
Early Childhood Ireland’s prebudget submission entitled “Getting the Best Start” challenges Government to move beyond the rhetoric and to make additional investment of €351 million in the early childhood education sector in 2015 via increased capitation, training and support for children with special needs.

Rory Brennan-Hobbs (4) and his sister Eabha (23 months) from Bray Co. Wicklow launching Early Childhood Ireland’s prebudget submission entitled “Getting the Best Start”.

“The bottom line in our prebudget submission entitled ‘Getting the Best Start’ is that we are asking the Government in 2015 to invest €3,760 in care and early education for each child in a registered setting which equates to an additional investment of €351 million from the Department of Children & Youth Affairs.

“This is in addition to the recommended €36 million to be ringfenced for the sector by the Department of Education & Science to provide better support in preschool for children with special needs which is urgent.  While this is a lot of money, we would remind people of the €300 million plus taken out of the sector in 2009 when the Early Childhood Supplement was removed.

“When considered in that context and taking on board the broad and ambitious goals outlined in the ‘The Report of the Expert Advisory Group on the Early Years Strategy’ and the more recent ‘Better Outcomes: Brighter Futures’, this level of additional investment is realistic.”

This is according to Teresa Heeney, CEO of Early Childhood Ireland launching the organisation’s 2015 Pre budget submission at EU House in Molesworth Street, Dublin.

This document published online at www.earlychildhoodireland.ie follows a nationwide consultation process with the organisation’s 3,400 members employing 16,500 staff and providing services for 101,000 children nationwide.

Speaking at the briefing today which was attended by Early Childhood Ireland members from all over the country, Teresa Heeney said, “We have really listened to our members and the resounding message coming through is that when it comes to early childhood care and education in Ireland only quality counts, but quality costs.  We must build on the investment already made in the sector, a sector that is characterised by too many examples of poor sustainability.

“Our members are also keen to get the current free preschool year right before introducing another and investment in special needs education in preschool is a must.  Members recognise that the high cost of childcare in Ireland is due to inadequate funding or investment by government and that parents alone cannot carry the full cost of quality provision.

“Therefore, we are challenging Government to move beyond the rhetoric and into the real investment that will be required to make this strategy a reality for young children and families in Ireland.”

Teresa Heeney CEO of Early Childhood Ireland pictured outside Leinster House with Rory (4) and his sister Eabha (23 months)

The 6 key recommendations in “Getting the Best Start” are:

Increased Capitation for Free Preschool Year €22 million:

Increase of basic capitation rates by €10.50 per child per week on the ECCE free preschool year (from €62.50 to €73) with a projected cost in 2015 of €22 million.  A further €10 increase in capitation is recommended for 2016 and 2017, bringing capitation to €93 per child per week.  According to Early Childhood Ireland, “Sustainability is the dominant, pressing issue in the sector and is a significant threat to quality provision.  Capitation must fully cover salaries, rent, rates, utilities, food, equipment, administration, finance/auditing, health and safety equipment and training which is not the case in the majority of services today.”


Support for Parents on the Cost of Childcare €244 million:

The provision of standard capitation of €73 for all children (including infants and toddlers) in registered settings, thereby providing much needed support for parents to help address the costs of childcare with a projected cost in 2015 of €244 million.  The prebudget document highlights evidence from the Pobal (2013) survey which indicates that the least qualified staff work with the youngest children.


Graduate Staffing Fund €32 million:

The introduction of a Graduate Staffing Fund providing a €7,000 grant to every service employing a graduate, which must be used as a direct salary supplement. The goal, it says, is “To move towards parity of pay with Primary Teachers (commences at €30,702) with projected cost in 2015 for this move of €32 million.”  Early Childhood Ireland stresses that qualifications within the sector have risen incrementally but pay and conditions have not. This, it says, creates a very real problem of retaining staff within the sector as not only are wages low but many employees are tied to contracts which only run over the free pre school year 38 week schedule.


Extension of Free Preschool year to 48 weeks €50 million:

Capitation in relation to the current Free Preschool year should be paid over a 48 week period in line with the primary school system, with the 10 additional weeks providing for essential non-contact time in running this scheme.  Projected cost for this in 2015 would €50 million. This development, according to Early Childhood Ireland, is essential to create viable careers in early childhood, to retain qualified staff and to build on existing investment in training.  Within the existing model, funding only covers direct contact time with children (3 hours per day) with no funded time for all of the additional activities that are required of a quality service.


Extension of the Learner Fund €3 million:

Make the existing Learner Fund available to all existing staff and include Level 6,7 and 8 at a projected cost in 2015 of €3 million.  In parallel extend the new qualification requirements to include those working with Under 3s.

(Note: adding  recommendations 1 to 5 = additional commitment from the Department of Children & Youth Affairs of €351 million.)


Introduction of SNA’s children attending preschool €36 million (from Dept of Education & Science budget):

The introduction of a funding strand to provide specific staffing supports which would enable services employ SNA’s or access other specialists (for example, speech and language hours).  The projected cost to make this happen in 2015 is €36 million.  Linked to this, Early Childhood Ireland is also asking for increased and timely access to assessments so that children can fully benefit from Government investment in early childhood care and education.  It highlights the latest Pobal survey (2013) indicating that 45% of all services had at least one child with a diagnosed special need and almost 4,000 children with disabilities were reported in these services. According to Early Childhood Ireland, “These children are among the most vulnerable in our society and the absence of SNA’s impacts very significantly on their life experience. This issue must be addressed as a matter of urgency.”

The post Bray Children Help to Launch Early Childhood Ireland’s Prebudget Submission appeared first on Wicklow Voice.

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