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Article posted by: White Nation correspondent Potchefstroom – September 09 2016
“History Will Judge Black People For Destroying The Successes Of The Afrikaners” –
We can debate on ‘the better government’ forever, we can argue and wrangle as we’ve always done whenever we try to compare our past with the present. We’ll never reach a consensus on whether the “apartheid “ government of the National Party offers a better South Africa than the “corrupt” government of the ANC. A good majority of us will always take sides just as many will rebuke the comparison as justifying an evil with another evil.
One thing is, however, certain. We are all unhappy with the way things are in our country. The Zulu king, King Goodwill Zwelithini is as well not happy and is apparently feeling the pains of living in an ugly nation with us. He took his time to blame his kind (blacks) for ruining South Africa at his royal palace during a recent celebration of his 44th year on the throne. Addressing the crowd, the king revealed that he’s lucky the year of his birth was the same year the “apartheid ” National Party came to power. He recounted that the National Party built a powerful government, with the strongest economy and army in Africa which are persistently being destroyed by the present democracy.
King Goodwill Zwelithini spoke while visiting a cattle auction and gave a speech reflecting on his life and 44 years on the throne of the Zulu tribe. Straying into potentially controversial territory according to the nowadays communist advocates,- the King remarked on the quality education in farming he had received from the white Afrikaners and the genuine respect he had been treated with by the former white rulers of the nation, reports South Africa’s Times. The King also praised South Africa’s strong army and economy during Afrikaner minority rule, and lamented the declining state of the nation since black majority rule. Commenting on the sudden wave of anti-colonial feeling sweeping the country which has seen statues to the fathers of the nation torn down, King Zwelithini compared the people of the country to arsonists who “loved to use matches” to destroy “apartheid” -era infrastructure. “The economy that we are now burning down. You do not want to build on what you had inherited. You are going to find yourselves on the wrong side of history”, he said. Remarking on the failure of post-apartheid South Africans to build any legacy of their own, the King said “Presidents including Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma lived and governed from colonial era buildings, but did not appreciate them.”
King Goodwill ruled that the “apartheid ” government is better than the present. The South African currency and economy, he said, “surprisingly shot up” when the National Party government was in power. In this “so-called democracy,” black people are destroying the gains of the past. And “history will judge black people harshly as they have failed to build on the successes of the Afrikaners.” You are going to find yourselves on the wrong side of history, You do not want to build on what you had inherited…the economy that we are now burning down… You “use matches” to burn down infrastructure built during apartheid…”You on the ground are burning everything that you found here…You don’t want to use them, you say this is apartheid infrastructure…” But “I am surprised that all presidents who have been in the so-called democracy occupied apartheid buildings where they make all these laws that are oppressing us.” The king as well hinted that he’s being disrespected by the existing government as he stated that the Afrikaners respected him. “I don’t know how it happened, the Afrikaners respect me so much” he emphasized. (Link)
BUT King Goodwill do not stand alone in this view. The hardened liberal Jewish mare- Helen Suzman– before her death also uttered the same sentiment against the anti-white communist Thabo Mbeki’s reign. Helen Suzman, for years the lone anti-apartheid / anti white voice in the South African parliament, has also turned her fire on the country’s communist ANC government for being “anti-white”- (shewee) – and for abandoning the country’s poorest blacks. Suzman has cast an unexpected shadow over the party – declaring that parliamentary democracy was healthier under the “apartheid “ regime. She lashed out at the racist ANC communists: ” “I had hoped for something much better.The poor in this country have not benefited at all from the ANC. This government spends ‘like a drunken sailor’. Instead of investing in projects to give people jobs, they spend millions buying weapons and private jets, and sending gifts to Haiti.”
“Mugabe has destroyed that country while South Africa has stood by and done nothing. The way Mugabe was feted at the inauguration last month was an embarrassing disgrace. But it served well to illustrate very clearly Mbeki’s point of view.Mugabe has done that to the whites, and I think that is exactly what Mbeki admires about him. Don’t think for a moment that Mbeki is not anti-white – he is, most definitely. His speeches all have anti-white themes and he continues to convince everyone that there are two types of South African – the poor black and the rich white. “Meanwhile, he doesn’t do what he should be doing, which is improving the lives of the people who voted for him. Mbeki’s attitudes to Mugabe and to HIV/Aids are the reason we are not getting the levels of foreign investment that we should.” (Link)
Rabelani Dagada, author, Development Economist, Information Technologist and Knowledge Management Specialist based at the Business School of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, shocked attendees at a recent debate on the anti-white racism code-named “affirmative action” by telling them that the education currently provided by the black government had deteriorated to the worst in Africa. “It (Apartheid education) was far better in terms of quality than the education that our kids are receiving nowadays,” Dagada said. “After 20 years of democracy, the education levels have plunged. It’s worse than the so-called Bantu education.”
