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{{SK}} Policeman's heel

{{SK}} Policeman's heel


'''Plantar fasciitis''', formerly known as "policeman's heel", is a painful [[Inflammation|inflammatory]] condition caused by excessive wear to the [[plantar fascia]] of the [[foot]] or biomechanical faults that cause abnormal [[pronation]] of the foot.
{{cite journal |author=Barrett SJ, O'Malley R |title=Plantar fasciitis and other causes of heel pain |journal=American family physician |volume=59 |issue=8 |pages=2200-6 |year=1999 |pmid=10221305 |doi= |url=http://www.aafp.org/afp/990415ap/2200.html}}
The pain usually is felt on the underside of the [[heel]], and is often most intense with the first steps of the day. It is commonly associated with long periods of weight bearing. [[Obesity]], weight gain, jobs that require a lot of walking on hard surfaces, shoes with little or no arch support, and inactivity are also associated with the condition.

This condition often results in a heel spur on the
calcaneus]], in which case it is the underlying condition, and not the spur itself, which produces the pain.
{{cite journal |author=Barrett SJ, O'Malley R |title=
Plantar fasciitis
and other causes of heel pain
American family physician |volume=59 |issue=8 |pages=2200-6 |year=1999 |pmid=10221305 |doi= |url


[[Plantar fasciitis



[[Plantar fasciitis pathophysiology|Pathophysiology]]

Many different treatments have been effective, and although it typically takes six to eighteen months to find a favorable resolution,



"JAAFP2001-Young">{{cite journal | author
Young, Craig C., Rutherford, Darin S. & Niedfeldt, Mark W.| title=Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis | journal=American Family Physician| year=2001 | pages=467-74,477-8 | volume=63 | issue=3 | url=http://www.aafp.org/afp/20010201/467.html}}
plantar fasciitis has a generally good long-term prognosis.  The mainstays of treatment are stretching the
Achilles tendon]] and plantar fascia, resting, keeping off the foot as much as possible, discontinuing aggravating activity, [[cold compression therapy]], [[contrast bath therapy]], weight loss, arch support and heel lifts, and taping. To relieve pain and inflammation, [[Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug|non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs]] (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen are often used but are of very limited benefit.


{{cite journal | author=Lynch, D., Goforth, W., Martin, J., Odom, R., Preece, C., & Kottor M. | title=Conservative treatment of plantar
. A prospective study
journal=Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association | year=1998 | pages=375–380 | volume=88 | issue=8 | id=PMID 9735623}}
One small, placebo-controlled study has shown a beneficial effect from [[glucosamine
{{cite news | author
Jeannine Stein | title=Special Fitness Issue: The Foot |publisher=Los Angeles Times |date=January 1, 2007 |pages=F9 |url=http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/1187902281.html?dids=1187902281:1187902281&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&type=current&date=Jan+1%2C+2007&author=Jeannine+Stein&pub=%5BHOME+EDITION%5D%3B+Los+Angeles+Times&edition=&startpage=F.9&desc=SPECIAL+FITNESS+ISSUE%3A+THE+FOOT |format


Care should be taken to wear supportive and stable shoes. Patients should avoid open-back shoes, sandals, and flip-flops.


==[[Plantar fasciitis differential diagnosis|Differentiating Plantar fasciitis from other Diseases]]==

Local injection of [[corticosteroid]]s often gives temporary or permanent relief, but may be painful, if not combined with a [[local anesthetic]] and injected slowly with a small-diameter needle.


==[[Plantar fasciitis
Epidemiology and Demographics]]

"JointBoneSpine2005-Genc">{{cite journal | author
Genc H, Saracoglu M, Nacir B, Erdem HR, Kacar M | title=Long-term ultrasonographic follow-up of plantar fasciitis patients treated with steroid injection | journal=Joint Bone Spine | year=2005 | pages=61-5 | volume=72 | issue=1 | id=PMID 15681250}}


Recurrence rates may be lower if injection is performed under
ultrasound]] guidance.


