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Article posted by: White Nation editorial – May 13 2016
IT was with some ironic amusement that I read about all the “hoo-haa” going on in the media about the judge Jansen and the so-called “racist” affair going on in the media and -yea- liberal psychotic commi social sites.Even misdirected ANC ministers had something to barf about it- and naturally- hell-bent to push through that anti-white “racist” law against white internet users.
Don’t you not find it strange- that every-time a WHITE person say something- IRRESPECTIVE how innocent- there always is a WHITE (pre-instigated) liberal that jumps up and fly off his/he handle(not ONE black voice…ALWAYS a WHITE?)Was it not Zietsman than jumped onto Steve Hoffmeyer about singing “Die Stem?” Was it not Papenfus that jumped onto Sunette Bridges about her “racist” comments on her Facebook? Was it not Conrad Koch that jumped on Dan Roodt? Now Schutte jumped onto Jansen for “racist” comments! Why always is it WHITE bum-nuggets that jump on white conservatives? Why do we NEVER see or hear BLACK front-screamers against white “racists?” What’s going on here? I smell a communist conspiracy here. For every black racist exposed- suddenly there is a counter attack – and a white “racist” appear from no-where to steal the lime-light- even if he/she was a “racist” a year ago…or paint his/her face black.
This white liberals are just TOO prominent every time a black get whacked for being racist- like the latest Qwabe incident. Again the attention are drawn away from him en there you have it- Jansen took the focus from black racism away again- and as always- a white (female) LIBERAL at the forefront. This is getting just too bloody convenient. I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what PRECISELY is going on here. Work it out for yourself! Does this not reek as part of the communist regime’s anti-white “racism” campaign in order to instigate blacks to again-hate whites and unite behind the commi ANC against one “common” enemy for the coming election again? Just asking.
A white South African judge has been criticized over a series of comments in which she purportedly claimed black men find gang-rape of a “baby, daughter and mother a pleasurable past time”. Mabel Jansen, a High Court Judge in the Pretoria, was speaking to social activist Gillian Schutte(married Singiswa) on Facebook discussing the treatment of women by black men.Gillian Schutte and her husband Sipho Singiswa are both filmmakers, social justice activists and creatives. In defense of the black racist idiot Ntokozo Qwabe who bragged about racially humiliating a white waitress, self-hating extraordinaire Gillian Schutte, posted comments made to her by white High Court Judge Mabel Jansen a year ago to “expose society’s hypocrisy”
. Ms Schutte has only now publicly published the judge’s comments from a 2015 conversation, provoking (liberal) outrage across the country. According to the post, the judge purportedly stated: “In their culture a woman is there to pleasure them. Period. “I still have to meet a black girl who was not raped at about 12. I am dead serious. “Murder is also is not a biggy. And gang rapes of baby, daughter and mother [are] a pleasurable pastime.”
The High Court Judge has claimed the comments were taken completely out of context, adding on Twitter: “What I stated confidentially to somebody in a position to help has been taken completely out of context and referred to specific court cases.” Ms Schutte has refuted this, saying the comments were “part of a public Facebook debate.” The opposition Democratic Alliance (as expected) party has described the comments “not only hurtful and demeaning but also undermined “the dignity of our people”. They have declared it will report the comments to the Judicial Services Commission to investigate if she has breached her judicial oath.
When Gillian Schutte doubted Judge Mabel Jansen’s integrity and said, without proof I must add, “But the majority of black fathers, husbands and uncles do not rape 5 year olds” and “Mable (she can’t even spell the judge’s name correctly) throwing figures like 99% in the context you have created is dangerous and the fuel that feeds the hardened white racial attitudes”…The judge invited her to have a look at her case files.
Of course Gillian never did and never would, because the truth may disturb the preconceived bollocks she believes and upsets her confirmation bias that all black men are innocent goody-two-shoes and all white men are evil scum. In the entire hullabaloo nobody asked whether what the judge said was the truth; only if what she said was “racist”. (If you take their narrow-minded definition of what “racism” is).
“We, the undersigned, call on the Judicial Services Commission and the Department of Justice to remove Judge Jansen immediately from her position.
Why is this important?
The fact that Jansen, who is supposed to uphold the rule of law in an objective and unbiased manner, could a) rise through the judicial ranks and b) defend her racism so eagerly is outrageous.
