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Article posted by: White Nation editorial– December 03  2016


SHE is an elderly mother. In the twilight of her years she is frail, helpless- and posed no thread to anyone. Maria Barnard is 94 years of age. She resides with her family on a farm called “Geluk” – just outside Brits  in South Africa. As a white- frail- and a woman staying on a rural farm by that- she automatically is exposed to a very dangerous situation- she finds herself in a very pernicious category. She was a target for farm murderers. Her sons on the farm also falls in this category.

This dangerous situation became a reality on December 01 2016- when black thugs decided to brutally attack the elderly family on the farm. One of her sons Nico ( 62) was alerted by the family dogs when they started to bark outside. He went to the door to investigate. As he opened the door- he was surprised to see the murderous gang of armed blacks outside the house. Before he could utter a word- one of the thugs fired a shot- and hit Nico in the stomach. The arrogant thugs immediately demanded firearms and money from the critically injured Nico.

The thugs then proceed to enter the house and started to brutally attack the elderly family like a bunch of mindless animals- grabbing Maria and started to assault her with a fiery hot pan, punching her in the face- and pushed her around while they were screaming for money and firearms. Maria’s one brother Hekkie ( 74) tried to run away from the carnage- but was mercilessly shot in the head, shoulder and back. He subsequently died on the spot from his injuries. Maria’s grandson Adam(40) was stabbed in the head.Adam’s wife Daleen and his two sons Adam jr and Jaco were assaulted and tied up. Adam Sr then was burned with a hot clothing iron on his thigh. All their cellphones. firearms, laptops and money were stolen. It was the 3rd farm attack in that specific area in the month of November 2016.

Maria Barnard was lucky- she survived the brutal ordeal- in contrary with her son that was shot 3 times. Maria Barnard and her family became part of the deadly paradox between peace-loving whites , demoniacal black slayers and the “elite”   in South Africa. Maria and her family is only one devastating incident among many other that befell whites the day the globalist  world inaugurated Nelson Mandela and his entourage of communist wretches to become the so-called “democratic elected” government of South Africa. THAT was the day Maria and thousands of other whites were declared “ free game” and became shooting trophies for the terrorist ANC seed of Satan and their “3rd Force” nefarious thugs. It was the start of open season to begin murdering whites at a genocidal scale.

THIS past two weeks South Africans (and the world) were bombarded to no end about two white farmers – Theo Jackson and Willem Oosthuizen– that caught a black cable thief –Victor Rethabile Mlotshwa-  (Link) on their farms. They chased the thief- apprehended him- and tried to find out who his co-conspirators was due to the fact that cable theft is rife in that area.During the process the arrogant Mlotshwa said he knows where the two’s women and children lives ( hinting he will do them some harm) -and he threatened them he would burn their crops- something the SA devil media do not mention.  To try to force answers from him- they put him in a wooden coffin- and “threatened” him that they will set him on fire and bury him alive if he does not talk. Unluckily for those two white farmers- they took a video of the incident and POSTED it on the social sites. MAN- can two whites be more stupid than that??? Needless to say the video was quickly picked-up by the white-hating liberal reptiles- and the news spread like wild fire on the social cyberspace. It was then picked-up by “you know who” from the evil media houses of harlots- and THAT sealed the fate of those two white farmers!

AS expected the whole skunk media networks went into overdrive because at last here is a case , proof and evidence – that the white Afrikaner still is a “white racist”  and another “innocent ” black was submitted  to another white racist demonic discrimination. The demons attacked! From the British Isles Mail On-Line screamed it out ( Link) – The Sun(Link) , The Independent ( Link) , The Mirror ( Link), Al Jazeera ( Link),  and out of  Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwe news( Link) – and naturally the media thugs in  South Africa each and every liberal tabloid such as The Star ( link) , Times Live(Link), The Guardian ( Link) , Sowetan Live ( Link), The New Age ( Link), EWN ( Link) , SA Breaking News( Link) , The Citizen ( Link), You Tube ( Link), Outdonews( Link), Africanews (Link) , Mobserver ( Link) – Yahoonews ( Link), Googlenews ( Link),- went ballistic.  Even the New York Daily News ( Link)  had their little squirt to pee. The whole world’s liberal media spoke out as if  in one voice: ” Racists, racists,racists..”  Now this is a LOT of media blasting going on around one little black man that was shaken up a bit for stealing copper cables- isn’t it? What is very interesting though- is that the Afrikaans newspapers such as Media 24 – and especially ONE – shall we say “fruity” – Afrikaans news site  in particular – that is supposed to be the “holy guardian” of Afrikaners– was the one that bleated the MOST poison against this hapless two white farmers- keeping their case in their headlines for days on end up to today.So just WHO is the white Boer’s real enemy then…the black murderer- or the media?

