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“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

– Marcus Tullius Cicero

The liberal “Afrikaner”– a term which could be associated with the sublimitive destruction of South Africa- and the current white genocide of conservative Afrikaners today. What we write here in this article- is for you as reader to understand the real situation in South Africa that forms part of the on-going white genocide down South. This is a brief summary  of just WHO sits behind the white genocide in South Africa.  This is no hoax- nor white “supremacist” propaganda. This is what YOU have to understand to- hopefully- bring some sense into you as a reader why so many white conservatives in South Africa are under attack from th evil forces from abroad. Most readers are quite oblivious of the real situation- as they only can read this the Zionist false propaganda tells them in their “need-to-know” tabloids.

In South Africa a white is brutally murdered about every 2nd day- irrespective of his/her nationality. This is a fact  as White Nation very meticulously keep stats every month and can submit links and data. At least TWO white persons are brutally attacked each day by black thugs. The motives for this brutal assaults on mainly old white people and farmers are sometimes mind-boggling- as nothing gets stolen- or many times so little as a cell phone. Although there is a huge outcry among mainly conservative white Afrikaner people and many international pro-Afrikaner activists and organizations- the ANC communist regime still plays ostrich politics and choose to ignore the plea. When confronted with the issue- they use the power of flat denial– and write it off as ” normal crime.” Even the investigating police are either fiddling with the cases, destroying evidence- are lack to respond- or cook the stats.


– Zionist corporate controllers in Britain & America

– Globalist controlled liberal Afrikaner organizations and unions in South Africa

– South African corporate -controlled communist  ANC regime-

– South African “Broederbonder” controlled media.

– White mainly English speaking liberals and artists

– Majority of Afrikaans singers and artists.

These are all contributors and conspirators who add their piece of venom to the deadly cocktail in South Africa that led up to more than 70 000 white Afrikaners being brutally murdered- and Afrikaner nationalism being eradicated from history.

The South African mainly leftist media especially  plays a HUGE part in demonizing and ridiculing whites per se. The power of globalists  and warmongers lies not in the right wing, but in the left wing — i.e. in blogs and media outlets that call themselves “liberal” .White liberal front-men and women are used by corporate forces to attack white Afrikaner conservative activists in the media in an assault to stop them from enlightening the world of the true injustice against white conservative Afrikaners in South Africa. Even social sites in South Africa such as Facebook are in control of white Broederbonder globalists – and in cahoots with the ANC regime to control the South African part of it. Conservative  Facebook profiles are closed with little more than false excuses such as “ Security Reasons.” Facebook SA also participate in the white genocide as they close profiles that portray images of brutal attacks against white Afrikaners- HOWEVER -in contrary- they allow millions of images of ISIS to be exposed with pictures of decapitated bodies, executions, etc.

As for the Afrikaans singers and artists– most of these singers – for many years now – literally made thousands of dollars out of the purses  of these same Afrikaners they now so conveniently turned their back against. Not ONE Afrikaans singer- past or present- even had the decency to stand up and join Bridges and Hoffmeyer in their fight against a liberal onslaught against their nation, their heritage- their language and their history. Not ONE of them openly are donating a SINGLE dime to white orphans or impoverished whites, not ONE of them want to contribute to projects such as Kleinbegin– not ONE of them even starting any movement or project- or even want to share from that thousands they have made out of mainly Afrikaans supporters. No- they are too “scared” their sponsors, organizers and contract holders will give them the cold shoulder. Capitalism have crept too deep into their hearts to even worry about a poor white child or squatter….but they have lots of hot air to blow in the media about Bridges that want to help poor whites, have much to say about the Red October and Kleinbegin projects, had much to say about Steve singing “Die Stem.” Who the hell want to care about poor whites anyway if you have a nice posh home in Blaauwberg- far away from “Kleinbegin?” (It was those same white squatters that was the factual supporters in years gone by of many white singers that now have enough fat bank accounts to  afford a posh house in Blaauwberg .)

This two-faced capitalist wailers sometimes are of the most profound traitors against their own kinsfolk. They then have the audacity to even add their negative sentiments with the liberals in the media against Afrikaner activists- calling them “racists.” Some of them are down-right criminals against their own people by stating they will not sing any Afrikaans song again. How despicable low can you stoop? We then want to urge all Afrikaners NEVER to purchase a CD – or support any Afrikaans singer that have no balls to support the white cause- again. Boycott these evil usurpers that appear nothing more than capitalist leeches that only sings in Afrikaans to make money out of an already impoverished and starving race. We can name many of them here- but the reader can only “back-track” on recent media reports to see witch of these white deceptive “artists” had more than a mouthful to say against the Afrikaner activists – in order to determine their status quo with regard to enhancing and aiding the white genocide in South Africa.

This also include the so-called “Christian” wailers that will on the one side of the penny sing “Gospel ” songs (to gain prominence and sell CD’s)– and on the other side of the penny conveniently choose ” politically correct” to ignore the communist onslaught on their own Christian brethren- or even fling liberal “ politically correct” resentment against Afrikaner activists. O how Satan have snared these so-called ” Praise the Lord and open your purses ” opportunists  in a capitalist game of entrapment! How they can sing praises to the Lord in one breath- and in the other breath condone a massacre of their fellow Christians with their silence  is mind boggling to say the least. The same goes for the so-called Afrikaans “pastors” and “dominees” that have this magnificent colored Facebook sites with Christian pictures-and-all-promoting “Christianity” that want to tell the world how to ” follow Jesus”-and what God “want of us” –  but they themselves are eerie silent on the genocide matter- ( not even a remark or comment on a genocide post on Facebook) -and factually not ONE actually have a page or indication in which they are willing to offer to help impoverished white squatters. Even Christian radio stations or domination will launch project after project to help poor people( mainly blacks and coloreds)– but not ONE single word about donating to a white orphanage or squatter camp. The white Afrikaner has become a swear word in his own country- all because of the British media , criminal British infiltrators, media propaganda- and the communist ANC’s racist based “laws.”

Thus even the Babylonian “church” back-paddles when it comes to aiding white impoverished people. That would IMMEDIATELY blemish their “ good name” to be linked to any white cause! Truly- the South African “Christian” fraternity turned into a Babylonian ” politically correct” bunch of yellow-bellied hippocrates, lairs and “ democratic” deceptionists. They all form a prelude to the ultimate white genocide in South Africa. Genocide per se  is not the physical extermination of a race alone- but also the extermination of their culture, language, history and survival as a race into the centuries to come. This also includes the refusal or exclusion from humanitarian aid. All these players as stipulated above forms a part in the white genocide- and ironically- it is not the big corporations and communists alone that are responsible for the extermination of the Afrikaner- but lo– the WHITE liberals from both Afrikaans and English platforms- churches and human rights organizations-  forms a major part in helping to enforce a diabolical  onslaught onto white Afrikaner people.

The Afrikaner has become- thanks to the mainly British Jew corporate-controlled reptile media- the skunk of the world who must be blamed for all the mishaps and wrong doings by other nations and people. The Afrikaner genocide is not only a secluded local issue- but this evil conspiracy stretches wide across the globe already. The Afrikaner are hated and despised by the international world in general due to twisted and false propaganda by the British media. On the end of the day- one must only follow the money-line. NO vile corporate warmonger or oligarch want a white Afrikaner EVER to rule South Africa again. The Jew made SURE that his road to the mineral riches are open and without any obstacles for a long-long time to come. Afrikaner nationalism only spells danger to his plundering- and that the reason why they make sure the ANC stays in control by deception. It is not the Afrikaner that cause the problem- but his ability to stop the globalist Jew from plundering our abundant resources – that becomes a major problem for the corporate villains- and that is the reason why especially the Afrikaner – among all the nations of the world- MUST at ALL COSTS be oppressed and exterminated forever according to the capitalist book of rules.NEVER must another Verwoerd stand in the way of the British Jew  loan sharking or raping of our minerals again!


With this in mind, we regard the formation and trajectory of the Afrikaner Broederbond in 1920 as a key element in recent South African history. This is thanks to the way in which it set a tone and laid the foundations of racial nationalism, leading not only to very fertile ground for National Party dominance and the normalisation of apartheid in white culture, but also in setting a precedent for the racial nationalism of today’s African National Congress. The AB grew out of an organisation called Jong Suid Afrika (Young South Africa), formed in 1918 (O’Meara, 1977). But understanding why it was formed and had the influence it did requires looking back to the South African War of 1899 to 1902, where the Afrikaners were defeated by the British (Encyclopedia Brittanica, 2013).

The “scorched earth” policy of the British during the war devastated farmlands, particularly in rural areas. Tens of thousands of Boer women and children died in British concentration camps. On top of this privation, there was gloating – Lord Milner’s policy of Anglicisation serving to rub salt into very open wounds. Not only did this defeat leave the Afrikaners humiliated, but it also set the stage for what was to follow: the formation of the Broederbond, the National Party and also the rise of Afrikaner Nationalism in general.

While a class divide always existed amongst Afrikaners, the war helped to accentuate it. Some Afrikaners suffered financial as well as other forms of defeat in consequence of the war – poor conditions in agriculture, and deaths due to influenza, crippled families who had already suffered internment, or death in battle. Other families, especially in the Cape, enjoyed relative prosperity (O’Meara, 1977).

Responses to this crisis amongst Afrikaners varied, but the political consequences were undeniably profound. In 1913, the split in the South African Party was one consequence, with Louis Botha having dissolved his cabinet in the face of irreconcilable differences of opinion regarding how to deal with the competing interests of the Dutch and the English.

The National Party was a product of this split. It was founded in 1914 on a platform of “two stream” development, with Hertzog insisting on the Dutch and English pursuing their interests in parallel channels, by contrast to Botha’s ‘one stream’ policy whereby the two groups would converge as one people, in union (South African History Online, 2013).

The origins of the Broederbond are in feelings of persecution – of being threatened by enemies (outside and inside)-known and unknown, but also of being proud, stubborn, and resilient. Even though the enemy might have been the British at the time the organization was formed, that was only tangentially the point. The point, instead, was that whatever adverse circumstances were encountered, the liberal Afrikaner would prevail.

Prevail they did, as all South African born before the 1980’s knows full well. The Broederbond was a key part of their success, in that not only did the Broederbond launch several cultural organizations as breeding grounds and reinforcements of liberal Afrikaner values and culture (gathered under the umbrella Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge, or Federation of Afrikaans Cultural Societies), but they also ensured linguistic and cultural – and thus, liberal racial – “purity” in positions of influence in education, commerce and politics.

It was in the 1920’s that the Broederbond became properly organized, and began being properly influential. In 1921, they started campaigning for Afrikaans schools and the preservation of Afrikaans culture in schools, which led to a rapid surge in membership. In 1927, this (now secret) society resolved “to take an active part in the life of the community, leaving no avenue neglected” (O’Meara, 1977).

The extent to which the Broederbond reinforced cultural and racial myopia is clear from its selection and membership criteria. Only “financially sound, white, Afrikaans-speaking, Protestant males, over age 25, of ‘unimpeachable character’, who actively accepted South Africa as their sole homeland, containing a separate Afrikaner nation with its own language and culture” qualified to be members (O’Meara, 1977).

Some highly-combustible elements were therefore being thrown into one pot – a group of pious liberal Calvinists with persecution complexes (thanks to the British and the war), armed with a sense of religious predestination (or more crucially, entitlement), were setting up a structure that ensured that no heterodox thinking would be allowed to penetrate into their structures. Psychologists and behavioural economists speak of confirmation bias (Wason, 1960) and concepts like the “filter bubble” (Pariser, 2011). Confirmation bias refers to our predisposition to ignore evidence that counts against (or, disconfirms) existing beliefs or hypotheses, and also to over-emphasise the relevance of evidence that confirms what we already believe.

