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Article compiled by: White Nation correspondent Potchefstroom   –   February 18  2016



SOUTH AFRICA is dithering on the edge of a destructive political and financial  cliff of which the bottom present nothing but catastrophic genocidal proportions.

It is with a sinister feeling that I read about the most recent chaos in the UCT university- how disillusioned black and liberal “students” burn and destroy very costly historical paintings. I saw how they systematically  destroy the university. I remember how the communists use the UCT as a test-bed to destroy our tertiary institutions- starting with that misdirected alien fool Chumani Maxwele – throwing the first bucket  of his own shit onto the Rhodes monument in their childish “#Rhodesmustfall” campaign. CLEARLY the communists are using this institution as a springboard for their evil work. From that point on the Jewish communists organized anarchy and naked racism against the white population again in desecrating all white monuments.  As recent as last week another incident manifested where another Jew- Simon Smorenburg– hit the headlines again for his blatant racist intimidation of 2 white girls that painted their faces purple. AND as always- they want to use the “system”  and hide behind the “law” to enhance their own devious agendas in destroying the white Christian race.

This issue was debated in Parliament- where Pieter Mulder of the Freedom Front Plus said: ” Two Stellenbosch University students were wrongly accused of racism for painting themselves black for a party when they were actually covered in purple paint and glitter for a space-themed party. But when a University of Cape Town student wore a T-shirt that said “kill all whites”, it was considered debate. “We’ve totally lost the plot,” he said.

When Mulder read the T-shirt’s handwritten slogan of “kill all whites”, some ANC MPs shouted “Yes! Yes!” Fellow FF Plus MP Pieter Groenewald complained to Speaker Baleka Mbete about this and demanded that those who shouted it, own up and withdraw the remark. “Because it’s unacceptable that I sit in this Parliament and I must hear that all whites must be killed.” Nobody took Mbete up on her offer to withdraw. (Link) THAT is PRECISELY the viewpoint and hidden agenda of the communist ANC- ALL WHITES MUST BE KILLED. So- in fact it means that whites must pay taxes to pay the salaries of those thugs sitting in parliament that want them killed! Ironic- to say the least. For this reason they- for 20 years – did not even act against the multiple murders on whites and farmers.


For years now we have been warning that the ANC is nothing but an incompetent Zionist-controlled terrorist movement that have nor the  will , capability or capacity to rule a macro economic infrastructure. For years now those “right wing” (conservative) contingent have been warning that the ANC will lead South Africa to a disastrous future. For years now those “no” voters during the 1992 referendum have been warning that De Klerk , Pik Botha, Roelf Meyer, Leon Wessels  and the rest of the  NP cohorts are going to sell South Africa out to a communist dynasty at the CODESA hoax that will ultimately destroy South Africa.

Yet– amidst all these warnings- liberal  conventicles with devious adjective motives behind the media propaganda drive such as NASPERS  and lost “advent” children the likes of Max Du Preez and many other screwed-up liberal vagrants kept on bombarding the conservative concerns with flagrant slandering such as “ Rooi gevaar” (Red danger)– “white extremists”, “right wingers” and ” white supremacists” in their pony express tabloids such as the “Vrye Weekblad.” To support their sick mental psi-ops campaign- the British media also assisted this onslaught against white conservative opposition. With the CODESA farce- a cool 400 TRILLION rands worth of gold was stolen by the Jews with the aid of the National Party and the ANC to give the ailing American economy a boost. (Link) NOW we know WHY the white government just HAD to be destroyed- the Jews wanted the reserve gold – and control over South Africa’s finances and minerals.BUT the conspiracy  by the Jews to capture South Africa started years ago already.


It is no secret that the Jews such as the Oppenheimers, Rothschilds and Rockefellers were behind this total onslaught against the white government-they even organized the assasination of HF Verwoerd– and Jews such as Slovo, Casrills, Sacks, Gorimer, Eglin,Swartz, Suzman and Zille were used as front men to accelerate the communist agenda in South Africa. Factually there were MUCH more involved than this few- toiling behind the scenes to bring about the downfall of a once healthy and safe economy.

Verwoerd, The man who withdrew South Africa from the Commonwealth, and who was responsible for bringing SA to Independence as “The Republic of SA” on May 31st 1961. Thereby uniting the Afrikaans and English speaking White People of South Africa, after half a century of division as a result of the devastating Boer War of 1899-1902. Today he’s portrayed as the “big racist oppressor”, while in truth during his reign as Prime minister, the Income growth amongst black South Africans were greater than amongst the whites. The black people back then called him “Ra di Pula” (Bringer of Rain(Prosperity)  Another classic example of “Inversion” of the truth.