BUT that is not where it stopped. The devious political party fraternity also had their field day in making this case the scoop of the century. Needless to say the rats of  human kind – the EFF- was in the forefront with literally THOUSANDS of black racists gathering and participating in one riot after the other- one march after the other- and one threat after the other. In their thousands they gathered in front of that courtroom- dancing, chanting, slapping white baby dolls, threatening whites with war…this is it- the white racists must die! It became the headlines of the decade- the world MUST take note of this white racists! EVERYBODY– from the judiciary , academic, political and media  “ who is who” fraternity  – right down to the lowest critter humping in the alleys-  are called to bear  arms against this ungodly white sin committed against a “poor” black again. CRY MY BELOVED COUNTRY!!! Apartheid is ALIVE again!!


Now we take a look at the case of Maria Barnard- FOUR black thugs entered their homestead- BRUTALLY assaulted SIX white family members, used HOT irons and pans to torture them- stabbed them- punching an old defenseless lady with fists,- and shot one elderly white man THREE times! Did Theo Jackson and Willem Oosthuizen torture Victor Rethabile? Did they burn him with hot irons? Did they shoot him…kill him? The answer is no! So- where  are SEVENTEEN liberal media outlets and ONE political party to report, object or even say ONE word about the Barnard family’s ordeal? There is a sudden silence going around about this atrocious vile deed by four black pets by the same hooligans now lambasting that two white farmers.



BUT– there is another case also- the case of  a black  thug and murderer –one Moses Maoka (37)–who recently  appeared in the Bloemfontein high court  for raping – then brutally murdering a white schoolgirl Noeline Koekemoer after he broke into  her flat in April 2015. (Link) Koekemoer was a grade 10 learner at Sand du Plessis Secondary School in Bloemfontein. Bloemfontein’s school community has expressed shock at the death of 15-year-old Noeline Koekemoer whose body was found in a pool of blood at her home on a smallholding in Bainsvlei yesterday afternoon. According to Maoka’s testimony in court he struck Koekemoer numerous times with his fist in the face– then strangled her with a scarf after which he raped her. Yet we – as always- did not hear a chirp from any of these stinking media outlets- not ONE political party throwing fits in front of the court- not ONE organization rioting and slapping black baby dolls on poles  in front of the court in protest against this despicable  black rapist and murderer of an innocent white school girl. We did not read about her ghastly murder in 17 news-sites either. There were no marches against the brutal creature that committed this vile deed either. No black baby doll bashing in front of the court either. What is wrong with this picture?

Noelien Koekemoer is not here anymore to be “paraded” in front of the court building under much media fanfare as the case with Mlotshwa. She was brutally assaulted, raped- and murdered by one of the ANC and media’s previously disadvantaged pets.  There is no media outcry for her- there is no riot for her- there is no sympathy or week-long media attributes from the British media thongs or South African news vultures for her. She was just an ordinary white girl with NO justification to live in South Africa- according to the demonic ANC/media and international warlock cookbook. Her life was FAR less important than that of Mhlotshwa’s. Just yesterday (December 02 2016) another white farmer was brutally murdered by black thugs again. Mr. Mark Hariaris – a white farmer near Whiteriver sawmills in McNair was shot dead after him and his wife were attacked in yet another farm attack. (Link) I bet you also missed another farmer who was shot and killed in the Waterberg District, Thabazimbi Municipality, Spitskop small holdings, Limpopo on Friday, December 2nd too? 54-year-old Bertie Cilliers was shot by a gang of black thugs at his home on a Spitskop smallholding during the early hours of the morning. His son found his father on the kitchen floor late in the afternoon and immediately called for assistance.(Link)

Did you read about ANY of the above  in the media yet? No you didn’t. I suppose the media was TOO busy paying attention to a ANC cable thief than to worry about 14 whites being brutally murdered by black ANC thugs  at the same time of the court case. Will we see 17 media outlets blasting the hedious murderer/s? No we woun’t. Will the ANC or any political party start rioting about it? No they won’t. Did you hear about Ansie Steyn who was brutally murdered by black thugs in Sundra? No you didn’t. Did you hear about the eldrely white lady that was murdered by blacks while she was walking her dogs in Port Edward on the beach? Bet you did not read about it either? Did you hear about the white woman that were brutally murdered in Brits last week? I think you missed that one as well. Altogether 14 white people– mostly white women- were brutally murdered this past two weeks- yet there were not ONE word in any media outlet or ONE march for them. The satanic media made sure they keep their focus on the “coffin case “ only. The reason is obvious- they are participating in demonizing white Afrikaners again to escalate racial  tensions between white and black and promote a further white genocide- more killings of whites. The media is doing PRECISELY as they were instructed by their “controllers.”


