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Article by: White Nation editorial team– July 25 2015
STATISTICS AS BY WHITE NATION SURVEY FROM JANUARY 01 2015 TO JULY 25 2015.( Statistics are supported by factual media and social media articles and links)
PRIMROSE– June 30 2015: The station commander of the Primrose SAPS, Col Mduduzi Khuzwayo, has confirmed the death of a white man this morning, June 30, after an attack took place. The 59-year-old white man died in Simon Street, in Rustivia, after he was attacked by an alleged house-breaking black thug. Khuzwayo told the GCN that two black thugs attempted to break into a house in the street at about 2am. “The residents fought against the criminals, trying to defend themselves, and other community members also got involved,” said Khuzwayo. “They managed to apprehend one suspect but he resisted arrest.” The other thug allegedly ran away but returned to try and help his accomplice. “It is alleged he threw stones at the community members and, in the process, one of the residents was badly injured,” Khuzwayo said. “He unfortunately died due to the injuries he sustained in the attack.” The arrested suspected was taken to the Primrose Police Station and the other is still at large. The man who was arrested was also injured in the altercation and is currently under police guard at Tembisa Hospital. Khuzwayo believes other residents were also slightly injured in the attack.
MIDDELBURG– 1 Julie 2015: “Hi almal. My ouers is 9 uur vanoggend helder oor dag deur 3swart kriminele/moordenaars/weet nie wat om hulle te noem nie – in hulle huis in Middelburg oorval. My pa is in die hospitaal met 5 meswonde, een het sy long getref maar dank die Vader hy’s oraait. Baie seer en potblou van al die stoei en baklei, maar hy het een raak geskiet, polisie het hom vanmiddag gekry, hoop hulle gaan ander 2 se adres uit hom kry voor hy VREK!!!! My ma darem net ligte snywond aan haar hand… Nog biki geskok, hulle het haar probeer verwurg, maar Ouma Rola het terugbaklei!!!! Bid asb vir my pa en baie dankie vir omgee! Ook vir die radiogroep en Midmed personeel.”
GERMISTON – 2 Julie 2015: 05:39- Oom Gerrie van der Merwe is in sy huis met n baksteen dood geslaan deur swart kriminele in n huis roof terwyl hy sy vrou probeer beskerm en klein kinders was ook in die huis. Sy vrou was ook geslaan dit is nog nie bekend wat uit die huis geneem is nie.
MIDDELBURG– 2 Julie 2015: ‘n Gevaarlike swart krimineel is gedurende ‘n rooftog doodgeskiet nadat ‘n blanke bejaarde egpaar, Fanie (76) en Rola (74) Schoeman van Middelburg in Oos-Transvaal omstreeks 08:15 deur drie gewapende swart kriminele in hul huis oorval is.
DURBAN– 2 Junie 2015: Boere van die KwaDukuza en Ndwedwe-distrikte noord van Durban in KZN is erg ontstoke nadat die 94-jarige me. Mags Visser op Maandag, 29 Junie in haar plaashuis aangeval is. Volgens die sekuriteitsmaatskappy, Reaction Unit South Africa, het tweegewapende swart kriminele vroegoggend gewag dat Visser se jare lange huishulp en persoonlike veiligheidswag aanmeld vir diens en op dié wyse toegang tot haar huis gekry. Visser is met die agterkant van ’n rewolwer geslaan toe die kriminele geld en juwele geëis het. Die kriminele het die hele huis omgedolwe maar kon glo geen waardevolle items vind nie. Hulle het toe per voet gevlug. Volgens mnr. Steven Walder, ’n boer van die omgewing wat reeds sedert 1967 met Visser bevriend is, raak plaasaanvalle nou onuithoudbaar. “Ons is een groot familie in dié gemeenskap wat jare lank saam hier woon en boer. Vanjaar is regtig ’n onaangename jaar sover dit plaasaanvalle aangaan en as swart kriminele weerlose mense, soos ’n 94-jarige vrou, teiken, raak ’n mens kwaad,” sê Walder. Volgens mnr. Koos Marais, bestuurder van Kwanalu se sekuriteitskantoor, is dit reeds die vyfde plaasaanval in dié distrik vanjaar. “Dit maak ons regtig bekommerd, veral oor die gemak waarmee plaasaanvalle afloop. Die KwaDukuza en Ndwedwe-distrikte is ’n maklike teiken vir misdadigers omdat daar soveel kleinboere en kleinhoewe is wat nie soos groter boerderye gesofistikeerde veiligheidsmaatreëls en die dienste van private sekuriteit kan bekostig nie. Kwanalu het al herhaaldelike versoeke aan die polisie gerig om in hierdie area meer sigbare polisiëring te doen,” sê Marais. Visser is op die toneel behandel vir kneusplekke en snywonde, maar het verdere mediese hulp geweier. Volgens Walder weier sy ook dat die aanval haar uit haar huis sal jaag. “Sy is vasbeslote om daar aan te bly. Sy woon al bykans haar lewe lank hier en meen dit sal haar nie onderkry nie,” sê Walder. Visser se oorlede man was ’n plaasbestuurder in die omgewing. Niemand is nog in verband met die aanval in hegtenis geneem nie
MURRAYFIELD– July 02 2015: An elderly white couple was robbed at gunpoint in their driveway in Murrayfield this week. Frans (73) and Martha Maria Slabbert (75) had just returned from a nearby pharmacy when they pulled into the driveway of their home in Brookside Road on Wednesday afternoon. “As we drove in, we saw that our gate wasn’t closing properly. When we looked behind us we saw a red/maroon Toyota Corolla, registration PKS 165 GP had driven up and blocked our gate from closing,” said Martha. “At first I thought it might be someone we know, but then two armed men jumped out of the car as one sat waiting for them.”
