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Revision as of 12:58, 12 October 2016

(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)

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command_id can be: str(int_command_code) or "module,method" or "module,method,param".





command_id can be: str(int_command_code) or "module,method" or "module,method,param".




escape flag
(bool). This flag is set when user presses Esc key (each Esc press is counted since app start). Note: to allow app to handle key press in long loop, call msg_status('text', True).


Esc-key state
(bool). This flag is set when user presses Esc key (each Esc press is counted since app start). Note: to allow app to handle key press in long loop, call msg_status('text', True).

flag. Text must be "0"/"1".


flag. Text must be "0"/"1".

* PROC_GET_HOTKEY: Gets hotkeys strings for given command_id. Examples of result: "F1", "Ctrl+B * B", "Ctrl+B * B * C|Ctrl+B * D" (two hotkeys for one command). Gets empty str for unknown command_id.

* PROC_GET_HOTKEY: Gets hotkeys strings for given command_id. Examples of result: "F1", "Ctrl+B * B", "Ctrl+B * B * C|Ctrl+B * D" (two hotkeys for one command). Gets empty str for unknown command_id.

* PROC_SET_HOTKEY: Sets hotkeys for given command_id from strings. Text must be "command_id|hotkey1|hotkey2", where hotkey1/hotkey2 examples: "F1", "Ctrl+B * B", "Ctrl+B * B * C". Symbol "*" can be without near spaces. Gets bool: command_id exists, changed.

* PROC_SET_HOTKEY: Sets hotkeys for given command_id from strings. Text must be "command_id|hotkey1|hotkey2", where hotkey1/hotkey2 examples: "F1", "Ctrl+B * B", "Ctrl+B * B * C". Symbol "*" can be without near spaces. Gets bool: command_id exists, changed.

* PROC_GET_KEYSTATE: Gets state of pressed special keys. String has "c" for Ctrl pressed, "a" for Alt, "s" for Shift, "m" for Meta (Windows key).

* PROC_GET_KEYSTATE: Gets state of pressed special keys. String has "c" for Ctrl pressed, "a" for Alt, "s" for Shift, "m" for Meta (Windows key).


* PROC_HOTKEY_INT_TO_STR: Converts given int hotkey to string. Gets empty str for unknown code.


* PROC_HOTKEY_STR_TO_INT: Converts given string hotkey to int. Gets 0 for incorrect string. Example: converts "alt+shift+z" to "41050", which is then converted to "Shift+Alt+Z".



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Dialog is closed by clicking any button or by changing
any control which has "act=1". Gets 2-tuple: (control_index, state_text), gets None if cancelled.


Dialog is closed by clicking any button or by changing
any control which has "act=1". Gets 2-tuple: (control_index, state_text), gets None if cancelled.

* control_index: index of control which closed dialog (0-based).

* control_index: index of control which closed dialog (0-based).

* state_text: "\n"-separated values of controls
count of items as in text).


* state_text: "\n"-separated values of controls
. Same
count of items as in text
, plus optional additional lines in the form "key=value":


** focused=N: index of last focused control (0-based
or -1



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* add: ed.complete: added param alt_order

* add: ed.complete: added param alt_order



* add: dlg_custom: "type=colorpanel"

* add: dlg_custom: "type=colorpanel"


* add: dlg_custom: result has additional line "focused=N"

* add: file_open can install addons, where files are not in root, but in subdir

* add: file_open can install addons, where files are not in root, but in subdir

* add: install.inf: can write lexers list in [info] $var=Name1,Name2,Name3 ; use it like "lexers=$var"

* add: install.inf: can write lexers list in [info] $var=Name1,Name2,Name3 ; use it like "lexers=$var"

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