In South Africa- a black murdering a white is normal- it is a culture- it is accepted. Breaking into white homesteads, brutally assaulting and using the most despicable methods of torture against helpless whites is deemed a national sport. Murdering whites in the worst kind of evil way is deemed a bonus. However- a white touching a black man on the contrary- is treated as the worst criminal offense thinkable. A  brutal murder of a white by black thugs on the contrary- does not even reach the front pages of the main stream media. It is incidents like these the South African despicable media cover up and black politicians prefer to keep quiet about- however when a white is involved in an incident that remotely reek of an “injustice” against a black- like the recent “coffin” case-  it immediately will be placed in the spotlight and the incident made into a major atrocity by black political parties, the media and white liberals. BUT strangely enough- did you notice that with every “racist” case it ONLY is mainly the BRITISH and South African media that goes berserk about the case? Does this tell you something? Does it tell you South Africa still forms part of the thieving British empire and the British ‘establishment still wages a war against the white Boers/Afrikaners- their arch-old enemies? After all it was mainly the British M16 that created all the sh*t in the black townships to instigate riots against the old National Party regime to overthrow the white rule pre-1994.

BUT just WHO is behind all this white killings then? SURELY we can point fingers at the media at large. The media is one of the worst kind of Satanic mouthpieces in the wolrd. BUT the media is OWNED by someone. So the media is not to be blamed. They are getting remunerated for reporting and demonizing whites – and keep black atrocities and racism under wraps.  THEN it surely must be the government and politicians behind the white onslaught? BUT the corrupt government and dirty politicians are BANKROLLED! OK- Then it must be the black thugs? BUT black thugs attend mass gatherings  with Mugabe, Zuma and Malema in stadiums- and they are TOLD whites “stole their land” and  Jan Van Riebeeck is responsible for all South Africa’s woes. So- who is responsible for the onslaught against white Afrikaners and farmers in South Africa then? To find the answer- we must watch  ” Lion King“- and like the deceased Mufasa told Simba– we have to look DEEPER! We have to search for the answer in a place where we least expect it from- from our OWN white race! Yes- you read correctly..WHITES are behind the extermination of the white Arikaner!!

NOW– you might think that I am totally insane making such an unsubstantiated  statement- BUT may I be so blunt as to point out a few facts: The white settler Boers was oppressed during the colonial days by not a black tribe- but by the Dutch ..iow WHITE people. THAT the reason the “Great Trek” started. The Boers fought a 3 year war and the biggest South African holocaust against the Boers was orchestrated not by a black nation- but by the British. The Boer republics was sold out to the British- not by a black government- but by the Boer traitors Smuts, Botha and De Wet’s own brother. Verwoerd’s assassination was planned and executed by the Jew Oppenheimer with the help of the WHITE National Party.  South African boys and girls were sent to fight a 25-year war in South West Africa by a WHITE intelligence agent  John Voster to protect the Jew Oppenheimer’s diamond racketeering in Swartkopmund. South Africa was handed on a platter to a communist terror group by a WHITE FW. De Klerk, Roelf Meyer, Pik Botha, Tienie Groenewald and WHITE conspirators from the Afrikaner Broederbond. ( Link)  Mandela and Mbeki BOTH were members of the WHITE order of the Knights. That was the history.

TODAY those same WHITES still are playing the fiddle while their black puppets dance to their tune. AND most of them have the one-or-the-other connection to the dark and secret world of the Jewish secret society networks. Jacob Zuma is controlled by the same  WHITE Afrikaner Broederbonder vultures. Julius Malema is controlled and financially funded by the WHITE  British “establishment.” The SA Communist Party are directly controlled and bank-rolled by the British WHITE Communist Party. Who is bailing the racist Mugabe’s Zimbabwe out of trouble every-time the idiot screws up? BRITAIN! ( Link) Who was it that created and tabled all those discriminatory BEEE laws against whites to impoverish them- was it not that  WHITE commi wretch  Rob Davis? The white genocide in South Africa were planned and now executed by the WHITE British and South African secret societies. The biggest News network in South Africa belong to WHITE owners. The biggest ” Afrikaner” political party, it’s organizations and parastatals are controlled  by WHITE owners- who in turn again report  to Jewish secret society networks. AS for the blacks- they are used as Jew monkeys to dance every-time a British Jew throw them a peanut. South Africa never belonged to the Boers , South Africa never was a free country, South Africa never belonged to the Afrikaners, South Africa never belonged to the communist ANC or the blacks- it ALWAYS was firmly in the grip of the Jew/white secret societies.