The term “filter bubble” was coined to describe the results of Internet search personalization, whereby we tend to get search results that play into our confirmation biases – if you tend to read liberal media, Fox News will tend to not show up in your Google results. Even though the Broederbond didn’t have Google, what they did have was a trusted community of leaders and influencers who would tell them – and you, if you wanted to succeed – exactly what you needed to believe, and usually, exactly what you wanted to hear.

Little surprise, then, that Afrikaner politics was far more concerned with internal power-struggles between the liberal rulers and the conservative populace than with the continued alienation and disempowerment of the majority of South African residents (“citizens” being too generous a term, if we are to be accurate). This incestuous dominance of power structures would enable and buttress decades of “apartheid”  rule, and also allowed for the arrogance that led many within the National Party (in its 1948 – 1994 guise) to never question their divine right to rule, even as the country burned at Sharpeville and their conservative white citizens  were taxed into a slow  poverty to fund their” upliftment”  ideas for black homelands.

This messianistic, Calvinistic and liberal  Afrikaner nationalism, promoted by the Afrikaner Broederbond, was tremendously successful. “Every prime minister and state president in South Africa from 1948 to the end of Apartheid in 1994 was a member of the Afrikaner Broederbond” (Boddy-Evans, 2013), and its members occupied positions of power throughout other areas of South African society also- even today!

This then it became crystal clear that the problem is not with the ANC communist regime  alone waging a war today against the white conservative minority alone as such- but WHITE liberal organizations and societies working in cahoots with the British-controlled communist regime-( willfully and unwillingly) – posing as “Afrikaner ”  and “Christian” organizations- that factually control the media network and cyber space social network as well as  preach the nowadays distorted “ gospel”  in South Africa. It mostly also is WHITE liberals that are attacking Afrikaner activists most of the times in newspapers and on their websites (link) – and white liberals that are busy exterminating the white voice in the media and on the venues where Afrikaner artists such as Steve Hoffmeyer and Sunette Bridges are banned. This liberal white traitors infiltrate Afrikaner societies- acts as communist “agents”, pimps, sources and conspirators- all while mainly white liberal “organizations” pose as “ Afrikaner” organizations to lure and effectively neutralize Afrikaner nationalism under their evil diabolical spell.

These organizations then all mostly are controlled by around 1500 devious ” Broederbonder” ( Free Mason) loan-sharks and “controllers.” Their power in South Africa are immense as indicated in the previous segment. Former Broederbond chief Gerrit Viljoen and journalist Willem de Klerk look at themselves: loyal, defensive (but not apologetic), they are for the most part quite indirect about their relations with blacks. Their politics vary less than their perceptions-sometimes intensely expressed-of the need for change. South African Liberals’ commitment to non-violence as a way to clandestinely share power with non-white Marxist  terrorists and their confusion about their own position in South Africa come through most clearly in their distorted ideologies.  Smuts, Voster , Rhoodie, Diederichs , Pik Botha and De Klerk thus then are good examples of their dubious power over our economy, social life  and our media. Most of the so-called previous “presidents” and ministers in the “Apartheid” era- as already stated- were instituted by and  from this secret societies. The normal Afrikaner was duped since the death of Verwoerd- and these reptiles took over our country’s “leadership” to aid the British Jew’s take-over of our country- and to start the crack-down on Afrikaner nationalism- the one true obstacle in the Jew’s way to the  riches of this land. On the grounds of Parliament, close to Tuynhuys in the heart of Cape Town, is an old, white, plastered building. The Lodge De Goede Hoop is hidden behind a parking lot filled with shiny ministerial cars. Only the Freemason symbol on the window and the Star of David above the large wooden doors show that this is not just another parliamentary building. The building was inaugurated as the first masonic temple in South Africa in 1803 and is still used daily by its members. This then is solid proof of their power and that this secret society is ruling the country from the highest legislature. The organization, regarded as among the most mysterious in the world, is all about money, power and secret handshakes, its detractors whisper. There are many conspiracy theories, alleged links with murders.


