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Article by White Nation correspondent- Johannesburg – November 17 2016


Despite being drafted in 2013, the “Hate Crimes” Bill, appears to be rushed by the ANC communist Department of Justice, providing citizens only four weeks to comment. The 1 December deadline deprives citizens of the right to properly evaluate the Bill, apply their minds and make submissions to Parliament. The current draft of the “Hate Crimes Bill “ is scary. The definitions of what constitutes “hate crimes” are too broad and will be abused.


For the past several years, homosexual activists have been pressuring government to implement hate crimes laws in South Africa. This coincides with the appointment of a “gay Czar” at the United Nations to force member nations to comply with the international “gay” agenda. Hate Crimes presents a dire threat to the authority and  integrity of the Bible. Homosexual activists repeatedly claimed the Church is responsible for the “corrective rapes” of lesbians and violence against homosexuals. They claim, “The Church has blood on its hands because it preaches a message of hate.” The alleged “message of hate” are the Scriptures on sexual sin.

Hate Crimes laws will therefore provide homosexual activists the legal mechanisms to declare the Scriptures hate speech and criminalise the Bible.


Not convinced? In 2013, the then WHITE ANC  Deputy Minister of Justice, Andries Nel instructed the Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to investigate a Christian training centre for alleged discrimination against homosexuals. Their crime? The inclusion of Biblical references in their prospectus.  Nel, who drafted the Hate Crimes Bill said, “The claim that homosexuals can change at will is what fuels hatred & violence against them.” However, there is overwhelming scientific evidence available today proving that homosexuals are not born that way and can indeed change.

Remarkably, without a shred of evidence, Mr Nel parroted the unsubstantiated claims of activists and blamed the Bible for violence against homosexuals. The SAHRC found Creare Training Centre guilty of “discrimination against homosexuals” based solely on the Biblical references on human sexuality contained in the Christian ministry’s documents. Pastor Cornelius van Heyningen was ordered to undergo “sensitivity training” by a “social justice group” and the SA Council of Churches. The Hate Crimes Bill is a grave threat against religious freedoms, freedom of speech and expression and the integrity and authority of the Bible. If the Christian Church does not unite against this threat, it may find itself entangled in lengthy and very costly legal battles for years to come. (Link)


In South Africa, the negotiations that opened the way for democratic elections in 1994 also led to the opening of the airwaves to Christians.   Some 16 Christian radio stations were given “temporary” one-year FM broadcast licenses, and the American Christian TV network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, was allowed to operate over a large part of South Africa’s Eastern Cape province.  “Over recent years, there has been a tightening up by the Communist authorities.”  said Dave Hotchkiss, a member of the Association of Christian Broadcasters of Southern Africa and Secretary to KNI Radio, a Christian broadcast organization that has a pending application to broadcast on FM to over 3 million people in the Durban/Pietermaritzburg region, mainly in the Zulu language.


Hotchkiss said that in January 1998, applicants were invited to submit documentation in support of four-year “permanent” broadcast licenses. “Now, three years later, less than half these applications have been processed. Only one new Christian radio license has been issued, and five Christian broadcasters have either been denied permission to continue, or forced to close,” he said. “Two of these radio stations, Link-FM in East London, and Kingfisher in Port Elizabeth, are currently fighting their closure in the law courts. In both cases, their license has been promised to other non-Christian applicants, while there are available radio channels standing empty,” said Hotchkiss.

Hotchkiss added: “Broadcast applications in the most populous provinces, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape, and Gauteng (Johannesburg/Pretoria) have not yet been processed. There are available frequencies, and Christian broadcasters with the resources to bring the life-giving gospel to these regions. There is no scheduled date for these applications to be processed.”  Hotchkiss asked that believers in the West pray for Christian broadcasting in South Africa. “Pray for those broadcasters struggling with large legal costs. Pray for a successful outcome to the court cases.”  He also asked for prayer for those broadcasters awaiting their hearing by the authorities, “that they will be well prepared, and for the broadcasting authority (ICASA), that they will be fair in granting licenses to Christian broadcasters who can make a positive difference in our country, and that they will not be motivated by an anti-Christian political agenda.”


