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DAWN– August 01 2015: An Afrikaner woman collapsed yesterday morning when she came across the body of her husband, who had not returned home after work the night before. Kerry Pretorius of Dawn was on her way to the police station to report her husband Randall, 32, missing when she came across police activity in the area. When she arrived she was confronted with an image that rocked her world – her husband’s lifeless body. She collapsed and was too distraught to speak to the Daily Dispatch. Kerry had seen her husband off to work on Wednesday morning but he did not return home that night. Dawn resident Reverend Owen Msesiwe was among those at the scene yesterday. He prayed for the shocked woman as she was taken away by relatives. Randall’s father, Phillip Pretorius, said the family was still trying to deal with the shock and it was all still “raw”. Phillip said he had walked night long looking for his son. “I do not have a car and so I walked up and down the railway looking for him but I did not find him. I even looked along the road but he was not there,” he said. Phillip said he kissed his son goodbye on Wednesday night. “I gave him cookies for my grandkids and walked him to the corner. I then kissed him goodbye and he left. I looked for him all night until I saw him this morning lying on the pavement like a dog,” Phillip said. “This is so painful for us. They stabbed him, took his cellphone and just left him lying there.” Police spokesman Captain Mluleki Mbi said they were investigating a murder case. Randall was employed at Little Green Beverages in Greenfields. Manager Graeme Easton said his colleagues were in shock. “He was a moral employee who had great standards and he was well respected by his peers. He will be dearly missed,” Easton said. He said the company would assist the family in whatever way possible. Msesiwe said Randall was known as a humble and caring person. “We are all terribly shocked. “Such crimes never happen in our part of town. Randall could hardly hurt a fly,” Msesiwe said.


ALGEMEEN– 01 Augustus 2015:  2015: Blanke polisieman is Saterdag in Witbank vermoor.

‘n Bejaarde blanke vrou is in Knysna vermoor en haar man is ernstig beseer.

Oom Kallie (sy van is nie aan my bekend nie) was Vrydagaand net na 20:00 deur BARBARE geskiet is in sy huis in Spruitfontein so entjie van Raasbekkies kleuterskool af.

‘n 44-jaarige vrou van Bloemfontein is erg aangerand en vir dood agtergelaat toe sy gaan draf het.


BOKSBURG– August 02: Black thugs  reportedly killed Marthinus Herbst in front of his less than a year-old-baby and wife, following an alleged struggle with black thugs  who broke into his home in Parklands Estate.  Herbst was shot twice during a robbery in a secure estate in Parkrand, in the early hours of August 2. According to a police report, the victim was at the time asleep on his couch with the baby, when the armed thugs  entered the home. They forced open the sliding door to gain access. To protect his family as well as the two visitors who were reportedly asleep in one bedroom, Herbst apparently struggled with the assailants as they were entering the house. That is when the thugs  fired two shots, hitting the Herbst in his upper body. They escaped with a laptop and two cellphones. Paramedics certified Herbst dead on the scene. Both thugs  were seen by the confused survivors leaping over the electric fence to flee the scene on foot. It is, however, still unclear as to how the thugs managed to sneak into the secured estate prior to the attack, without being noticed by the private security personnel (stationed at the entrance). Two cartridges were found on the scene. Detectives from the Boksburg SAPS are still working to track down the dangerous pair. Anyone with information is asked to call the investigating officer, Det W/O Rudi Venter on 074 886 9754.

* The death was the second homicide reported in one day in Boksburg.

A man’s body was found in the open veld near Pretoria Road, Comet, on August 2. According to Boksburg SAPS spokesperson Lieut Kwendzakwakhe Ngobese, police officers were alerted to the body of Maxwell Ndlovu, lying on the ground unresponsive. Police officers, along with paramedics, found the man with a gunshot wound to his chest. He was certified dead at the scene. Police are investigating a case of murder. Anyone with information is asked to phone the investigating officer, W/O Dan Mahlangu on 011 841 6870. –@FanieFLK


