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{{ScoutPage|cat=HowTo 3.8}}
While Swing clients automatically show buttons at the top to switch between outlines if theses were added using the Scout SDK, the SWT client lacks this feature. This how-to describes various ways to change outlines in SWT.
= Using menus =
This method is the most straigth forward. Just add a menu entry for each Outline you want to switch to. Overwriting the '''getConfiguredIconId()''', '''getConfiguredText()''' and '''execAction()''' methods are sufficient for this:
public class AdministrationOutlineMenu extends AbstractMenu {
protected String getConfiguredIconId() {
return org.eclipse.minicrm.shared.Icons.Administration;
protected String getConfiguredText() {
return TEXTS.get("AdministrationOutline");
protected void execAction() throws ProcessingException {
= Using OutlineButtons on a form =
Another option is to place an instance of an '''AbstractOutlineButton''' on a form. After adding the Button, it needs to be configured:
public class AdministrationButton extends AbstractOutlineButton {
protected String getConfiguredLabel() {
return TEXTS.get("AdministrationOutline");
protected Class<? extends IOutline> getConfiguredOutline() {
return AdministrationOutline.class;
= Using a SnapBox above the TreeView =
This method is a little more elaborate and requries code changes beyond the Scout SDK.
Modify the class org.eclipse.minicrm.client.ui.desktop.'''Desktop''' as follows:
protected void execOpened() throws ProcessingException {
// outline tree
if (org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.ui.UserAgentUtility.isSwtUi()) {
// swt
ExtendedOutlineTreeForm treeForm = new ExtendedOutlineTreeForm();
else {
// swing
DefaultOutlineTreeForm treeForm = new DefaultOutlineTreeForm();
// leave rest of method unchanged
// ...
Open the source code of '''DefaultOutlineTreeForm''' and save it as org.eclipse.minicrm.client.ui.desktop.'''ExtendedOutlineTreeForm'''. Scroll down to the following part of the code:
public class OutlineTreeField extends AbstractTreeField {
and change its order to 20:
public class OutlineTreeField extends AbstractTreeField {
then add the following code before the OutlineTreeField:
public class OutlineSelectorField extends AbstractSnapBox {
public int getConfiguredGridH() {
return 1;
protected int getConfiguredGridW() {
return 1;
protected boolean getConfiguredGridUseUiHeight() {
return true;
public class StandardOutlineButton extends AbstractButton {
protected String getConfiguredIconId() {
return org.eclipse.minicrm.shared.Icons.Standard;
protected String getConfiguredLabel() {
return TEXTS.get("StandardOutline");
protected void execClickAction() throws ProcessingException {
protected void execToggleAction(boolean selected) throws ProcessingException {
protected void changeOutline() {
StandardOutline outline = (StandardOutline) getDesktop().getOutline();
CompanyTablePage page = outline.findPage(CompanyTablePage.class);
public class AdministrationOutlineButton extends AbstractButton {
protected String getConfiguredIconId() {
return org.eclipse.minicrm.shared.Icons.Administration;
protected String getConfiguredLabel() {
return TEXTS.get("AdministrationOutline");
protected void execClickAction() throws ProcessingException {
protected void execToggleAction(boolean selected) throws ProcessingException {
protected void changeOutline() {
AdministrationOutline outline = (AdministrationOutline) getDesktop().getOutline();
RoleTablePage page = outline.findPage(RoleTablePage.class);
The reason that AbstractButtons are used instead of AbstractOutlineButtons is that the OutlineButtons in the SnapBox don't properly toggle and need clicking on twice to change outlines. Using the normal button and overwriting both the execClickAction as well as the execToggleAction solves this problem.
One caveat of this solution is, that buttons in the SnapBox only show an icon, the text is only shown as tooltip.
= Adding a toolbar to the SWT application =
This is the approach that most closely mirrors the Swing buttons. It, too, requires changes outside the Scout SDK. The following classes need to be modified or added:
The following changes need to be made to each of these classes:
Add the following private member:
In the constructor add the following line to the second environment listener:
so that it looks as follows:
addEnvironmentListener(new ISwtEnvironmentListener() {
public void environmentChanged(SwtEnvironmentEvent e) {
if (e.getType() == SwtEnvironmentEvent.STARTED) {
IDesktop d = getClientSession().getDesktop();
if (d != null) {
d.addPropertyChangeListener(IDesktop.PROP_TITLE, new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
setWindowTitle((String) evt.getNewValue());
Add the following method to the class:
public void setAdvisor(ApplicationActionBarAdvisor advisor) {
m_advisor = advisor;
Change the following line in '''preWindowOpen()'''
Add the following private members:
private static final int NUM_OUTLINE_BUTTONS = 10;
private CoolbarButton[] m_coolbarButton = new CoolbarButton[NUM_OUTLINE_BUTTONS];
The value of '''NUM_OUTLINE_BUTTONS''' must be large enough to contain all Outlines and any ToolButton defined on the desktop as well.
Mofiy the constructor so it looks like this:
public ApplicationActionBarAdvisor(IActionBarConfigurer configurer) {
((SwtEnvironment) Activator.getDefault().getEnvironment()).setAdvisor(this);
Add the following methods:
protected void makeActions(IWorkbenchWindow window) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OUTLINE_BUTTONS; i++) {
m_coolbarButton[i] = new CoolbarButton();
public void initViewButtons(IDesktop d) {
IViewButton[] viewButtons = d.getViewButtons();
int start = 0;
int end = Math.min(m_coolbarButton.length, viewButtons.length);
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
CoolbarButton b = m_coolbarButton[i];
IViewButton v = viewButtons[i];
b.setEnabled(v.isEnabled() && v.isEnabledGranted());
if (v.isVisible() && v.isVisibleGranted()) {
else {
IToolButton[] toolButtons = d.getToolButtons();
start = end + 1;
end = Math.min(m_coolbarButton.length, start + toolButtons.length);
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
CoolbarButton b = m_coolbarButton[i];
IToolButton v = toolButtons[i - start];
b.setEnabled(v.isEnabled() && v.isEnabledGranted());
if (v.isVisible() && v.isVisibleGranted()) {
else {
protected void fillCoolBar(ICoolBarManager coolBar) {
IToolBarManager toolbar = new ToolBarManager(SWT.FLAT | SWT.RIGHT);
coolBar.add(new ToolBarContributionItem(toolbar, "main"));
for (Action a : m_coolbarButton) {
Add this class with the following content:
The advantage of this method is not only that the buttons show both the configured icon and text of the outlines but that it also supports tool buttons added to the desktop by right clicking on the Tools item below the desktop and choosing "New Tool item..."
The following configuration with two outlines and one tool button would look as follows in the SWT client: