
Undo revision 6184 by (Talk)

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Revision as of 03:16, 5 September 2012

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{{Category table|bg=#f9f9f9|bghead=#e8e8e8|title=Resources|




* [[API|Application Programming Interface (API)]]


** [[API News]] (2012


** [[APIv2_Page_Index|API Reference]]


** [[API Wanted Features]]


* [[CCP Community Toolkit]]


** [[CCP Static Data Dump|Static Data Dump]]


** [[CCP Image Dump|Image Dump]]


* [[Cache Resources]]


* [[EVE-Dev Killboard Resources]]


* [http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a
channel&channelID=3525 EVE Technology Lab Forum/API Discussion]


* [[IGB Documentation]]


** [[IGB Javascript Functions]]


* [http://image.eveonline.com/ EVE Online Image Server]


* [[List_of_tools|List of EVE-Related Tools]]


* [[:Category:Resources|Overview of all resources]]








{{Category table|bg=#f9f9f9|bghead=#e8e8e8|title=Game Mechanics|




* [[Equations]]


* [[Stacking]]


* [[Tracking]]









{{Category table|bg=#faf8f8|bghead=#eee3e3|title=Templates|




* [[Category table template]]


* [[Developer template]]


* [[Project template]]









{{Category table|bg=#faf8f8|bghead=#eee3e3|title=About EVEDev|




* [[EVEDev:About|What is EVEDev?]]







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{{Category table|bg=#f7f9fb|bghead=#dfe6f1|title=API Libraries|




* [[:Category:API_Libraries|API Libraries]]


** .Net (C#/ Visual Basic.Net/ Others)


*** [[EveAI]]


*** [[EVE.Net]]


** Java


*** [[EveApi]]


*** [[EVE_on_steroids|EVE on steroids]]


** Perl


*** [[EVEAPI]]


*** [[VarjoAPI]]


** PHP


*** [[eve-apiphp|Ale API Library for EvE]]


*** [[Pheal|Pheal]]


*** [[Yapeal|Yapeal]]


** Python


*** [[eveapi|eveapi Python API module]]


*** [[txEVE|txEVE (async)]]


*** [[Django-eve-proxy|django-eve-proxy]]


** Ruby


*** [[EAAL]]


*** [[Reve]]


* API Proxies/Caches


** [[Recache]] - for Reve









{{Category table|bg=#f7f9fb|bghead=#dfe6f1|title=Dead/Stalled API Building Blocks|




* [[:Category:API_Libraries|API Libraries]]


** .Net (C#/ Visual Basic.Net/ Others)


*** [[Eve Toolbox]] (stalled)


*** [[C|libEveApi]]


** Common Lisp


*** [[Common-Lisp-EVE-API-package|EVE-API package]] (stalled)


** Java


*** [[JEve Project]] (stalled)


** Perl


*** [[WebService::EveOnline]] (stalled)


** PHP


*** [[API PHP Class]] (outdated, svn-dead)


*** [[API PHP Class Extended]] (dead)


*** [[Api Lib|Kw4h's PHP API Lib]] (outdated)


*** [[PHP classes for APIv2|Rynlam's additions]] to Kw4h's classes (outdated)


** Python


*** [[eveapwhy Python package]] (linkdead)


** Other


*** [[EVE_API_RBSocket|REALbasic EVE API HTTP Socket]] (dead)


* API Proxies/Caches


** [[Gatecamper]] (closed down)


* Applications


** [[EvEFleet|EvEFleet]] - Fleet invitation script (stalled/superceded by FleetFinder)


** [[wxEswat - Cross-platform API application|wxEswat]] - Cross-platform API application (linkdead)


** [[podbay|podbay]] - webOS App for monitoring Skill Queue, Wallet Balance, Remaining Skillpoints in Clone (stalled/outdated)


** [[EVE Trading Tool]] (linkdead)







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{{Category table|bg=#f7f9fb|bghead=#dfe6f1|title=API Snippets/Examples/Proxies|






** [[Perl API Example]]


** [[EVE API Roles Class|PHP EVE API Roles Class]]


** [[PHP Parsing: Assets XML]]


** [[Python Killmail Class]]


* API Proxies/Caches


** [[Eve API Proxy]]









{{Category table|bg=#f7fbf9|bghead=#dff1e6|title=Applications|




* [[EDK]] - Eve Development Killboard


* [[EMMA|EMMA]] - Eve Market Monitoring App


* [[EVE Asset Manager]]


* [[Eve Industry]] - Your Only Webbased Isk Printing Profit Tool.


* [[EVE Market Scanner]] - Regional comparison of exported marketlogs


* [[EveNexus]] - Track your journals, transactions and profits.


* [[Eve Trader]] - Free easy-to-use Eve-Online market analysis and monitoring tool.


* [[Eve-MEEP]]


* [[EveMap|EveMap]] - Google Maps style API for New Eden


* [[EVEMon]] - Eve character monitor for Windows


* [[GtkEveMon]] - Eve character monitor for Linux


* [[EVEViewer]] - Pilot info, Skill Queue, wallet journal, market orders, wallet transactions and more viewer


* [[Influence Map]]


* [[JEveAssets|jEveAssets]] - Assets Manager


* [[ECM|EVE Corporation Management]] - Management and decision-making helper application


* [[EMDU|EVE Market Data Uploader]] - An efficient, cross-platform market data uploader


* [[Finger_For_EVE|Finger for EVE (FFE)]] - An intel management system


* [[Neocom|Neocom]] - iOS mobile EVE assistant.


* [[eufe|eufe]] - EVEUniverse fitting engine.


* [[jeufe|jeufe]] - Java wrapper around eufe.









{{Category table|bg=#f7fbf9|bghead=#dff1e6|title=Websites|




* [http://games.chruker.dk/eve_online/default.php Chucker's EVE Online section]


* [[EveCentral|EVE-Central APIs]]


* [[EveMarketData|eve-marketdata.com]] successor of EVE-Metrics


* [[EveMarketDataRelay|EVE Market Data Relay]] - realtime public market feed


* [[OneKillboard.com|OneKillboard killboard hosting]] ('''SUSPENDED''')


* [[EVEMod|EVEMod Tools (Rus)]] - WEB version of EVEMon + Loot counter, reprocess counter, assets manager, corporation management (Bills, tax management, pos fuel monitor...)


* [[List_of_tools|List of tools and WebPages]]







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