And what happened to Verwoerd? Assassinated.Assassinated by the Oppenheimer clan in cahoots with the CIA and the Carnegie clan in America.  To be replaced as Prime Minister by the Illuminati puppet John Vorster. The Illuminati didn’t want a Independent South Africa, divided into Separate States where each Nation (Whites, Zulus, Indians, etc.) would have Self governance and Sovereignty…So they replaced Verwoerd with Vorster who gradually started breaking down the original good intentions of Apartheid and turned it into an oppressive regime. Today under ANC rule, this country’s infrastructure is falling apart; our electricity, went from amongst the cheapest to the most expensive in the world.

Another reason why the Illuminati had to eliminate the Apartheid government of SA, is due to the fact that SA was quite a strong military power. We had a larger military than the rest of Africa combined, and were in possession of various Missiles, and 6 Nuclear bombs. All of which were dismantled and sold off after the ANC takeover . In their drive towards a One world government( Fascist dictatorship), they can’t afford to have military superpowers who could resist it. Today, we are daily seeing the most horrible crimes being committed on a daily basis in this country, whereas it was barely existent under the Apartheid government.

This is just another classic example of as David Icke points out the “Inversion” technique used by the Archontic( Demon) force behind the Illuminati. Taking the truth and turning it upside down -Terrorists winning Peace Prizes (Obama, Mandela etc.) As in Orwell’s 1984 :“Freedom is Slavery” And as someone once said “Slavery:It works better when you don’t tell them” So they gave the masses of South Africa the illusion of “Freedom”, with the ANC takeover.

During the ANC takeover in the early 90’s, the Government of Bophuthatswana wanted to retain their independence, and didn’t want to be a part of the “New South Africa”, so they sent the army in, in a coup d’ e’tat. A common victim of the ANC propaganda in the “New SA “ then is  Dr. HF Verwoerd, South Africa’s third Prime Minister,  being portrayed as “the evil man behind Apartheid”. (Link)

A large number of Jews have worked to promote Communism in South Africa. Many of these Jews were involved in the organization of trade unions, particularly black trade unions.Dr Henry R Pike published his book (published by Christian Mission International of South Africa, Germiston, South Africa (1985, 1988)- about this Jewish involvement.  Some of the names mentioned by Pike are A Z Berman ‘a noted Marxist’ who headed the Industrial Socialist League in Cape Town; the communist writer David Shub, Solly Sachs, secretary of the Garment Workers Union and expelled from and then readmitted to the South African Communist Party, Bennie Weinbren who directed the Non-European Trade Union Federation, Issy Diamond, Abraham Levy, Hymie Levin, Issie Wolfson, Julius Lewin, Louis Joffe, Dr Max Joffe, Molly (Zelikowitz) Wolton, Lazar Bach, Rebecca (Notlowitz) Bunting, Fanny Klenerman, Michael Harmel, Sam Kahn, Katy Kagan, Eli Weinberg, Yetta Barenblatt, Hymie Barsel, Leon and Norman Levy, Lionel Forman, Jacqueline and Rowley Arenstein, Errol and Dorothy Shanley, Monty Berman, Bertram Hirson and Neville Rubin.(Link)

How the Jews loathed white South Africans and their zest to destroy white Christianity in South Africa can be seen in the book “Jews and Zionism: the South African Experience (1910-67),”–  by Dr Gideon Shimoni (Oxford University Press, 1980).

Dr Shimoni was born in South Africa to parents from Lithuania, but settled in Israel where he lectured at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and where he gained post-graduate degrees in Jewish history. While bitterly contemptuous of South Africa under the apartheid system, Dr Shimoni in effect identifies with the concept of geographically based ethnic groupings that was the basis of the South African system. This kind of irony, not to say hypocrisy, is typical of Jews opposed to ‘racism’ in Europe, the US or South Africa.]

Dr Shimoni writes of ‘..the extraordinary salience of Jewish individuals in the white opposition to the regime of apartheid. Throughout this period Jewish names kept appearing in every facet of the struggle: amongst reformist liberals; in the radical Communist opposition; in the courts, whether as defendants or as counsel for the defense; in the lists of bannings and amongst those who fled the country to evade arrest. Their prominence was particularly marked in the course of the Treason Trial which occupied an important place in the news media throughout the second half of the 1950’s. This trial began in December 1956, when 156 people were arrested on charges of treason in the form of a conspiracy to overthrow the state by violence and to replace it with a state based on Communism. Twenty-three of those arrested were Whites, more than half of them Jews. They included Yetta Barenblatt, Hymie Barsel, Lionel (Rusty) Bernstein, Leon Levy, Norman Levy, Sydney Shall, Joe Slovo, Ruth (First) Slovo, Sonia Bunting, Lionel Forman, Isaac Horvitch, Ben Turok, Jacqueline Arenstein, Errol Shanley, Dorothy Shanley. To top it all, at one stage in the trial the defense counsel was led by Israel Maisels, while the prosecutor was none other than Oswald Pirow. The juxtaposition was striking: Maisels, the prominent Jewish communal leader, defending those accused of trying to overthrow White supremacy; Pirow, the extreme Afrikaner Nationalist and former Nazi sympathizer, defending White supremacy.’ (pp. 227-8).(Link)