WOLSELY-August 02 2015: Sunday 2 Aug 2015 13:24 –Hennie and Marina van Zyl won’t be opening their doors to any members of the police any time soon after their ordeal at the hands of seven uniformed black males who showed up at their farm with an ‘arrest warrant’, demanded that their fierce Rottweilers be locked up, and a ‘detective’ who were ‘looking for Hendrik van Zyl’. The couple were tied up and robbed by the men who showed up in two cars. Some wore bullet proof vests. The couple were fooled: they and foreman Roelof Zeeman went into the homestead with five of the ‘police officers’ but the dogs were very restless while Marina was locking them up in the kitchen. And she became very suspicious when they addressed her with her birth-name, “Martha’ which no-one on the farm even know. The workers and Hennie all address her as Marina. She got very irate when she heard the ‘complaint’ against Hennie that he was ‘being sought for sexual harassment in a bar’. She walked to the office to call the Wolseley police station to double-check. One of the cops rushed after her pulled her backwards and fired his handgun at her. He missed. It was only then that the policemen shouted that ‘this is a robbery and tied them up. Everybody including two farm workers were tied up inside the homestead. Somehow the ‘cops’ knew that the safe contained their pay and that there were two safes. After plundering the safes the gang left with six firearms, jewellery and an unknown amount of cash. The Van Zyls have issued a warning “do not allow any police members to your home after-hours. Trust no-one because this can happen to anyone”


PHALABORWA– 04 Augustus 2015: Loekie Röhrbeck (49) wat Dinsdag tydens die geweldadige betogings buite Phalaborwa in Limpopo dood is, “was die hand wat die betogers gevoed het.” Só sê sy vrou, Cecelia, ná haar man se tragiese dood. Loekie het voor vandeesweek se betogings van gratis mieliemeel tot lekkergoed vir die gemeenskap van Namakgale, buite Phalaborwa, gegee. “Hy het ’n hart van goud gehad en vir die mense omgegee,” sê Cecelia. Die betoging het chaos veroorsaak. Minstens ses voertuie is uitgebrand en die R71-pad vanaf Namakgale tot in Phalaborwa is met brandende buitebande versper. Die Phalaborwa-hek na die Krugerwildtuin moes weens die geweld gesluit word en is Donderdag weer oopgestel. Die swart betogers was onder meer ontevrede omdat hulle nie werk by die myne in die gebied kry nie. Volgens Cecelia is Loekie aan ’n beroerte dood en nie ’n hartaanval soos wat die polisie gesê het nie. Cecelia sê ook die polisie het nié haar man uit sy winkel gered nie. “Hy het self uit die winkel geloop, saam met slegs een polisielid.” Dié polisielid, wat nie genoem wil word nie, het gesê die betogers het gedreig om Röhrbeck se winkel af te brand. Cecelia sê haar man het in die pad buite sy winkel inmekaargesak. Hy het aan hoë bloeddruk gely en het ses maande gelede ’n ligte beroerte gehad. Van die betogers wat hom geken het, het nader gestap toe hy inmekaarsak en gesê: “Loekie, ons is sorry.” Die betogers het sedert verlede Donderdag gedreig om sy winkel af te brand nadat die vensters uitgegooi en die winkel geplunder is. “Hulle het van roomys tot drank gesteel,” sê Cecelia. Sy het Dinsdagmiddag 16:55 met haar man oor die telefoon gepraat. “Hy het gesê hy sal my terugbel en gaan 18:00 huis toe kom. Hy het nooit teruggebel nie en is 18:00 na sy Hemelse huis toe.” Inwoners van Phalaborwa het ’n WhatsApp-groep gestig om mekaar oor die betogings ingelig te hou. Cecelia het op dié groep uitgevind dat haar man dood is. Die egpaar was 27 jaar getroud. “Ek het hom geken vandat ek tien jaar oud was. My lewe is nou dood.” Röhrbeck se seun, Carel (26), ’n pastoor, begrawe sy pa Saterdag. Die begrafnis is om 11:00 uit die AGS-kerk in Phalaborwa. Röhrbeck word ook deur ’n dogter, Marlene (26), oorleef. ? Die betogings het Donderdag tot ’n einde gekom ná ure lange samesprekings tussen betogers en verteenwoordige?rs van die myne en van die sakekamer van Phalaborwa.


