In the past weeks, our technical team has gotten feedback from developers on different issues related to Apple’s iOS 9 and the Wikitude SDK 5. We have collected all the reported issues, which are currently being tackled by our developers. We are working on a maintenance release for Wikitude SDK 5 to be released in the next days.
Here is a list of the identified issues:
No OpenGL ES rendering after application pause/resumes (ApplicationDidBecomeInactive/Active)
architect.js not loaded when loading the Architect World via HTTPS
Compass calibration screen shown in an infinite loop
Various crashes in our example application when launching different examples consecutively.
Linker error when building for the iOS simulator.
To kick off the fix, we created a new pre-release version for our Wikitude Cordova Plugin on GitHub. You can either use the Cordova CLI to update your plugin or simply download the branch (v.5.0.1-3.2.0) as a .zip and replace the plugin files in your project.
We received also many reports on seeing an error message for initialising the Google logging framework twice. The Google logging module for C++ came newly to the SDK in the previous release to improve logging output message and better readable log output. In case you are seeing it initialised twice, read the proposal from our dev team in the forum post how to resolve that. This logging framework does not track any personal information nor does it send any data to Google nor Wikitude.
All updates on the progress of resolving these issues will be posted on this blog post and on the Wikitude Forum. If you have any further suggestion of improvements feel free to leave a comment on the dedicated forum post.
Wikitude technical team