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Article posted by: White Nation correspondent Johannesburg– August 20 2016
Racechist control of America
Those were the four years during which the whites really lost America in favor of a loose alliance of white racechists, black racists and feminists. (Ironically it was the same alliance that would elect Barack Obama as the first non-white president in history in 2008, also re-electing him in 2012 – the crowning glory of racechist policy to transform America from a white into a black governed country.) It was also at the same time that whites stopped existing as a positive entity with their own dreams and hopes and aspirations because for the next 50 years the mainstream racechist media would denounce any mention of this and therefore they only continued to exist in the USA as a negative entity namely a sort of bogey man. The media would go out of their way to declare that: “whites are racists; whites were slave owners, whites are bigots, whites are supremacist” – all those racechist shock words started entering American vocabulary and were exclusively used against white people. Recently even Oprah Winfrey weighed in by stating that all whites who resisted had to die – again this elicited no outrage or indignation from the mainstream media who treated it as the most self evident thing in the world – even the conditioned whites accept it. The stunning thing is therefore how much the racechists had achieved within such an insignificant historical time frame. Ever since the racechist media have been telling the whites that the ‘civil rights movement’ had been a wonderful thing and that they, the whites, should have a guilt complex for wishing to exist as a separate racial community.
As mentioned, once they controlled these reigns of power the racechists, who like to pretend and to portray themselves as” liberals,”– showed what fascists they actually were by, as mentioned, for the first time in US history using the military and the National Guard to crush any political opposition and resistance to their racechist agenda through force of arms, ruthless legal persecution, additional compulsory fascist social engineering like busing and forced integration, even openly anti-white discrimination euphemistically called “affirmative action ” and BEEE- all part of the racechist agenda to strengthen the position of the non-whites in America and weaken the position of the whites – something they definitely achieved. The most stunning thing however was that these measures only applied to whites. To this day it is perfectly acceptable to have a black caucus, a black beauty pageant, a black history month, a black rights movement, black colleges, black schools, black neighbourhoods – etc. not merely as de facto institutions but also as de jure ones – without ever incurring the wrath of the racechist establishment or being called racist by the mainstream media. Similarly there was no problem with having ‘Jewish Schools, hospitals, Jewish organisations etc. The only thing that the racechist revolution outlawed was a ‘white caucus, a white beauty pageant, white schools, white colleges, white communities etc, etc, etc.
By this time the racechists had become so all powerful that they thereby succeeded in neutering the largest population of white alpha males in the world. As mentioned this was primarily done by keeping them embroiled in foreign wars like in Vietnam and elsewhere – with more than 1 million white alpha males stationed worldwide at any given time during the past 60 years they made sure there would at any given time be too few left to mount an effective counter attack by starting to fight the real war that was taking place on their home front – while they were therefore winning the world they were losing their own country. The same white American males who were so brave and macho overseas became pussies the moment they stepped back onto US soil where hey meekly submitted to the racechist tyranny… over time no one even dared to question it anymore. The consequences were also not long in coming. In 1960 whites still made up 88% of the US population, by 2010 this was already down to 63% and 13 of the 40 largest metropolitan areas in the USA already had a non white majority. An additional 7 had a non-Hispanic White population of below 60% and half of the top 40 metros had a white population of below 60% – today 4 years later this is already much, much worse. As of 2011 11% US counties had non-white majorities and another 7% were near the tipping point and were predicted to soon have a non-white majority- which has already happened. The whole United States is projected to have a non-white majority by 2043 – two years ahead of the racechists target date – non-white children have indeed already been declared a majority during 2014, and is only the start of the slide: by 2050 the numbers of whites will be down to 46% and by 2060 to 42%. And of course by now the racechists have conditioned the entire white population to just accept this as a fait accompli and to simply lie down and wait to die. No one would even dare to suggest that white America should stop this slide into oblivion.