Dagada’s comments echo a 2010 report by Britain’s BBC reporter Hugh Sykes, who found a large number of blacks living in shanty-towns in South Africa who also complained that “Some things were better under apartheid.” Dagada, who has achieved all sorts of awards and honors, has good reason to be pessimistic. Of the 1.1 million black children who were born in 1994 and later entered first grade, fewer than half made it far enough to take the final school graduation exam. Of those who did, the percentage who passed was 73.9%, up from 70.2% in 2012. But this figure hides the fact that the passing levels are little short of moronic. Students in South Africa must pass six to earn their diploma, called a National Senior Certificate. However, in order to pass, they need only to receive scores of 40% on three exams and 30% on three others. (Link)
The clearest evidence that what is called “democracy” under capitalism- is nothing more than an ideological shield for protecting the free market and naturalizing class differences is that its pretense to freedom, openness and the so-called” rule of law ” fall apart the moment the hegemony of capital is challenged. The challenge is represented as a threat to national security and is used as an excuse to stage a “constitutional” coup d’etat that installs a security junta in place of democracy and suspends freedom of speech, human rights, freedom of the press, presumption of innocence, and the right to dissent—the very rights that are said to separate democracy from totalitarianism. The Aschroftian security ANC communist junta put in place in South Africa now has put hundreds of white people in jail since 1994 on trumped-up charges without their “rights” to consult a lawyer and has invented new “legal” categories that deprive even white South African citizens of their constitutional rights. It has witch hunted innocent white farmers , launched False Flag “Boeremag” insurgencies to entrap innocent white patriots- and now want to post gendarmes of capital on almost every oppositional mainly white website with a draconian new ” internet law.” Its agents treat ordinary white citizens as members of an imaginary fifth column and criminalize the most innocent activities in a democracy—debate and dissent. The ANC security state is now making citizens spy on each other. South African communist-controlled media propaganda machines has always attacked Afrikaners that do not follow their brand of crony capitalism as ” Far Right Wingers” and “Racists” because, for example, they opposed the multicultural libertarian doctrines propagated by powers who’s sole aim it is to exterminate the white race through “diversity” cross-breeding..
South Africa finds herself viced in a death grip of rampant black destructive independent unions- all controlled and funded from British communist domains. The actual political character of these independent unions under capital is now becoming clearer when the union bosses, in the name of a patriotic fight to preserve “our financial freedom”, are recruiting the illiterate working class itself as sheriff’s deputies of an Aschroftian security state. Like James Hoffa, the boss of the Teamsters Union has offered the services of its 500,000 members to serve as the eyes and ears of the new Department of Homeland Security; other South African union bosses such as Jay Naidoo and Elijah Baray (both Indians)– of COSATU– the regime’s “strong arm” in the industry- were rallying the black and Indian workers class to unify behind the communist government- and spying on fellow citizens in the workplace who are different, that is, who are exercising their rights under the Constitution of the South Africa. After Naidoo and Baray other unions were quickly establish such as:
Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers’ Union (CEPPWAWU)
Creative Workers Union of South Africa (CWUSA)
National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU)
National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)
Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU)
South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union (SACCAWU)
Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU)
South African Democratic Nurses’ Union (SADNU)
South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU)
South African Medical Association (SAMA)
South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU)
SASBO – The Finance Union
South African Security Forces Union (SASFU)
South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU)
The following affiliated unions have suspended their participation in COSATU due to the expulsion of the National union of Metalworkers of South Africa.[1]
South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union (SACCAWU)
Communication Workers Union (CWU)
Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)
South African State and Allied Workers’ Union (SASAWU)
Public and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (PAWUSA)
Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA)
South African Football Players Union (SAFPU)
The following union has been expelled by COSATU.[8]
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA)
These unions all formed part of the communist ANC Junta– together with the security police, intelligence departments– and the South African Police. To the new communist junta, to dissent is to be disloyal and unpatriotic and therefore abnormal. Consequently, it subjects all those who wish to openly discuss their acts of dissent and resistance in the courts to psychiatric examinations as if they are insane to exercise their right of self-defense by confronting the state face-to-face.
