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Olav Lenz, [https://www.bsi-software.com/ BSI Business Systems Integration Deutschland GmbH]

Olav Lenz, [https://www.bsi-software.com/ BSI Business Systems Integration Deutschland GmbH]

Presentations Proposals



Our time constraints allow max. 8 presentations
If you'd like to give a demo
please add yourself to this list until 15. November and provide an abstract below. We'll pick the final talks and inform you by email the day after.


*17:00 - 17:25 Meet & Greet


*17:25 - 17:30 Welcome

Mein Minecraft-Smart-Home: Prototyping für das Internet der gruseligen Dinge, Sascha Wolter
[https://www.qivicon.com/de/ qivicon]


*17:30 - 17:50 Modern JavaScript development with Eclipse JSDT 2
Patrik Suzzi

# Modern JavaScript development with Eclipse JSDT 2.0, Patrik Suzzi


*17:55 - 18:15
Mein Minecraft-Smart-Home: Prototyping für das Internet der gruseligen Dinge, Sascha Wolter
[https://www.qivicon.com/de/ qivicon])

# How Microsoft's Language Server Protocol Stirs Up Eclipse, Jan Köhnlein (TypeFox GmbH


*18:20 - 18:40
Eclipse Automated Error Reporting – für alle deine Java Anwendung, Marcel Bruch ([http://www.ctrlflow.com/automated-error-reporting/ ctrflow])

Eclipse Automated Error Reporting – für alle deine Java Anwendung, Marcel Bruch ([http://www.ctrlflow.com/automated-error-reporting/ ctrflow])


*18:45 - 19:05
Sensor Web - Connecting Embedded devices with a Back-End based on
Microprofile, Werner Keil (
site/ Creative Arts & Technologies])

Sensor Web - Connecting Embedded devices with a Back-End based on [http://
io Microprofile] 1
Werner Keil


19:30 Break

Testing multithreaded java with Eclipse, Thomas Krieger [http://vmlens.com.io vmlens]


19:50 Docker tooling for Java developers, Xavier Coulon (Red Hat

# Docker tooling for Java developers, Xavier Coulon (Red Hat)


*19:55 - 20:15 How Microsoft's Language Server Protocol Stirs Up Eclipse
Jan Köhnlein (TypeFox GmbH)


*20:20 - 20:40
Testing multithreaded java with Eclipse, Thomas Krieger
[http://vmlens.com.io vmlens]


*20:45        Closing session and get together

=== Abstracts  ===

=== Abstracts  ===

'''Sascha Wolter:„Mein Minecraft-Smart-Home: Prototyping für das Internet der gruseligen Dinge'''

Vernetzte, smarte und autonome Alltagsgegenstände sind unaufhaltsam. Doch wie vermitteln wir das Verständnis und die Kompetenz für dieses Internet der Dinge? Wie können wir Kollegen, Kunden oder die eigenen Kinder dafür begeistern, diese Zukunft verantwortungsbewusst mitzugestalten? Es gilt, Berührungsängste abzubauen und das Internet der Dinge auf spielerische Art und Weise erlebbar zu machen. Dank der Kombination aus Minecraft und Smart-Home-Lösungen wie Eclipse SmartHome ist das auch ohne Lötkolben möglich. Minecraft ist dabei mehr als eine Spielerei. Beispielsweise nutzt Microsoft im Rahmen des Projektes Malmo Minecraft zur Erforschung künstlicher Intelligenz. Sascha Wolter demonstriert in seiner Session, wie man das Internet der Dinge in Form von Hard- und Software selber gestaltet. Zum Einsatz kommen visuelle Programmierumgebungen und spielerische Programme – darunter auch Minecraft. Natürlich wird auch gezeigt, dass sich diese pragmatische Herangehensweise in Kombination mit IoT-Plattformen und Smart-Home-Lösungen wie z. B. openHAB oder QIVICON auch für professionelle Projekte eignet.

'''Patrik Suzzi: Modern JavaScript development with Eclipse JSDT 2.0'''

'''Patrik Suzzi: Modern JavaScript development with Eclipse JSDT 2.0'''

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At the end of the demo, we'll see which are the upcoming developments, and how to contribute to JSDT, in case you're interested.

At the end of the demo, we'll see which are the upcoming developments, and how to contribute to JSDT, in case you're interested.

'''Jan Köhnlein (TypeFox GmbH): How Microsoft's Language Server Protocol Stirs Up Eclipse'''

The Language Server Protocol [https
protocol [1]] is an initiative by Microsoft that was originally developed to easily add support for new languages to VisualStudio Code. Via the LSP, a generic editor can connect to a language server that provides all the specific logic to support the language in an IDE, such as compilation, debugging, content assist, hover, find references etc. This clear separation of the editor and the language is very powerful. Using a protocol instead of an API even allows to implement both parts in different languages. As a consequence, it could yield support for all languages in all IDEs.