Black Revolt
A further irony was that these great victories which had been won by the racechist in their name so emboldened the black community that they wanted yet more and they thought this was not enough, they saw it as just a foretaste of the good times to come when they would take over the USA and would be able to run it their way – something that started in cities like Detroit a long time ago and in the USA as a whole with Barack Obama. Like elsewhere in history, revolutions did not start when a community had limited power but only once such power became freely available, the same thing happened in the USA. What followed was not the new land of milk and honey that the racechists had promised, but something they had actually been aiming at, namely empowering the blacks to openly attack the whites – consequently a wave of inner city black riots followed that rocked the entire USA and lasted from 1964 through 1970 as well as the emergence of the Black Power Movement which lasted from about 1966 to 1975 demanding political and economic self-sufficiency. Instead of the racechist promise of ‘integrated’ communities what followed was white flight, racial rioting and urban decay – with the current bankruptcy of the once proud city of Detroit, that has since then been reduced to a black slum, as a direct consequence of these racechist policies.
Throughout this period the racechists did what they did best, run interference for the black racists. It did not matter what the black racists did, how vile and violent their actions became, they knew they were safe because the racechists in the media, academia, pulpits and politics would continue to run interference for them, by excusing, exempting, pardoning, justifying and even sanctifying all their actions and placing the blame for all of it on the white community and their power structures. If blacks were arrested it was not because of their crimes but due to the racism of the white police, if blacks predominated in the correctional service it was because of white racism in the criminal justice system and not because of their criminal behavior, if they turned neighborhoods into drug infested slums it was due to white racism excluding blacks from economic development, if they were poor it was because whites discriminated against them and so on and so forth – ad nauseam. The racechists even outlawed the right of white people to protect themselves by learning from past experience – calling it profiling. (If you eat a mushroom that makes you ill, you learn from that experience by ‘discriminating’ against that specific type of mushroom in future and when you see one again you pass it by – becoming a ‘profiler of mushrooms’ so to speak – however profiling the kind of people who were going around killing your kind, raping and attacking with impunity, would become one of the greatest sins to the racechists and their black racist henchmen because they knew it would ensure white survival so – to return to the mushroom analogy – whites would be forced to keep on eating the same poisonous mushrooms over and over again on the off chance that there might be one that wouldn’t make them ill – whatever the cost whites would be prevented from discriminating against the killer mushroom –and if you should die before you found that one specific ‘innocent’ mushroom, it was too bad – for it was good for racechist cause.)
Low intensity racial war
This was only the start and there can be very little doubt that what the white community in the USA has actually been subjected to during the past 50 years could be described as nothing less than a low intensity racial war. It is nearly impossible to find accurate statistics that have not already been spinned by the racechists, but there have been some commentators who have suggested that during the past 50 years more white people had been violently killed by blacks in the USA than all the soldiers lost by the USA in all the wars since the War of Independence. If this should be born out by the facts this undeclared war initiated by the racechists and their black racist henchmen against innocent whites in America would not only be the longest war in US history but also the deadliest. One does not have to look far to find out why this war remains unknown, simply because it has been and is still being swept under the rug by the mainstream racechist media which is why when white people are violently being killed by blacks on a daily basis with the dots purposefully never being connected.
Trayvon Martin versus George Zimmerman
To find out how the racechist media keeps on spinning this, one only has to look at this one single recent case during 2013. During the early 1990’s Ten Turner created CNN which had initially been a good hard news organization- since being sold to new owners it has however been turned in the racechist twilight zone where a handful of racechist anchors, interview the same dreadful handful of racechist pundits everyday to form their racechist public opinion in the USA – no wonder it continues to suffer from falling ratings. Even more important than what they say are the things they don’t say and especially the things they never even allude to. So rare are attacks by whites on blacks for instance that when one such deadly altercation took place between a white looking Hispanic and a young black man CNN and the other mainstream racechist media all but turned America into an anti-white racial lynch mob. During 2013 CNN alone spent no less than four full months of 24/7 coverage on this one single case because it allowed them to expound their racechist agenda of white guilt and black innocence. Even after the jury had found Zimmerman innocent the white racechists and black racists at CNN practically foamed at the mouth and still continued with their rabid anti-white rhetoric even salivating at the possibility of black race riots in the streets. All this while hundreds if not thousands of whites throughout America were continuously being attacked, viciously raped, assaulted and killed by blacks on a daily basis– yet not a single one of these attacks, according to CNN and the other racechist media, however merited even one single four second mention. During 2014 the same phenomenon repeated itself during the Ferguson Riots – again it was white guilt and black innocence and again the true facts did not matter.
