
The following excerpt is from the company's
SEC filing.


B G Morton (Resigned September 4

L T Clay (Resigned September 4

E D K Mott (Resigned September 4

H St P Parry

Dr C G J Richards (Resigned September 4

W G McAfee (Resigned September 4

Dr C Towler (Resigned September 4

Christian Ulrich (Appointed September 4


Rick Sterling (Appointed September 4

Company secretary

W J R Fleming (Resigned September 4

Registered number


Registered office

Second Floor, Park Gate

25 Western Avenue

Milton Park



OX14 4SH



PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

One Reading Central

23 Forbury Road




Santander Corporate & Commercial Banking

Santander UK plc

1st Floor, 121 St Aldates


HSBC Bank Plc

16 Cornmarket Street



Wilmer Hale

Oxitec Limited



Independent Auditors’ Report

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

To the Board of Directors of Oxitec Limited

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial
statements of Oxitec Limited and its subsidiaries, which comprise
the consolidated balance sheet as of 31 December 2014, and the
related consolidated profit and loss account, statement of total
recognised gains and losses, cash flow statement, reconciliation of
net cash flow to movement in net debt, and notes to the financial
statements for the year then ended.

Management's Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair
presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance
with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities
(Effective April 2008) and the Companies Act 2006 applicable to
small groups (together “United Kingdom Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller Entities”); this includes
the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control
relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated
financial statements that are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the consolidated
financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits
in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the
United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
consolidated financial statements are free from material

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence
about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial
statements. The procedures selected depend on our judgment,
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of
the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or
error. In making those risk assessments, we consider internal
control relevant to the Company's preparation and fair presentation
of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for
the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
Company's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such
opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of
accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant
accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We
believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred
to above:

give a true and fair view of the state of the Company’s affairs
as at 31 December 2014 and of its loss and cash flows for the year
then ended; and

have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller

Emphasis of matter

We draw attention to Note 22, which reconciles the results for
the period from United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting
Practice applicable to Smaller Entities (FRSSE) to accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America (US
GAAP). Significant differences exist between United Kingdom
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller
Entities and US GAAP. Our opinion is not modified with respect to
this matter.

Other matter

We draw attention to the fact that these financial statements
have not been prepared under section 394 of the Companies Act 2006
and are not the company’s statutory financial statements.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Reading, United Kingdom

9 September 2015

For the year ended 31 December 2014


Administrative expenses


Other operating income


Operating loss


Interest receivable and similar income


Interest payable and similar charges


Loss on ordinary activities before taxation


Tax credit on loss on ordinary activities


Loss for the financial year


All results relate to continuing operations.

There are no material differences between the loss on ordinary
activities before taxation and the loss for the financial year
stated above and their historical cost equivalents.

The notes on pages 9 to 21 form part of these financial

Exchange losses on foreign currency translation


Total recognised losses relating to the year


As at 31 December 2014

Fixed assets

Tangible assets





Current assets




Cash at bank and in hand




amounts falling due within one year


Net current liabilities


Total assets less current liabilities


Net liabilities

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital

Share premium account


Profit and loss account


Total shareholders' deficit

Net cash outflow from operating activities


Returns on investment and servicing of finance

Interest received

Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of

Tax received

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Purchases of tangible fixed assets


Increase in investment in Genefirst Limited


Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial


Net cash outflow before use of liquid resources and


Management of liquid resources

Purchases of short term deposits


Net cash outflow from management of liquid resources


Issue of ordinary share capital


Increase in borrowings


Net cash inflow from financing


Increase in cash and cash equivalents


Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

Movement in liquid resources

Movement in borrowings


Other non-cash changes

Change in net debt


Net debt at the beginning of the year


Net debt at the end of the year


1. Accounting policies

Principal activities

The principal activity of Oxitec Limited (the “Company”) and
subsidiaries (“the Group”, “Oxitec”or “we”) during the year was
research and development in biotechnology. Oxitec is a pioneer in
controlling insects that spread disease and damage crops. Through
world class science we have developed an innovative new solution to
controlling harmful insect pests.

Basis of preparation of financial statements

These financial statements have been prepared solely for the
purpose of meeting the requirements of U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission (“SEC”) Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X following the
acquisition of Oxitec by Intrexon Corporation (“Intrexon”) on 27
August 2015. These financial statements are not the statutory
financial statements of the Company or Group. Accordingly, these
financial statements do not present information on Oxitec Limited
as a separate legal entity. These non-statutory financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with the Financial
Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (Effective April 2008) and
the Companies Act 2006 applicable to small groups (United Kingdom
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller
Entities) which have been applied consistently (except as otherwise

The financial statements are prepared under the...


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