

In an article published by Common Dreams, Professor Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman claim that the right-wing columnist George Will has confirmed President Nixon’s(37th president of the US – 1969-1974) Vietnam Treason after studying the extended versions of Nixon’s papers. I establish President Nixon’s Vietnam Treason without studying any version of Nixon’s papers. The United States may like to conduct its foreign policy with utmost secrecy but in reality such secrecy is not possible for the US has established its connections with other countries who need to know the US Policy and who need to play a significant role in the fulfillment of that Policy. I am personally aware of President Nixon’s Vietnam Treason for I belong to a military organization called Special Frontier Force which came into existence in 1962 during the presidency of John F. Kennedy(35th president of the US – 1961-1963) who gave shape to the military alliance between the US, India, and Tibet that was originally formulated during the presidency of Dwight David Eisenhower(34th president of the US – 1953-1961). I am indeed aware of the US foreign policy in Southeast Asia from my early childhood due to my family connections and later when I was granted Short Service Regular Commission in the Indian Army Medical Corps and was posted to serve in Special Frontier Force which reports to the Prime Minister of India through the Directorate General of Security which includes the Research and Analysis Wing(RAW), the Indian equivalent of the US Central Intelligence Agency or CIA.


On behalf of “The Living Tibetan Spirits” also known as “Spirits of Special Frontier Force”, I posted a comment on the article titled ‘GEORGE WILL CONFIRMS NIXON’S VIETNAM TREASON’ published on August 12, 2014 by Common Dreams. My maternal grandfather’s younger brother, Kasturi. Seshagiri Rao married Ms. Rukmini, daughter of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan of Mylapore, Madras(Chennai). Dr. Sarvepalli. Radhakrishnan’s youngest daughter still lives in Mylapore in the house owned by her father. During the Cold War Era, the diplomacy was very secret and India had a tough time for it had openly professed the policy of Non-Alignment. However, China’s military invasion of Tibet posed a huge threat to India. From 1950 to 1959, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama had some freedom of movement and he had visited India during Buddha Jayanti Celebrations of 1956 apart from his earlier visit with China’s Prime Minister after the initiation of Panch Sheel Agreement of 1954. Both India, and Tibet had recognized that China was not willing to loosen its military grip on Tibet. India’s first Vice President, Dr. Sarvepalli. Radhakrishnan(1952-1962, two terms) conducted secret diplomacy to resolve this problem. He had visited the US during October 1954 and met with Vice President Richard M Nixon who had served as Vice President for two terms during Eisenhower’s presidency. They had established support for the Tibetan Resistance Movement and the training of Tibetan Freedom fighters at Camp Hale, Colorado, USA apart from support at other locations in Nepal, and India. Later, Dr. Radhakrishnan visited Peking in 1957 and found that China was totally unwilling to give any role to the Dalai Lama Government(the Ganden Phodrang)of Tibet founded by the Great Fifth Dalai Lama in 1642. Then, the US, India, and Tibet intensified the Struggle for Freedom and it culminated in ‘The Tibetan Uprising of March 1959′. This revolt against Communist China’s occupation of Tibet failed as the CIA underestimated China’s military capability inside Tibet. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama had arrived in India with some assistance from the CIA. The US Congress provided financial assistance to help the Tibetan Exile community in India and the Tibetan Government-in-Exile was established at Dharamshala, India. In 1962, China had retaliated against India for the US has continued its support for the Tibetan Resistance Movement. India got immediate assistance from President John F. Kennedy and China was forced to declare unilateral ceasefire on November 21, 1962. During Dr. Radhakrishnan’s presidency(1962-1967), Special Frontier Force was founded and its military mission aims to evict China from Tibet. Dr. Radhakrishnan had visited the US during June 1963 to thank President Kennedy for his support during the 1962 War. During President Johnson’s time, the US was fighting a bitter and bloody battle in Vietnam. India was giving some logistical assistance to the US. The CIA wanted to open a second battle front against China and wanted Special Frontier Force to attack China inside Tibet. I was serving in Special Frontier Force(1971-1974) and we were ready to fight that War even if it meant a certain death. We were fully willing to die to fight America’s battle against Communism as it gave us the only opportunity to confront the military might of Communist China. North Vietnam was fighting a proxy war on behalf of China and the Soviet Union. When Nixon became the 37th US President, the Vietnam War continued with US forces making numerous sacrifices in life and limb. Nixon utterly failed to direct the war effort against China. Nixon ordered invasion of Cambodia during 1970, ordered invasion of Laos during 1971 and even ordered saturation bombing of North Vietnam while he totally ignored Communist China’s role in Vietnam War and failed to treat the Enemy as the Enemy. Special Frontier Force is appalled by President Nixon’s visit to Peking during February 1972 while the US was bleeding in Vietnam. Nixon’s efforts to befriend Communist China made no difference and it was of no help or of any consolation to the US troops who continued to get killed or injured in Vietnam. At Special Frontier Force, we are of the opinion that President Nixon could have won in Vietnam if he had sanctioned the new battle front against China inside Tibet. Special Frontier Force is willing to fight this battle against China without asking the US to participate in the ground battle. I must concede that India was not fully willing to openly support the US in its Vietnam War and India was unwilling to send its troops to fight in Vietnam. It does not mean that India is not willing to fight the threat posed by Communism in Southeast Asia. From 1950s, India befriended the US to meet the security challenge posed by China’s military invasion of Tibet. If not in Vietnam, Special Frontier Force wanted to accomplish the US foreign policy objectives in Southeast Asia by taking action against China’s military occupation of Tibet. To win its Vietnam War, the US had no option other than that of fighting China and stop its support to North Vietnam. It could be a difficult task and may demand much human sacrifice. I am not blaming Nixon for not using the US Armed Forces to extend its military operations against China. There is a better way to fight China. We should not let the Enemy decide the Battle that he wants to Fight. With no cost to the US lives, Special Frontier Force could have chosen a battlefield and would have compelled China to reduce its support to North Vietnam. Nixon conceded the battle to the Enemy during War. For this reason, on behalf of Special Frontier Force, I confirm Nixon’s Treason in Vietnam. His presidency must account for the most humiliating defeat that is ever experienced by the US Armed Forces in their entire history.