{{cite journal | author=Tsai WC, Hsu CC, Chen CP, Chen MJ, Yu TY, Chen YJ | title=
Plantar fasciitis
treated with local steroid injection: comparison between sonographic
palpation guidance
J Clin Ultrasound | year=2006 | pages=12-6 | volume=34 | issue=1 | id
PMID 16353228}}


In cases of chronic plantar fasciitis of at least 10 months duration, one recent study has shown high success rates with a stretch of the plantar fascia.
{{cite news |author
Janet Cromley |title=A foot hold that spurs healing |date=November 13, 2006 |publisher=Los Angeles Times |url=http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-plantar13nov13,1,5726009.story}}

{{cite journal |author=Digiovanni BF, Nawoczenski DA, Malay DP, Graci PA, Williams TT, Wilding GE, Baumhauer JF |title
fascia-specific stretching exercise improves outcomes in patients with chronic plantar
. A prospective clinical trial with two-year follow-up
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume |volume=88 |issue=8 |pages=1775-81 |year=2006 |pmid


Plantar fasciitis
risk factors
Risk Factors]]

Night splints can be used to keep the foot in a dorsi-flexed position during sleep to improve calf muscle flexibility and decrease morning pain.  Pain with first steps of the day can be markedly reduced by stretching the
Achilles tendon]] before getting out of bed. Patients should be encouraged to lessen activities which place more pressure on the balls of the feet.  Over-the-counter arch support may help

prescription orthoses are often prescribed. These can be made of many different materials
some of which may be hard
may press on the origin of the plantar fascia. Softer, custom devices, of plastizote, poron, or leather, may be more helpful. Orthoses should always be broken in slowly.


Plantar fasciitis natural history
prognosis|Natural History

Therapeutic ultrasound
has been shown in a controlled study to be ineffective as a treatment for plantar fasciitis.



{{cite journal
author=Crawford F | title=
heel pain and
fasciitis |
journal=Clin Evid
year=2004 | issue=11 | pages=1589–602 | id=PMID 15652071}}


Plantar fasciitis history and symptoms|History and Symptoms
]] |
Plantar fasciitis
physical examination
Physical Examination]]
| [[
Plantar fasciitis x ray|X Ray

More recently, however,
extracorporeal shockwave therapy
(ESWT) has been used with some success in patients with symptoms lasting more than 6 months.



"JAPMA2005-Norris">{{cite journal | author
Norris, DM, Eickmeier, KM and Werber B | title=Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shockwave
in 353 Patients with Chronic Plantar Fasciitis | journal
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association | year=2005 | pages=517–524 | volume=95 | issue=6 | id
PMID 16291842}}


[[Plantar fasciitis medical therapy
[[Plantar fasciitis surgery
|Surgery]] |
fasciitis cost-effectiveness of therapy
]] |
fasciitis future or investigational therapies
Future or Investigational Therapies]]

The treatment is a nonsurgical procedure, but must be done either under local anaesthesia either with or without intravenous sedation (twilight sedation). The basic premise behind ESWT is that in chronic pain (over six months) the brain no longer perceives the pain (even though the patient feels pain) and so no longer is sending signals to fight the pain.  ESWT basically re-inflames the area and in doing so increases blood flow to the area as a means to heal the area.  It can take as long as six months following the procedure to see results.  Like any procedure there are varying degrees of success.


{{cite web
author=Marc Mitnick  | title=(ESWT) Extracorporeal Shock Wave
for heel pain
publisher=Foot Pain Explained | accessdate=2006-10-09}}





Surgical procedures, such as plantar fascia release, are a last resort, and often lead to further complications such as a lowering of the arch and pain in the supero-lateral side of the foot due to compression of the cuboid bone.



Recent research has indicated that an ultrasound guided needle fasciotomy is the most effective surgical intervention for Plantar Fasciitis. This is a minimally invasive procedure where a needle is inserted into the Plantar Fascia and moved back and forwards to disrupt the fibrous tissue that proliferates as a result of the chronic inflammation.



===Alternative treatments===


Plantar fasciitis and other forms of foot pain are sometimes treated in [[acupuncture
{{cite web
title=Treatment Choices for
url=http://www.aafp.org/afp/991201ap/letters.html |author=Steinmetz M | work=Letters to the Editor |publisher=American Family Physician |date=December 1999}}
with reply by Barrett SL
Although there are no large research studies, one case series on the use
for treating plantar fasciitis in eleven patients found that nine reported greater than 50% reduction in pain.
{{cite journal
author=Perez-Millan R, Foster L |title=Low-Frequency Electroacupuncture In The Management Of Refractory
Fasciitis: A Case Series
journal=Medical Acupuncture |date=2001 |volume=13 |issue=1 |url=http://www.medicalacupuncture.com/aama_marf/journal/vol13_1/poster1.html


}} - Poster presentation




Case Studies



:[[Plantar fasciitis case study one
Case #1]]

{{Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue}}

{{Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue}}

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