On 29 March 1961 the court acquitted Mandela and other defendants. The long Treason Trial was now over. Mandela, however, immediately went underground. A call for a general strike was issued but proved disappointing due to the government’s preventative measures. It was this failure that led directly to Mandela’s advocacy of violent methods. It proved highly ironic that Mandela would now embrace a violent campaign despite having “. . . just emerged from a marathon trial, the outcome of which had depended on convincing a panel of judges about the ANC’s commitment to non-violent methods.”

Due to the ANC’s confrontational tactics and its call to nationalize South African industries, the ANC leadership was arrested in 1956 and accused of having adopted “a policy to overthrow the state by violence.” The defendants were also accused of belonging to a Communist organization. There were 156 defendants in the trial. Specifically, there were 105 blacks, 21 Indians, 7 coloreds, and 23 whites

When Mandela and his cohorts was caught for high treason on Lilly’s farm which led to  the Rivonia trail- it also was 5 Jews that were caught in the house with Mandela- conspiring to yet again launch an offensive against innocent white women and children. It was in these circumstances that Mandela would now rely almost wholly upon his Jewish contacts, especially those in the underground Communist Party. The Jews in his inner circle embraced the new campaign of violence enthusiastically. Joe Slovo became “the key figure in devising the party’s military armed struggle” and was chosen as Chief-of-Staff of the new armed wing, known as Umhonto we Sizwe, or MK. The MK’s constitution was largely drafted by Mandela, Slovo, and Bernstein.

A suitable location for the headquarters of the MK was found in the Johannesburg suburb of Lilliesleaf. It had been bought as the headquarters for the underground Communist Party in July 1961. Harold Wolpe, with the cooperation of Michael Harmel, had bought the property by setting up a dummy company and providing Harmel with a false name. The farm was occupied primarily by Arthur Goldreich, his family, and black farm workers. Goldreich had spent his youth in the Palmach, a branch of the underground Jewish army in Palestine. Except for the farm workers, all were Jews and members of the Communist Party.

The new campaign was no small undertaking. Jack Hodgson, Second World War veteran and communist, would become the MK’s first instructor in explosives. Hodgson and others manufactured bombs for the MK and tested them at a brick works east of Johannesburg owned by the brother of Wolfie Kodesh, a Jew and fellow member of the Communist party. But this was only the beginning. At a newly acquired property in Krugersdorp, Denis Goldberg was given responsibility for manufacturing the arms requirements of the new underground organization. Goldberg, a thirty year-old engineer, acquired production materials under a variety of pseudonyms. The planned production was to include 1,500 time devices for bombs, 48,000 land mines, and 210,000 hand grenades. The funding for all of these activities came, of course, from the underground Communist Party and their sponsors abroad. The ANC was funded and run by Communist Jews who in turn were shills for the Illuminati bankers. Mandela posed as a farmhand. The 5 Jews eventually caught with Mandela on Lilly’s farm were Lionel Bernstein, Hilliard Festenstein, Denis Goldberg, Arthur Goldreich,  Bob Hepple, James Kantor and Harold Wolpe. Slovo escaped.

In 1985, when the puppet  government of De Klerk offered to release Mandela if he would repudiate terrorism, he refused. In 1990, he was let out anyway and vowed the MK would continue to wreak havoc. It was not necessary.

The government was ready to negotiate a handover of power. In 1994, Mandela and F.W. de Klerk shared a Nobel Peace Prize. Queen Elizabeth II in her 1996 Christmas message hailed Mandela as a “great statesman.”(The account of MK terror above is indebted to Philip Gourevitch’s review of the novel “Absolution” in The New Yorker, April 30, 2012, p.70)

Mandela had an astounding change of heart upon being released from prison. After Mandela began holding regular meetings with former Anglo American and De Beers chairman Harry Oppenheimer, they reversed the ANC’s economic position. In his first post-election interview as president Mandela stated: “In our economic policies . . . there is not a single reference to things like nationalization, and this is not accidental . . .” Following the 1994 election in which Mandela was elected president, the ANC submitted its economic program to Oppenheimer “for approval.”

