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[[Category:Team Development]] {{Team Development}}

= Overview =

Team development allows developers to work on separate sub-development instances while sharing code and resolving collisions throughout the development process. After [[Setting Up Team Development#Setting Up an Instance Hierarchy|setting up the instance hierarchy]], develop changes on your sub-development instance. Use the team dashboard to manage team development activities, such as:

*Tracking local changes and determining which changes to promote to the parent development instance.

*Pulling changes from the parent instance and resolving any collisions with local changes.

*Comparing your instance with other sub-development instances and resolving any collisions with other development projects.

*Pushing changes when a feature is tested and ready to promote to the parent development instance.

Developers with admin access to their sub-development instance and the parent instance can use team development. For alternative access settings, see [[Setting Up Team Development#Granting Access Rights to Developers|Granting Access Rights to Developers]].

= Team Dashboard =

The team dashboard provides a central place to manage all team development activities on your development instance. You can track local changes, pull and push changes between the local and parent instances, compare the local instance to other development instances, and resolve any collisions. You can also reconcile with the current parent instance or change the parent instance.

To access the dashboard, navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

[[Image:TeamDashboard.png|thumb|left|850px|Team dashboard]]<br style="clear:both;" />

The control panel in the top left provides status indicators and team development actions.

*'''Parent:''' indicates the status of the connection to the parent instance. If a problem or warning is detected, point to the indicator to view the error messages, or click the indicator to open the remote instance record.

*'''Change:''' changes the parent instance. See [[#Changing the Parent Instance|Changing the Parent Instance]].

*'''Reconcile:''' compares the development instance to the parent instance. See [[#Reconciling|Reconciling]].

*'''Refresh:''' updates the status indicators on the control panel. The dashboard only updates when you reload or refresh the page.

*'''Ready to Pull:''' indicates the number of changes on the parent that have not been pulled to the local instance.

*'''Pull:''' initiates a pull. See [[#Pulling Versions|Pulling Versions]].

*'''Push:''' opens a page that allows you to review the changes before a push. See [[#Pushing Versions|Pushing Versions]].

*'''Local:''' indicates the status of the most recent comparison with another instance. If collisions are detected, click the indicator to open the list and resolve the collisions. See [[#Resolving Collisions|Resolving Collisions]].

*'''Collisions:''' appears if any local changes collide with versions pulled from the parent and indicates the number of collisions. If collisions are detected, click the indicator to open the list and resolve the collisions.

*'''Compare to:''' allows you to select another development instance to compare with the local instance. See [[#Comparing to Peer Instances|Comparing to Peer Instances]].

*'''Ready to Push:''' indicates the number of local changes that are queued for the next push. See [[#Queuing and Ignoring Local Changes|Queuing and Ignoring Local Changes]].

*'''Local changes:''' indicates the number of local changes that have not been queued or ignored. Click the indicator to open a list of these changes.

*'''Ignored:''' appears if any local changes are ignored and indicates the number of ignored changes. Click the indicator to open a list of these changes.

The team dashboard includes lists for tracking local changes and viewing the history of team development activities.

*'''Local changes:''' lists the local changes that have not been queued or ignored.

*'''Pushes and Pulls:''' provides a history of pushes and pulls. Expand a row to see which changes were transferred as part of the push or pull.

*'''Instance Comparisons:''' provides a history of comparisons with other development instances.

*'''Collisions:''' lists the collisions that must be resolved before the next pull or push. You can right-click a row and select '''Resolve Collision'''. See [[#Resolving Collisions|Resolving Collisions]].

*'''Ready to Push:''' lists the local changes that have been queued for the next push.

*'''Ignored:''' lists the local changes that are ignored for all pushes.

= Pulling Versions =

Pulling retrieves versions of customizable records from the parent instance and adds them on the development instance. Pulling does not retrieve any versions for changes made by system upgrades, but it retrieves all versions for changes made by users, not just the current version. Historical versions are saved with a state of '''History'''.

Pulling retrieves any versions for changes made by users that have not already be pulled onto the development instance, and you cannot choose which changes to pull. The first time you pull from a parent instance, the pull retrieves all versions for changes made by users. Subsequent pulls retrieve the new versions since your last pull. Each pull is recorded in the Push or Pull table.

To pull versions from the parent instance:

#Navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#In the control panel, click '''Pull'''.

#On the completion page, click '''Show Results'''. The Push or Pull form opens.

#:The '''Push and Pull Versions''' related list shows the customizable records for which versions were retrieved and indicates if any collisions exist.

#:[[Image:PullHistory.png|thumb|left|600px|Pull record]]<br style="clear:both;" />

#Resolve any collisions.

= Resolving Collisions =

The team dashboard displays the number of collisions between the local and the parent instance. A collision is detected when the pulled version and the current local version are modifications of a different version, indicating that someone else has modified the same record you have modified. To ensure that your changes do not conflict with other development efforts, you should resolve collisions as soon as they are identified. You must resolve all collisions before you can pull or push.

To resolve collisions individually:

#Navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#In the control panel, click the number of collisions. A list of collisions opens.

#Right-click a row and select '''Resolve Collision'''. A comparison between the record on the local instance and the record pulled from the parent appears.

#Review the differences between the versions and use one of the following methods to resolve the collision:

#*Click '''Use pulled version''' to load the version pulled from the parent as the current version.

#*Click '''Use local version''' to maintain the local version as the current version. The pulled version is added to the version history for the record.

#*Create a new local version and manually merge the changes in both the pulled and local versions. Then, repeat steps 1–4 for the same change and click '''Use local version'''.

#:[[Image:ResolveCollisions.png|650px|Select the local or pulled version|thumb|left]]<br style="clear:both;" />

#In the confirmation dialog box, click '''OK'''.

#Repeat steps 3–6 for every collision in the list.

To resolve multiple collisions without reviewing the differences between the local and pulled versions:

#Navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#In the control panel, click the number of collisions. A list of collisions opens.

#Select the check boxes beside the rows you want to resolve.

#In the '''Actions''' choice list, use one of the following methods to resolve the collision:

#*Select '''Use Pulled Version''' to load the version pulled from the parent as the current version for all selected collisions.

#*Select '''Use Local Version''' to maintain the local version as the current version for all selected collisions. The pulled versions are added to the version history for the records.

= Local Changes =

The Local Changes table tracks changes that exist on the development instance but not on the current parent instance. A local change record exists for every current version of a modified customizable record. Use local changes to collect changes in preparation for a push.

You '''queue''' changes that are ready to push. Each development instance maintains a single queue, regardless of who develops or queues the changes. You '''ignore''' changes that you do not want to push. For example, you may want to ignore changes to the color scheme that visually distinguish a development instance from the production instance. You can remove a change from the queue or stop ignoring a change.

Changing the parent instance or reconciling recreates the list of local changes that have not been queued or ignored. If you had previously queued or ignored a local change, that designation is maintained.

== Navigating Local Change Lists ==

On the team dashboard, the '''Local Changes''' list shows the local changes that have not been queued for the next push or ignored for all pushes. The '''Ready to Push''' list shows the changes that are queued, and the '''Ignored''' list shows the changes that are ignored. Use any of these methods to navigate a list of local changes.

*To open the local change record itself, click the reference icon beside the row.

*To open the customizable record, click the link in the first column.

*To view a comparison between the current local version and the version most recently pulled from or pushed to the parent, right-click the row and select '''Show Changes Since Last Push/Pull'''. An error message appears if a previous version does not exist (for example, in the case of a newly created record). If a previous version is available, you can revert to that version from the comparison window.

*To open the [[Application Files|application file]] for the customizable record, right-click the row and select '''Show Application File'''.

*To open the current version record, right-click the row and select '''Show Version'''.

== Queuing and Ignoring Local Changes ==

To queue changes that are ready to push:

#Navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#Filter the '''Local Changes''' list to show only the changes that are ready to push.

#:For example, filter the list to show only the changes associated with a particular application.

#:[[Image:QueueChangesApplication.png|600px|Queue all changes in my application|thumb|left]]<br style="clear:both;" />

#Click '''Queue All For Push'''.