In the new South African security state, everyone is treated as an agent of the “enemy” (without which bourgeois “democracy ” cannot acquire its own political identity) because the ruling black class knows that the surface consensus and the appearance of peace in daily life is just that—a surface effect. Underneath the consensus coerced by economic necessity, there is suppressed anger and outrage at class differences that have reduced many South Africans to a life of daily misery and humiliation without access to even the most basic necessities of food, education, and medicine so that a minority can live a life of unlimited luxury.
The ANC junta has executed a coup d’etat inside the country – and unleashed a genocidal war against whites inside its geographical borders–a war, which seems to have been planned well before the 1994 soft coup d’etat by the Jew globalists- to help transnational capital in obtaining the rights to appropriate the mineral and natural monopoly and labor of all the South African resources. As with all wars, this one too is an apparatus of transferring wealth from the working people of the country to transnational capital. The political dividend of this clandestine war has been that it not only has repressed the right to dissent but also hidden the fact that the South African economy is in a tailspin, social security exists only on paper – and Medicare without prescription drugs is a cruel hoax. A Jew invented cultural slogan—” Democracy”—is once again used to cover up an economic reality—to deprive white working people from basic economic assistance—jobs, education, food, health care—in order to fill the pockets of the ruling class by tax cuts and redirecting government expenditure towards personal self enrichment. Billions of rands are now channeled to the ANC coffers and its allies to fill the coffers of the black “elite” while hundreds of white and colored students in inner city schools have to share a few crumbs of bread in dilapidated squatter camps!
But the scandal of bourgeois democracy is no longer containable. Even members of the capitalist oligarchy operating in South Africa and overseas can no longer deny it. Looking at the rapid downgrading of South Africa’s financial status quo by international assessors such as S&P, Fitch and Moodys- the globalists also now are noticing a rotten egg among their baskets of blue chips! However this blaring sirens does not deter the communist regime in South Africa- not at all. Their hell-bent zest to rule “ ’till Jesus come” has made them dangerously vindictive, greedy and an unpredictable liability to the powers in control. Despots like Zuma, Rhamaphosa, Mantashe, Malema and now Mmiamane et al still foolishly persist to push through their non-workable but political profitable” land appropriation” bill which ostensibly will lead to Mugabe-style white land grabs, a sure decline in food production- and like Zimbabwe- a certain starvation for their illiterate majority black racist supporters in a few years. Again it will only be a small circle of Jew plutocracy conspirators in the British and American banking elite and oligarchs that will be able to rake in the spoils of plundering the minerals they will happily (and easily) be able to obtain through dumping poisonous Monsanto seeds in their GMO ‘food for minerals” exchanges with the kleptocracy in control. South Africa currently consist of the biggest conglomeration of near-sighted gullible fools in Africa who votes these criminal despots into power time and again through blatant racist attitudes towards white farmers.
BUT as history has shown- that is the sordid tale of Africa. They never learn. The evidence of their jealous natural hatred , vindictive revengeful attitude towards whites – and glutenous lust for power became the epitaph for most African miserable failed economic disasters. The Jewish oligarchs and black political dictators recognize this deep racist flaw in the African mind very quickly- and exploit it to the limit by instigating the masses through media psy-ops propaganda and hate-speech to escalate the productivity decline and accelerate the starvation apocalypse by eliminating food producing white farmers. By the exploitation of the security forces they ensure obedience and rigid control of the poor illiterate black masses. There was a time in South Africa that people would put flaming tires around people’s necks if they dissented. And in some ways the fear is you will be necklaced again,- you will have a flaming tire of opposing the communist regime put around your neck. Africa is ruled by fear, incompetence, corruption, – and socialist oppression. Freedom of the press has become a sad joke in all capitalist “democracies”. In Israel, a state that is held up as exemplary of “democracy” and an instance of openness in a region said by the US State Department to be dominated by censorship, CNN and BBC are being dropped from cable TV because they do not say what the State of Israel sees as the truth and show footage of the actual daily atrocities of the Israeli occupation force that demonstrates the State of Israel to be a new regime of apartheid- treating Palestinians as non-humans. This is PRECISELY what is happening in South Africa with the whites as well. Whites are “exterminated” through brutal murders at a staggering rate of one every second day!