In 2013, an atheist couple laid a complaint with the SAHRC against Joshua Generation Church (“JoshGen”), a well-known church in the Western and Southern Cape. The couple’s complaint was not based on any actual incident of child abuse, but targeted the Biblical teaching (based on Scriptures such as Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 22:15; Proverbs 23:13-14) that parents have a duty to give their children appropriate guidance, including at times to spank them (at times, when necessary, always in love, and always within the legal bounds of “reasonableness” and “moderation”) for their education and benefit.

In its Report released in January 2016, the SAHRC found that spanking in the home violates children’s and other constitutional rights, and is for that reason unconstitutional and unlawful. As a result, the SAHRC recommended that:

–JoshGen furnishes the SAHRC with a written undertaking that it will desist from advocating spanking as a means of disciplining of children;

-The Church removes all references to physical punishment / chastisement or correction from its teaching materials;

-The Church’s trainers and pastors involved in presenting its parenting course, take a course in alternative forms of non-violent discipline of children (“sensitisation training”);

-The remaining recommendations were directed at the Department of Social Development (DSD) and Parliament, with a view to initiating amendments to the Children’s Act so as to ban spanking in the home.



Religious freedom is one of the most pressing issues facing Christians in SA today. Increasingly, Christian pastors, churches, ministries, political parties, schools, businesses, families and individuals are being harassed and threatened with legal action because of their Christian convictions and beliefs, which are seen as “fundamentalist”, “bigoted”, “narrow-minded”, “offensive”, even “hate speech”. Since the start of the organisation in 2014, Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) has been at the forefront of the fight for religious freedom and the autonomy of the Church in SA. “We have been involved in almost every case where Christians have been summoned before the Courts or Chapter 9 institutions (including the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) and the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE)), to defend their beliefs. We have made submissions to government and Parliament on various policies and legislation potentially affecting religious freedom, and have had some wonderful victories for which we are truly grateful to the Lord.”

To date, religious leaders, organisations and individuals representing approx. 5 million people in SA have joined as members of FOR SA. Our rallying point is that while, as Christians, we may disagree with each other on issues of theology, interpretation of the Bible, etc, we can agree on this: it is not for the State to tell us what we may and may not believe, teach and preach, or how we should live our lives according to the Word of God. People should be free to believe, to say and to live, what they believe. It is their constitutional, and human, right.  (Link)


Regulating Religion
Last week saw the ANC government advocating a series of legislation that could pose some of the greatest threats to religious freedom and free speech ever seen in our country. On Wednesday 26 October 2016, the CRL Rights Commission released its report on what they called the “Commercialisation” of religion and “abuse of people’s belief systems” on its www.crlcommission.org.za website under Commercialisation Report. Pages 31 to 39 contain the Commission’s proposals for regulation of religious groups.

Redefining Hate Speech
In another threat to religious freedom, the “Hate Speech” Bill was released in the same week as the CRL’s Report. The Bill’s extremely broad definition of hate speech under section 4 of the Bill includes in its scope any communication which is considered“abusive or insulting” and intended to “bring into contempt or ridicule” a person, or group of persons, on the basis of their gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. This includes email, or social media communications as well as teachings from a pulpit, or in a Bible study. Instead of an objective definition of what constitutes “hate speech” (for example those who sing “Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!” or those advocating Islamic Jihad to behead Christians), this bill seeks to focus on subjective definitions of where an individual may feel offended, even if that was not the intention. “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.” Proverbs 17:15

There is No Need for New Laws to Deal with Abuses
The CRL’s Report proposes state regulation of churches and other religious groups. There are always abuses, in any area of life, including in religion. However, the answer is not to ask, or allow, state authorities to interfere in religious freedom. With regulation come penalties and severe consequences. There are already laws that deal with issues of commercial exploitation and abuse. There is no need for new laws. Fraud, misappropriation of funds, contravening banking laws, educational laws and others give more than enough opportunities for the relevant authorities to prosecute crimes.