This is why NONE of these “Broederbonders” (who gave the instructions and approved all the so-called “atrocities” against blacks) –  EVER was brought to trial by the ANC communists- not even summonsed to appear before the TRC. Their influence are too powerful for even the ANC communists. Only the “ cattle“- the” small minions”– the likes of  Eugene De Kock and Wouter Basson were prosecuted and hunted down. Today those same reptilians are sitting with millions behind their high security fences and live their old age in splendor on the Afrikaner’s post-Apartheid blood. The white genocide did not start in 1994- but factually already started in 1966 when Verwoerd was assassinated by Oppenheimer, Carnegie, Rothschild and the CIA.  John Voster then lead the way and introduction of the white genocide. In the 25 year South West Africa bush war mainly white conservative patriotic children were drafted into the war to get killed-  while mostly liberal whites and Jews skulked and hide behind universities , rich parents and other poor excuses as not to participate in the war. Only AFTER the NWO matlot- Pik Botha, De Klerk en the Broederbond ilk handed SA to the communists- these vermin appeared from every slime-hole to steal the creme de la creme of the country- while those same whites that were sent by the Broederbonders to wage a war to protect Oppenheimer’s diamond cartel in SWA- were dumped in squatter camps! Only  after 1994 the PHYSICAL onslaught on the white conservative Afrikaner and farmer started in all seriousness.


Liberalism – liberal ideas, or self-identified liberal parties – has caused its fair share of trouble in South African politics over the years since Alan Paton’s formation of the Liberal Party in 1953.The worst culprits responsible for deceiving the African during the last fifty years in South Africa was the ‘Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk’ and the ‘Afrikaner Broederbond’. They were well rewarded by their master brothers in London, and had to manage the mass black conversion to the Christian religion. They carefully conned the Black man. In their homelands, in their schools, in their universities and in their missionaries they taught the once proud African man a false and diluted doctrine of love by means of their white man’s Jesus. Never forget that they, the liberalized Afrikaners, continued to demonize the members of the Boer nation as the racists, to such a degree that they, the liberal Afrikaners, eventually became the angels and” saviors” of the black man in Africa. And all along they had a secret agenda …

Come on, think for yourself, why did the liberal Afrikaner spend so many millions on the establishment of churches and theological facilities for Blacks under Apartheid Definitely NOT because of “brotherly love!”  They all knew perfectly well that salvation, according to God’s original scripture, was for whites only. They had to gain control, that’s why they stuffed the black man with churches and preachers.

In the event the African has been viciously deceived by a bunch of hypocritical closet racists, posing as “loving Christians.”

In life, everything is done for a reason. Mostly things are done for money or to gain control. The implementation of the Christian belief system in Africa was for both these reasons. At the top of the structure one had the ( British) decision makers, in this case the manipulators, and at the lower end, one had the controlled masses, in this case, the African population. The poor manipulated masses were led to believe that Jesus, the white man’s God, was their way to salvation, and if they chose that way, they would secure ample food, clothing and housing for themselves. Hence the massive missionary drive into Africa, initiated from London.

These missionaries became the forerunners for the massive colonialism drive into Africa by Britain. One can virtually hear the instructions of the manipulator to the missionary:

… soften the barbarian, get him to wear our clothing, teach him our language, give Jesus to them, we need educated slaves, our equipment is expensive, etcetera, etcetera …

With all references to race effectively “translated into thin air”, these Jews and white liberals improved their control over the  Afrikanerdom and the Black man. Never forget, the main controllers in London and their cronies had absolute and perfect control in mind, whereas the preacher at ground level, evangelised the Black man out of fear. However, the white preacher can NEVER plead ignorance, because in all denominations of the mainstream ‘Afrikaanse Kerke’, the Anglican-, the Methodist- and the Catholic Church, the preachers are well trained in the original Bible languages – Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. These white preachers know exactly what is written in the original scripture. All of them proudly display their graduation certificates in “Semitic languages” to the common laymen.