Racechist mainstream media
This says everything there is to say about how the racechist media forms their so-called ‘public opinion’ and the value they put on white lives. Also worth mentioning is that large numbers of black on white attacks followed in the wake of this racechist and pro-black and anti-white media coverage but of course this was also completely ignored as well? In exactly the same way that they have been playing down the recent example of vicious unprovoked attacks by young black thugs (designated ‘youths’ by racechist media worldwide) called the ‘knockout game’. More attention went to one or two cases where whites accidentally succeeded in fighting back than to the thousands of cases where they couldn’t. Should one extrapolate all these figures nationwide and over a 50 year time frame the actual number of white casualties will probably be staggering – especially if one should add in rapes, assaults, home invasions etc. Indeed it can be stated categorically that there is, and has been, a media blackout about the true scale of violent attacks by blacks on whites in the USA since the racechist coup of the 1960’s. Blacks are even joking amongst themselves that ‘whites don’t fight back’, that ‘white girls bleed too much’ – something even born out by the studies of the racechist academics. So bad has this racechism become that they now even frequently give uncritical airtime to the most vile anti-white hate speech without batting an eye. As mentioned recently even Oprah publicly stated that those ‘racist’ whites who did not want to go along with the black takeover of America ‘had to die out’ – she didn’t say how this was to happen and whether this process should be helped along by a wholesale slaughter.
Exploiting American Hegemony
Once the racechists succeeded with their American coup they were able to use American hegemony to ensure that their racechist policies would now be exported around the globe to every other white country, compliments of Uncle Sam, under the false flag of human rights and more particularly ‘multi-culturalism’ – which became the racechist policy term of choice to soften up any indigenous white populations to the concept of allowing and even welcoming non Westerners into their society. They falsely promised that this would facilitate integration and that it would lead to ‘improvement’ of age old white societies, and would have a ‘transformational’ effect – which it of course would – but not the one they promised. To remove any doubt that racechism had by this stage become a full blown international conspiracy supported by a myriad of secret power structures like the Freemasons, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign affairs etc one only has to take note of the fact that during the same time frame that the USA accepted the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965 the exact same racechist immigration policies were forced on and accepted by white countries as far a field as South Africa, Canada, Australia, New-Zealand, Holland, Sweden, Belgium, Norway etc.
The purpose was after all to destroy Western Civilization in all parts of the world. All these countries had for centuries been exclusively or overwhelmingly white – this fait accompli would now be assaulted at its very root as each of these countries would be forced by the racechists start allowing for the influx of non Western people under the false flag of multi-culturalism and with the false hope of integrating them into the native white population. Initially it even looked as if this might work but in reality the principles governing integration was already well known to the conspirators namely that integration succeeds only as long as the non-indigenous population does not exceed 13% – once they do, they no longer integrate but start to form a new nucleus – and this is only if assimilation is possible in the first place. The experience in all countries in the world, even Brazil, is that black and white integration has remained a pipe dream after centuries of effort – even 50 years of Racechism in the USA has still basically left it unchanged… even in forced communities like prison populations these communities automatically segregate. Add to this the impossibility of full integration of Moslems due to mutually exclusive world views. It therefore leads us right back to the basic question: if the concept of a colour blind, coffee coloured humanity is nothing more than a fake racechist pipe dream, what then was and is the real objective with all this non Western immigration into white counties? The answer is simple: the gradual replacement of the old white population with a new black population… and the consequential destruction of the white race and Western Civilization.
