
Hunting season comes but once a year. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your with our hunting season bucket list.

Here are some things you need to make sure you do this hunting season.

1. Take someone hunting for the first time

The only thing cooler than going hunting yourself is taking a newbie with you. Watching someone take down their first deer or bag their first quail. It’s like reliving your first hunt, especially when they really get it. That moment that their smile gets so big that the corners of their mouth practically touch their ears, you know you’ve just witnessed the moment that would officially turned them into hunters. There’s nothing like it.

2. Donate your game meat

Chances are you’ve given away plenty of your spoils of victory to your friends and family, but did you know you can also donate it? That’s right. You can have a great time and help someone less fortunate. Visit Hunters Feed to find a donation center near you.

3. Go hunting with a child

There is no better way to hunt then with a small person next to you. Whether it’s your child, niece, nephew, friend or volunteer with an organization to introduce children to the outdoors, we promise it will be a rewarding experience. Not only do you get the satisfaction of passing on your sport to a new generation, you also get to have a lot of fun.

4. Try out a new spot

We know. You love your spot. You’ve got the perfect place to set up, you know the perfect route to get there, and you know you’re going to come home with something good. It’s your spot and you love it and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, there’s something to be said about trying new places, too. Sure, it probably won’t be as good as your spot, but it could have some exciting new things to offer. Worst case? It’ll prove your spot is the best.

5. Try out a new species

Some of us just hunt, but a lot of us get loyal with our game. Maybe you’ve zeroed in on a type of hunting that is right for you. Deer, upland, wetland, big game, the list goes on and on, but what if you branched out a little? If you’re a bird hunter, give the deer stand a try. Addicted to predator hunting? Give raccoons a run. You never know what you’re missing until you give it a try.

6. Go hunting with a dog

A lot of you know this already, but if you’ve never had the opportunity to hunt over a dog, you need to give it a try. It’s amazing to watch a well-trained pup scour the field or make a blind retrieve in the marsh. It’s an opportunity every hunter should experience. Deer hunters can get in on the action, too. While you can’t hunt deer with dogs in most states, shed hunting is a quickly growing sport for hunting dog lovers.

7. Make a trophy

If you’ve never treated yourself to a beautifully-mounted animal, now is the time. It can seem like a bit of an unnecessary expense, but it’s well worth it. Every time you see your perfectly staged animal, you will remember a good time. It’s well worth the price.

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8. Try a new approach

Muzzleloaders, shotguns, rifles, and bows. There’s a lot of variety out there for taking down your favorite prize, and they’re all a lot of fun. If you’ve found yourself falling into the habit of just the bow, take out your old muzzleloader. It can ramp up the adrenaline to get out of the comfort zone of your weapon of choice. Make sure it’s appropriate for the game you’re going after though. Your twelve gauge isn’t going to do a whole lot on that bear.

9. Take a weekend with friends

Yes, we all live busy lives. It’s difficult enough to arrange a day to get all of the girls and guys together for a day, let alone an entire weekend. It’s not going to get any easier though. From here until retirement we’re only going to get busier, so go ahead and take the weekend now. But other obligations aside and make memories with your best hunting buddies.

10. Write about a hunt

So, you’re not Pat McManus. You don’t need to be. It may sound cheesy, but there’s a lot to be gained from writing about a hunt. Sitting down and putting the words on paper can help you realize just how much you got to experience that day, and then it’s there, in writing for you to enjoy again and again.

11. Buy something local

Not all of us have gun manufacturers in our backyard, but we do have local retailers. Maybe the archery shop down the road or a flea market vendor that sells scents. Whatever it is, buy at least one piece of hunting equipment from a local outfit this season. One more step in hunters helping the economy.

12. Take one awesome picture

You’re a better shot with your twelve gauge than the point and click. That’s ok. But do yourself a favor and get at least one really great picture from a hunt this year. There’s lot of info available on taking outdoor photos, and when it turns out looking good you’ll be super glad you have it.

13. Join a conservation organization

Not only do these organizations ensure the future of our sport, they’re also jam-packed with fellow hunters to share stories and go hunting with. National organizations have local chapters you can join or many communities have their own local chapters.

14. Join a hunting club

Join a community of other people who love hunting just as much as you do. Does this really need any explanation? I didn’t think so.

15. Learn something new

Hunting is an ever-evolving sport. Even if you’re an old pro there’s still a lot to learn. Check out a new product, read an article about the latest technology, learn one new fact about your favorite game. You never know what new discovery you’ll find to make your days in the field even more fun.

This is the ultimate hunting bucket list. Cross some of these off this season!

The post 15 Hunting Season Must Dos appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.

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