In a news article in 2013- a corespondent -Frank- described these villainous liberal Afrikaners as such: ” South Africa, more than any other spot on earth, have been cursed with the most diverse and incomprehensible species of Liberals known to man. Due to our chequered past, we have a myriad of self-appointed liberal gurus that is omni-knowledgeable on any issue they deem fit for the planet’s consumption.  I’ll highlight a few of these indescribable annoying groups in a series of articles and let’s start with my personal favourite, the Afrikaans liberal. The Afrikaner used to be the gnarly bunch of settlers of various European ascents that could do anything they set their minds to and did it well. The infrastructure of SA on the eternal Dark Continent is testament of their resolve.

After the Anglo-Boer War the first signs of these lacklustre, backbone-less individuals appeared, that refused to fight for survival in a unified front like the Vikings of old, but preferred to sell out their comrades in arms to the British for the proverbial pieces of silver. They evolved in this quasi-intellectual bunch of Afrikaans speaking liberals we are cursed with today. They are most probably tertiary educated semi-professionals, that did just enough to gain the degree but failed to make the top echelon of their chosen profession.  This irks them to no end and to compensate for their failure in life, they decided to be the keepers of the gate as far as armchair politics are concerned.

They are addicted to social media and prowl the Net for their favourite quarry, the Right Wing Racist. When they locate a bunch of ordinary South Africans voicing their concern over the senseless killings of white, mostly elderly farmers in the most horrific display of torture, they pounce like a squad of demented Tiggers. Their favorite means of attack is to shout racist at anyone voicing any opinion, whether it can be deemed racist or not.  The second avenue of their plan revolves around shouting even harder when confronted by the now suitably irked victim, with facts and figures refuting their claims to rubbish. As soon as this happens, they snootily turn their noses around and declare in a fit of controlled tantrum that they do not engaged with “racists. ” Fait accompli as far as they are concerned!

These “kopdoek” loving Afrikaner brigade that forever engages unsuspecting people with their enlightened halo of how many black friends they possess, infuriating black women all over the show with the condescending greeting of “haibo sissi” to show their perceived unity with the black population of this country, and pathological hate of anything remotely white, makes them the laughing stock of all sane South Africans comfortably sitting on middle ground.I suspect the fact that they were the privileged bunch of white South Africans that could waltz into university, had the daddy-means to escape National Service by ducking to some godforsaken aunt in London, turned them into self-loathing, quivering wrecks that need to shed every last part of their Afrikaans, apartheid beneficiary heritage to redeem themselves in the eyes of the new bosses in town!

Unfortunately for the rest of the white population of the moderate persuasion, the antics of these clowns are tarnishing the black perception of all whites, seeing they are known as turncoats that cannot be trusted under any circumstance. The perusing of many blogs and interactive sites like this one, just reiterates the general black idea on whites where the first quality when referring to whites are the fake smiles!



The saying goes that if you get only part way into bed with the Devil, then you will be used and discarded. To stay safe, you must completely serve and worship the Devil, or else you must completely avoid the Devil. (Halfway measures lead to ruin.) By participating in venues controlled by this globalist controllers- artists such as Hoffmeyer and Bridges only partly are sharing the devil’s bed. If you want to truly be accepted by the globalist club, with no risk of attack, then you must get FULLY into bed with the devil. This then is the reason these two activists are being attack with such ferocity by the media and liberal “Afrikaner” front-demons. Another thorn in the liberal flesh seem to be Afrikaner activist- Dan Roodt. His website- “Praag” are under constant attacks from these white liberal trash. (Link)