The African Experience
It was therefore not surprising when, while this policy of black influx was all the rage in Europe, Oceania and North America, the direct opposite was taking place elsewhere like in Africa, Arabia and Asia, namely that of complete white expulsion – so much for a level playing field. Due to the above mentioned decolonization process which had been instigated by the racechists – millions of European nationals were left stranded on the African continent. Instead of seeking their accommodation and ‘integration’ as propagated in Western Societies, entire white communities were on the contrary violently expelled. The most stunning aspect of this was the fact that the racechist power structures, especially the media, down-played this development to the point where large numbers of white people in the first world weren’t even aware of what was happening – again there was no moral indignation, no outcries, no intervention called for. In Algeria more than a million Frenchmen were uprooted and sent packing, in Franco– West Africa similar things took place, also in the French speaking Belgian Congo. In all these cases white expulsions went hand in hand with particularly gruesome violence (Watch the movie ‘Africa Adieu’ on Youtube to get a sense of what went on.) Instead of Western Societies or even the UN sending troops – except in the case of the Belgian Congo – to protect these white communities they were in actual fact simply deserted and left to their own devices by the new racechist authorities in their homelands. The fact that this took place on a large scale throughout the African continent made it clear that race formed the basis of this and not ethnicity. In the same way that the French had been expelled, so the British were expelled from Kenya, where the Mau-Mau waged the most brutal of terror campaigns against the white community, Tanzania, Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) etc. Nearly a million white Portuguese were expelled from former colonies like Angola and Mozambique.
When this process reached Rhodesia more than 200,000 English speaking whites resisted and tried to maintain their way of life but – like in the USA – this was no longer acceptable to the mythical racechist ‘international community’ and this handful of brave white folk who were fighting with their backs against the wall were simply fed to the dogs as no-one had any sympathy for the ‘white underdog’ they were therefore mercilessly crushed and forced by other whites- i.e. racechist politicians, academics, journalists and religious leaders to relinquish their independence and face the total destruction of their community at the hand of black racists without being able to lift so much as a finger in their own self defense – today less than 10% of that entire white community still exists in Zimbabwe, the rest had been forced off their farms and out of their companies by one of the most vicious black racists policies in the world and even expelled from the country – yet again the mainstream racechist media had no time to cover this, as mentioned they felt no moral indignation because whites were the victims. Had these victims been black they would have called to high heaven as they had done in the case of South Africa – where they went to absolute bizarre lengths to demonise the whites who refused to be cowed.The same are now happening in South Africa- just on a longer period of a silent white genocide. Of course the biggest stumbling block for this racechist agenda in Africa proved to be South Africa with its 5 million ( now close to 3 million) white people and especially the small Boer nation who insisted on fighting for its survival. Again the so called “world community,“- with the white racechists in the vanguard, spent billions on the destruction of this one white outpost in Africa. (We will be getting back to the South African experience in more detail later.) What can be stated is that in this way all indigenous white communities in Africa had been obliterated and the last ones to submit, namely South Africa and Namibia, are currently in the process of a similar wholesale destruction by the black racists without so much as a word of protest from the vile and vicious racechist media.
The Asian Experience
A similar thing of course happened to European communities in former European colonies in Asia. The Dutch community in what became Indonesia, ceased to exist, the same with the French in Vietnam, the large English community in India, to name but a few. To this day multi-culturalism is for all practical purposes unknown in Asia. Japan is still Japanese and has no intention of allowing large scale foreign immigration; the same is the case with China, Vietnam, Korea (both), Laos, Cambodia, Thailand etc. Even in India and Pakistan very few truly indigenous whites remain. The only exception to this rule seems to have been Hong Kong which had only been handed back to China in the 1990’s and still to this day maintains a sizable European population.