Rudra N Rebbapragada
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4162, USA

George Will Confirms Nixon’s Vietnam Treason
by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey WassermanThe new release of extended versions of Nixon’s papers now confirms this long-standing belief, usually dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” by Republican conservatives. Now it has been substantiated by none other than right-wing columnist George Will.

Published on
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Common Dreams

George Will Confirms Nixon’s Vietnam Treason

Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman

President Nixon, with edited transcripts of Nixon White House Tape conversations during broadcast of his address to the Nation, on April 29, 1974.

Richard Nixon was a traitor.

The new release of extended versions of Nixon’s papers now confirms this long-standing
belief, usually dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” by Republican conservatives. Now it has
been substantiated by none other than right-wing columnist George Will.

Nixon’s newly revealed records show for certain that in 1968, as a presidential candidate,
he ordered Anna Chennault, his liaison to the South Vietnam government, to persuade
them refuse a cease-fire being brokered by President Lyndon Johnson.

Nixon’s interference with these negotiations violated President John Adams’s 1797 Logan Act, banning private citizens from intruding into official government negotiations with a foreign

Published as the 40th Anniversary of Nixon’s resignation approaches, Will’s column confirms
that Nixon feared public disclosure of his role in sabotaging the 1968 Vietnam peace talks. Will says Nixon established a “plumbers unit” to stop potential leaks of information that might damage him, including documentation he believed was held by the Brookings Institute, a liberal think tank. The Plumbers’ later break-in at the Democratic National Committee led to the Watergate scandal that brought Nixon down.

Nixon’s sabotage of the Vietnam peace talks was confirmed by transcripts of FBI wiretaps.
On November 2, 1968, LBJ received a FBI report saying Chernnault told the South Vietnamese ambassador that “she had received a message from her boss: saying the Vietnamese should “hold on, we are gonna win.”

As Will confirms, Vietnamese did “hold on,” the war proceeded and Nixon did win, changing forever the face of American politics—with the shadow of treason permanently embedded in its DNA.