MIDDLEBURG– August 06 2015:  A young white teacher working in Mhluzi experienced a horrific ordeal after being hijacked and kidnapped by two black thugs at a filling station in Mhluzi, shortly after 07:00 Thursday morning. Ms Shireen Hardy was on her way to the school where she teaches, when the two thugs  pounced on her in her Golf. The thugs  threatened that they would shoot her if she didn’t cooperate and though she never saw any weapons in their possession, panic took over, rendering her numb. The thugs sped off with Ms Hardy towards Groblersdal, where they turned off on the Slaghoek road. The men dropped her off on the gravel road and sped off towards the township. The driver lost control of the vehicle around a bend, approximately 300 meters from Laventelboom Holiday Farm’s entrance. He could not regain control and the car left the road, crashing into a ditch, shortly after clearing the bridge crossing the stream. Ms Hardy said one of her attackers had a beard while the other had protruding teeth. Both spoke Afrikaans fluently. A shaking Ms Hardy told police on the scene of the crash that one was dressed in a green overall pants with a visibility strip across the upper legs. The other was dressed in a blue overall jacket. Police launched an immediate manhunt for the hijackers, and called on civilians with helicopters to assist with the search, as the police helicopter was docked in Nelspruit at the time. The men disappeared into the bushy surrounding on foot, and the police’s dog unit was also dispatched to assist in the search. Ms Hardy’s husband, Juan, arrived on the scene shortly after police found his wife alongside the road.

After giving a brief statement of events to police, Mr Hardy was allowed to take his wife for treatment. Officers on the scene did not want to press Ms Hardy for too much information, as they were informed that she suffered from an anxiety disorder and could only remember flashes of her ordeal. The Observer attempted to speak with Mr Hardy, but he declined to comment saying, “my wife has just been hijacked, she is my first priority”. He however confirmed that to his limited knowledge, Ms Hardy was hijacked in Mhluzi and not in Kanonkop, as family members of Ms Hardy suggested on social media platforms, before she was found. Police could not supply any clear details of the hijacking before print, since they were still busy combing the scene, where cellphone reception was unavailable. “We can confirm that a hijacking took place, and that the victim was found without injury,” was all captain Khayisile Zwane told the Observer. She added that the case was being investigated by Middelburg police.


RANDFONTEIN– 07 Augustus 2015: Die Randfontein Polisie ondersoek ‘n saak van motordiefstal nadat vier gewapende swart kriminele  vier blanke jong mense van hul besittings en voertuig beroof het. In die voorval wat omstreeks 8nm op Vrydag 7 Augustus plaasgevind het, het die jong mense vir hul lewens gevrees. Linette Davis en haar vriende, Stella Pietersen, Johan Potgieter en Antonie van Wyk was op pad om te gaan fliek toe hulle voor Linette se huis in Cranestraat in Van Wyk se wit Audi A3 wou klim. Kort daarna het ‘n bruin Audi A3 agter hulle in die straat stilgehou waaruit vier gewapende swart kriminele , sonder maskers, gespring het en hulle uit die voertuig gedwing het. Hulle het geëis dat hulle al hul besittings moes oorhandig. Toe een van die meisies probeer het om haar selfoon weg te steek, het een van die verdagtes  vir haar gesê, “Give me the phone, or I am going to kill you.” Davis het die kriminele  gesmeek dat hulle net hul ID-boekies en rybewyse kon hou, maar die kriminele het geweier. Hulle het onder andere die meisies se handsakke, almal se fone en geld geneem. Daarna het twee van die kriminele  in Van Wyk se Audi geklim en die ander twee is terug na hul voertuig toe. Na ‘n gesukkel om Van Wyk se Audi aan die gang te kry, het hulle eers in die hek vasgery en toe weggejaag. Die ander voertuig met die ander twee kriminele is ook daar weg. Die hele rooftog het minder as vyf minute geduur. Robbie Davis het vir sy suster en haar vriende die hek van binne af oopgemaak. Gelukkig was hul ouers Robert en Nadine ook tuis. Nadine, wat in Mapogo Sekuriteit se beheerkamer werk, het hulle dadelik geskakel. Mapogo Sekuriteit was soos blits op die toneel. Hulle het seker gemaak dat almal veilig is en het daarna die wit Audi A3 in Ravenstraat gewaar maar die kriminele  in die gesteelde Audi het weggekom. Nadine het moedeloos aan die Herald gesê “Kinders kan dit nie eers meer waag om in die aand te gaan fliek nie.” Kaptein Appel Ernst, woordvoerder vir die Randfontein Polisie het bevestig ‘n saak van motordiefstal is aangemeld.


