On Wednesday I'll be starting a year long health and fitness plan with Results With Lucy, and I honestly couldn't be more excited! I'll be joining hundreds of other girls on the Class of 2017 plan, where I'll be following a plan of healthy, balanced and nutritious meals, and sticking to a schedule of four workouts a week to get myself back in to shape following the Christmas and New Year binge!
The Class of 2017 plan is available in six month (Summer Graduate) and twelve month (Full Transformation) packages. I chose the twelve month plan as Dan and I will be getting married in 2018, so it gives me an end goal to work towards and a constant motivation in the back of my mind when the urge for chocolate is far too real!
I've signed up to the gym, I'm armed with new trainers, yoga mat, skipping rope and weights, I've dusted off the exercise bike and I'm almost ready to go (just back pain to shake off before Wednesday and then I can start!). I've even done my shopping ahead of Wednesday for lots of tasty meals that are all available on the Results With Lucy website once you've signed up to start, along with loads of exercise videos starring Lucy Mecklenburgh herself, and the RWL plan's trainer and fitness guru Cecilia Harris. One thing I'm looking forward to is the fitness side of the plan, as the exercises are really varied. It's not just about HIIT workouts like other plans - there's also yoga, dance and workouts designed for different target areas, so I won't find myself getting bored of the same workouts over and over again!
So on Wednesday, I'll be starting phase one of the RWL Class of 2017 plan, which is called 'New Beginnings'. This phase lasts for around thirteen weeks, and I'll be sharing my results at the half way point and end of this section on here and a new fitness Instagram page I've set up. I'll then move on to phase two in May, which is called 'Wobble To Model', and of course I'll share my progress along the way of that phase two, and so on!
Wish me luck!
C x