
from Lazarus Documentation

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The '''Lazarus component library''' or '''LCL''' is very similar to Delphi's [[VCL]] (Visual Component Library). Most Lazarus units, classes and properties have the same name and functionality as their equivalents in Delphi. This makes porting Delphi applications to Lazarus relatively easy.



* [[doc
lcl/|LCL documentation]] - On line help for LCL (work in progress).


* [[LazActiveX]] - ActiveX/LazActiveX documentation


Components]] - Tutorials about the standard LCL components such as TMainMenu, TButton, TComboBox, TTimer, etc. Complements and links to the reference docs.


* [[The LCL in various platforms]] - A brief discussion about LCL features which behave differently in different platforms.


* [[Autosize / Layout]] - How to design forms that work on all platforms.


* [[Main Loop Hooks]] - How to handle multiple event sources


* [[Asynchronous Calls]] - How to queue methods for later execution


* [[File size and smartlinking]] - How to smartlink applications and create smaller executables.


* [[Accessing the Interfaces directly]] - Example how to access the LCL widgetsets


* [[Add Help to Your Application]] - How to create a Online Help for your application


* [[Colors]] - Description of system colors like clDefault, clWindow and the fpImage FPColor


* [[LCL Tips]] - Tips and tricks


* [[LCL Defines]] - Choosing the right options to recompile LCL


* [[Components_and_Code_examples|LCL Code Examples]] - Example working code for Lazarus.


* [[Lazarus Custom Drawn Controls]] - A set of custom drawn controls in Lazarus


* [[LCL Accessibility]] - Documentation about using making LCL applications accessible



*[[TAChart documentation]] - Standard component for drawing graphs and charts.



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