The two black thugs, one armed with a large revolver, jumped out of the car and demanded the Slabberts hand over their possessions. “One of the men shouted: ‘Give me your wallet or I’ll kill you.’ I had just withdrawn R2 000 at the ATM as well,” said Frans. The other man went around to Martha and demanded that she hand over her wedding ring. “As I tried to remove the gold and diamond ring, the thief started pulling the ring off my finger. He pulled at my finger with a lot of force, and hurt my neck and shoulders as he went on,” Martha said. “Eventually he ripped the ring off my finger, along with a lot of skin. A lot of blood spilled onto the driveway.”
As this happened, she frantically started hooting for her grandson who was still in the house. As he came running out, the two thugs jumped back into the car, and drove off. “We are shocked, but very thankful that it did not end on a worse note,” said Frans. Garsfontein police spokesperson Warrant Officer Dave Miller said the police were investigating. “These types of robberies are becoming more common. Thieves target people, mostly the elderly, as they return from a shopping centre. They see that they have money or jewellery with them, and follow them.” Miller urged residents to be cautious. “If you see anything suspicious, or see that anyone is following you, drive way. Do not enter your driveway, as this is where they target people.” He has also called on anyone with information on the thieves to call 10111 and report them.
CARLTONVILLE– July 03 2015: Ingrid van Wyngaard skryf: “ Gewapende roof gister in Jack Pienaarstr Cartonville. Die oom is oorlede agv n hartstilstand. Armed robbery yesterday in Jack Pienaarstr Cartonville. The elderly man died as a result of a heart attack.”
Hero dog Gus the Bullmastiff and SPCA employee Phumlani Zibula. (Supplied, SPCA)
DURBAN– July 03 2015: – An elderly white man who was grappling with a black thug in his house was saved by his Bullmastiff Gus, who attacked the knife-wielding home invader on Wednesday. Both Gus and his owner, Glen Bargate, were stabbed repeatedly and after two days of recovery with trips to the doctor and vet, are expected to make a full recovery. In a statement, the Kloof and Highway SPCA said that they were alerted to the emergency by the homeowner’s neighbor. “Both Gus and his owner were bleeding profusely. When the ambulance arrived Gus’s owner would not go to hospital until he knew his dog was going to be alright. The Kloof and Highway SPCA arrived at the scene to fetch Gus and make sure that he would be seen to by the vets and treated immediately.” “Upon arriving back at the SPCA, Gus was taken straight to theatre, his wounds shaven and cleaned and he went into surgery to have his wounds stitched up. Gus was very fortunate to have sustained two superficial stab wounds to his head and two stab wounds to his left shoulder.” According to the statement, the dog spent the afternoon and evening recovering in the clinic where he “received lots of attention from his visitors who also came with lots of treats to comfort Gus”. The vet checked him this morning and gave him the all clear to go home. “Glen came to collect his brave friend, who was so happy to see his beloved owner. We are so over joyed to see the pair re-united together and we wish them both well with the road to recovery ahead,” the SPCA said. Police spokesperson Colonel Jay Naicker confirmed that no arrests had yet been made.
WITBANK: 03 Julie 2015’n Blanke man het op 3 Julie ernstige beserings opgedoen na ’n aanval. Mnr. Coert van Vollenhoven het op 3 Julie ernstige kopbeserings opgedoen nadat een van sy swart werkers hom vermoedelik met ’n kapmes aangeval het. Volgens mnr. Van Vollenhoven het hy uit sy bakkie geklim, die hek oopgemaak om na die plaas te ry waar die swart werkers was. “Nadat ek weer uitgeklim het om die hek toe te maak, het iets my van agter getref,” het hy gesê. Toe hy omkyk het hy ’n swart werker, bewapen met ’n panga gesien. Hoewel mnr. Van Vollenhoven hom teëgesit het, het hy op die grond geval. Terwyl die skermutseling aan die gang was, het hy ’n ander onbekende swart man gesien. Dié man het na die voertuig gestap, dit deursoek en herhaaldelik gevra waar die geld was.
NELSPRUIT– July 03 2015: “As you all know I have a no tolerance outlook on crime and yet again my family is hit by crime. My wife’s uncle was hi-jacked in Nelspruit last week and passed away last night. His injuries was severe and just to much for his body. He was assaulted with a panga. We as community in each town must stand together and all have the same no tolerance view towards crime, no matter how big or small. My family, know you are in my prayers. Uncle Ben Van Wyk you will be missed.”
BRAKPAN- JULY 4 2015: Willie Burger, 69, owner of Easy Glass shop in Brakpan, was found dead: bludgeoned over the head and with a stabbing-wound in his neck in his shop early on Friday-morning 3 July 2014. It is believed that he worked late on Friday-evening.Population breakdown Brakpan: (2011)
A working-class region of gold-miners, it was founded in 1919. It was named after a small lake which dries up into a salt-pan in winter: (Brak=salt in Afrikaans).