How are we, as citizens of South Africa, supposed to trust that Judge Jansen will preside over cases fairly when she is so clearly racist and uninformed?” (Link)
“I am sharing this again for the following reasons:
1) To ask how a HIGH COURT JUDGE gets away with espousing these views (truth) in public. (This is an inboxed version of what she actually said in public on a FB discussion which I copied and pasted as a record)
2)To ponder how deeply the rot of this ‘surface racism’ impacts on the institutional and systemic war against blackness in a post liberation South Africa.
3)To illustrate how these colonial tropes are still employed by the white master narrative – and easily drawn upon to undermine black movements and individuals who pose a threat to the status quo… to the detriment of women who are victims of rape. (Think Ron Irwin’s proclomation that RMF students raped one of their own)
4)To expose the thinking of a person who is directly in charge of passing judgement on people whom she perceives as monsters and victims – dehumanised.
5)To ask how Qwabe’s utterances could possibly have created more public outrage than these toxic, destructive and frankly, illegal utterances?
Comments?”– Gillian Schutte
Then Me. Schutte has a word of advise for all those “right wing”(white conservatives) on her Facebook page:
” I’d like to thank all the right wing conservative and neo-liberal chumps for sharing their nonsensical drivel and hate speech on this page – names included. It really helps us with the ‘racist register’ being compiled and handed in to the relevant authorities. Further to this it is a great study in obtuseness – an insight into the rote mechanical non-thinking of racists and bigots. Perhaps one day a cure will be found.”
“******** please take your sanctimonious twaddle elsewhere … my political icon from that era is Chris Hani – but they killed him didn’t they?(Poor girl- SHE does not even know the real history) Ever read Biko? He did not have a tribe of hungry white editors/biographers/ex white security and nurses compiling his quotes so I think his writing is much more authentic and trustworthy than Mandela quotes …dankie.”
“I have always contextualised violence against women in the framework of colonialism, capitalism and neoliberalism.”
“The revolution shall not be televised. I finally get it!”
“My Response to the media statement released by JSC on Mabel Jansen: It is surprising for a Judge to be given special leave in such a serious matter – however, since her husband died on Saturday perhaps this is compassionate leave. My legal representative and I are pursuing the matter of our original complaint sent to the JSC last year. I am pleased it is receiving the attention it deserves.”
“Can we elevate the public discussion to the issue of structural, systemic and institutional racism instead of the ongoing focus on surface racism. The Penny Sparrow’s are hardly the problem in this regard. Obnoxious and hurtful yes – but they do not hold the power. They are symptomatic of structural racism. It is the whitist judges, the academics, the editors of white-biased media, the CEO’s and business moguls who are gatekeepers and who have the power. It is they who impact directly on the collective and who tend to and entrench the domination of whiteness. This echelon guard the gates of Capitalism and nurture white cultural and economic supremacy. If transformation does not happen at that level there will never be change nor equality. It really is as simple as that.”
“The BBC interviewer says to me: I believe your husband is an ex political prisoner and is … black.
Me: Yes
Him: What did he think of this commentary.
Me: Well like most black people he found it distasteful but nothing new … black people are up against this all the time … these things are said …
Him: Yes but presumably you discussed this with him and had…
Me: Look if you want to know what he thinks he can speak for himself … I am a racism abolitionist and I write about systemic, institutional and economic racism all the time – I do not speak for black people, I speak about whiteness and racism. I have a column in M&G TL and write for the Sunday Independent – and I am committed to calling out systemic racism when I come across it. I also write about violence against women – which is a scourge in South Africa and globally … that is not in dispute. etc etc ….” I mean really – he was inferring that I was espousing my husband’s views and being some sort of rape apologist white wife idiot concoction. I am now on trial.
“Fuck the Church!”
SHEWEEE- WHAT A NASTY PIECE OF RACIST HANDYWORK THIS WOMEN IS? Yea mate- Schutte KNEW she screwed-up! Looking at her postings and comments on her Facebook page- one immediately detect Schutte tries her UTMOST to substantiate her back-stabbing of Jansen- as well as her “repugnant” racist hate against white conservative people. She does not even hide her content against white conservatives at all. What one detect- is that Schutte are looking for media exposure….a bit of glamor at the dawn of her lime-light years. One question that REALLY intrigues me- is just WHY did Schutte- who boasts that she is fighting “racism”- only NOW decided to “expose” Jansen’s comments that already were placed in 2015? Why wait so long if she is such a vigorous so-called”activist” against racism?
