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Article by: White Nation corespondent Cape Town– June 18  2015


A well-known conservative Facebook website- SA News- was vehemently attacked by a pro-communist far-left liberal tabloid out of sheer liberal vindictiveness.

SA News makes front page news. Biased, deceptive and inflammatory leftist Cape Times tries to victimise and target SA News Facebook page.

SA News Administrators responded by saying:

” Firstly, our page has a pic of all the SA flags INCLUDING the current one.

Secondly, mentioning the race of a perpetrator is not “profiling”, it is stating a relevant fact. This is especially important in cases of missing people or where people need to be aware of what to look out for to protect themselves in the crime, murder and rape capital of the world!

For 20 years the leftist mass media in SA have been using stock photo’s of white “perpetrators” even though the culprits are black. IS THAT NOT RACIAL PROFILING?

Trying to pretend a population group is responsible for crimes that it is not in the habit or tradition of committing, is tantamount to genocide! The communist ANC and the far left have rewritten the rule books with “politically correct”  social and media blackmail and with emotional coercion changed the perception of what is a fair and balanced playing field!  Seriously! This from a country that willing and deliberately has racist laws excluding a portion of people from work, school, tertiary education, employment and business BASED N THEIR RACE!!! Take the log out of your own eye first!

We live in a country where traditional conservatism is labeled “far right. ” The SA News page acts as a counter balance to the madness that has taken place in the country. Sadly we are just volunteers doing it for no pay on our own time and data costs. Just because you can suppress people and stop them from being able to exercise their freedom of speech on social media, with your fabricated laws, does not remove the underlying feelings and reasons for people having those feelings! You cannot legislate a problem out of existence, nor finger point it into submission. Thinking that you can is pure Stalinist communism… how many million will be killed in SA? Will the 4,000 people that like our page be lined up and executed? Seems modern day journalism revolves around trawling social media pages instead of getting out and finding real news about real people.”




( We as conservatives are about fed up for this liberal reptiles that keep-on witch-hunting conservatives and their constant “racist” whining! Why don’t they rather focus on their corrupt president and criminal government – than waste intelligent reader’s time with this sub-standard crap?  Conservatives NEVER attack any stinking liberal- they leave them at peace to boil in their own poison- BUT every day this vile liberal vipers are launching one-after the other scything attack on conservative people- their songs- and their websites. It seems that this human feces cannot survive unless they leech onto a conservative. This is down-right disgusting from this tabloid- but then again- this is out of pure jealousy because the conservative writers and websites are busy taking over the news-media and people across the world are starting to realize that they have been duped by these liberal lairs and their funding tycoons all these years. They now realize these distorted tabloids only reported what they and their controlling regimes want the people to know- half-truths and full-out lies.

Liberal news reader figures start to decline  rapidly across the world as more and more readers now are waking up to their controlled lies- and so  their does their golden geese that lied the subscription eggs- because the vermin still want to flog their news at a price- where-as the conservative media is for free. The conservative alternative media are taking over the internet- and these liberal gremlins just about detest it. They want to run the monopoly as usual- ( making millions for their tycoon-handlers) – and spread their false lies and distorted “need-to-know” propaganda alone to keep the “sheep” dumb folded and hypnotized.  Too many dark secrets of their regimes and con-artist politicians are coming out on the alternative sites- and now they try to shut them up.  These vermin hates competition- and their reporters are getting more and more lazy and half-witted by the day- placing sub-standard articles as the one above. The poor liberal  sods now again tries an age-old liberal stunt by demonizing white conservative sites again. A good example how low these liberal criminals operate- is displayed here:

Over the past two days the liberal media in South Africa and a host of liberal social media platforms have been spitting acid about the young man who shot and killed a number of African Americans in a church in Charleston in the south of America. In particular about the fact that he had a picture on his Facebook profile of him wearing a jacket with two badges – one of the former Rhodesian flag and one of the former South African flag – on the chest.