Total residents (legal) 73.080 (400 residents per square km)
53% White of whom 47% Afrikaans
40% Black of whom 14% Zulu Police contacts 011-7444940/7131/36
122 Gardiner Avenue Brakpan Central 1541
PO Box 14 Brakpan 1541
GREYLINGSTAD– July 04 2015: The owner of the farm Roodepoort – Mr. Vic Hanke – and his family stayed in the safety of their home, and according to him it was their salvation. Mr. Hanke became suspicious when the alarm system outside went off; he went to investigate and saw two black thugs on the site. Still inside the house, he called for help from nearby farms. When the first help arrived, the thugs tried to flee. One of the thugs was found in the field, about 600m from the farmhouse with the help of night vision equipment. On him, was found a hammer, screwdriver and pliers. The other thug is still at large but his jacket that was found in the field was sent for DNA tests. Along with the jacket, a hammer and pliers were also found. According to Mr. Herman Snyman, one of the chiefs of Greylingstad Security, people should be on alert. Earlier another farm attack has been reported on June 27, 2015 in the area, on the farm Wildealskraal, of Ms. Daleen Greeff and Mr. Willem Bruwer in the Greylingstad district. There were about eight unidentified black thugs, believed to be Malawians, who were involved in this farm attack. According to information, three of the men have been working on the farm. The domestic worker is also linked to the attack.
NELSPRUIT– 05 Julie 2015: “Ons glo dit is vir die beter, maar as jou strepie getrek is, is hy getrek. Hulle is en bly maar altyd ‘n stappie voor. Ons was net gelukkig en ek kan net sê ‘amazing grace’.” ‘n blanke egpaar (albei 73) en hul 12-jarige kleindogter het verlede Saterdag op ‘n ongewone wyse gereageer toe twee swart kriminele hulle net voor 21:00 by hul huis langs die R40 onderweg na Barberton, oorval het. Pleks daarvan om terug te baklei, het mnr. Desmond Bushney herhaaldelik die kriminele , waarvan een gewapen was en die ander ‘n stok by hom gehad het, geseën. “Desmond het aanhoudend gesê, ‘God bless you’, terwyl ek ons kleindogter, Kaelee, getroos het,” vertel sy vrou, Hendrien. Die egpaar sê dat dit opvallend was hoe dié kriminele, wat elkeen ‘n mus en ‘n lap oor hul gesigte gedra het, waarin daar twee gate gesny is om deur te sien, skielik rustig geraak het. “Een het wel in Afrikaans vir my gesê: ‘Sit oom of ek skiet jou’. “Ek het vir myself gesê ek baklei nie teen koeëls nie en eerder gevra dat die Here hulle moet seën,” vertel Desmond wat tydens die voorval ook ‘n asma-aanval gekry het. Volgens hulle het hulle toegang tot die huis deur die kombuis gekry. Alhoewel hulle kontant en vuurwapens geëis het, het hulle slegs op hul selfone, skootrekenaar en GPS, asook hul trouringe beslag gelê. Hulle het toestemming gekry om dit self af the haal. “Hulle het aggressief hier ingestorm en net skielik bedaar. Dit het skaars vyf minute geduur, toe is hulle vort. Desmond het aanhou sê, ‘God bless you’ en toe hulle by die deur kom, het een van die kriminele omgedraai en Desmond salueer. Of dit was om hom te spot, weet ek nie,” vertel Hendrien. “Dalk het hulle die ou mense jammer gekry of dalk het hulle engele gesien. Die feit bly staan, hulle het ons nie een keer seergemaak nie. Selfs toe hulle ons vasgebind het met kabelbinders, het hulle dit lossies gedoen,” voeg Desmond by. Hendrien het daarin geslaag om haar hande los te wikkel en kon haar man en kleindogter, wie se hande én voete vasgebind was, losmaak. Kaelee het haar pa, wat ‘n paramedikus by Netcare 911 is, gebel en hy het onmiddellik nog hulp ontbied. Volgens die egpaar was dit ‘n kwessie van minute toe was Bossies Community Justice, Hi-Tech Sekuriteit Nelspruit, Nelspruit Concerned Citizens sowel as die polisie op die toneel. “Jy weet, op daardie stadium gaan daar niks deur jou kop nie. Alles is chaos. Al wat jy sien is ‘n figuur en ‘n wapen,” het hy geskok gesê. Die egpaar woon al 21 jaar op die plot, maar het Maandag aan Laevelder gesê dat hul wel beoog om binnekort na hul seun in Sabie te verhuis. “Ons glo dit is vir die beter, maar as jou strepie getrek is, is hy getrek. Hulle is en bly maar altyd ‘n stappie voor. Ons was net gelukkig en ek kan net sê ‘amazing grace’,” sê Desmond, sy oë vol trane van dankbaarheid. Hulle het egter wel ‘n beroep op inwoners gedoen om indien hulle ooit hulself in ‘n soortgelyke situasie bevind, so kalm moontlik moet probeer bly. Die egpaar is oortuig dat die uitkoms heel waarskynlik anders sou wees indien hulle nie so rustig gebly het nie. Hulle het ook gevra dat mense te alle tye ‘n ekstra selfoon iewers in hul huis moet bêre en ook ‘n noodnommer moet memoriseer. Die familie bedank graag al die betrokkenes vir hul ondersteuning, flink optrede en bystand.
LAINGSBURG– July 05 2015: The community of Laingsburg, South Africa, is deeply shocked by the murder of a well-known farmer in the region, Daniel van Wyk (57). Two black thugs have already been arrested in connection with the murder after one of the farmer’s guns was found in a home in Bergsig. Van Wyk’s body was found on Sunday night July 5, 2015, at his home on the farm Viskuil, 8 km outside the town. Bertie van As, a farmer in the region and deputy mayor of Laingsburg, said it is suspected that Van Wyk was killed during the week. Van Wyk, a retired farmer, lived alone on the farm. Attie Stadler, also a farmer in the area, found Van Wyk’s body on Sunday night. They knew each other for 50 years and were together at school. Van Wyk asked Stadler during the week if he could take him to town. He was not able due to other commitments. They called each other regularly. Sunday night he became concerned when he heard nothing from Van Wyk after trying to get hold of him a number of times. He went to the farm at 19:00. At the farmhouse, he saw that the security door was open. He rushed to town and informed the police. After the police arrived, they noticed there was blood on the back porch. Stadler, who gained access to the house through a window, saw that a safe that was attached to a wall in a bedroom was removed. It was later found outside the house. He found Van Wyk’s body in the kitchen. Capt. Bernadine Steyn, police spokesperson, said Van Wyk’s body was found with two open wounds on his head and on his chest, allegedly sustained by a blunt object. Van Wyk was apparently overpowered outside the house and severely beaten. After the killers had stolen firearms, including a gun, Van Wyk probably locked himself in the house.
DURBAN– July 06 2015: A 37-year-old white Durban jogger was held at gunpoint‚ bundled into a car and driven to her home by a gang of black armed thugs on Monday morning. Blue Security operations manager Brian Jackson said a gang of three armed thugs driving a silver grey VW Polo Vivo kidnapped the woman at gunpoint in Manning Road and drove her to her Cato Road home. “The woman was out jogging at around 4.55am when a motorist saw the gang hold her up at gunpoint and force her into their car. “The brave motorist followed the gang to Cato Road where two thugs forced the woman out of the car at gunpoint and into her home. ” Inside the house two thugs start to ransack the house. A third thug had pulled her from the floor and bent her over her bed while taking off his pants. The woman, who spoke to News24 on condition of anonymity, on Tuesday described her ordeal as surreal. But, she said, she has seen the most evil of men in one day, but also the finest of men as it was a passing motorist who raised the alarm. As her husband looked on helplessly, and knowing her two young sons lay sleeping in their room nearby, she resigned herself to the reality that she was going to be raped. She believes she was spared a brutal rape by mere seconds, as her attacker’s priorities shifted to escape when he realized the home had been surrounded by police and private security. ‘They were going to kill me if I didn’t do what they said’.” Brian Jackson said that the motorist then alerted the security officer posted in the guard hut down the road and we immediately responded to the scene‚” Umbilo police also arrived at the scene. “When our officer arrived at the house he found the gang’s car parked in the street and one of the gang members emerged from the house still holding the resident hostage at gunpoint. He forced her into the car and sped off. Our officer opened fire at the vehicle tyres and shot one of the tyres. The other two suspects jumped over a wall and fled the scene on foot. “The police gave chase and rescued the woman from the vehicle which was found abandoned with a burst tyre in Chesterville‚” Jackson said. Provincial police spokesman Major Thulani Zwane confirmed that Umbilo police were investigating a case of kidnapping and attempted armed robbery. “No arrest has been made at this stage.” ( As always)
POTCHEFSTROOM– 08 Julie 2015: Gewapende roof . Wagnerstr – klient het hek oop gelos vir seun. 4 tot 5 swart kriminele het in gehardloop en klient vasgemaak en geslaan. Minstens 2 voertuie is gesteel.
–Mooirivier Beskerming
CAPE TOWN– July 09 2015: A white girl- Sunette De lange (18)– was found badly assaulted after she went to a nightclub “Tiger Tiger” in Cape Town. Apparently De Lange took a taxi home from Cape Town after the club closed- but never arrived. She then was found badly beaten on the 10th of July 2015 by members of her family near a church. De Lange was taken to the Tygerberg hospital in Cape Town where her condition still is critical. A private investigator claims he may have identified a suspect for the assault of a teenager allegedly by a metered taxi driver. Eighteen-year-old Sanet de Lange, from Welgelegen, was attacked while on her way home from the Tiger Tiger nightclub in Claremont on Thursday night. Police officers found her lying on the ground, not far from where she was picked up, with a head injury. It’s understood she managed to fight off her attackers, run away and hide under a pile of dried leaves. Sanet de Lange senior has hired private investigator Jack Brice to probe what happened to her daughter. “We went with a private investigator because we are scared it will take a long time for the footage to be recovered and the case might get cold. I know unfortunately things can get lost in our system.” Brice says CCTV footage from surveillance cameras will form part of his investigation. “Tiger Tiger’s manager, Shaun, has been very helpful. He wants this suspect arrested as quickly as possible. We are also in the process of dealing with municipal cameras… I have all the cameras from the scene on Saturday, we’ve also taken photos so we hope in the next five hours to have something concrete on the vehicle that was involved in this.” Brice says he does not want to divulge too much at this stage because a suspect has not yet been arrested.
SOURCE: White Nation Cape Town.
KENDAL– 09 Julie 2015: Johan Grobler van Klipfontein, Kendal naby Witbank is vandag-9.07.2015 om 11h30,- helderoordag oorval deur 5 swart kriminele. Hulle het hom en sy werker, ‘n Zimbabwiër bekruip waar hul besig was om mielies te maal. Die gemorste het hom herhaaldelik geskop en met n ‘batten’ geslaan . Hy het hulle gesoebat en gesmeek om hom nie dood te maak. Hulle het hom vir meer as ‘n uur lank seer gemaak nadat hulle eers sy hand en voete met binddraad vasgemaak. Toe hulle hom van werkswinkel gesleep, n goeie 30 meter in huis in en geld gevra. Hy het hulle gesê waar sy enigste geld was, maar hulle was nie tevrede en het ketel aangesit om hom met kookwater te gooi dat hy nog moes praat. Gods geluk het hul toe alles gevat wat hul wou en met sy bakkie die pad gevat. Na hul weg is kon hy op n manier sy voete los kry en omtrent n kilometer na ons aanstrompel met hande agter sy rug vas gemaak. Ek en buurvrou het met hom gejaag na Wilger hospitaal Pretoria Niks was gebreek nie en hy is huistoe gestuur nadat hy behandel is. Maandag kon hy nie meer van pyn en naarheid en is terug hospitaal toe en reguit ICU toe en sommer vir noodoperasie teater toe met inwendige bloeding. Hulle moes sy milt verwyder. Gisteraand het dit al baie beter met hom gegaan.