'''Sascha Wolter
„Mein Minecraft
Home: Prototyping für das Internet der gruseligen Dinge'''

In this demo I will show how various Eclipse projects have adopted the LSP
From a Java-based implementation of the protocol
over generic editors for Eclipse RCP and Eclipse Ché
to implementing language servers for your own languages with Xtext


Vernetzte, smarte und autonome Alltagsgegenstände sind unaufhaltsam
Doch wie vermitteln wir das Verständnis und die Kompetenz für dieses Internet der Dinge? Wie können wir Kollegen
Kunden oder die eigenen Kinder dafür begeistern
diese Zukunft verantwortungsbewusst mitzugestalten? Es gilt, Berührungsängste abzubauen und das Internet der Dinge auf spielerische Art und Weise erlebbar zu machen
Dank der Kombination aus Minecraft und Smart
Lösungen wie Eclipse SmartHome ist das auch ohne Lötkolben möglich. Minecraft ist dabei mehr als eine Spielerei
Beispielsweise nutzt
im Rahmen des Projektes Malmo Minecraft zur Erforschung künstlicher Intelligenz. Sascha Wolter demonstriert in seiner Session, wie man das Internet der Dinge in Form von Hard
und Software selber gestaltet. Zum Einsatz kommen visuelle Programmierumgebungen und spielerische Programme – darunter auch Minecraft. Natürlich wird auch gezeigt, dass sich diese pragmatische Herangehensweise in Kombination mit IoT
Plattformen und Smart-Home-Lösungen wie z. B. openHAB oder QIVICON auch für professionelle Projekte eignet.


[1] [https://github.com/Microsoft/language
protocol https://github


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The concept of the "sensor web" is a type of sensor network that is especially well suited for environmental monitoring. Sensor web systems often utilize OGC's Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) framework. In this demo I will show how Embedded devices (Raspberry Pi or Intel Edison) share sensor readings with a Back-End based on [http://microprofile.io Microprofile] 1.0 (CDI, JSON-P, JAX-RS) to visualize sensor data and store it using the NoSQL framework [http://jnosql.org/ Diana]. JSR 363, the [http://unitsofmeasurement.github.io/ Units of Measurement] ensures consistency of measurements all the way from edge devices to the web UI and NoSQL data store. '''Kann je nach Wunsch Deutsch oder Englisch gehalten werden.''' standard for Java

The concept of the "sensor web" is a type of sensor network that is especially well suited for environmental monitoring. Sensor web systems often utilize OGC's Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) framework. In this demo I will show how Embedded devices (Raspberry Pi or Intel Edison) share sensor readings with a Back-End based on [http://microprofile.io Microprofile] 1.0 (CDI, JSON-P, JAX-RS) to visualize sensor data and store it using the NoSQL framework [http://jnosql.org/ Diana]. JSR 363, the [http://unitsofmeasurement.github.io/ Units of Measurement] ensures consistency of measurements all the way from edge devices to the web UI and NoSQL data store. '''Kann je nach Wunsch Deutsch oder Englisch gehalten werden.''' standard for Java

'''Thomas Krieger ([http://vmlens.com/ vmlens]): Testing multithreaded java with Eclipse

The testing multithreaded software is hard, often harder than writing it. In this demo you see how you can test multithreaded java in eclipse with vmlens and how to cope with the two challenges of testing multithreaded software: Errors are hardware dependent, and errors happen only for specific interleaving of threads.

'''Xavier Coulon (Red Hat) Docker tooling for Java developers

'''Xavier Coulon (Red Hat) Docker tooling for Java developers

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We will also take a look at some of the newest features, such as support for Docker Compose, TM Terminal integration, run configurations for containers, and a variety of UI improvements.

We will also take a look at some of the newest features, such as support for Docker Compose, TM Terminal integration, run configurations for containers, and a variety of UI improvements.

=== Agenda  ===

*17:00 - 17
25 Meet & Greet


'''Jan Köhnlein (TypeFox GmbH)
How Microsoft's Language Server Protocol Stirs Up Eclipse'''

*17:25 - 17:30 Welcome




The Language Server Protocol [https
protocol [1]] is an initiative by Microsoft that was originally developed to easily add support for new languages to VisualStudio Code. Via the LSP, a generic editor can connect to a language server that provides all the specific logic to support the language in an IDE, such as compilation, debugging, content assist, hover, find references etc. This clear separation of the editor and the language is very powerful. Using a protocol instead of an API even allows to implement both parts in different languages. As a consequence, it could yield support for all languages in all IDEs.



*18:20 - 18:40


In this demo I will show how various Eclipse projects have adopted the LSP. From a Java
based implementation of the protocol, over generic editors for Eclipse RCP and Eclipse Ché, to implementing language servers for your own languages with Xtext.



*19:05 - 19:30 Break


[1] [https
protocol https







'''Thomas Krieger
//vmlens.com/ vmlens])
Testing multithreaded java with Eclipse

45 - 21


*21:00 -  22
00 Closing session
get together


The testing multithreaded software is hard, often harder than writing it. In this demo you see how you can test multithreaded java in eclipse with vmlens and how to cope with the two challenges of testing multithreaded software
Errors are hardware dependent,
errors happen only for specific interleaving of threads.

=== Who Is Attending  ===

=== Who Is Attending  ===

You can register for this event via [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eclipse-democamp-darmstadt-2016-tickets-28523011094 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eclipse-democamp-darmstadt-2016-tickets-28523011094].<br />

You can register for this event via [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eclipse-democamp-darmstadt-2016-tickets-28523011094 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eclipse-democamp-darmstadt-2016-tickets-28523011094].<br />

Registration is free.

Registration is free.

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