#[Recommended] Review the '''Ready to Push''' list to ensure that the correct changes are in the queue.

#*To remove changes from the queue, select the check boxes beside the rows and select '''Do Not Push''' from the '''Actions''' choice list.

#*To remove changes from the queue and choose to ignore them instead, select the check boxes beside the rows and select '''Ignore This Change''' from the '''Actions''' choice list.

#:[[Image:ReadytoPush.png|600px|Queue of changes that are ready to push|thumb|left]]<br style="clear:both;" />

{{Note|For the '''Local Changes''' list, click '''Reset Filter''' to remove any filter conditions you added and see all the local changes that have not been queued or ignored.}}

To ignore changes that you do not want to push:

#Navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#Filter the '''Local Changes''' list to show only the changes that you want to ignore.

#:For example, filter the list to show all changes in the '''Default''' update set.

#:[[Image:IgnoreChangesDefault.png|600px|Ignore all changes in the Default update set|thumb|left]]<br style="clear:both;" />

#Click '''Ignore All'''.

#[Recommended] Review the '''Ignored''' list to ensure that the correct changes are ignored.

#*To stop ignoring changes, select the check boxes beside the rows and select '''Do Not Ignore''' from the '''Actions''' choice list.

#*To stop ignoring changes and add them to the queue instead, select the check boxes beside the rows and select '''Queue for Push''' from the '''Actions''' choice list.

#:[[Image:Ignored.png|600px|List of changes that are ignored|thumb|left]]<br style="clear:both;" />

= Pushing Versions =

Pushing promotes changes from the development instance to the parent instance. It commits the current version of a customizable record on the development instance as the current version on the parent instance. Pushing adds only the current development version to the parent, not all the development versions.

Pushing creates a local update set on the parent that is marked as complete. Pushed changes are also tracked as local changes on the parent. Therefore, you can promote changes through your development and test hierarchy by transferring the update set or by pushing the local changes. Each push is recorded in the Push or Pull table on the development instance.

To push versions to the parent instance:

#Navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#[[#Queuing and Ignoring Local Changes|Queue the local changes]] that are ready to push.

#[[#Pulling Versions|Pull versions]] from the parent instance and [[#Resolving Collisions|resolve any collisions]].

#: You cannot push changes to the parent instance if collisions are detected.

#In the control panel, click '''Push'''. The Push Changes page opens.

#Review the list of changes to ensure that the correct changes are included.

#*To remove changes that you do not want to push, select the check boxes beside the rows and select '''Do Not Push''' from the '''Actions''' choice list.

#*To add changes, click '''Cancel''' and repeat the procedure from step 2.

#:[[Image:PushVersions.png|600px|Review the changes before a push|thumb|left]]<br style="clear:both;" />

#[Optional] Edit the name. The name identifies the push record on the development instance and the local update set record on the parent instance.

#[Optional] Enter comments. The comments are added to the push record on the development instance and the local update set record on the parent instance.

#Click '''Push Changes'''. The system initiates a pull to ensure that there are no collisions before the push proceeds.

#*If collisions are detected, the push is automatically canceled and you must repeat the procedure from step 3.

#*If no collisions are detected, the changes are staged on the parent instance. On the parent, each version is validated and then committed in the correct order to maintain dependencies between records. For example, a new table is committed before a field on that table to ensure the field is properly created.

#On the completion page, click '''Show Results'''.

#Review the push record for any errors or skipped changes.

#*Changes with a state of '''Pushed''' were committed on the parent instance.

#*Changes with a state of '''Skipped''' were not committed on the parent instance and remain queued as local changes on the development instance.

#For each skipped change, review the log message to determine why the change was skipped. Develop and push any changes that are necessary to commit the desired version on the parent instance. Some examples of why a change may be skipped include:

#*A table does not exist on the parent because it was created when you activated a plugin on the development instance. Ensure the plugin is activated on the parent and push the change again.

#*The current version is invalid or an error occurred during the push. Try to push again or revert to a previous version to ensure the version is valid.

