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Revision as of 09:13, 17 February 2017

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* {{Tag|amenity|studio}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|studio}} (audio, video)

* {{Tag|amenity|studio}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|studio}} (audio, video)

* {{Tag|aeroway|aerodrome}}, proposal to replace type by {{Tag|aerodrome}} (public, military, private, ...)

* {{Tag|aeroway|aerodrome}}, proposal to replace type by {{Tag|aerodrome}} (public, military, private, ...)

* {{Tag|aeroway|navigationaid}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|navigationaid}} (adf, vor, vor
dme, waas, ils, ...)


* {{Tag|aeroway|navigationaid}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|navigationaid}} (adf, vor, vor
dme, waas, ils, ...)

* {{Tag|man_made|pipeline}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|substance}} (water, drain, sewer, telecom, gas, ...)

* {{Tag|man_made|pipeline}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|substance}} (water, drain, sewer, telecom, gas, ...)

* {{Tag|man_made|pumping_rig}}, proposal to replace type by {{Tag|substance}} or {{Tag|content}} (oil, gas, oil
gas, ...)


* {{Tag|man_made|pumping_rig}}, proposal to replace type by {{Tag|substance}} or {{Tag|content}} (oil, gas, oil
gas, ...)

* {{Tag|man_made|reservoir_covered}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|content}} (water, drain, ...)

* {{Tag|man_made|reservoir_covered}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|content}} (water, drain, ...)

* {{Tag|natural|tree}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|leaf_type}} (broadleaved, needleleaved, mixed, leafless, ...) and other tags for taxonomy

* {{Tag|natural|tree}}, type now being replaced with {{Tag|leaf_type}} (broadleaved, needleleaved, mixed, leafless, ...) and other tags for taxonomy

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