SUNDRA- 09 Augustus 2015: Die beendere van George Wesvaal, van iets in die 70, is Donderdagoggend vroeg ná ’n brand op die tweede verdieping van sy huis in Rietkol, Mpumalanga, gevind. Die vermoede bestaan dat Wesvaal, wat al 40 jaar lank alleen bly, al Sondag vermoor is. Chris van der Linden, sy buurman, het gesê hy het toe hy omstreeks 23:00 Woensdag gaan slaap het nie besef Wesvaal se huis brand nie. “Een van die ander bure het ons net voor middernag gebel en gevra of die rook van my huis af kom,” het Van der Linden Donderdag gesê. Van der Linden en van die ander bure het hulle na die perseel gehaas om die vlamme te help blus. Terwyl hulle besig was, het Van der Linden besef Wesvaal se wit enkelkajuit-GWM-bakkie is nie daar nie. Nadat die brand omstreeks 04:00 geblus is, het Van der Linden na Wesvaal gaan soek, maar hy kon hom nie vind nie. “Ons het toe met behulp van Tracker vasgestel dat sy bakkie al Sondag in Etwatwa was,” het Van der Linden gesê. Etwatwa is sowat 24 km van Rietkol af. “Ons vermoed dat hy Sondag vermoor is toe die bakkie gesteel is.” Volgens Tracker was die bakkie Maandag 40 minute lank buite Wesvaal se huis, Dinsdag 50 minute lank en Woensdag ’n bietjie langer as ’n uur. “Net nadat hulle Woensdagaand in die omgewing was, het die huis begin brand,” het Van der Linden gesê. Die Sundra-polisie, die honde-eenheid en forensiese deskundiges was Donderdag op die toneel. “Die honde-eenheid het net ná 05:00 so ’n klein gedeelte van sy skedel, ’n ribbebeen en ’n stuk van sy voet gekry.” Volgens Van der Linden is die Rietkol-gemeenskap geruk deur die moord. “Ons is hewig ontsteld. Ons het baie probleme met onwettige immigrante . . . Die oom is in Desember aangerand en so drie maande gelede weer met ’n stuk yster geslaan. Ons het twee weke gelede ’n griefskrif teen die plaaslike polisie opgestel, maar wat help dit? Daar is die oom nou vermoor.” Die polisie ondersoek die voorval.


PRETORIA- 11 Augustus 2015 2015:


DELMAS-11 Augustus 2015:  Mnr.  Joseph Coombe word deur swart aanvallers in die voet geskie toe e hy geld gaan bank het . Hy het terug geskiet en twee gewond in Delmas.


VEREENIGING– 12 Augustus 2015:


