The Atkins diet has been well known for helping dieters lose weight quickly by avoiding carbohydrates and eating a lot of meats, cheeses and vegetables. Many low-carb diets have been created based on Atkins, and it remains a popular eating plan today. Remember to talk to your doctor before beginning any diet. Create an Atkins diet menu plan by stocking up on proteins and fats, incorporating vegetables and cheeses, and forgoing any carbohydrates and sugars.
Edit Steps
Educate yourself about the plan. The Atkins plan includes 4 phases: The Induction Phase, Ongoing Weight Loss Phase, Pre-Lifetime Maintenance Phase and Lifetime Maintenance. Each phase will permit and forbid different foods.
Read books about the Atkins plan. There are several published books, including Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution and Atkins for Life.
Look for information about the Atkins diet online. There are many websites that explain and discuss the Atkins plan. Do an Internet search for "Atkins diet," and you will find several resources.
Focus on protein. All phases of the Atkins plan encourage eating many kinds of protein. Prepare the protein any way you want, just remember not to use any breading, stuffing or sauces with sugar or carbs.
Include red meats such as ground beef, steaks and roasts. They can be cooked or grilled with butter, oil and any marinades that do not include sugar or carbohydrates.
Use pork products in your menu plan, including pork chops, bacon and sausage.
Cook chicken and other poultry including turkey, hen, duck and pheasant. Make chicken salad with real mayonnaise, and cook with any sauce or marinade that does not include sugar or carbs.
Make fish of any kind, including tuna, salmon, swordfish or cod. Cook fish in butter or oil.
Incorporate vegetables. Vegetables contain important vitamins and nutrients that are essential to your health. The Atkins plan promotes those vegetables that are packed with fiber and nutrients, but not high in sugar.
Eat leafy greens such as salads and spinach. Your menu plan can include cucumbers, peas, green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, onions, cauliflower, peppers, olives and pickles.
Do not eat carrots or corn, as these vegetables contain too much sugar.
Choose your snacks. The Atkins plan encourages you to snack on things such as cheeses, vegetables dipped in ranch dressing, sugar-free gelatin with real whipped cream and pork rinds.
Leave out carbohydrates. Do not include any breads or carbs in your menu plan. As you move into later phases of the plan, you can begin to introduce whole wheat products into your diet.
Buy a cookbook. There are a number of cookbooks on the market geared to people on the Atkins plan. Browse the cooking section of your local bookstore, or check out sites such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble online.
Look for recipes online. Many of the Atkins websites have menu plans and recipes. Some sites have communities, where you can ask questions of other members, or share recipes of your own.
Drink water, coffee, tea, diet sodas and any other beverages that do not contain sugar. The plan cautions against too much caffeine, which can often trigger hunger.
Edit Tips
Keep track of your menu plan by writing it down. Use a food journal, a notebook or even a spreadsheet on your computer. Make notes about which dishes you prefer so you have easy favorites to turn to when you find yourself unsure of what to prepare.
Edit Warnings
Low-carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins plan have been a source of controversy in the medical field. Studies will continue to be conducted, comparing the results and safety of these plans to other weight loss plans such as low-fat diets and plans such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig.
Consult your doctor or nutritional professional before beginning the Atkins diet, or any meal plan. Discuss your weight loss goals and expectations, and be sure to monitor your overall health as you progress on the diet.
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