BUFFELSFONTEIN– 10 Julie 2015: Braam Blignaut (35) is drie keer geskiet toe hy sy swart aanvallers teengestaan het in ‘n poging om sy gesin te beskerm. Volgens Gerda Steyn, Blignaut se ma is hy, ? voorman by Tharisa-myn naby Mooinooi in Wes-Transvaal, het nagskof gewerk toe hy Vrydag in die vroeë oggendure ? boodskap van sy vrou, Izulda, kry wat glo sê sy is bang, want die honde by hul huis op ? kleinhoewe in die Buffelsfontein-gebied blaf erg. Sy werk is sowat 5 km van hul huis af. Hy het omstreeks 02:00 in sy kar geklim en daarheen gejaag. Twee swart kriminele het Blignaut buite die huis ingewag en met sy aankoms ? vuurwapen op hom gerig. Hulle het hom in die huis ingedwing waar hulle sy hande met Izulda se gordel agter sy rug vasgebind het. Die kriminele het glo daarna ? vlag in flarde geskeur, Izulda uit die bed uit geruk en haar hande met die repe vasgebind. Drie van die egpaar se vier kinders, onderskeidelik twee, vier, sewe en 10 jaar oud, het tydens die geharwar wakker geword. Hulle is almal vir sowat ? uur in die televisiekamer aangehou terwyl die krminele die huis deursoek het vir waardevolle items. Blignaut kon glo die mans se taal verstaan aangesien hy by die myn werk. Hy kon hoor hoe die mans vir mekaar sê dat hulle Izulda wil verkrag. Hy kon daarin slaag om hom los te wikkel en het in Afrikaans vir Izulda gesê om by die agterdeur uit te hardloop en hulp te ontbied by die bure by wie hulle hul huis huur. Izulda het met haar hande steeds vasgebind buitentoe gehardloop. Blignaut het intussen ? kapmes wat hy teen sy muur as ? versiering gebruik, gegryp en agter ? muur in die kombuis die aanvallers, wat elders in die huis was, ingewag. Albei aanvallers het glo vir Izulda agternagesit. Blignaut het een van hulle met die kapmes in die gesig geslaan voordat hulle by die kombuisdeur uit is. Dié krimineel het egter teruggekeer en vier skote, ten aanskoue van die kinders, op hom geskiet. Hy is glo drie keer in die bolyf getref volgens Steyn. Een van diekriminele het glo ook op Izulda geskiet en haar op haar toon getref. Sy kon egter betyds by hul bure aankom waarna hulp ontbied is. Volgens Steyn het sy omstreeks 03:30 ‘n oproep van Braam af gekry waar hy vir haar gesê het: ‘Mamma, ek
is baie lief vir jou, ek gaan dit nie maak nie, ek is geskiet en ek voel nie my bene nie”. Steyn en haar man, Andries, woon sowat 18 km van die Blignaut-egpaar af en het dadelik daarheen gejaag. Die kriminele het intussen te voet van die toneel gevlug met twee selfone, R250, ? kamera en ? hangertjie wat Izulda se oorlede ma aan haar gegee het. Braam is aanvanklik na die Brits-hospitaal geneem waarna hy oorgeplaas is na die George Mukhari-hospitaal in Ga-Rankuwa. Daar is bevind dat sy rugsenuwee afgeskiet is en dat hy moontlik nooit weer sal kan loop nie. Sy toestand was teen Maandag stabiel. Die Mooinooi-polisie ondersoek die voorval.
PRETORIA– ( Fairy Glen)- 10 Julie 2015: Sy sal haar laaste gesprek met haar pa vir ewig onthou. “My pa was my alles. Ek het hom altyd oor alles geraadpleeg, en ons laaste foongesprek is afgesluit met hom wat sê ‘ek is lief vir jou, my kind’.” Só sê Monica van Wyk in die sitkamer van haar huis in Faerie Glen, Pretoria, van haar pa, Johan Stevens (64), wat verlede week Donderdag tydens ’n rooftog doodgeskiet is. Van Wyk is met die bekende musiekpromotor Louis van Wyk getroud. Stevens is verlede Donderdag in die Spar in Kibler Park in die suide van Johannesburg vir R50 doodgeskiet. “My pa het omstreeks 17:30 Spar toe gery om vir hom koeldrank en ’n boksie vla vir my ouma te gaan koop. My oupa is onlangs oorlede en my ouma, wat Alzheimers het, bly by hom,” het Van Wyk snikkend gesê.