LADYBRAND– 12 Augustus 2015


THREE RIVERS– August 12 2015: Anton van Rensburg, a white businessman and father of seven children, was attacked by armed black thugs  and shot on Wednesday August 12, 2015, in Three Rivers, Vereeniging, near the house where his family had moved to, barely two weeks ago. A heartbroken Carin said Friday to Maroela Media she and Anton, who run a kindergarten in Three Rivers received a call from one of their sons, Enrico’s (8), teachers on Wednesday at the school informing them to that he was sick and they should fetch him from school. “Anton went to fetch Enrico at school and left him at home in the care of our two domestic workers. He was barely back at the office when one of the domestic workers called in distress and said there were people in the yard at our new home,” Carin said. Carin explained that they have been living in Three Rivers for a long time and initially started the kindergarten on a portion of their property, but moved to their new home to convert the old house in a kindergarten. “Since we have only been living there for two weeks, we have not yet activated an alarm. My husband and I and a colleague of mine rushed to the house about 11:17 in two separate vehicles. My husband was there before me. When I arrived, I saw a white vehicle in our driveway. Our safe was loaded in the open trunk.” She said at the time four black  thugs  ran out of the house and four shots were fired at Anton, while he was in his bakkie. “He signaled me to drive so we could get away. We live in a ‘cul de sac’ and there is no place to turn, so I reversed with Anton following, with the thugs chasing him.” The thugs overtook Anton’s bakkie at a stop sign where they fired three shots at him. One bullet hit him in the chest. “I just saw my husband’s head dropped when I drove away to protect my colleague.” She drove around the block, trying to summon the police and an ambulance and returned to the place where her husband had been shot. The thugs and their car were already gone. “He was still alive when I reached him. There was blood on his back. “He told me he knew he is going to die. He told me how much he loved me and that I should look after his children “she said tearfully. Carin said she, her colleagues and some of the parents on Whatsapp, all tried in vain to call an ambulance or the police to the scene. “One hospital said they had no ambulance, and other numbers we phoned, we were kept on hold. I was hysterical and then I drove to the Midvaal Hospital, about 8 km from there, while my colleague was waiting with Anton.” She said when she stopped at the hospital, she saw an ambulance and begged them for assistance, and then the ambulance and a police vehicle accompanied her to her husband.“A second ambulance was soon on the scene and the paramedics treated him and called for a helicopter.” Anton was taken by helicopter to the Union Hospital in Alberton and died at 17:00 from his injuries. “The bullet that struck him damaged both lungs and his spine. His heart finally stopped because he had lost too much blood. If only we could get help more quickly, he might still be alive.” Carin said her domestic workers and Enrico are very traumatized. “The thugs kicked open the front door and held the domestic workers in the bedroom, while Enrico had to point out where the safe and other valuable items were. When they were finished, they left all three on our bed and told them to put a pillow over their head…… and that’s when we arrived and interrupted them.” According to Carin the thugs  stole their safe with firearms and jewelry, laptops, tablet computers and a DVD player.


BRITS– 14 Augustus 2015: “Daar was ‘n roof op die plaas Sanddrift naby Brits. Swartes het wapens, geld en klere geroof Die du Preez egpaar is erg geskok. Ons wens julle sterkte toe en spoedige herstel.”


KEMPTON PARK- August 15 2015: A white Glen Marais man is recovering in Tembisa Hospital after he was hijacked, beaten up and tied to a tree on Saturday night. The young man, identified as Richard Slow, was hijacked by three black thugs  along Dann Road at about 8.45pm. He was driving in his Chevrolet Aveo. According to Kempton SAPS’ W/O Neldah Sekgobela, the man was approached by three black thugs  who forced their way into his car. “According to the victim, the thugs  then drove with him to a nearby veld, where they assaulted him. He was put back into the car and they drove off with him to the corner Monument and Quinine roads in Glen Marais. They assaulted him again and tied him to a tree, then drove off in his car,” Sekgobela confirmed. According to reports, an MML Security officer who was patrolling in the area saw Slow and immediately alerted his company. A short while later, the incident had been reported on various community WhatsApp groups, and also reached Kempton CPF. Marius van Wyk, response officer for Smart Security, said he arrived at the scene at about 9pm.“He gave us his address and someone was sent to fetch his parents, who live not far from where the incident took place,” Van Wyk explained. “ER24 paramedics were called to the scene and treated the man, who looked like he might be between 30-40 years of age, but it was hard to tell because his face was covered in blood and dirt from the ash on the ground and the sand.” Sekgobela also confirmed that police couldn’t get the man’s age as he struggled to speak as a result of his injuries. He was taken to hospital following treatment at the scene and a case of car hijacking and assault is being investigated.