State Regulation of Religion has had Disastrous Consequences
If we do not learn from history then we will suffer consequences. Regulating religion has a very disturbing history. The establishment of the Council for the Affairs of Religions and Cults in the Soviet Union (later the Council for Religious Affairs) led to the closing down of 49,000 churches and the execution of over 200,000 ministers by the Cheka, NKVD and KGB in Russia. Unregistered Churches, including over 10,000 house churches in Cuba, have been closed and many thousands of Christian leaders arrested under their secular state. Last year (2015), over 2,000 churches linked to the legally recognized Assemblies of God denomination were declared illegal by the Cuban government. In Red China arrests, raids and demolitions of churches that are considered unregistered are taking place to this day.

How State Interference Looks Like in Schools
State abuses are huge in their own schools. Sex education, occultic setwork books, teaching the mechanics of vile fornication, whoremongering and perversion, along with actual child abuse and paedophilia by state teachers are rampant. Yet, rather than cleaning up their own acts in their own state schools, the ANC government prefers to send “inspectors” to harass and waste the time and money of private and Christian schools. The Education Department admits that most of their state schools are “dysfunctional”and yet they still think they have the time to harass private Christian schools, which have far higher standards and far better results.

State Registration of Colleges have Resulted in Extra Expenses and Waste of Time
Even Bible colleges as respected as Bible Institutes have been placed on the list of Bogus Institutions by the Ministry of Higher Education! State universities have riots and arson attacks, yet they presume to lecture us on higher education!

State Regulation of Christian Community Radio Stations have Resulted in Closures

Similarly, there have been numerous attempts of the state to regulate Community Christian radio stations and numerous Christian radio stations have actually been closed down by the IBA and ICASA.

Dangerous Precedents
Registering is just the first step to regulating, controlling and in many cases, closing down, prosecuting and persecuting. The history of Departments of Religious Affairs in the Soviet Union, Red China, Cuba, Mozambique, Angola, Ethiopia, North Korea, Vietnam, etc. should be an urgent warning as to what is at stake. These are dangerous laws and they are setting dangerous precedents to intimidate, erode, subvert, derail, undermine, side-line and overwhelm Christian ministries. “But Peter and John answered and said to them, ‘Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge.” Acts 4:19

A Clear and Immediate Threat to Freedom
The lack of consultation in the process followed and the magnitude and scope of the legislation envisaged poses a clear and immediate threat to religious freedom in South Africa. It is absolutely essential that Christians stand up, speak out and oppose this attempt at interfering in religious freedom, freedom of association and freedom of speech in South Africa. Religious Freedom is Not Negotiable.

Reject and Resist All Attempts to Erode Religious Freedom

John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrims Progress, ended up in prison, because he was a dissenter, not recognized by the state. The proposed bills seek to define what a “recognized religion” is and to “issue and withdraw licences” to religious leaders, to “define and authorise places of worship” under “operating licences”. All of this constitutes unnecessary, time wasting, money wasting, intrusion that can only do violence to the Bill of Rights and the fundamental rights to freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of worship, freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom of association.(Link)

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage…. For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:1,13

Action You and Your Congregation Can Take
The CRL Rights commission has invited comments on the Report by no later than 28 February 2017 (the dedline has been extended from 18 November 2016). Comments can be submitted directly to the Commission at info@crlrightscommission.org.za. Then the Department of Justice released its draft “Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill”(www.justice.gov.za/legislation/bills/2016/hatecrimes/hatespeechbill.pdf. The deadline for comments on the “Hate Crimes Bill” is Thursday, 1 December 2016. The department is intending to introduce the  Bill to parliament in March 2017. Comments can be submitted directly to the Department of Justice at hatecrimes@justice.gov.za. FOR SA has sent an urgent letter to the Deputy Minister of Justice to request that this deadline be extended to 1 March 2017. Please sign the online petition:

Please also write to Mr T Ross at hatecrimes@justice.gov.za today.

(1) Please request an extension for submissions until 1 April 2017.

(2) Express your concern with the broad definitions of what constitutes hate crimes or hate speech and warn of potential abuse of the law.

(3) Request a religious exemption clause in the Bill to protect the Bible   – and those who teach it – from frivolous prosecutions.(Link)

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Hate Crimes & Hate Speech Bill
Religious Leaders Repeat Request For More Time On CRL Report



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