Indeed the bourgeois democracy in South Africa is the legitimization of a reversed “apartheid “– much more pernicious than the open segregation that ruled South Africa pre-1994. It is an “apartheid “ based on race class-a black race class: The “haves and the have-nots. ” Capitalist propaganda has actually managed to persuade the black majority that there really are no longer any” have-nots “– by marking the poor as “bums”, “lazy”, – and whites as “racists”– not real human beings. Therefore they don’t really count- and can be impoverished and slaughtered at will. Class “apartheid” is concealed by talk about freedom of speech and the right to earn a decent living(which is supposed to render all equal) and “human rights” (which is actually the code for individuals’ rights in the market), but even that formal freedom is now, in the security ANC state, denied to especially minority group citizens. What is left of bourgeois democracy is a garrison state guarded by the ANC, it’s National Intelligence,police force, media and the Army- and ruled by foreign Jewish corporate oligarchs whose criminal practices in amassing wealth once again reminds us that bourgeois democracy is a political apparatus to hide the fact that property is theft and bourgeois liberty is a device to protect the thieves by naming their stealing of the congealed labor of people “free entrepreneurship”. Their lust for power only is surpassed by their vindictive greed to exterminate any opposition to their plundering of the state coffers. This became evident in the recent witch hunt Zuma and the ANC plutocrats launched against Pravin Gordhan and Thuli Madonsela– both who was identified as “obstacles ” in their way towards plundering the state coffers – and their road to the riches of the South African Eldorado again. The thieves of labor are now on daily display. There is a corrupt rot in the South African capitalism.
People are being distracted from this constitutive corruption by despots such as Jacob Zuma by more and more aggressive talk about “liberty “ and “democracy. “ More and more idiotic racist “laws” like Affirmative Action and BEEE are manufactured to protect the black “elite” on top- and oppress the minority below- especially whites. One of the most transparently ludicrous attempts at such diversions is Jacob Zuma’s allegation—announced with a straight face—that the whites in South Africa- and especially Jan Van Riebeeck – is responsible for all the economic problems and financial despair the country now finds itself in. The fact that “reform” and “elections” for Zuma are code words for total surrender by the populace to national capital becomes absolutely clear when he supplements his allegation for a “free” 2016 municipal election by adding that “ all the wealth still are in the hands of a few rich whites.” Zuma and his communist cadavers can talk so “boldly” about “democracy” and “free elections” because they “know” that democracy and election are rituals of legitimization of the interests of capital – and the few “elected“ is always already selected.
Is led by a president that has been and remains entangled in some very sticky corruption allegations.
Whilst not been found officially guilty or still engaged in processes to clear his name, the President of South Africa is a dogged by controversies too numerous to mention, however the one related to the use of circa R200m or US$20m dollars to upgrade his private home in Nkandla has been the source of widespread public on all points to the political spectrum. The other allegations are plentiful to detail- but they all add up to a general disappointment for a man who now sit in the most powerful seat.
Retains allegations from the Mbeki administration, allegations related to the arms deal still persist, the previous administrations mega-corruption-crisis.
Is see by virtue of its attempt to add additional tolls to Gauteng’s flagship roads upgrade program has been fiercely contested not least due to concerns around this as being institutionally corrupt. The government has efficient mechanisms for the collection of taxes in place with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) costing less than 1% of fiscal revenue for its collection of taxes. By contrast the eTolling system has a cost base of 22% of projected tolling revenue. This leads the suspicious to believe that the 21% premium in the collections of tolls is for diverting to the coffers of cronies as funding of road building and maintenance has been very efficient and effective for the last 20 years.
Has a flagship economic policy to attempt to integrate black people in the economy commonly referred to as Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). This policy however has failed to rid itself from the perception that it is an enrichment scheme for the few ANC connected elite.Presides over a country where unemployment has remained high with a net of 900,000 being added to the ranks of the unemployed by 2014. The employment growth of 6.2m jobs has grown at an insufficient rate to bring down the aggregate percentage unemployed.Presides over a society where income inequality though not at the extent stated by the Gini Co-Efficient is still far too wide (the Gini-Co-Efficient does not take welfare into account and therefore exaggerates the income inequality leading to the widespread fallacy that South Africa has the highest income gap in the world. Only 41 counties provide information to complete the calculation and if you account for welfare South Africa has the 21st largest income inequality)Has failed to overhaul an inherited system of exceptionally weak state education for the economically marginalized, a failure to reverse the waste of black potential that was the design of Apartheid’s Bantu education systemThat has shown an inability to spark labor intensive growth in the economy so that the effect is that economic growth (not government spending and taxes) accrues to the haves and not the have-nots.
This means that literally millions of South Africans remain exceptionally far from the promise of prosperity for all, an expectation that has remained entrenched for generations. While this remains true, the even people who remain on the fringes of economic prosperity still have civil liberty’s that allow them to criticize their government, demand rights of their representatives and vote in a way that may improve their lives, exercise freedoms of speech, education (poor as it is) and association and enjoy one of the most extensive social security nets in the world today (by social spending as a percentage of GDP). Their equality before the law, freedom from victimization, beatings, detention without trial, harassment too numerous to mention is not anything to be sneezed at.