Another thing that puzzles me- is her outspoken content against “racism”– YET she DEFENDED Qwabe- who OPENLY expressed naked racism against a white waitress- AND then she attacked a JUDGE for “racism” for stating a fact nearly a year ago? How do you match this action of her? WHO set her up to bring up this crap? Perhaps another “Penny Sparrow” anti-white false flag case from the ANC and libsh*t media again? Noticed how many whites suddenly are attacked for “racism” lately since January? Something’s cooking and the smell is DEFINITELY not that of dandelions- I dare say. I smell a rotten rat here….and he smells like an ANC info covert action rat by that!
Clearly Schutte has HER lines crossed backwards and portray a hidden agenda – and her hell-bent witch hunt of Jansen per se ostensibly makes more than one eyebrow rise. It appears we are hunting the WRONG “racist” here…it is SCHUTTE that is the real racist in this story. Like another poster said:
“There was nothing “public”about this conversation. That’s why you made screenshots …for the very reason that you knew very well she would not want her comments made public. You were the one who made them public. At least own your betrayal of her trust.”
You will see that it is quite common for Bantu men to sleep with their wives’ sisters and the daughters of their brothers. Incest is not only rife it is endemic and part of their culture.
Xhosa men have told me themselves how their father’s have the right to sleep with their wives first and that when men go on long trips it is the duty of his brother to service the wife. Children from such unions are classed as the same as your own, because you and your brother have the same blood. Same with when your father impregnates your wife.
These men have also told me how they spend their weekends in drunken debauchery in the townships. Friday and Saturday nights they BBQ a goat slaughtered in the back yard, alcohol flows freely and music is loud. Whenever you want sex you just take a woman and shag her behind the hut. Her consent is not needed and it is not seen as rape. Widows are seen as “Any man’s women” and are free game. Raping them is considered doing them a favor.
Do I condemn their culture? No. Do I want to change it? No. Blacks have the right to practice their culture and their laws, no matter how abhorrent we find it from our White Western perspective. They must just do it separately from us, because our Roman Dutch laws and White Western cultures are incompatible with theirs. (Link)
Yea mate- THAT is the cut-through white liberal for you neh? She reminds me of yet another white liberal screw-up that ALSO stabbed a “right wing” activist in the back by complaining to the HRC about Facebook comments made by some of her members. Like I always say- there is no real “racism” between white and black in South Africa- the BIGGEST racism are launched from political and WHITE LIBERAL platforms. Maybe Schutte should ask her husband what is the meaning of uKuthwala .
The rate of sexual violence in South Africa is among the highest in the world. Sexual violence is the use of force or manipulation to get someone to engage in unwanted sexual activity without his or her consent. An estimated of 500,000 rape cases take place in the country, every year.
According to the report by the United Nations Office on Crimes and Drugs for the period 1998–2000, South Africa was ranked first for rapes per capita. In 1998, one in three of the 4,000 women questioned in Johannesburg had been raped, according to Community Information, Empowerment and Transparency (CIET) Africa. While women’s groups in South Africa estimate that a woman is raped every 26 seconds, the South African police estimates that a woman is raped every 36 seconds
More than 25% of a sample of 1,738 South African black men from the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape Provinces admitted to raping someone when anonymously questioned; of these, nearly half said they had raped more than one person, according to a non-peer reviewed policy brief issued by the Medical Research Council (MRC). Several news publications wrongly extrapolated these results to the rest of the South African population, giving reported rape prevalence several times higher in the two provinces in question. Nearly three out of four men who admitted rape stated they had first forced a woman or girl into sex before the age of 20, and nearly one in ten admitted to doing so before the age of 10.
A survey from the comprehensive study “Rape in South Africa” from 2000 indicated that 2.1% of women aged 16 years or older across population groups reported that they had been sexually abused at least once between the beginning of 1993 and March 1998, results which seem to starkly conflict the MRC survey results. Similarly, The South African demographic and health survey of 1998 gave results of rape prevalence at 4.0% of all women aged between 15 and 49 years in the sampled households (a survey also performed by the Medical Research Council and Department of Health). So far no attempts have been made to address these large statistical disparities.(Link)
South Africa: ‘The Black Culture of Rape in Primary Schools: “Pregnant in Grade 3”: The Gauteng education department report in 2012 already pulled no punches on South Africa’s failure to protect even its youngest children from the culture of rape in the black community,. And things have gotten a lot worse since then. (as quoted from an 2012 report by Ms Amukelani Chauke)(Link)
The report, “The Annual Surveys for Ordinary Schools for 2009-2010″, says that: ‘In Grade 3 alone, about 109 pupils fell pregnant in 2009 – as against “only” 17 in the same grade in 2008.