Hy het uit die Spar uitgestap en in die Tops-drankwinkel ingeloop en hy het net ’n bottel whiskey van die rak afgehaal toe nege swart kriminele wat met AK47-masjiengewere gewapen was by die winkel ingebars het. “Mens kan op die beeldmateriaal sien hoe my pa sy hande in die lug opsteek en sy beursie vir een van die kriminele aanbied. Hulle skiet hom toe in elk geval in die bors … en toe hy val … toe kyk die krimineel hom in die oë en skiet hom in die gesig … daar was net R50 in sy beursie,” sê Van Wyk. Sy was Dinsdag vol lof vir haar pa toe sy met Netwerk24 gepraat het. “Hy was ’n afgetrede skoolhoof, hy het nie geld gehad nie. Maar hy was baie ryk aan liefde – almal was so lief vir hom.” Ook Leon Schuster, vermaaklikheidster, het hom goed geken.“Hy was die nederigste mens. So sag en plat op die aarde. “Ons is baie geruk deur die ding. Ons bly absoluut in ’n abnormale gemeenskap. Hoe sad is dit dat daar sulke wrede mense rondloop. Iemand wat normaal funksioneer skiet nie iemand van daai ouderdom vir R50 nie. Dit is onaanvaarbaar dat so iemand so moet sterf,” het Schuster gesê. “Ons is magteloos teen die geweld. Ons is net ’n handjievol – ons sal seker nou supermarkte moet vermy.” Stevens se begrafnis vind eerskomende Vrydag in die Forrest Hill NG Kerk plaas.
MONDEOR- (Johannesburg)– July 11 2015: A armed robbery in Mondeor, (in the south of Johannesburg) at a liquor store end up tragically where a black gang of thugs gunned down a white pensioner. The 65-year-old man fell victim to the gunmen who had just robbed a liquor store, and was killed for his wallet. In broad daylight, a nine-member gang stormed the liquor outlet, robbing it of an undisclosed amount of cash, liquor and cigarettes, Mogale said. “As they fled the scene, they came across the pensioner whom they wanted to rob of his wallet. He resisted and the suspects fatally shot him. “The suspects fled the scene in a red VW Golf GTI and white Ford Ranger,” Mogale pointed out.
WESTDENE– ( Germiston)– July 11 2015: A 93-year old white woman was beaten badly and robbed in her home at Arrarat Street Westdene by black thugs. No more info available.
RUSTENBURG– June 11 2015: “Please pray for my sisters Gerda Steyn son Her son was shot twice this morning by black thugs in Rustenburg when he shouted to his wife to ran for help and one followed her and try to kill her also and his young sons had to sit on coach watching them shoot daddy … The bullets went through his lung and spine and out his side and other bullet in arm . He is now in the trauma unit His lung collapsed and he has no feeling in his legs. I’m sorry but I hate the black bastards that tried to kill an innocent family.”
KEMPTON PARK– July 11 2015: An EMPD officer – Martiens Bann– was tragically killed yesterday whan he was gunned-down by 5 black thugs in Edleen – Kempton Park. Bann was to retire in two months. Condolences from family and friends poured in on the social sites such as: “ I salute you for doing your duty and protecting the public. To his family and friends – I am sorry for your loss and may God comfort and bless you all, at this sad time.”
VREDE– 12 Julie 2015: Die polisie in die Vrystaat het ? foto vrygestel van die tweede verdagte wat gesoek word in verband met Sondag se aanval op Johannes (70) en Rita (68) Kritzinger op die plaas, Brakdam, naby Vrede. Konst. Maselela Langa, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê die polisie is op soek na Thabo Joseph Motaung. Hy gebruik glo ook die naam Paulus Mahemu Sithebe. Hy is 33 jaar oud. Langa het gesê ? reuse soektog is van stapel gestuur. Maroela Media het vroeër berig dat twee kriminele die egpaar helder oordag by hul huis ingewag het nadat hulle by die kerk was. “Die twee verdagtes het by die huis ingebreek en in die huis vir die egpaar gewag. Hulle het dadelik skote op die egpaar geskiet en albei gewond. Me. Kritzinger is ook geslaan en aan meubels in die eetkamer vasgebind,” het Langa gesê. Die kriminele het aangedring op die sleutels van die kluis, maar op die vlug geslaan toe Johannes dit kon regkry om by die noodknoppie uit te kom, wat ook die alarm in die huis laat afgaan wanneer dit geaktiveer word. Volgens Langa het die kriminele die egpaar gemartel. Rita kon die eerste mense op die toneel inlig dat sy wel eenkrimineel as ? voormalige werknemer herken het. Volgens Langa is een van die kriminele , wat glo op die plaas gewerk het, Sondagaand tussen 19:00 en 20:00 in hegtenis geneem. Daar is glo van die gesteelde goedere in sy besit gevind. Hy sal binnekort in die hof verskyn. Ds. Ruan Combrink, wat namens die Kritzinger-familie kommentaar lewer, het aan Maroela Media gesê die Kritzinger- egpaar se toestand is steeds kritiek en hulle is nie buite gevaar
KNYSNA– July 12 2015: Jared Lomas, who was tragically killed in Knysna in the early hours of Sunday morning (July 12), should have been alive to be with his girlfriend Retha Smit to celebrate her 24th birthday today and to watch her open the special gift he left wrapped for her in Cape Town.
