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Educational Policies and Problems of Implementation in Nigeria


Okoroma, N. S. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, v46 n2 p243-263 Jul 2006.


The poor performance of the education sector in Nigeria has become very worrisome. What is the problem? Is the educational policy faulty or is it the implementation that is faulty? What are the implications for national development? These are the issues explored in this paper, based on a literature review approach. The findings blame the distortions in the educational system on the ineffective implementation engendered primarily by lack of political will, lack of continuity of programs, and corruption. The situation has hindered national development and, until urgent action is taken to review Nigeria's educational system, its national aspirations will continue to be compromised. The paper recommends the discontinuation of the


National Policy on Education fashioned after the American system and the adoption of the model practiced by Asian countries such as Japan, China and India which takes the culture of the people into consideration. In addition, the provision of qualitative education should be made compulsory and entrenched into the Constitution in order to encourage result-oriented implementation. Sustained political will and eradication of corruption are necessary for effective policy implementation.




(1) The responsibility for the establishment and maintenance of minimum standards in pre-primary and primary schools and similar institutions in the Federation is hereby vested in the Minister.


(2) In prescribing the minimum standards mentioned in subsection (1) of this section, the Minister shall have regard to the matters mentioned in sections 2 and 3 of this Act.




The purpose of pre-primary education shall be-


(a) To effect a smooth transition from home to school;


(b) To prepare the child for the primary level of education;


(c) To provide adequate care and supervision for children while their parents are away from home either at work, on the farms, in the markets or in offices or otherwise howsoever;


(d) To inculcate in the child the best of social norms;


(e) To inculcate in the child the spirit of inquiry and creativity through the exploration of nature and the local environment, playing with toys and indulging in artistic and musical activities;


(f) To instill in the child the need for co-operation with others and team spirits;


(g) To teach children the rudiments of numbers, colours, shapes and forms through play; and


(h) To teach children good habits, especially good health habits.




(1) The purpose of primary education shall be-


(a) The inculcation of permanent literacy and numeracy and the ability to communicate effectively;


(b) The laying of a sound basis for scientific and reflective thinking;


(c) Citizenship education as a basis for effective participation in and contribution to the life of the society;


(d) Character and moral training and the development of sound attitudes;


(e) To develop in the child the ability to adapt to his changing environment;


(f) To give the child opportunities for developing manipulative skills that will enable him to function effectively in the society within the limits of his capacity;


(g) To provide basic tools for further educational advancement, including preparation for trades and crafts of the locality.


(2) The medium of instruction in primary schools shall initially be in the mother tongue or in the language of the immediate community and at a later stage in English.




Perhaps one of the greatest expenses of implementing ESD will come with providing appropriate basic education. Basic goals, which were established at Jontiem and reaffirmed at Dakar, include educating more children and increasing the universal average minimum of schooling to six years. Meeting these goals will require hiring many more teachers. These new teachers must be trained, and current teachers must be retrained, to reorient their curriculums to address sustainability.


The good news is that many countries are spending a larger percentage of their gross national product (GNP) on education. Two-thirds of the 123 countries listed in the


UNESCO World Education Report 2000 that reported public expenditures on education as a percentage of GNP in both 1990 and 1996, reported spending more in 1996 than in 1990.


Although governments are prioritizing education in terms of funding, how much of this funding is going to reorient education to address sustainability? As we pointed out in the


"Education: Promise and Paradox" section, simply providing more education does not reduce the threat high resource consumption poses to sustainability.


One of the reasons why many experts perceive that little progress has been made regarding ESD since the Earth Summit in 1992 is that few financial resources have been dedicated to reorienting education to address sustainability. In fact, national and local governments have spent little on ESD beyond improving basic education. Yet, effective ESD will depend on funding at both national and local levels. At the national level, financial resources must fund curriculum, administration, and teacher education.



At the local level, resources must finance curriculum development and accompanying materials, as well as teacher training. Reorienting education to address sustainability will require new financial resources. One


of the major problems with ESD is that current education must continue while the new


curriculum is being designed and developed. The reality is that educators are so busy with the task at hand - planning, daily teaching, evaluating progress, writing reports - that they have little time or energy to research and create new curriculum. Teachers cannot be expected to do two jobs - design curriculum and teach - during the transition phase. Of course, current teachers should play an advisory role, but core design tasks should not fall exclusively on their already burdened shoulders. New funding and resources need to be provided during the start-up phase; governments cannot expect local administrations and educators to donate in-kind services to accomplish this important task. Locally relevant and culturally appropriate curriculums and other educational materials often vary intra-nationally. For example, Chile extends several thousand kilometers from north to south. In the Atacama Desert of the north, environmental concerns involve the ocean and marine life; in the humid-temperate south, concerns involve the forests. As a result of these great distances and geographic diversity, a series of regional curriculums based around a common model would be more appropriate than one national curriculum.


