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== Character History: ==

== Character History: ==


Darkness... Numbing Cold... A Deafening Roar...  My first memories seem now but a dream, almost surreal.  When I


was old enough The Guildmaster revealed to me the truth of my beginnings.



On the morning of Kelir the 24th, The Great Harvest, year 2711 The Guildmaster of the mage guild received info that


an elf, barely past adolescence was mortally wounded Under Mysterra Falls.  She was studying under The Guildmaster


and had been practicing her teleport spell that morning, which presumably led to her situation. Hastily The


Guildmaster made her way to the falls in search of the young woman.  What she found, however, took her breath away.


A young elf, whose name she had never revealed, lay naked on the rocks, freezing cold, on the brink of death.  Her body


was badly mangled, but she managed to keep herself curled around something wrapped in her own bloody dress.  With


the last bit life she looked up at The Guildmaster and pleaded for her to help the newborn child, whispering "I had


planned to drown myself, but the falls had another fate in store for my child.  While Mysterra took my life, it born


my daughter's."  The young woman looked down and gave a loving smile to the small premature girl, already


turning blue from the frigid spray of the falls, exhaled, and died.



The guildmaster took the child back to Loth-Llorien and named her Mysterra.  Myst, as she came to be known, advanced


quite quickly under The Guildmaster's guidance.  However, she had no real family and didn't understand her place in


the world.  After much pleading she finally learned how she had entered the world and suddenly a void had been opened.


Myst left the safety of the trees to explore the world and find some meaning to her life.  She found a goddess who


introduced to her the idea of 'Fate' and chose to worship Cordir and follow where the strands would lead her...


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