PORT ELIZABETH– 16 Augustus 2015:

PORT ELIZABETH– 16 Augustus 2015: Enkele minute voor ’n gru- plaasaanval in Ida in die Oos-Kaap het Theuns Botha, landbouskrywer en Boer, nog met sy buurman oor die mooi skemeraand gepraat. Botha het Saterdagaan skaars vertrek toe drie swart aanvallers, gewapen met messe, op Ruben Gouws (65) en sy ma, Hermien (88), toegeslaan en geld en vuurwapens gebuit. Volgens Botha was hy nie bewus daarvan dat die aanvallers toe reeds op die plaas was nie. Danksy lede van die gemeenskap wat die polisie gekontak het ná die verdagte optrede van ’n man in hul midde, asook die blitsige en deeglike reaksie van die polisie, is drie verdagtes (22, 23 en 24) dieselfde aand vasgetrek. Gouws, ’n afgetrede hoof van die Hoërskool Ida, was volgens Botha  benewens sy hoenderboerdery nog nou betrokke by dié skool. Toe al die Boere in die distrik  Saterdagaand volgens hul eie veiligheidsroetine omstreeks 18:00 weer oor die roepradio gekontak is, was daar geen reaksie van Gouws se radio nie. Bure het gaan ondersoek instel en op ’n bloedspoor by die agterdeur van Gouws se huis afgekom. In die huis is Hermien se lyk onder ’n tafel aangetref. Sy is blykbaar met haar serp verwurg. Gouws se bebloede lyk is met meswonde in sy slaapkamer gekry. Die swart aanvallers het hom met telefoonkabels vasgebind. Wat vir Botha skokkend is, sy huis is slegs 200 m van die slagoffers af. Volgens kaptein Ursula Roelofse, polisiewoordvoerder, is die polisie kort ná 18:00 van die voorval in kennis gestel. Adjudant offisier Flippie Swart, stasiekommissaris van Ida, het die ondersoek self gelei én het nog dieselfde aand ’n man in die omgewing aangekeer nadat die gemeenskap onraad uit die gesprekke van ’n sekere man vermoed en die polisie gekontak het. Die polisie het glo met verdere inligting dwarsdeur die aand gewerk om nóg twee verdagtes in Cala, ongeveer 40 km weg, vas te trek. Drie van die vuurwapens wat by Gouws gesteel is, asook geld, is in die kriminele  se besit gekry. Ruben se broer, Chris, is erg bedroef en kon nog nie die moed bymekaarskraap om na sy broer en ma se verminkte lyke te gaan kyk nie. Dit is die tweede keer wat sy familie deur so tragiese voorval moet gaan, die herinneringe van sy vrou lê nog te vlak. Sy vrou, Linie, is ook op 10 Junie 2012 in hul gastehuis in Ugie vermoor toe swart kriminele  ook daar toegeslaan het. Chris is ook vermink in die aanval, maar het dit oorleef. Sodra sy broer en ma se lykskouing afgehandel is, sal begrafnis- reëlings getref word, het hy gesê. Die verdagtes verskyn Woensdag in die Indwe– hof. Douglas Stern, nuutverkose president van Agri Oos-Kaap, het die polisie se spoedige optrede geloof, maar ook gemaan dat beter beveiliging vir die land se kos produsente noodsaaklik is


KLERKSDORP– 17 Augustus 2015:  ‘n  Bekende blanke sakeman van Klerksdorp, Mnr.Riaan van den Heever 53 is Dinsdagaand in sy huis in Songloed Klerksdorp deur drie gewapende swart kriminele  in sy bors,maag en kuit geskiet. Hy le in n kritieke toestand in die Ancron kliniek in Klerksdorp.

Die berig het in die Klerksdorp Record verskyn.


POTCHEFSTROOM– 18 Augustus 2015: Koos van der Leeuw (68), ‘n Potchefstroomse beesboer in Wes-Transvaal het laat Dinsdagoggend gesterf, enkele ure nadat hy tydens ‘n rooftog in sy kop geskiet is.