Ironically, between 1997 and 2004 eighteen state-owned firms were sold by the South African government, raising $4 billion. Even stranger, the Minister of Finance elected during the 1994 elections was none other than Gill Marcus. In fact, it was under this new leadership that the central South African Reserve Bank was privatized. Marcus became Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank in 1999, and its Governor in 2009.(Link) Today – that same reserve bank was already foreclosed – a fact little people knows- on December 25 2013– but still are operating illegally under the Jewish CABAL.(Link)

Thus- there is no better evidence than this to proof that the Jews captured South Africa- lock, stock and barrel- and were in fact behind the onslaught against the whites in South Africa- and the institution of the black communist ANC as so-called “government.” Thus- those “right wingers” and “no” voters were not that wrong after all when they warned that South Africa will become a communist dictatorship- after all- that was planed a long time ago already. Today we see the perpetual continuance of that “Rooi Gevaar” in the illiterate and incompetent clown Zuma and his communist  ilk.


Today South Africa stands on the edge of the abyss- with an incompetent terrorist regime that only have their own selfish agendas of enrichment at heart leading it into a cataclysmic perdition- both financially as well as physically. With a dangerous rogue illiterate clown that have no responsibility or sympathy for ethic, financial or economic values leading at the front- certain disaster is looming on the horizon.

Today that same Jews are still conspiring to wipe out the white Christian in South Africa. Through their funding- heathens like Malema are well funded and aided by the British M6 and M 16 operators. Through their vast Cabal network they control the South African monetary system. Through their corporations they keep the ANC in power. Through their funded Afrikaner “Broederbond” they control the South African leftist media. Through their written “laws” whites were disarmed and impoverished. They control the ANC from the SACP domain- and dregs like Rob Davis are one of their instruments to see to it that whites are pushed out of the job market and impoverished. This all forms part of the silent genocide against whites. As for the ANC- they are just “front-men” used by the Jews to oppress the white Christian and see to it that enough dollars are generated through mineral mining and loan-sharking. As for the “poor disadvantaged  blacks”– they are being exploited as vehicles to do the ” dirty work” – and today are worse off than during “ Apartheid.” Call this facts now “anti-Semitic” you may- for that term also was invented by the Jews to protect their evil craftsmanship and make you feel “guilty” . …JUST like their other “smart” terms they also invented…- “Racism” and “Apartheid.” Their term “Democracy” is just another term for WHITE GENOCIDE.

Ironically- the economic disaster that befell South Africa already started under Mandela’s watch- not Zuma’s.


Insiders like Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and ANC stalwart and former Jew minister Ronnie Kasrils have equally been critical of the screw-ups Mandela made. In 2013 Kasrils explained how Mandela signed a self-sabotaging “Faustian Pact” with global capital.

“In mid-1994 I saw those devils up close when I participated in government policy debates as editor of the Reconstruction and Development Program White Paper, and again as drafter of the aborted 1996 National Growth and Development Strategy (Gear). My view is that there’s a bit of ‘structure’ – externally-imposed necessity – and individual ‘agency’ in answering ‘both’ to the question: “Was Mandela pushed, or did he jump?”

The crippling economic compromises

In his 2005 book and a more recent article, former Presidency official and now academic Alan Hirsch justifies neoliberal compromises on grounds the new government was “constrained by concerns for economic stability”. Yet weren’t government’s deals the main cause of subsequent economic instability, including the half-dozen currency crashes between 1996 and 2009 when Trevor Manuel was finance minister?

The neoliberal compromises demonstrably failed the South African society, economy and natural environment, no matter what one thinks of the ethics and politics of these Faustian Pacts. Here are the dozen biggest devils that hobbled Mandela’s economic legacy:

The repayment of the US$25 billion apartheid-era foreign debt.

Giving the South African Reserve Bank Jews formal independence. This resulted in the insulation of the central bank’s Jew Cabal officials from democratic accountability. It led to high interest rates and the deregulation of exchange controls.

Borrowing $850 million from the Jewish International Monetary Fund in December 1993, with tough conditions persisting for years. These included rapid scrapping of import surcharges that had protected local industries, state spending cuts, lower public sector salaries and a decrease in wages across the board.

Reappointing Illuminati finance minister Derek Keys and Broederbond Reserve Bank governor Chris Stals, who retained neoliberal policies.

Joining the Zionist World Trade Organisation on adverse terms, as a “transitional”, not developing economy. This led to the destruction of many clothing, textiles, appliances and other labour-intensive firms.