This same intra-national diversity (i.e., ecological, economic, and societal diversity) exists in many nations. Accordingly, regional and local curriculum could benefit many nations with internal diversity.


In addition, many countries are evaluating new educational technologies (e.g., distance learning, computers, Internet, TV) and strategies to implement them. ESD is already woven into many of these technologies. For example, many free sources of environmental data are available on the World Wide Web as are other teaching resources such as lesson plans. Governments and school districts investing in these technologies will offset expenditures with access to free ESD information and materials.




Nursery and Kindergarten Classrooms


Our classrooms are clean, bright and colorful to bring out the best out of the children’s mood. Children’s art n craft are decorating the classroom walls.




Favorite place where children read books for children after finishing their assignments. English and Chinese story book for children are regularly updated. We pick books that teaches illustrate good values and morality to our children. There are board games as well !




Clean and spacious dining room, equipped with refrigerators and washing basin. The school caters variety of healthy snacks. Let’s wash hand, pray and eat!




Toys and more toys. Colorful and fully sponged / carpeted for safer indoor playroom.




Spacious badminton court and playground set for children to get some exposure on healthy sunlight while exercising their muscles.




Fully equipped with 8 computers for the children to start their familiarization with technology.




Do you want your child to be inspired?


It’s well known that children learn best when they are having fun and are confident in their environment and with their peers. At Active Learning Childcare, we promote the development of the all round child and introduce them to a broad, exciting programme of learning through some of the best recognized forms of teaching and through our truly innovative studio programme which focuses on art, music and performing arts, language,


Literacy, science, IT and sports.


With our dedicated team of specialist teachers in the studios who are supernumerary to all our wonderful nursery mentors, children are nurtured and looked after as unique and individual children, ensuring that we bring out the best in each and every one, and help them to discover and maximize the potential of their talents while also developing confidence in areas that they might find more tricky. We want them to be confident, independent and inquisitive in their learning and their games.


Alongside all of that, we teach children all about the world around them and in different nurseries teach various languages which reflect the needs of the area. Currently, across our schools, we teach French, Spanish, Japanese and Mandarin !! Sport and outdoor life is also a crucial element to us and plays a central role in much of what we do. Artists in residence and visiting musicians create a hive of creativity and colour in the daily lives of the children who come to school here.






Classroom management is a common term used in the educational setting. Teachers are responsible for managing their classrooms when it comes to issues of education, behavior and creating a welcoming, happy environment. It often takes teachers several years to learn how to develop a classroom that is managed well. Teachers face many obstacles when it comes to this subject, mainly from behavior issues.


Many teachers are taking the assertive approach in classroom management. This approach requires a few set rules the students must follow. When students follow these rules, the teacher acknowledges them. When students break the rules, the teacher is clear, concise and consistent in handing out consequences.




Another common issue that arises in primary schools is the standards of education not meeting expectations. This is a very difficult obstacle for many schools. In public schools, the state mandates the standards that students should learn each year.


Students are tested periodically to check if these standards are being met. If not, the teachers and school must adjust the curriculum in order to cram more education into one year. This is a huge obstacle teacher’s face, especially because children learn at different paces.




When schools try meeting educational standards, the teachers often are placed in difficult situations. All students entering into a specific grade are at different levels.


Some students are behind where they should be, others are right where they should be and some are above the level of the grade. This issue is hard for teachers to handle. It is often difficult for teachers to hold each child's attention while teaching.


The students who are above the level of the grade tend to become bored. The others are struggling to try to learn the basics.


Impressionability Students at the primary level are very impressionable. Teachers and staff face a huge responsibility of being good role models for these children. Teachers must try


to encourage students to work hard while maintaining a good structure in the classroom. Teachers need to be aware that they have the ability to either encourage or discourage students from enjoying school and wanting to continue their education.




CURRICULUM refers to the means and materials with which students will interact for the purpose of achieving identified educational outcomes. Arising in medieval Europe was the trivium, an educational curriculum based upon the study of grammar, rhetoric, and logic.


The later quadrivium (referring to four subjects rather than three as represented by the trivium) emphasized the study of arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. These seven liberal arts should sound a lot like what you experienced during your formal education.

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