
by Scott Creighton

A little while ago I wrote about Mr. Halbig’s effort to scam money from those of us who question the official story of the Sandy Hook massacre. I wrote that he makes a few good points but then blows it all by acting like a scam artist constantly trying to raise money for his “investigation”

Well, today I have decided the guy is nothing more than the next CIT (Citizens Investigation Team) which was supported by the Pentagon in their little “investigation” which brought us the now infamous “flyover theory” which did nothing but divide the Truth movement for a bit and make us look absolutely stupid to people outside the movement. He’s already on record on the Popeye show saying “Stay focused on those questions. If you can ask those questions and get a response, then yes, there was a shooting“

Oh, you answered my silly 16 questions? Well, I guess there was a shooting carried out by that autistic kid with no motive. Thanks for the 100 grand. See ya next time. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Mr. Halbig is doing the exact same thing with those interested in uncovering the truth about what happened at Sandy Hook elementary school back in December of 2012. The only difference is, he’s trying to crowd source his disinfo campaign.

Turns out Mr. Halbig has now set up a website in which he implores you to “invest in seeking the Sandy Hook truth”. He claims that he is raising money in order to force authorities to answer his list of 16 poorly crafted questions which do little to nothing to get at the heart of the Sandy Hook mass casualty event.

He’s also set up a GoFundMe campaign where he hopes to collect $100,000 to get answers to his stupid questions. So far he’s collected over $11,000. That fund was set up a few days after Halbig was singing a sob story about being “fired” from a business he owns due to his “work” on the Sandy Hook unofficial investigation. Turns out, Halbig shut down that business (CSI) a couple days prior due to it being exposed during a radio interview as being nothing more than a MailBoxes Inc. P.O. box.

Does the term “rainmaker” ring any bells? It should. It’s a sleazy carpetbagger who would go to distraught areas suffering from drought and extract money from the desperate, frightened, ignorant, uneducated and superstitious locals by promising to make it rain … for a price.

Mr. Halbig had the audacity leave a comment asking for money on an article about Karen Klein,  For those of you who don’t know, she was a 68-year-old school bus monitor who was bullied by a pack of thugs and some people saw the video of it and put together an Indigogo collection for her that garnered her some $200,000 in the end. But she didn’t ask for any of it. People just did it because they wanted to help her out.

Along comes Mr. tasteless Halbig and he posts this comment on the article back in July of 2012. He was asking for a $100,000 back then as well. What a coincidence right? It cost a hundred grand for him to protect those bullied kids and it costs a hundred grand for him to get answers to his 16 stupid questions.

Wolfgang W Halbig · Top Commenter · Abilene Christian University

I need financial help in fighting for children that are Harassed, Threatened, Intimidated, Assaulted, Racially and Now Gender Discriminated against. I am trying to provide to parents technology defender for any student who is having to suffer through this type of fail torture.We through the proper use of technology as a means will stop these vultures form preying on our most vulnerable.Please donate and investigate what we can do in saving children from committing suicide.

I need $100,000 thousand dollars and probably pay it back once the company is up and running.



Look at that. The former school principal needs a hundred thousand thousand dollars.

Maybe he intends to take some of that rainmaker loot and go back to school?

But he’s not always asking for money. In this little comment he left on a website last year, he ranted about how Obama “hates the Jews” and how Jerusalem “is the capital”

wolfgang halbig • a year ago


You will notice that he likes to type with capslock on. He did the same thing on his Facebook “I got fired from my own company” posting. So it’s definitely the same guy.

Over at Jack Blood’s site, they put up an article which sheds a little more light on Mr. Halbig. Here is some of what they found.

Halbig donated to Clintons http://red-blue-you.com/committee/Hil…

Halbig, Principal of Aquasplash Pool Services: http://www.buzzfile.com/business/Aqua…

Halbig asking for LOTS of money in comments section, pre-Sandy Hook media attention: http://www.takepart.com/article/2012/…

Halbig says “Obama Hates Jews” in comment section http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/…

Children Safety Institute archived: https://web.archive.org/web/201308180…

CSI website whois search: http://whois.net/whois/childrenssafet…

Dead job reference #1: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/rrst…

Dead job reference #2: http://www.death-record.com/l/1187799…

Job reference #3 embroiled in scandal: http://www.chathamjournal.com/weekly/…

“i got fired” sob story for donations: https://www.facebook.com/wolfgang.w.h…

The video below by XRAYULTRA is a pretty good breakdown of Mr. Halbig’s rainmaker act.


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