Lowering primary corporate taxes from 48% to 29% and maintaining countless corporate privileges.

Privatizing parts of the state, such as Telkom, the state-owned telecommunications company.

Relaxing exchange controls. This led to sustained outflows to rich people’s overseas accounts and a persistent current account deficit even during periods of trade surplus, and raising interest rates to unprecedented levels.

Adopting the neoliberal macroeconomic policy Gear. This policy not only failed on its own terms, it also caused developmental austerity.

Giving property rights dominance in the constitution, thereby limiting its usefulness for redress.

Approving the “demutualisation” of the two mega-insurers Old Mutual and Sanlam. It was the privatization of historic mutual wealth for current share owners.

Permitting most of South Africa’s ten biggest companies to move their headquarters and primary listings abroad in the late 1990s. The results are permanent balance of payments deficits and corporate disloyalty to the society.

I believe that this list shows that the ANC leaders were not “constrained” in the 1990s by a desire for economic stability but entered into a pact with Afrikaner Broederbonders  and big business. The constraint was mainly a concern to comply with world economic orthodoxy at a time their prior Moscow sponsors had given up the ghost.


Thabo Mbeki- Mandela’s “2IB” took control after Mandela was compelled by his Jewish masters to step down. He has done his evil work by posing as the “key” to open up South Africa’s white underbelly- and thus was not needed anymore by the Illuminati.

Mbeki was not much of a “president” as he was a high-roller- more flying out of the country- than flying into it. Mbeki’s raw hatred for the white Boers/Afrikaners– and his appetite for international food and women – is well-known and made him about a permanent high-roller to overseas countries. It is then no surprise that Jacob Zuma took his chance when Mbeki was on one of his many international excursions again-  to usurp his throne. Mbeki only have himself to blame. If he was more of a statesman than a high-flyer- he could well still be in control.

BUT it was under this anti-white racist Mbeki’s watch  that the  genocide on whites and drainage of experienced white professionals  really took shape. In 1998 the racist anti-white “Affirmative Action” policy was adopted by the communist ANC regime- and implemented when Mbeki took reign. Whites now were officially targeted for forceful alienation from the job market. The white impoverishment program and drainage of professional skills  has begun. It was also under Mbeki’s watch that the rural protection units which protected farmers – the “Commando” system- was abolished – which left the white farmers defenseless against attacks. The white genocide program has begun. So- the production and mechanized industries was placed under severe pressure as professional whites were replaced by ill-trained communist cadres- and so was the food production sector now also placed under pressure as white farmers were left open to the mercy of brutal black gangs.


Mbeki, who spent decades in the smoke-filled rooms of exile politics where everything was done on a “need-to-know” basis and where democracy was often sublimated to the security needs of the movement, failed to adapt to the new politics required of the open, democratic political environment in post-1994 South Africa.

Some of the infrastructure expansion that took place involved ill-advised mega-developments and vanity projects, leading to distorted infrastructure development. Mbeki also increased South Africa’s vulnerability to international financial shocks. Massive capital flight from the country, which commenced under Mbeki, led to its own form of financial instability and a ballooning current account deficit. Clearly, at this time, a more balanced assessment of Mbeki’s economic legacy – that avoids the kind of boosterism evident in mainstream accounts – was called for. Mbeki adopted a  neo-liberal content in his policies and had a notorious intolerance- trying to meet  democratic ends that cannot be derived through undemocratic means.

He allowed his suspicion of the West to blind him to the horror of the HIV/Aids pandemic, choosing instead to believe discredited quacks. He let his arrogance blind him to the corrupt changes happening within the ANC, right under his nose, and when the party finally pulled away from his control, his response was to retreat to his chambers to glower in silence.  He surrounded himself with “yes men”. Under him, criticism no longer became the lifeblood of the movement. Instead, selfish political patronage, nepotism and favouritism flourished.

Mbeki went on to surround himself with advisers who fed his political weaknesses instead of ameliorating them. Chief among these was Essop Pahad, an old crony  from exile who was made Minister in the presidency. If Mbeki misunderstood the media and how to build a successful public image, Pahad actively sought to alienate public opinion. He harangued journalists, sometimes with foul language, pointed his fingers at them and even famously sought to “bring down” the Sunday Times by withdrawing government advertising. Then there was Frank Chikane, director general in the President’s office. Although an effective administrator, he was unable or unwilling to bring light to bear on the presidency. Mbeki’s powerful legal adviser, Mojanku Gumbi came from the radical Azapo party, a left wing organization which was implacably opposed to racial reconciliation. Mbeki’s austere, opinionated and nit-picking spokesman, Mukoni Ratshitanga, was not a persuasive salesman. Surrounded by yes-men who fed his weakness for conspiracy, Mbeki was a closed book to the nation. Stoic, wooden appearances on SABC television did not repair the damage.