The European Experience
While Africa and Asia therefore became ever more exclusively African and Asian, all white western countries on the contrary found themselves in the grip of the racechist revolution with ever larger non Western populations being forced on the indigenous white inhabitants. With its history Germany would have been expected to be the greatest hold out against the racechist agenda but of course the Germans still found themselves under foreign domination at the hands of the main racechist countries Britain, France and the USA for decades following their enforced ‘unconditional surrender’. They furthermore also remained the target of the most lengthy, non stop psychological war at the hand of the racechists and have been demonized for decades as “brutes and racists, “- and Nazi’s and the like forcing them to bow their heads in shame. Of great importance also became the 5 million soldiers killed during the Second World War, this would have a dire economic impact the moment Germany started rebuilding its economy which expanded so rapidly that it was called the economic miracle – causing a shortage of workers which gave the racechists the ideal opportunity to start importing foreigners into Germany which came in the form of Turkish ‘gastarbeiter’ (guest workers) who would in reality never leave again, but would also never become German – living as a people apart within Germany. The racechists then followed the same policy from one European country to the next. In Holland they imported Moroccans, on top of their colonial Mollucans and people from Surinam, in France they were Arabs and blacks from their colonies, in England Indians, Pakistani’s, Jamaicans, Africans etc – from all over their extensive former colonial empire. Even countries like Sweden and Norway who had not had any colonies were brought into the act and today cities like Mälmo are monuments to this disastrous racechist policy. By 2010 Europe was already home to the following non-European populations – the current situation four years later will be even worse.
10 million Turks
6 million Arabs
6 million black Africans
2.5 million Indians
1.2 million Pakistani’s
2.2 million Latin Americans
2 million Berbers
1 million Chinese
31 million Total
Destruction of the white race
Within a mere 40 years one of the largest population movements in history was thus contrived by the racechists to destroy Europe and this train of doom is only speeding up. Wikipedia describes it as follows “Due to this factor the very nature of the White West is changing: it is becoming more violent; it is becoming poorer; and it is becoming more anti-White; it is becoming darker and this is directly linked to the decline of the White people who originally made up that society, and their replacement by non-White newcomers foreign to the culture and civilization.”
There are four ways through which a nation’s population can vanish:
Through obliteration in war;
Through their lands being swamped by labor-driven immigration;
Through physical mixing with newcomers; and
The second and third factors above combined with a decreasing birth rate amongst the original population.
Ancient Rome vanished because of the last three factors. Now exactly the same scenario is being played out in Western Europe, North America and Australia. Unless checked, the demographic trends show conclusively that Whites will be a minority in all three of these continents by the year 2100. After that, it is only a question of time before Whites as a racial group will vanish completely. The notion of an entire race disappearing may seem incredible: but it is not. There are in fact at least four distinct racial groupings which have already vanished as a result of being absorbed into other racial groups which have occupied their territory during the course of history. One of these four groups was a White sub-race. The White sub-race known as the Mediterraneans, were the race who originally occupied much of Europe and the Middle East. These were the people who built the very first European civilizations, and then afterwards helped build the civilizations in the Mesopotamian river valley and in Egypt. On the European continent the Mediterraneans were absorbed for the greatest part into the Alpine White sub-race; the Proto-Nordics and then the invading Indo-European Nordic sub-races.
This absorption occurred with relatively little disruption to the growth of the European continental civilizations, as all the mixing components were all part of the broader White race. In the Middle East and Egypt, however, the Mediterraneans were absorbed into the Arabic/Semitic peoples and the African Blacks: through this process they lost virtually all genetic contact with the rest of the White race. The Mediterranean sub-race of the White race has then already vanished, along with the culture it created.”
Therefore there can be no doubt about the factual position of a non-white population explosion in all white countries of Europe, this should however also be extended to include all white countries and communities worldwide – not only those in Europe. As had been seen it is however not merely a question of bringing in an alien population to supplant the whites.
SOURCE- White Nation