
What is Pinterest ?

Pinterest calls itself a virtual pinboard, where you can share and organize interesting stuff that you find on the World Wide Web. It’s like a pinboard, but just a social one, where people share different things from their everyday lives. It also enables you to browse pinboards that other people have created to discover new things from the pinboards of people who share similar interests. As the use of broadband increases, sites like Pinterest have gained a lot of popularity.

You need to request an invite to be part of Pinterest. Just enter your email address and the Pinterest team emails you an invitation in sometime.

Declining Daily Average Users in April 2012

In the month of March 2012, Pinterest was ranked as the third most popular network in the U.S. Its app was one of Facebook’s first success stories. However, the moth of April the number of average users sharply declined.

According to recent statistics from AppData, the Monthly Average Users of the Pinterest’s Facebook app were noted to be 8.3 million at the end of April as compared to 12.3 million in the month of March. Furthermore, the number of Daily Average Users also fell drastically in April as Pinterest changed its strategy to stop spammers from creating multiple counterfeit accounts. At the end of March they had also faced certain copyright concerns.

On the other hand, if we look at the statistics available from Alex, it shows that there has been a total increase of 16.7 percent in the DAU over the month of April 2012. From February to April, in three months there has been an increase of 246.9 percent in the daily reach of Pinterest.

The difference in figures has been most likely due to the fact that it AppData only accounted for the users logging in to Pinterest using the Facebook. However, recently Pinterest has added the option of accessing it through Twitter and has released its own Pinterest App.

An initial rush of politicians and celebrities was seen on the new social pinboard. Pinterest has even received endorsement from popular influential people like Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama. According to critics, this number of users that started to fall since last month has been due to the shedding of users who were only trying out the latest fad. Then it will reach a low where there will be only serious users. From there onwards it will most likely pick up again due to word-of mouth.

The endorsements from public figures like politicians, actors and other popularly followed celebrities had increased the number of users by almost 50 percent in the month of February. This meant that Pinterest was ranked third in March 2012 right after Facebook and Twitter. Since, April due to the change in their privacy and copyright policies, there was a decline in the number of DAUs. However, that does not mean that it will be drastically affecting Pinterest, since it is still way ahead of other social networking sites.


With the increased use of broadband at work and at home, people crave social connectivity. Pinterest allows people to share their interest with others who share it with them. It clearly has a majority of female users, with 60 percent of the users as females. Some of the most common uses of this website have been seen as the sharing of cooking recipes, interior design ideas, wedding planning ideas and a lot more. People with similar interests can connect with one another and give each other ideas.

The copyright issue that Pinterest is facing has been due to the users posting photos that they do not have the right to share without giving due credit to the original source. Plus, there was also a number of spammers creating fake accounts even after the Pinterest teams sends an invite after reviewing the email address.

The fact remains that the number of users who signed up to Pinterest through Facebook was and is still the highest as compared to all other mediums. However, the number of users signing up to Pinterest through Facebook has considerably declined during the last month after hitting its peak in March. It seems that Pinterest has nothing to worry about since it has more visitors as compared to many other social media giants like LinkedIn, Google+ and Tumblr.

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