INITIATORS OF THE CURRENT WHITE GENOCIDE IN SOUTH AFRICA: Broederbonder liberal Afrikaner FW DE Klerk, Communist Nelson Mandela– and globalist Zionist David Rockefeller….all in cahoots to deliver South Africa to the Zionist cabal- and conservative whites to the slaughterhouse.For that Mandela and De Klerk recieved the (pre-arranged) nobel prize!More than 50% of the world’s gold comes from South Africa. Under the Gold Standard, money could only be printed if it could be backed by gold. This means that half the world’s assets backed by gold is done so with South African gold. South Africa’s gold mining and entire mining industry belongs to the Rothschild Illuminati, stolen from the South Africans during the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902.



The Afrikaner Broederbonder “elite” still controls South Africa from behind the communist ANC to exterminate white Afrikaner nationalism. One such example is the “Inni-Bos” Art festival- where white liberal (Broederbonder) organizers  have banned Hoffmeyer for singing “Die Stem”- all while they appear to be very reluctant to voice their concerns as Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema sings ‘ Kill the Boer- Kill the farmer.” To them it appear to be a bigger “injustice “ to sing a previous nationalist anthem – than sing a song to promote a genocide. For their treacherous act- they received R 1.5 million from the communist ANC:

This is the white liberal pseudo “Afrikaner ” hippocracy in South Africa. They are the worst enemy of the white conservative Afrikaner. Another example is the Voortrekker monument- a historical conservative Afrikaner monument that now are controlled and run by pseudo “Afrikaner” liberals and changed into a diverse symbol  of harlots for the “Rainbow Nation.”  The Afrikaner’s biggest enemy then is not the communist regime as such- but the devious white “Afrikaner” Broederbond liberals who controls the ANC communists, media , all “Afrikaner” organizations and unions- and is hard at work with dark and sinister agendas to exterminate white Afrikaner nationalism from within. Their main goal is to promote globalism and exterminate conservatism in South Africa. It therefore no wonder even Steve Hoffmeyer suggested on a tweet that a special website must be  created to name all these villainous white “Afrikaner” liberal organizations and white liberal traitors for all to see who is responsible for the sick and deranged agendas against the Afrikaner in South Africa. Why must their names be kept secret while they are busy exterminating a whole nation- one may ask? If you experience the same onslaught against whites in your country- please go and seek that devious evil white liberals behind it. Blacks normally gives a dang what whites do- BUT white liberal vipers under Zionist control make it their business to destroy good conservative countries while they hide their evil motives behind the exploitation of black “nationalism.” For this reason you will never hear any of these organizations or entities voice any concern about the white genocide, partake in any marches- or support any activism against the genocide of the white people in South Africa.

” Nationalism is a danger for the Jewish people. Today, as in all epochs of history, it is proven that Jews cannot live in powerful states where a high national culture has developed. “ THE JEWISH SENTINEL, Chicago, 9-24-36

This bring us back to the physical white genocide in South Africa. As for the ANC- They even go as far as to try to suppress the white genocide reports in “advising” the media NOT to use race in such reports- as to hide the true race identity of the perpetrators. Also a media blank-out was ordered on any black-on-white abuses but rather to high-light white on black atrocities which- as you can see in any media source- are about non-existent.  The international  world at large also forms part of this global conspiracy against white conservative Afrikaners- and choose to ignore this fact because of close corporate ties with the communist South African regime. When British UKIP member Jack Sen  dared to raise the issue of the white genocide in South Africa in his party – he IMMEDIATELY was banned from the party by the Kike Jew controllers . So much for the so-called UKIP and also how huge this conspiracy against the Afrikaners are globally.

This fact also was underlined in a report from Baroness Ashton– Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy- :

3rd April 2012: Andrew Brons has received an answer to his Question to the European Commission Requiring a Written Answer on Genocidal attacks on Boer farmers in South Africa.


