries of last 25 years shall be resolved by peaceful means.
In accordance with the charter of United Nations they shall refrain from threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of each other
Both governments will take all steps within their power to prevent hostile propaganda directed each other.
Ukraine’s lawmakers agreed to debate changes to constitution
The pro-government and opposition parties in Ukraine’s parliament have agreed to consider changes to the constitution in order to resolve an acute political crisis. The parties have prepared a bill on constitutional amendments. The draft, calls for return to 2004 constitution which moved key powers to appoint a government from president to parliament.
Ukraine adopted constitution on 28 June 1996 and become semi presidential republic. However, in 2004 deputies introduced changes to the constitution which tipped the balance of power in favour of parliamentary system. From 2004 to 2010 the legitimacy of 2004 constitutional amendment has official sanction both with constitutional court and most of major political parties. Despite this the constitutional court rules that the amendments were null and void forcing a return to terms of 1996 constitution and again making Ukraine’s political system more in presidential in character. The ruling on the 2004 constitutional amendments has become a major political discourse.
China’s claim on south china sea
The nine dotted line, u shaped line, or nine dash map refers to the demarcation line used by government of both people’s republic of china and republic of china(Taiwan) for their claims on south china sea. The territorial claim is considered problematic because in addition to china, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei have demanded access to the waterway (10% of global fisheries catch and carries $5 trillion in ship borne trade).
The nine dotted line has been used by china to show the maximum extent of its claim. China submitted a map to UN including 9-dotted lines territorial claim in South China Sea in 2009, the Philippines lodged a diplomatic protest against China Sea illegally claiming sea, same Vietnam, Malaysia filed joint protest.
GAVI alliance
International organization that works at saving children’s lives and protecting peoples health by increasing access to immunization in poor countries. With funding from governments across the world it takes forward its agenda of making vaccines available to children assisting developing nations to gain access to vaccines at affordable rates.
GAVI alliance board approved 5 year strategy to ensure the alliance delivers on its overall mission from 2011-2015. Full implementation of the 4 strategic goals will see GAVI immunize about 250 million children by 2015 and prevent nearly 4 million future deaths. This include the roll out of pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines to protect against the world’s 2 main child killers, pneumonia and diarrhea, as well as sustained progress in providing the pentavalent, meningitis and yellow fever vaccines.
Recently India given permission to roll out the pentavalent(combo protection against diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP), hepatitis-B, Hemophilia, influenza type b)vaccine throughout the country. Advisory council for GAVI alliance created to get people from all sectors to discuss how they help out these issues There is need to create demand for vaccine and same time deal with rumors of side effects without validation
There are other issues of routine immunization which is more complicated routine, injections which need for more trained health workers, and people have to come to a facility instead door to door as in case of polio. The alliance has approved a grant of $100 million for India to work on improving delivery of vaccines and focus on least performing districts.
The rollout of pentavalent is hot topic of debate in India as there are claims that children died after being vaccinated. As there is component in vaccine which can cause fever in children but same is true with older vaccine. One of the key ways to take this fight through National Rural Health mission by government of India.
Filed under: CURRENT AFFAIRS, CURRENT EVENTS, GENERAL STUDIES, IAS, Inside India, INSIGHTS, UPSC Tagged: current affairs, current events, current events february 2014, GAVI alliance, INSIGHTS, news, simla agreement, south china sea, ukraine