Mbeki’s Cabinet appointments appeared to based on political loyalty rather than competence. While Finance Minister Trevor Manuel stands out as a successful appointment this was perhaps because he was allowed to forge a strong direction based on powerful technical advice. Perhaps he posed no political threat as the ANC has made it clear it will only countenance an African candidate for the presidency. Mbeki’s worst appointment was the selection of Manto Tshabalala-Msimang as Health Minister.

Then there was the decision place the statist Alec Erwin in charge of public utilities badly in need of reform and private sector investment. Instead of bringing market efficiencies to bear in keeping with Manuel’s policy approach, Erwin rolled back the clock, stopped privatization and empowered inefficient communist bureaucracies. The result was that Eskom was hopelessly unable to respond to growing demand for electricity powered by South Africa’s higher-than-expected rate of economic growth. Electricity blackouts harmed growth and severely damaged South Africa as an investment destination. Erwin’s response was to threaten greater state involvement in the economy, to hike the cost of electricity and to deny anything was wrong. Mbeki, who had shown a great deal of Machiavellian guile in dispatching his political enemies-  now seemed strangely incapable of acting against his errant ministers.

Mbeki spent his final years in office totally absorbed by the Zimbabwean crisis, even as his enemies grew bolder and began to plot his early exit from office. Make no mistake, Mbeki’s achievement in getting Zimbabwe’s president, Robert Mugabe, and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai to the negotiation table was a momentous achievement. But it is by no means certain that the deal will stick. And, in order to bring Mugabe to the table, Mbeki had to sacrifice a big part of his credibility. Time after time, he was pictured holding hands with Mugabe, bedecked in garlands of matching flowers and grinning uncomfortably. Even as the deal was signed, Mugabe delivered a rambling testimony to Mbeki’s statesmanship. It was not the sort of ringing endorsement anyone would want. Mbeki was distracted by Zimbabwe at the expense of his domestic political agenda and this may have contributed to his failure to manage crises around electricity , white genocide, an imploding economy, corruption among ANC-controlled state enterprises – and crime which were uppermost in the minds of his citizens.


OSTENSIBLY Jacob Zuma’s three WORST blunders- is the Nkandla saga, the Marikana massacre- and the Nene fiasco….among the many screw-ups he now is quite known for. Still waiting in the wings is the controversial arms deal- and now also the controversial nuclear deal with Russia. Zuma is the most controversial head of state ever to be inaugurated in South Africa. With a string of charges- including corruption and rape- he managed to evade the prosecuting authorities by simply disbanding them-  or threatening them. He runs the country like a Mafioso Don- and uses the state resources like his personal ATM machine. He meddles in the judiciary- and make a mockery of the so-called “constitution.” He rigs polls at election time- and bank-roll the IEC to declare every election “free and fair.” He laughs at serious matters and jokes about the terrible state the economy finds itself in. His excuse is to blame whites, “Apartheid”  or Van Riebeeck for all his blunders. His remedy for the unruly masses is to promise to grab and give white owned land to them. Like another Mugabe he just blunders on- waving the race card continuously to unlock the vault of the state treasury to amass his own personal riches.

Under his reign there is  continues violent strikes where millions of rands worth of property was destroyed by unruly black mobs- and more than a 1000 were counted during 2015 alone. The Amplats mine strike in Rustenburg was the worst. The mining industry never recovered from that. Because of that- more than 150 000 miners and workers are about to lose their jobs in the next 5 years. How STUPID can you get? AND still today these black rioters go on with their idiocracy. Places now under siege are Port Elizabeth, Krugersdorp, Van Der Bijl, Cape Town and Mafekeng that have to bear the brunt of yet another barrage of black riots. Still think “Apartheid” was bad? YET the naive black public tolerate his incompetence- and let him get away with it. Tomorrow they will go out rioting and burning again- and next time they will vote for him again. And so the evil circle of ineptocracy and idiocracy continue to go  hand-in-hand  in South Africa. There is just NO medical cure for natural stupidity!

Allowing financially and academically  illiterate President Jacob Zuma to impose his ideas on South Africa’s fiscal policy is akin to handing a practicing alcoholic keys to the booze cabinet. In both instances, the consequences in terms of money and general misery is sure to be high. His most recent Nene blunder cost South Africa the worst financial knock-down. The rand fell for a sixth day in the longest streak of losses since November 2013, stocks slid and bond prices tumbled the most on record after  Zuma fired Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene and replaced him with a little-known side-kick back-bencher in Van Rooyen. This idiotic move we now know- was instigated and planned by the Zuma bank-roller conspirators- the Guptas.