“On 15 February 2012 there was a debate in plenary on ‘the 19th session of the UN Human Rights Council; statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy’. I made a number of points in my one?minute speech relating to the genocidal attacks on South African Boer farmers by politically and racially motivated elements. I wish to know why these points were not answered by the Vice-President.

“Since 1994, more than 3000 white farmers and their families have been murdered in brutal attacks. Many farmers and their wives and young children have been beaten, tortured, killed or hospitalised.

“The former President of the ANC Youth League, Julius Malema, who is described by Forbes magazine as one of the most influential young people in Africa, has called for the song ‘Kill a Boer’ to be sung at meetings. Among other slogans are these words: ‘One Boer, One Bullet’.

“When farmers have reported attacks, the police have frequently refused to take action, claiming, for example, that their vehicles had run out of fuel.

“In September 2011 the Washington NGO, Genocide Watch, upgraded South Africa to stage 6 (‘Preparation’).

“What is the reason for this hypocrisy, and what action will the High Representative/Vice President take to convey in the strongest possible terms to the South African government that this situation is entirely unacceptable and must be addressed without delay?”

Answer given by High Representative/Vice President Ashton:

“With regard to the issues of violence against white farmers and racism in South Africa, the Honourable Member is kindly referred to answers provided by HR/VP Ashton to Questions E-3506/2010, E-3505/2010, E-5051/2011 and E-0631/2012. The HR/VP is well aware of the issue referred to by the Honourable Member.

“Close political dialogue with South Africa, including a dialogue on human rights, established under the framework of the EU-South Africa Strategic Partnership, provides the EU with the opportunity to convey messages to the South African authorities on important issues of concern such as those described by the Honourable Member whenever appropriate.” (Link)

As you now clearly can notice- the white genocide in South Africa is NOT an issue restricted within the borders of the country- but it spreads much, much wider than that. As long as there is globalist Marxist Jews in Britain- there will be a white genocide in South Africa.


As clearly can be noted- the answer Baroness Ashton sent to Andrew Brons was vague and non- compliant. No indication was given that she ever was willing to even address the topic within the EU. This comes to show that the EU- as well as the UN- also are being wagged by the corporate tail who’s interest only is the plundering of the South African mineral resources. Mean-while the white genocide in South Africa already are taking on catastrophic proportions for the white nation- as the slaughter continues at a rate of two attacks per day- and Genocide Watch International maybe getting  ready to move the genocide in South Africa to a stage 7 in the near future if you as a white reader do not adhere to the warnings. The irony is that the same scenario will also start to play itself down in white Europe and America- and the reason: Because whites in Europe and America acts the same careless way the white South Africans acted when they first heard the sound of the last taptoe in 1994. Many of the 70 000 plus whites already murdered since 1994 in South Africa also acted the same way….they played ostrich politics- and sadly- they paid they ultimate price for their ignorance. They also thought it could only happen to the “ poor guy next door.”

The only problem was that the “ poor guy next door” also thought the same. This very careless behavior especially are found among white  city dwellers. Their mind-set is totally screwed-up….and they keep on paying dearly for their ignorance and carelessness. They deem themselves “untouchable” behind their high fences, burglar bars  and emergency security response units. They keep on forgetting that their fences, burglar bars and response units do not accompany them the moment they leave their homes into the streets- and that is PRECISELY where the dangers lurks….waiting to pounce them at traffic lights, shopping malls and in the streets. The stats on many sites  should give you as a reader an idea what we are talking about- just Google “ White Genocide South Africa”.

See this  as a joke, conspiracy theory- cry wolf- or whatever you want- but facts do not lie. It’s up to you and us to start doing our bit and fight this evil Zionist  conspiracy across the globe against the white people of this world. Whites really must start to get their ducks in a row- or pay the price for their oblivious behavior. For those that still do not want to grope the truth- maybe – who knows- YOUR name also will be appearing on this page sometime. Hopefully you will survive to “ read  all about it.” Mean-time whites are murdered at a rate of one  every second day while we wait to make up our very distorted mind-sets.



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