Instead, Smit told the Knysna-Plett Herald today between huge sobs that she was so broken, that her heart was “in many pieces”, that she could not even think of opening her birthday gift, “not now, maybe some time when I can think of getting over this shock”. Today would also have been the three and a half years anniversary date they met. Lomas’ dreams of finishing the last six months of his BComm Financial Management degree will also never come true now despite having paid his way through Stellenbosch University and now this last year through Unisa. While Lomas (23) was in Knysna working for event company Ignite Events at the Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival’s Windhoek Lager tent, his very latest university results came out. He achieved five distinctions. What happened in the fateful early hours of Sunday morning is very unclear to the family and what has followed since has not shed much light on events.On Monday morning, July 13 a media statement was issued by Captain Bernadine Steyn of the SAPS’ corporate communications center in the Southern Cape in which she wrote that a 23-year-old male suspect was due to appear in the Knysna Magistrate’s Court on a charge of murder on Tuesday, July 14. In Steyn’s report she said, “It is being alleged that the suspect was seated in his white and grey Colt bakkie in Long Street, Knysna on Sunday morning at approximately 01:50. The suspect allegedly took the deceased, 22-year-old [sic] Jarred Lamos [sic] by his collar and drove the bakkie while still holding on [sic] the deceased. The deceased fell and landed under one of the wheels. He was taken to a hospital in Knysna where he was declared dead on arrival.” Steyn said the suspect was arrested on July 12 at about 05:00 at his house in Knysna, However, on Tuesday when the young man was due to appear in the Knysna Magistrate’s Court, the case was removed from the court roll before he could appear, for further police investigation. The suspect was in police custody, but was released and left the court in the company of his family.
Read full article here: SOURCE
MOOIRIVIER- 12 Julie 2105: “As jy jou bek oopmaak, dan maak ons jou vrek!”Dít is wat drie swart kriminele vir die 82- jarige me. Hendrika Bezuidenhout gesê het nadat hulle by haar huis ingebreek het. Volgens Bezuidenhout, ook bekend as “tannie Hennie,”- het sy Maandagoggend pas opgestaan toe die drie kriminele haar in haar huis in Smitstraat oorval het. Hulle het haar vasgebind en herhaaldelik geslaan. Sy het aan die Herald vertel hoe die mans haar ring van haar vinger, asook haar horlosie, afgeruk het. Bezuidenhout het tydens die aanval vir haar dogter om hulp geskree. Haar dogter, me. Bets Botha, het op die drie krminele in die kamer afgekom waar hulle besig was om haar ma aan te rand.
“My dogter het vir hulle geskree om pad te gee, anders gaan sy hulle vrekmaak”, het Bezuidenhout gesê. Die kriminele het Botha uit die pad gestamp en weggehardloop. “Ek het gesukkel om die aand van die voorval te slaap, maar ek is nou oor die meeste van die skok. Ek hoop net daar gebeur nooit weer so iets met my nie.” Die polisie is onmiddellik na die toneel ontbied. Volgens ao. Mpho Manyoba van die polisie het die voorval omstreeks 07:15 gebeur. Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie en ’n saak van huisroof word ondersoek.
OGIES– July 13 2015: Another white farmer was attacked by 5 black thugs at Ogies. No further information available.
MOOIRIVER– July 14 2015: A white Mooi River man was confronted at his home by five black thugs who threatened to rape his daughter on Saturday afternoon. According to police spokesperson Major Thulani Zwane, at about 4 pm, a Mooi River family were allegedly attacked by five armed unknown black thugs at their farm in West End Road, Mooi River. It is believed the thugs threatened to rape the man’s daughter unless he showed them where the safe is located. After the man followed their instructions, the five thugs robbed the family of their valuables at gunpoint. The thugs made off with an undisclosed amount of cash, cellphones and firearms before speeding off in the family’s vehicle. A case of house robbery was opened at Mooi River police station and no arrest has been made.
GLEN MARAIS– July 14 2015: A Glen Marais white couple sustained serious head injuries after two black thugs entered their home and beat them with a knobkierie in the early morning hours of Wednesday morning. The couple, both in their late fifties, were asleep in their home in Wilgeboom Road when they were attacked at 1.15am. “A neighbor triggered a panic button when he heard loud screams coming from the house next door and then ran to help. He found the elderly white man lying on the floor covered in blood,” said Carl Buys, Kempton Park area manager for PHS COPS. According to Buys the elderly woman was threatened by one of the thugs, wearing a balaclava, and told to open their safe or else they would shoot her husband. According to Kempton SAPS spokesperson, Capt Jethro Mtshali, the two thugs gained entry into the home through a sliding door on the patio, which they broke open. “The police were summoned to the scene and found both patients being treated by paramedics for severe head injuries before being taken to Arwyp,” Mtshali said. The thugs also stole the couple’s special .38 revolver, jewellery, wallets and two cell phones. A case of house robbery is currently under investigation and police request anyone with information to phone 08600-10111, to SMS the crime line at 32211 or to contact the investigating officer, Det W/O Robert Motsai, directly on 011-393-8600.
FISHERSHILL– July 14 2015: An inquest docket has been opened into the death of two white men found in a house in Sun Street, Fishers’ Hill. Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police, said that the men, aged 58 and 48, were found this morning (Tuesday). “The niece of one of the men, who lives in a neighboring house, found the gate open when she went to wake him up to take her to school. “When the niece found her uncle’s gate open, she knew something was wrong and told her mother,” Maome said. Her mother requested two men, believed to be members of the family, to go and check on the home‘s residents. “One man was found in the house under a table and the second in a backroom of the house. “It is believed that the men were stabbed with a sharp object.” More details to follow as they become available.