Even as the rand had depreciated sharply following the announcement of the reshuffle of the Finance Ministry , it suffered a renewed bout of selling following the “inauguration” speech. Having traded for much of that Thursday morning just above the R15.00 level, the South African currency plunged to a new all-time low of R15.38 to the dollar, before rallying marginally. he interest rate on the highly traded 11-year government bond, the R186, soared by more than 1% following the announcement. Prior to the announcement the R186 yield had already moved up in recent weeks from around 8.2% to 8.8%.

Zuma – single-highhandedly- torpedoed South Africa into Davey Jones’ locker. The country never regain it’s composure again. Not only did Zuma screwed up the country- he also hammered the last nail into the ANC’s dilapidated coffin as a so-called “credible” government. Not  that the ANC ever WAS a good  “government”– but looking back with hind sight- maybe it was necessary that they were given a chance to “govern”- just to show the misdirected liberal international world just HOW disastrous it is to force a incapable terrorist movement into power. That thousands of poor white South Africans had to pay the ultimate price in a revengeful hatred onslaught- is heart breaking- to say the least. If it may be of any consolation- white South Africans now are getting a grand-stand view how those same international criminals that so gleefully hollered “Free Mandela”– are getting the same medicine they bestowed upon white South Africans – as literally MILLIONS of Muslim invaders and Mexican infiltrators now are nesting in their own countries.

Under Zuma’s watch- the country literally start to fall apart. About every state-department came to a grinding halt. About every province came close to shutting down as the incompetency among the “cadre” appointments start to gain momentum – and corruption soar to unprecedented heights. Even crucial services such as hospitals, sanitation,  schools and the Defense Force became institutions of inneptocracy – hamstrung by financial constrains due to regime kleptocratic  thuggery-  and incompetent cadre deployment programs. This bad omen also affected the legislature- as well as the parliament- where political hooligans posing as “politicians”– are having more brawls then my local pub.

Amidst a failing country- Zuma and his dregs now are hell-bent in pushing land-grab laws that will seriously affect the food production capability of the country. Both Zuma and Malema ( a British controlled minion)- are pushing to grab fertile productive white owned farms. Both are staunch supporters of that black heathen in Zimbabwe- Robert Mugabe. What impact this will have on food supplies to the market – and their idiotic supporters’plates- doesn’t bother this two idiots at all.

Since Zuma stole power- hundreds of black communist union instigated  revolts, strikes, riots and violent marches took place- destroying the economy to such an extend that many ig corporation closed their doors and mines closed their operations. They riot in the business sector, the mining sector, provincial sector,  the schools- and now the universities. In every aspect these communist dregs of society are destroying South Africa’s whole infrastructure- until there will be nothing more left to destroy. Then they will turn onto each other.


The corporate market are showing their revolt against Zuma’s ill-conceived rule as well- with their feet. They are pulling out- leaving more and more unruly union blacks jobless. Too simple-minded and short-sighted- these black hooligans do not realize they only put their own jobs and the food of their families in jeopardy. BUT the main criminals behind these violence and destruction of the country can be found in the Jewish controlled front-men- which started with the likes of first heathen Jay Naidoo of COSATU and it’s 21 affiliated member unions.  Now COSATU are controlled by the Zionists in Britain- with their front man Tony Ehrenreich – that took over where Naidoo has left off .Then we have NUMSA boss boy  Patric Craven and Andrew Chirwa – and the rest of the destruction team such as Sam Shilowah, Marius Fransman et al.


On a daily basis we observe these union criminals burning the country to ashes, destroying businesses- and forcing employers to flee the country to take their investments somewhere safer. Under Zuma’s “presidency”– millions of illegal aliens flood South Africa’s borders on a daily basis- robbing locals from their jobs. Under his incompetent reign- hundreds of whites are murdered in the most horrendous ways each year. Under his catastrophic reign crime escalated to unbelievable  heights- with the so-called “police force” so riddled with corruption themselves- that it is advisable to rather shoot the policemen during a robbery-  than the villains! . Under his tin-pot government- corruption soared both on government and provincial level. Taxation raised to the highest levels ever- with corporate thugs also using every possible opportunity to spike prices of basic necessities in shops. Scrupulous banks now also cash in in the demise of the country-  giving out “relief” loans at exuberant rates which the impoverished nation in any case cannot afford. BUT as long as Zuma and his ilk are protected by their “ring of steel”- their security forces and guards- they can proceed unchecked to plunder the state coffers.