Sy familie bied ‘n R10 000-beloning aan vir enigiemand wat inligting kan verskaf wat kan lei tot die arrestasie van die vierswart kriminele, wat steeds op vrye voet is. Die rooftog het Dinsdag omstreeks 06:00 by die Potchefstroomse slagpale gebeur. Volgens Jaco de Villiers (23), het hy terwyl die kriminele hom op die grond vasgedruk het, net voete gesien, skote gehoor en toe val oom Koos. Van der Leeuw, wat naby die stad geboer het, is per helikopter na die Mediclinic Sandton in Johannesburg, Sentraal- Transvaal geneem. Hy het daar gesterf. Volgens De Villiers het hy omstreeks 05:45 Dinsdag by die slagpale aangekom om sake met Van der Leeuw te doen. Van der Leeuw en De Villiers se stiefpa, Pierre Fourie, van Krugersdorp in Sentraal-Transvaal, is al jare sakevennote. Hulle slag beeste vir Van der Leeuw. Van der Leeuw en sy vrou het kort voor 06:00 by die slagpale aangekom. Nadat De Villiers aan Van der Leeuw se vrou gesê het hulle moet lekker bly en ‘n goeie week hê, sien hy ‘n onbekende kar, ‘n blou Subaru, inry. Die voertuig het gestop en ‘n passasier het uitgeklim. Hy het ‘n paar meter van De Villiers gestaan, ‘n handwapen op hom gerig en geld gevra. De Villiers het vermoed Van der Leeuw het gesterf omdat hy stil gelê en daar bloed uit sy een oor en kop gevloei het. Ander personeel by die slagpale het die ambulans ontbied. Die polisie was ook kort daarna op die toneel. Van der Leeuw se vrou het deurentyd in die bakkie bly sit. Volgens majoor Pelonomi Makau, polisiewoordvoerder, ondersoek die polisie sake van moord en roof. Mense met inligting oor die rooftog kan die ondersoekbeampte, Bonita Dry, op 082 2248 797 of tydens kantoor-ure by 018 299 7436 bel.


MARGATE– August 18 2015:  A 79-YEAR-OLD white woman was found dead in her home in Trafalgar Wood Avenue on Tuesday afternoon. Marita Schoeman was found dead by her neighbor and gardener, who was cleaning the yard. Police spokesperson captain Gerald Mfeka said the gardener was calling for Schoeman, but there was no answer, so he called the neighbor to see if she was not with there. The neighbor then rushed to Schoeman’s house to meet the gardener before running into the house to look for her. The two found Schoeman­ dead in one of the rooms with several stab wounds. “The neighbour and the gardener also noticed that one window had been broken, which indicates the suspects entered through the window,” said Mfeka. Mfeka said discoveries were made after a post mortem was done. ‘The deceased had several knife cuts on both palms and strangle marks on the neck,” he said. The Margate SAPS are investigating and have opened an inquest docket­.


PORT ELIZABETH– August 19 2015:

An elderly white woman (78) was found murdered during a house robbery in Lytham Street in Kabega Park. The incident took place around 10:00 this morning. Captain Johan Rheeder, police spokesperson, confirmed the incident According to our reporter on the scene, Cara-Lee Scheun, this is the granny flat where the murdered elderly white lady (78) lived in Lytham Street, Kabega Park. She was allegedly strangled to death when three black thugs  broke into her granny flat. A pregnant domestic worker (37) was tied up with cable ties. The three thugs  apparently also broke into the main house, which belongs to her son.


KRUGERSDORP– August 20 2015: Over the weekend the Kahts family, who live in Krugersdorp, woke up one evening to three heavily armed black thugs. At around midnight Karin Kahts heard a noise that sounded like an accident as they live close to a busy road, but when her husband switched on the light they were terrified finding three armed black thugs in their house. The thugs broke open their front gate, security gate and door to gain access to their house. They were armed with AK-47 and 9mm guns and held Kahts’ 20-year-old son at gunpoint as they moved through the house. Kahts tried to close her bedroom door but one of the thugs forced it open and instructed her and her husband to sit down while pointing a gun at them. “Sit or we’ll shoot your wife,” they said. One of the thugs then loaded his gun, while the others wrecked the house in search of valuable goods. The thugs demanded money and firearms from Kahts along with the keys to her husband’s company bakkie, to which he refused. “One thug then hit my husband over the head with the AK-47 because he could not tell them where the bakkie’s keys were,” Kahts recalled. She believes the CPF radio in her husband’s hand may have scared them off as they only grabbed a TV, her son’s wallet and money before fleeing. They kicked the CPF radio out of her husband’s hand before making their way to a dark blue getaway vehicle in which a fourth thug was waiting for them. Kahts told the Krugersdorp News she no longer feels safe in her home and the family struggles to sleep at night since the traumatic incident. “These guys are definitely professionals. They knew exactly what they were doing and were not scared to handle the guns. They also were well dressed.” “I honestly thought they were going to shoot me. We are so thankful to be alive and would like to thank the [white] Community Policing Forum members of Sector 9 for responding so quickly to our call-out,” Kahts said. ( ANC Sponsored thugs?)