GULU– (Eastern Cape)- July 15 2015: This elderly gentleman who resides at Gulu went to Gulu Mouth this afternoon to simply look at the sea. This is what happened to him. He was attacked by three black scumbags armed with bricks and knives. He fought back and stabbed one in the head. They stole his pick-up, his wallet and all his keys. We suspect his left arm is broken (smashed by a brick) and he was also smashed on the head with a brick about 3-5 times. He has severe lacerations and is in terrible pain. Fortunately he was not stabbed in his upper body. He had to walk back to Aqualea, at Gulu all the way from the mouth in this condition. No-one stopped to help him. I rushed him to St Dominics. He may have to go for a CT scan to check his brain. He handled it very well. He was very brave and was completely awake and aware of what was happening around him. We are looking for his pick-up. It is a Bantam Bakkie, white with black fishing rod roof racks, reg. no. DNX194EC. Please share the hell out of this post. He is currently at St Dominics Hospital and all we can do is hope that he will be okay. A life-changing experience for everyone involved.
MOOIRIVIER– 15 Julie 2015: In ’n tweede voorval, slegs drie dae later na nog ‘n bajaarde- Me. Bezuidenhout op 15 Julie omstreeks 09:00, slegs ‘n paar blokke van waar Bezuidenhout op die 12e Julie 2015 aangerand is, is nog ’n bejaarde vrou in Kampstraat in haar huis vasgebind en aangerand. Die vrou is hospitaal toe geneem waar sy behandeling ontvang het vir beserings en skok, nadat ‘n swart krimineel haar beroof het. Die krimineel is weg met haar bankkaart en kontant. Met spertyd was meer besonderhede nog nie bekend nie. Mooirivier Beskerming het na dié voorval alle beskikbare reaksievoertuie gebruik om na die verdagte in die omgewing te soek.
COLIGNY– 15 Julie 2015:
CAPE TOWN -July 15 2015: A white couple who were house-sitting in Fresnaye have described their ordeal after a gang of black thugs broke into the home early on Wednesday morning and bound their hands and feet with electrical cords. Gary Pentland-Smith said he and his wife had been in bed at the Avenue Bordeaux home when three thugs entered the house at about 00:30 on Wednesday morning. The thugs gained entry to the home via the bathroom window. When he realized what was happening, he pulled at the handle of the bathroom door to stop them from accessing the rest of the house, Pentland-Smith told News24. “I knew it was just a matter of time before they gained entry,” he said. “It’s a terrible feeling knowing there’s nothing you can do to keep them out. But I held on.” When one of the thugs managed to open the door far enough to attempt to cut at Pentland-Smith’s hand, he let go. His wife had been trying to activate the panic button and phone for help while the thugs made their way in. “One of them came at me with a knife and I used my duvet to shield myself,” Pentland-Smith recalled. When they assured their assailants they would be co-operative, their hands and feet were bound with electrical cords. Pentland-Smith was then tied to a chair. “They demanded money, a safe and laptops, which we didn’t have. I pointed out that this was not our house and they were frustrated that we didn’t have high value items for them to steal.” The thugs then took his suitcase and piled in Pentland-Smith’s clothes, shoes, the couple’s wedding rings, watches, cellphones and any items they could fit inside. “I don’t think the oldest one was over 25,” he said. One of the thugs then demanded the couple’s car keys, and Pentland-Smith told him they were on a table downstairs. The alarm was activated as the thugs made their way to the ground floor. He said the thugs then tried to pick him up in the chair he was bound in to carry him to the keypad to turn it off. “It was anything but easy. They hurt my shoulder in their attempt.”Armed response arrived after alarm went offAn armed response officer pulled up within minutes of the alarm sounding, foiling the thugs’ plan to steal the car, he said. They fled on foot instead. Pentland-Smith managed to untie himself as well as his wife, while shouting to the officer that they had been robbed. The local neighborhood watch and police arrived soon after, he said. “They were excellent. Everyone was helpful.” Provincial police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Andre Traut said a case of house robbery was being investigated. “The [three suspects] are yet to be arrested,” he said. Pentland-Smith, who lives only minutes away from the Avenue Bordeaux house, said he is relieved they were not injured during the home invasion. He said he had been living in South Africa for 12 years after emigrating from Zimbabwe. Aside from a burglary where a laptop was stolen two weeks ago, he had never fallen victim to crime, he said. “I feel unsettled and concerned, but I will not let this one incident change how I feel about living here [in South Africa] “I’m not going anywhere. I am here to stay.”
KEMPTON-PARK– July 15 2015: A white Birch Acres man (48) is in a critical condition in Arwyp Hospital after being shot twice during a house robbery by black thugs on Wednesday evening at about 7.30pm. The victim was shot on the left side of his chest as well as in the back, said acting Norkem Park SAPS spokesman, W/O Mahlodi Langa. “While the victim was driving into his yard talking on his phone, two black thugs approached him, pointed a firearm at him and forced him into the house,” explained Langa. The victim’s wife and seven-year-old daughter saw the unknown thugs entering the house and ran and locked themselves in a bedroom. “The victim was allegedly involved in a scuffle with the two thugs and this was when shots were fired,” added Langa. The thugs took off with two cellphones, a Samsung and Blackberry, as well as a bank card. They are still at large. A case of house robbery and attempted murder has been opened.
RANDFONTEIN– 15 Julie 2015: ‘n Getroude blanke paartjie was Donderdag 16 Julie glo kort na beurtkrag die ongelukkige teikens van ‘n gewapende roof in hul huis in Helikon Park. Nick Hitge het vertel hoe hy fisies ‘n slagoffer was terwyl die swart kriminele sy vrou Corrie gelukkig nie raakgesien het nie omdat sy weggekruip het. Die paartjie het aan die Herald verduidelik hulle het omstreeks 10nm net na beurtkrag gereed gemaak om te gaan slaap. Hulle het daarna hul Jack Russel aanhoudend hoo