
There is now a superior way to run the most important elements of your business...

Want An Affiliate Manager That Pays You At The Point

Of Sale & Pays Your Affiliates Instantly As well? Also Features

Shopping Cart, OTO's, Tax Tracking, & So Much More!

You use PayPal? - PayPal now reports your earning to the IRS, if

you are paying affiliates and not tracking your payments you

could have big trouble waiting for you if the IRS knocks on your

door. However, PayGear users will find they can activate our 1099

tax tracking service and all the work is done for you by PayGear.

Why is PayGear Better?

PayGear the Better Shopping Cart

PayGear the Better Shopping Cart

Dear business owner,

I always hated being told how to run my company by an affiliate manager who set policies for me that fit their business model, not mine. On top of that I then had to pay over 10% per transaction all while provided me with just the basic services. Well I decided I was not going to take it anymore!

I created a better more affordable product called PayGear.com. Why pay big bucks including product activation fees when you can add unlimited products to PayGear all for free. Plus WicketFire members get a $50 sign up bump.

Vendors can process orders by credit card, PayPal or Google Checkout and still offer instant affiliate commissions. And if you need your own merchant account PayGear users can get the cheapest prices anywhere. We supply you with everything you need! Just sign upfor merchant proessing and we'll handle all the set up for you. See merchant account details.

How does PayGear beat the rest?
• Free to join

• Free membership software for all members

• Free shopping cart: Click here to see shopping cart demo

• Receive instant payments at the point of sale

• Instant affiliate commission (even those who process orders by creidt card or Google Checkout)

• Integration with kunaki

• One click upsells

• 1099 complete tax tracking service (we do your 1099 and 1096 forms for you)

• Skinned Checkout page that match your site: Click here to see an example

• Secure download pages so no one can steal your thank you page

• Contact one affiliate, a group of affiliates, or all affiliates

• Instant product approval

• Process recurring payments

• You set your refund policy which matches your product - 100% control

• Paste in your own analytics code on your checkout page so you can track users from start to finish

• Checkout coupon codes

• Supports 2-tier affiliate program

• Sell all your products for free under one account – No need to set up a new account for each product or upgraded your account for a fee to list multiple products. List your products for free

• No maximum product price

• Works with PayPal, Google Checkout or Athorize.net (credit card)

• No need to pay your affiliates with old outdated technology or fumbling around with mass payment files. PayGear makes everything easy.

• Fastest customer support in the business.

*Get Started Now And Receive The WickedFire $50 Free Special*

Sign up code: 35cdcfe3a3c84e6bba3ab2d99cd96bec

Be done with getting taken advantage of by your e-commerce partner. Say no to the ugly high cost counter intuitive affiliate mangers that provide minimal services and keep putting their hands in your pockets. Stop letting someone else decide if the order should really be refunded. Why in the world would someone other than you decide what the refund policy for your product is going to be?

Plus PayGear provides its members with free membership software. And just like PayGear, our membership software MembersGear comes with more!

Real Quotes About PayGear:


Originally Posted by dadhere

Looks great!


Originally Posted by SALINAS

I can vouch for PayGear.

I have a few products setup there and just setup a new one this weekend with (2) 1-click upsells! And I'm only using PayPal. NO ONE else offers that just using PayPal alone..NO ONE (don't think any other service has ever even tried) I don't know how Chris does it but all I know is it works like a charm...

PayGear is great!


Originally Posted by Peter Livingston

Love Paygear as well!


Originally Posted by Terry Jett

Thanks man!

No matter, totally cool system loaded with features. The membership function and membership software already has my full attention.



Originally Posted by munstersg01

Wow is all I can say.


Originally Posted by James Long

Looks like a most comprehensive system, looking forward to using it. Many thanks Chris.

James :-)


Originally Posted by Ron Razor

I use PayGear and am very impressed with their system. I now put all my products directly in PayGear and could not say enough good things about it. Easy to use and very powerful, I am sure there are some features I have yet to explore as there are so many things you can do with it. But for my needs it is great, my affiliates like the instant commissions, would highly recommend!


Originally Posted by DanielleS

I've been using PayGear for close to a year now, and it is by and far the most superior affiliate management solution I have ever seen. I have even considered writing a 'Guide To PayGear' because there are just too many great things to list about PayGear in a simple forum post.

First off, their instant commission system is the absolute best of it's kind! Hands down, it allows for ultimate protection of your MONEY!

Second, I LOVE that there are no 'marketplace insertion fees' like ClickBank or monthly fees like e-junkie.

Third, it is is SUPER SIMPLE to set up a product up in there. 3 steps, and DONE.

Fourth, through PayGear, you can get Auth.net for $5 per month, and they waive the activation fee, plus, you get a merchant account for $14.95 a month, bringing your total monthly cost for a real merchant account and a payment gateway down to only $19.95 per month. Now that's a Hell of a steal on a product that will protect and shield you from the perils of PayPal.

Chris is a top notch guy, and will bend over backwards to be there for you for whatever you need.

And when something is requested, Chris actually gives you a 'date' that they expect to roll it out.

Very professional. I can't say enough good stuff about PayGear.


At PayGear we only give you everything!

-Chris Douthit

P.S. Plus if we dont have it, just ask for it. We build our system for our members. Our customers asked for instant affiliate commissions and now we offer he most powerful instant affiliate commission system on the Net!

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