SO– This brings us back to to Maria Barnard, Theo Oosthuizen, Willem Oosthuizen, Noeline Koekemoer, Victor Rethabile, Moses Maoka  , the thousands of whites that were brutally attacked and murdered- and the thousands of black murderers that all are simply  pawns on a chessboard of evil Zionist and “elite “ Afrikaner secret society ghouls who’s only interest are to plunder the untapped rich natural resources of that country. They still control South Africa- they never relinquished power. If we can remember correctly- De Klerk and his cronies all belong to the Zionist B’nai B’rith– A Jewish secret society . B’nai B’rith was instrumental in gaining U.S. support for the nascent Zionist state of Israel in the late 1940s. It controls many governments in many countries- and mainly consists of Free Masons. Most of the old National Party, Democratic Alliance and ANC criminals belong to this society, are controlled by them- and funded by them. The South African tentacle of this very powerful and dangerous Octopus is the Afrikanerbond…or “AB” as it is better known by it’s abbreviation. THAT is why you still get a Free Mason lodge in the parliament grounds. They visit that lodge on a  regular basis to serve their masters and commanders- black, white. Indian and colored politicians.

They control who wins elections- and who is targeted for genocides. It’s a power-play of the “elite” – and normal citizens are mere puppets- or Goyim (animals)– to exploit at will. This is why idiots like Malema on the one hand blame whites for everything ( like Zuma and Mugabe)- and shout “Kill the Boer” in South Africa the one day- and the next day he is giving an oratory in front of the British WHITE “ establishment.” He is a monkey on a British secret society chain- and they yank him in the direction they want. Do you remember Julius always had this “nationalize mines”-thing on his corrupt little agenda? That was until his handler- Lord Renwick– had a – shall we say “father-to-son ” chat with little fat boy. Suddenly Julius changed his schedule without the “nationalize the mines” -thing. You see- thieves like the British establishment are raping South Africa’s mineral resources- and if Julius are going to “nationalize” the mines- well- then the rapists’ penises will be cut. And that is what the white genocide in South Africa is all about- mineral resources. Nowadays Julius only want to whack Zuma in order to get his throne and become “King Julius”– and invade white productive farms.

Through despots like Julius they control the illiterate masses- who in turn are cleverly exploited to – “control” the white Boers and Afrikaners in South Africa. Ever wondered why so many old white people get murdered ? Think for a moment: 1) They have appetizing pensions saved which the “elite” can grab after death. 2) They are old- thus not in the job market anymore- and thus cannot enrich the “elite” through taxation anymore- but becomes “liability” as they now must receive free services and pensions. Why are white farmers getting murdered so much? Because the “elite” are after their land for mineral and Geo-engineered food supplies like Monsanto. The “elite” need their land. Farmers are natural producers- and thus competition and a threat to poisonous companies like Monsanto. Thus – Maria Barnard was an old pensioner- so were her sons. They stay on a farm. DOUBLY WHAMMY for the “elite “ if they  all could have been killed. I believe a few white AB ” elites” are wondering just why those black thugs f*cked up the operation? Ever wondered why -on many farm murder scenes- GOVERNMENT weapons were found and the police so RELUCTANT to follow up white farm murder cases and  why stats are being cooked? Go figure! Malema is just a useless tool in the hands of his British handlers. Once he’s done their dirty job they will also throw him to the wolves like they did with Sadat, Hussain and Ghadaffi.

So – next time you read about a white being brutally murdered- look beyond the black thug- he is a mindless creature- look on who’s instructions he is reacting. Next time you see the newspapers and news sites going ballistic about a white Afrikaner that again was supposedly discriminating against a “poor” black- look who owns the biggest MSM media outlets. Next time you observe the regimes and newshounds hunting down a white “racist” like Penny Sparrow or the poor two white farmers down again- look who is doing the instigating…you must NOT be surprised to find a WHITE behind it! We are mind-f*cked  to look to what we only can see- but what we see-is NOT what we MUST to see- but what we MUST see – is what we DON’T see! In the final synopsis- after analyzing the evidence- when cutting all the media propaganda and political bullsh*t- the real mass murderers  sitting behind the white genocide of white people in South Africa points  to be OTHER whites- NOT blacks. The natural hatred of blacks towards whites only are cunningly exploited to fulfill this vile agenda of self enrichment and total power by Lilly-WHITE collar criminals in “high” places. Go search deep enough for that white bastard behind most of the atrocities against the white Afrikaner in South Africa- you will find him!!

SOURCE: White Nation


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