That the populace are so useless tolerant while this criminal and his cronies are emptying their country’s resources and they have to contend with the crumbs- is yet another phenomena. Zuma’s ANC cronies on the other hand- will never allow him to be relieved of his powerful position  in any case. He made sure they ALL are knee-deep involved in his multi-million rand fraudulent schemes- ONE chirp from them and they will either be “silenced” like Joe Modise– “removed” like Nene- or land up in the slammer. So- they are too shit scared to stand up to this old mobster. In every suspicious deal his name pops  up- whether it’s his son, one of his harem, sister- or nephew- always the name “Zuma” pops up somewhere where BIG cash  are involved….usually in the tender business! His dynasty he created for himself and his cohorts from the backs of the hard working people of South Africa’s backs  stretch like the arms of an octopus.

Mean-while the country are sinking deeper and deeper into a recession- just like Germany pre 1930. The Jews are playing their evil games again. South Africa became synonymous with scandals and corruption. Under Zuma’s  reign the rand went into the lowest level ever against the greenback since this country became a British orchestrated “republic.” All-in-all- this country became f*cked-up totally. It reached the point of no return. With criminals such as Zuma, Malema, Blade Nzimande, Tony Ehrenreich and Marius Fransman  and the local media continuously blowing the fires of “racism” to divert the attention from their own ineptocracy- this country are fast approaching a Tunisian spring and a full-blown civil  war.


There is no way of saving this evil spiral of decay anymore. The country’s little airplane with the ANC at the controls  went past the V2-mark already. The only command left now will be “rotate… rotate…rotate” – with both engines that will be failing on take-off! Let us hope liberal stray-dogs like Max Du Preez are located somewhere in the front row  seats. There is no political party that have the means to take over IF the ANC falls apart- as it is busy doing now. That the ANC will relinquish power without creating chaos- is yet another question. The Jewish created DA also are loosing it’s political grounds to such an extend that Maimane– that black “savior” of the media- now also are showing strange signs  of maybe merging with the EFF.As for the rest of the political parties- they are totally USELESS with no teeth to bite the bullet anymore. Their so-called “leaders” merely sits in parliament fast asleep -dreaming of  their pension days before they also flee the country for a safer haven to go and perish in their old-age secretion.

This tragic chain of consequences are opening a door to a new danger. South Africa’s main political parties were kept in power by the older generation  “ liberation before education” voters. BUT they slowly are aging and dying away. The new generation blacks want to see change- and the only party that appear to be a party of any “credibility”  left- are Julius Malema’s radical EFF. THUS– more and more young black youths are joining the EFF- which in turn- are opening the door for yet another black dictatorship in the offing in either Julius Malema– or his radical 2 IB- Flloyd Shivambu. This spells disaster for South Africa- and if you think Zuma was bad- you have seen nothing yet as Malema may become president. And this is not an impossibility- it is a paradox that the British Illuminati thinks are quite possible. This the reason why they invited Malema to Britain- they want to start grooming their new “investment.”


In South Africa the majority people are living each in their own false created bubble of self-imposed “safety.”  They are pretending everything is “a-ok”– but factually all they do is desperately trying to survive through all the onslaughts they have to endure due to utter poor governance from their elected  so-called “democratic” terrorists in control. Only a small “elite” group of Afrikaner “Broederbonders”, British, Indian  and Chinese corporate thugs- and ANC mobsters are living in that “democratic”dream Mandela was so much gloating about. As for the rest- it turned out to be a national disaster with more than 47% of the population living on state grants.

Still the ANC communists proceed with their little “racist” fun and games against innocent white taxpayers. Still that national clown- Zuma- are laughing in parliament about serious issues. Still the useless “politicians” have their annual brawls in parliament and Cyril Rhamaphosa brushing it off as “just noisy.” Still the whites are murdered at a staggering rate. Still the rand are plummeting to “scrap” level. Still financial houses like S &P, Moodeys and Finch are degrading South Africa’s credibility status  lower and lower. Still big corporations are closing their doors – their investors fleeing- taking much needed funding with them. Still the taxes rise to compensate for the loss of financial capital influx. Still thugs like the Guptas are cashing in on a dying economy- trying to buy the whole country at a special bargain. Still the Jews want to control all the mineral riches- and still that Tunisian spring are looming ever so closer.

” Give us the masses- the illiterate, the simpleton, the destitute and the poor- and through systematic starvation of basic necessities-  we will escalate and control their combined aggravated circumstances into a  powerful unified force which will  obey our every command towards a supreme  New World dynasty.”-Annon.




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