In Grade 4, the number increased to 107 from 69 in 2008, and in Grade 5 297 girls fell pregnant in 2009; the highest concentration of pregnant pupils was in high schools, from Grade 7 to Grade 9;
In 2009, a total of 45,276 girls became pregnant.”
An education specialist warned that if the problems cited in the report did not receive urgent attention South Africa would pay a high price. Professor Kobus Maree, a lecturer in educational psychology at the University of Pretoria, said the Grade 3 pregnancy rate was “appalling” and “deeply upsetting”. A large number of these children became pregnant because of rape or abuse, he said. “This is really unacceptable. For all those children who fall pregnant in Grade 3, how many rapists are brought to book? If you look at these figures, that means there are many rapists in the country walking around free.”
Maree said teachers to whom he had recently spoken felt that the teaching of life orientation had been dumped on them without adequate training. He recommended that the government make community service compulsory for child psychologists and they be used for teacher training at schools.
Maree said pupils in the higher grades often also got pregnant to qualify for social grants. “The number of child grants is a reflection of the reliance of people on the social safety net provided by the government.(Link)
The rape of two seven-year-old schoolgirls by six boys in a Vosloorus Rebonthseng Primary School, was a particularly horrid experience for the girls. The department spokesman said that ‘the boys did not understand that they were breaking the law… they just thought they were ‘playing a game’. The boys’ ‘punishment?” They were suspended for five days! She said that after the gang-rape, the two terrified little girls were offered money (as if they were prostitutes), with the boys ‘laughingly telling them it was for their lobola” (brides’ dowry). Ten black youths also appeared in court in February 2016 in Durban regional court for the gang-rape of a 15-year-old black girl – and had bragged about it with a video of the girl’s ordeal, posted on the social media.
” Young women living in the same part of Khayelitsha where Sinoxolo Mafevuka was raped and killed have spoken out against the “underground rape culture” holding them hostage. Thirty-seven women of SST section signed a petition under the banner of “Zero Tolerance”, against the granting of bail for two suspects. Investigating Officer Bakiti Tshabalala read the petition out during the men’s bail application in the Khayelitsha Magistrate’s Court on Monday.
The women said the 19-year-old’s killing in February made international headlines and was the turning point for them. “The culture of rape is prevalent and has no consequence. We are victims of crime and all sorts of atrocities and our parents are not equipped to deal with these sorts of issues,” Tshabalala read out. There was an underground rape culture and the brutality of what happened to Mafevuka confirmed something needed to be done, they said.
The women accused the men’s family of “victimising, insulting and threatening” them. They intended applying for a protection order from police. The 19-year-old’s naked body was found sprawled over the seat in a public toilet, with water flowing from the cistern. Her boyfriend’s cousins, aged 21 and 26, were arrested in March, two weeks after her body was found. The magistrate had ordered that their identities not be made public, to ensure their safety.
Another petition with 119 signatures, from the Progressive Youth Movement, was also read out in court on Monday. It spoke out against the brutal murder and expressed concerns about the safety of young women. Defence lawyer Thabo Nogemane said he would object if the State wanted to hand up the petitions. He said the petitions were hearsay and only relevant if he could cross-examine the authors. Turning to the packed public gallery, he said: “I want even people listening at the back to hear that the accused before court here are presumed innocent until proven guilty.” (Link)
SO– Was Mable Jansen wrong in her Facebook assessment? The answer is a resounding NO! As black people are the majority in the country- OBVIOUSLY the rape statistics will be the highest among blacks. AS you heave read the statistics and articles above- it is EVIDENT that there is a rape culture among black men. So- what were Jansen then lying about? She now is being called a “racist” for speaking the truth- or maybe is it because she DARE mention the term “black?” Why then is biggots like Schutte kicking up so much dust when people like Jansen at last are speaking the truth? The answer is obvious-either Schutte is looking for some lime-light on herself- OR we must scrutinize this “Penny Sparrow” and the sudden flood of “white racist” incidents on specifically the internet a little more closely! Something’s cooking – and it’s not porridge for sure!!
Now we know that we are NOT allowed to even MENTION that black people are “racists”- are we now also made to believe that while blacks are the majority- they cannot be the majority of rapists as well? It is because of mostly WHITE liberal misdirected idiots like Schutte and their zest to attack white conservatives whilst hiding behind black people’s backs that are the TRUE danger of a race war in South Africa- NOT the so-called “racism” between black and white people. They have been living together in harmony for hundreds of years- that was UNTIL white traitors , bigots and government usurpers like these appeared on the scene- and started to sow discord and race-hatred in our societies..