As JR Colson puts it rightly:
” Blacks fared much better under colonial – i.e. White rule. In fact, this essay was written to urge others to adopt that belief. All Whites should consider the idea that the two countries in the title above hold powerful racial lessons for all Europeans. Even though both South Africa and Zimbabwe — the latter was called Rhodesia until 1980 – are mostly-Black, they used to be run by Whites. In fact, quite a few areas in Africa were controlled by Whites at one time or another, due to British or French rule by colonization of various parts of the world, back when those White countries had vast “empires.” Britain had colonized such African countries as Botswana, Rhodesia, Zambia, Gambia, Kenya, Mauritius, etc. The French colonized Chad, Niger, Senegal, Guinea, and so forth. Other formerly White-ruled/controlled countries in Africa include the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Tanganyika [later called Tanzania], Uganda, Malawi, and Swaziland. All of those countries are now in Black hands, and all of them are now physical toilets.
When Whites were in control of those Black-majority countries, those countries were successful, even if some of those states lacked certain resources. But as soon as Whites stopped ruling those countries, they quickly became hellholes of poverty, crime and disease. In fact, even non-African Black countries share that above racial feature: consider the Black, Caribbean country called Haiti. Haiti was built up by Whites – the French -back when it was called “Saint Domingue”; then, that country became “the Republic of Haiti,” and after that just plain “Haiti.” American military personnel were in Haiti for 19 years, to aid that country, up until 1934. But as soon as the Whites left, Haiti plunged into a cultural sewer, where it remains today. In most cases, Whites stopped ruling those various Black countries due to powerful political and economic pressure from the usual suspects – Jews, leftists, Christian religious leaders, equality-kooks, etc. Also, running a colony that is located thousands of miles from the “host” country is an expensive venture from both a monetary and personnel standpoint. But regardless of the country in question, the pattern is always the same: Whites build up, Blacks tear down. Over and over again. Without fail.
Whites themselves cut their own throats in South Africa in Dec. 1993, when the South African Parliament voted in a new constitution, giving “equal rights” to all Blacks, and ending “apartheid” – White rule over Blacks. The former treacherous White leader of South Africa, F. W. de Klerk, also helpfully aided the collective mass suicide of Whites when he lifted the 30-year ban on Black revolutionary groups like the African National Congress. South Africa’s Black hero/leader, Nelson Mandela, whom the global media praised as the second coming of Ghandi, or of Martin Luther King, Jr., was actually a convicted terrorist, jailed in 1964 for conspiracy to commit terrorist acts, to which he pled guilty. Mandela was the leader of the Marxist ANC – African National Congress; he once wrote a pamphlet titled “How To Be A Good Communist,” which was used as evidence in his criminal trial. Later, during his prison term, the Whites offered to free Mandela if he would recant violence, and his Marxist beliefs. He refused, apparently preferring to be a “martyr ” for Blacks.
Mandela – again, a former Communist -later received the Nobel Peace Prize, shared jointly with F. W. de Klerk. Amazingly, few people complained about Mandela getting such an award. It must have been the first time in it’s history that the Nobel prize was given to two traitors! Also of interest concerning Nelson Mandela is his wife, Winnie. She was caught on videotape endorsing the terrorist tactic of “necklacing”; she was also suspected of murdering -stabbing – a young Black,- Stompie Sepei– and was later convicted in 1991 – but not of murder, only of kidnapping and assault; her bodyguard was charged with that murder. Despite this conviction, Winnie Mandela later became the head of the ANC Women’s League.
Rhodesia’s – again, now called Zimbabwe – situation is similar to South Africa’s. It was a British colony, named after Cecil Rhodes, and was a White, anti-Communist state until its takeover by Black Communist leader Robert Mugabe in February 1980. This takeover by Mugabe occurred partly due to U.N.-imposed sanctions on Rhodesia simply because Rhodesia was”too white ” for the tastes of that global organization. We nationalists must hope that, someday, all Whites will learn a lesson from this so-obvious racial pattern above. Blacks have proven themselves to be incapable of running a successful country anywhere on Earth – even after Whites do most of the leg-work on infrastructure and agriculture prior to a Black government. Negro rule in any country just plain sucks, and Whites must point out this fact at every opportunity. Only then will White Westerners come to understand that White Rule Is Always Best.”
J.R. COLSON ( Link)