RANDBURG– August 20 2015: Two armed black thugs fled after shooting and killing a white man during a robbery on 20 August in Golden Harvest Park. A man and his friends (two women and one man) were visiting the park situated in the heart of North Riding. At around 6.30pm two armed black thugs approached the group and allegedly started shooting. Provisional SAPS spokesperson Captain Doniah Mothutsane stated, “The two men fled the scene with the victims’ bags and cellphones.” She added that no arrests have been made and the police appeal to the public to come forward with any information that may assist the police.


BISHOPSTOWE– August 20 2015: Yesterday, four black thugs  entered a farmhouse at Bishopstowe and locked a white woman inside the bathroom, before ransacking the house. They made off with R14 500 in cash among other things. At the time the victim, who is in her 50s, was with her 10-month-old grandson. Police say she and the child were not physically hurt. The police’s Thulani Zwane says she has opened a case of robbery at the Bishopstowe Police Station. “The suspects took cash as well as a pistol and two cellphones before they fled. No arrests have been made at this stage and the case is still being investigated. We are appealing to anyone who might have information about the whereabouts of the suspects to come forward,” he said.  The incident took place on the same day that the South African Human Rights Commission released a report on farm attacks and murders in the country.  The report states the South Africa Police Service and the NPA should do more to curb such attacks.  Commenting on the report, agricultural union KWANALU’s Koos Marais said farmers are being seen as easy targets as help is usually some distance away. “There’s no policing within kilometres normally or security companies. Also farms [are] not easy to fortify. You cannot put a high fence around a farm and expect people to stay out of it. Farmers are rather trusting people and the element of surprise in the hands of the perpetrator,” he said.  The report has revealed there have been 148 farm attacks in the country this year in which 33 white people have been murdered.


KLERKSDORP- 22 Augustus 2015:


BENONI– August 23: A white man and his wife were robbed at gunpoint  in their Mackenzie Park home, on August 23, after three armed black thugs entered the house.  The incident occurred at a property on Plover Street, at around 7pm. Benoni SAPS spokesperson Lieut Nomsa Sekele said the complainant and his wife were at home, as the couple was expecting visitors. “He went outside to check if they had arrived and, as he opened the gate, he was approached by three men, all of whom were armed,” said Sekele. “They pointed a firearm at him and demanded cash.” The thugs escorted the man into the house and, according to Sekele, “dragged his wife out of bed”. The spokesperson said the thugs demanded money and ransacked the house to find it, after being dissatisfied with the amount given to them by the male victim. The man was assaulted with the butt of a gun. Sekele said thethugs fled from the home when the doorbell rang. They made off in a white Mercedes Benz with cash and jewellery. A case of house robbery has been opened and, at the time of publication, no arrests had been made.


PRETORIA– August 23 2015: Yet another attack at Ford Klapperkop last night 23/08/2015. We were contacted by the white victims friends with regards to the attack via Facebook. Same look out point different black thugs. These thugs were young and possibly round 18 years of age. They seem to becoming more violent. Please stay away from this area at night. Send this information to all your friends so that every one is aware of what is happening here.


JOHANNESBURG– 24 Augustus 2015:


BLOEMFONTEIN– 23 Augustus 2015: Slegs drie dae na sy broer se dood is nog ‘n blanke man in Bloemfontein deur swart kriminele vermoor.





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