The treason came in 1968 as the Vietnam War reached a critical turning point. President Lyndon Johnson was desperate for a truce between North and South Vietnam.

LBJ had an ulterior motive: his Vice President, Hubert Humphrey, was in a tight presidential
race against Richard Nixon. With demonstrators in the streets, Humphrey desperately needed a cease-fire to get him into the White House.

Johnson had it all but wrapped it. With a combination of gentle and iron-fisted persuasion, he forced the leaders of South Vietnam into an all-but-final agreement with the North. A cease-fire was imminent, and Humphrey’s election seemed assured.

But at the last-minute, the South Vietnamese pulled out. LBJ suspected Nixon had intervened to stop them from signing a peace treaty.

In the Price of Power (1983), Seymour Hersh revealed Henry Kissinger—then Johnson’s
advisor on Vietnam peace talks—secretly alerted Nixon’s staff that a truce was imminent.

According to Hersh, Nixon “was able to get a series of messages to the Thieu government
[of South Vietnam] making it clear that a Nixon presidency would have different views on
peace negotiations.”

Johnson was livid. He even called the Republican Senate Minority Leader, Everett Dirksen, to complain that “they oughtn’t be doing this. This is treason.”

“I know,” was Dirksen’s feeble reply.

Johnson blasted Nixon about this on November 3, just prior to the election. As Robert Parry of
consortiumnews.com has written: “when Johnson confronted Nixon with evidence of the peace-talk sabotage, Nixon insisted on his innocence but acknowledged that he knew what was at stake.”

Said Nixon: “My, I would never do anything to encourage….Saigon not to come to the table….Good God, we’ve got to get them to Paris or you can’t have peace.”

But South Vietnamese President General Theiu—a notorious drug and gun runner—did boycott
Johnson’s Paris peace talks. With the war still raging, Nixon claimed a narrow victory over Humphrey. He then made Kissinger his own national security advisor.

In the four years between the sabotage and what Kissinger termed “peace at hand” just
prior to the 1972 election, more than 20,000 US troops died in Vietnam. More than 100,000 were wounded. More than a million Vietnamese were killed.

But in 1973, Kissinger was given the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the same settlement he helped sabotage in 1968.

According to Parry, LBJ wanted to go public with Nixon’s treason. But Clark Clifford, an
architect of the CIA and a pillar of the Washington establishment, talked Johnson out of it.
LBJ’s close confidant warned that the revelation would shake the foundations of the nation.

In particular, Clifford told Johnson (in a taped conversation) that “some elements of the
story are so shocking in their nature that I’m wondering whether it would be good for the
country to disclose the story and then possibly have [Nixon] elected. It could cast his whole administration under such doubt that I think it would be inimical to our country’s best

In other words, Clifford told LBJ that the country couldn’t handle the reality that its
president was a certifiable traitor, eligible for legal execution.

Fittingly, Clark Clifford’s upper-crust career ended in the disgrace of his entanglement
with the crooked Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI), which financed the terrorist group
Al Qaeda and whose scandalous downfall tainted the Agency he helped found.

Johnson lived four years after he left office, tormented by the disastrous war that
destroyed his presidency and his retirement. Nixon won re-election in 1972, again
with a host of dirty dealings, then became the first American president to resign in

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

Bob Fitrakis

Bob Fitrakis is a Political Science Professor in the Social and Behavioral Sciences department at
Columbus State Community College. He and Harvey Wasserman have co-authored four books on
election protection, including Did George W. Bush Steal America’s 2004 Election?,
As Goes Ohio: Election Theft Since 2004 , How the GOP Stole America’s 2004 Election & Is Rigging 2008,
and What Happened in Ohio

Harvey Wasserman

Harvey Wasserman’s Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show is at www.progressiveradionetwork.com, and he edits www.nukefree.org. Harvey Wasserman’s History of the US and Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth are at www.harveywasserman.com along with Passions of the PotSmoking Patriots by “Thomas Paine.” He and Bob Fitrakis have co-authored four books on election protection, including How the GOP Stole America’s 2004 Election, at www.freepress.org.

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