
Group projects:

Students work together in one place to research, outline, draft, and edit projects within the wiki


Post homework, course materials, study guides, and more.

Resource Collections:

Organize articles, websites, videos, and other resources for students

Peer Review:

Post questions for student brainstorming, or have students post papers for peer feedback

Group FAQ:

Students and/or teachers post and respond to questions on a given topic

Parent Involvement:

Give parents a chance to be a part of the classroom and stay up to date on classroom news and events

Online Newspaper:

Create a student-published online newspaper

Share your Higher Education wiki site with others!

URL to wiki on Wetpaint


How you use the wiki


isukg.wetpaint.com/ International student UK guide

www.patuckjrcollegebiology.wetpaint.com for Maharashtra, India

www.patuckjuniorcollege.wetpaint.com a leading senior secondary educational institution in Mumbai, India. Also visit www.patuckeducation.org for further details


all what you want

advice for international students coming to live and study in the UK

instructional technology courses (undergrad and grad) built on a wiki.

www.patuckjrcollegebiology.wetpaint.com isa wiki for the 10+2 students of Maharahstra state Board, India. Informations are available for the senior secondary students of other board also,
Also visit. www.patuckjuniorcollege.wetpaint.com

As a common platform for students of the University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, to exchange useful information regarding their work and study.

A class at Virginia Tech for undergraduates engaging the challenges of sustainability

We use Wetpaint to host course materials, facilitate communication among students, display our videos and blogs, and invite the broader community to engage in our discussions.

EDM641.Wetpaint.com is the class collaboration and study center for the Learning Management Systems & Organization class in Full Sail University's Educational Media Design and Technology Master's program.

Our Wiki is the collaboration Area of our Virtual Learning Environment, a joint endeavor -- it's always a work in progress. This site is a central point for students to keep track of evolving awareness of the field of learning platforms and new instruction methods.


Tusculum College students and is billed as our English department's online alternative to a printed "composition handbook." In addition to the usual advice, we are incorporating video, podcasts etc. and are teaching students how to use the online resources that we reference in the wiki.


Richard Webb's site was created to highlight the potential for Google Earth in Irish Education. Shows great use of how Wetpaint can integrate videos and manage document attachments. He is about to write an MA on Google Earth in the Classroom.


This appear to be a place for cheating students to purchase term papers
One can find a lot of writing tips and interesting term paper topics on this site.


This site is a collaboration of students in BITE 5389: Web 2.0 Technologies & Virtual Teams. The students are building a site to using Wetpaint to describe Web 2.0 technologies and then provide examples how they can be used.


The "Wetpaint Cariology" project is a production of the first year undergraduate dental students (Class 2009/2010) of the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore. This web-based Cariology resource is a culmination of 2 months of research and writing by the students, guided by their mentors.



My class of architectural technologists create a Wiki on a specific topic. I divide the class into groups and assign a sub topic, then each group creates further sub topics. The Wiki eventually becomes an online book that covers every aspect of the main topic. This semester we did solar power; last semester the topic was green roofs. At the end of the semester each group presents to the whole class and they graduate knowing a lot about the topic we have coverred. The course is actually a communications course but I like the fact that it has some real content. The school is Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, Canada. Take a look and feel free to join the Wikis.


This resource was very helpful to me when I wrote my college essays. A lot of advises placed by professional writers are at one page.


Interdisciplinary site for writing short argumentative essays and other short essays, avoiding and detecting plagiarism, and sharing ideas about a wide variety of topics and articles.

Weaving Ideas (weavingideas.wetpaint.com/)

Site for Masters Degree students to co-construct knowledge about the use of web2 tools for teaching and learning.

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