#*An error occurred on the parent during the push, and the '''Log''' field contains the exception message. Review the system logs on the parent instance and troubleshoot any problems with the instance.

#:[[Image:PushHistory.png|thumb|left|600px|Push record]]<br style="clear:both;" />

= Comparing to Peer Instances =

You can compare the local instance to any other remote instance and commit any versions from the remote instance on your development instance. Comparing allows you to share code between instances without pushing to a common parent.

Comparing instances does not automatically commit any versions on the local instance. It initiates a full comparison of all changes on the remote instance and all changes on the local instance, and then reports which customized records have different current versions. You can selectively commit a version from the remote instance or compare it with the version on your local instance. You can delete the instance comparison record when you finish evaluating the differences.

To compare the local instance to a peer instance:

#Ensure the peer instance is [[Setting Up Team Development#Defining Remote Instances|defined as a remote instance]].

#Navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#In the control panel, click '''Compare to'''.

#Select the peer instance you want to compare to the local instance and click '''Compare'''.

#On the completion page, click '''Show Results'''. The instance comparison record opens.

#:[[Image:CompareInstance.png|thumb|left|650px|Instance comparison record]]<br style="clear:both;" />

#Review the '''On Remote and not Local''' related list, which shows the versions that are on the peer instance but not the local instance.

#*To compare a current remote version to the current local version, right-click a row and select '''Compare to Current'''.

#*To load a current remote version as the current local version, right-click a row and select '''Load This Change'''.

= Changing the Parent Instance =

If it becomes necessary to modify the instance hierarchy, you can change the parent for a development instance. Changing the parent initiates a complete comparison between the development instance and the new parent instance. To optimize comparison speed and reduce the number of collisions and local changes that need review afterwards, ensure that the new parent instance was cloned recently from an appropriate instance (for example, the production instance). Before you change the parent instance, ensure that the change does not conflict with your change management process or other development efforts.

To change the parent for a development instance:

#On the development instance, navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#In the control panel, click '''Change'''.

#Select the remote instance you want to use as the parent and click '''Select'''.

#:Alternatively, click the link to [[Setting Up Team Development#Defining Remote Instances|define a new remote instance]]. Then, repeat steps 1–3 and select the remote instance you defined.

#:[[Image:ParentInstance.png|thumb|left|600px|Select the parent instance]]<br style="clear:both;" />

#:The system initiates a reconcile, which compares the local instance to the parent, and then generates the list of local changes and calculates the number of changes that are ready to pull from the parent.

#On the completion page, click '''Team Dashboard'''.

#[[#Pulling Versions|Pull versions]] from the parent instance and [[#Resolving Collisions|resolve any collisions]].

#Review the local changes list and [[#Queuing and Ignoring Local Changes|queue or ignore changes]] as appropriate.

= Reconciling =

Reconciling first compares the local instance to the parent, and then generates the list of local changes and calculates the number of changes that are ready to pull from the parent. A reconcile occurs automatically whenever you select a parent instance. You may need to manually reconcile after an external disruptive event on the parent instance, such as a clone or failover.

{{Note|This process may take a while to complete depending on the size and age of the instance.}}

#Navigate to '''Team Development > Team Dashboard'''.

#In the control panel, click '''Reconcile'''.

#In the confirmation dialog box, click '''OK'''.

#:All local changes in the '''New''' state are removed and the list of local changes is recreated, maintaining the queued and ignored designations where appropriate.

#[Optional] On the completion page, click '''Show Results'''. Review the instance comparison record.

#*The '''On Remote and not Local''' related list shows the versions that are ready to pull from the parent.

#*The '''On Local and not on Remote''' related list shows the local versions that are ready to queue or ignore.

#:[[Image:Reconcile.png|thumb|left|650px|Instance comparison record]]<br style="clear:both;" />

#Click '''Team Dashboard'''.

#[[#Pulling Versions|Pull versions]] from the parent instance and [[#Resolving Collisions|resolve any collisions]].

#Review the local changes list and [[#Queueing and Ignoring Local Changes|queue or ignore changes]] as appropriate.

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