Original photo…

Charleston shooting – Dylann Roof photo – before and after liberals used Photoshop to add the old SA flag with the deliberate intention of getting the old SA flag banned and to demonize conservative white Afrikaners again….

After white liberal newshounds were finished with it.  Note the sudden appearance of the old Sa flag and old Rhodesia flag on the right pocket area.This fake picture appeared all over the liberal news sites- Sky news, etc.  Need I say more about liberals and their deceptive lies?


The REAL badge is rather reminiscent of the logo of the American Democratic Party of Barack Obama! Despite the fact that the American media makes no mention of the old South African flag, the local liberal media and their cronies used terms such as “symbols of white supremacy and oppression” and “racist symbolism” etc. It just seems that the liberal would not hesitate to shamelessly stoop to the very lowest level of despicable deceit and lies if he could use it to discredit the conservative Afrikaner. We do not know who created this forgery yet, but we will find out. And to the South African liberal and the media who is your voice we have only this to say: “You despicable cheats! You owe the Afrikaner and the Rhodesian people an apology and if you have only one fragment of honesty and decency left in you, you will offer that apology now!” (Source)

As for the Cape Times: This is TYPICAL from a disgusting liberal fretting newspaper that are fighting for it’s own survival in a battle they see they are busy loosing. As for the correspondent of this article( Francesca Villette) – I really believe she was scraping the barrel to get something to fill the open space to keep her job for writing an article while bitching about flags.. Putting this trash on their head-lines front page REALLY expose their dire battle for survival.

“What’s being perpetrated by South Africa’s Marxist government against the nation’s white inhabitants, amounts to genocide. This is an UNDENIABLE fact that is being deliberately denied by the Marxists controlling the media.

Much of what’s happening to people of European descent in the U.S. and Western Europe however, has as much to do with our own actions and failures as a people, as it does any deliberate attempt to harm us.

Sadly the misery and violence being perpetrated against the great Afrikaner people of South Africa is being exploited by American so-called White activists. They care little for us and exploit us so they can advance their own agendas, making us look bad in the process.

The recent murder of 9 black parishioners at a South Carolina church by gunman Dylan Roof, who is being alleged to have had sympathies for “white South Africa and white Rhodesia”, is one example of why we need to distance ourselves from the white internationalists preying upon our plight.

Like the mainstream media exploiting this terrible tragedy, white nationalists are using us for their own perverse gains. Please never allow yourselves to believe that a white nationalist in Alabama cares one iota about you. They don’t.

Although there is a rumour that the jacket was photoshopped, white nationalists in America with absolutely no compassion for us, have exploited our cause to incite hatred, feigning moral outrage every chance they get when a white is murdered on African soil.

In fact this hideously destructive pattern is akin to white and Jewish liberals standing in solidarity with poor blacks whenever one gets shot by a cop. It is fake and VERY dangerous. Most destructively, it is also being used as a justification by the hate filled leftist media to black out the genocide of the South African people. More reason we need to run from these horrid people.”– Jack Sen ( Ex UKIP member) (Link)

The following articles will explain why we need to distance ourselves from people harming our cause

Article by Jack Sen, John de Nugent, J Lamprecht, and H Sampson.

Jack Sen was a UKIP prospective Member of Parliament for northern England before being unceremoniously, & quite publicly, suspended by his party one week prior to the General Election for ‘anti-Semitism’, and attempting to broach the subjects of indigenous displacement in Britain and raising the issue of the genocide being waged against White people in South Africa. John de Nugent is a former US presidential candidate and renowned white civil rights activist based in, Ontonagan Michigan. He is a leader in the global anti-Zionist movement, as and been under attack from the Zionist controlled left and right for more than 3 decades.

People that follow the EKP, or are members of our facebook groups, know what we think of white liberals. Along with their Marxist owners, we blame these hypocritical fools for almost ALL that ails our societies. Jack has written dozens of articles on the subject and stated for the record in his communication with leaders in the British government this past week, that South Africa is in the mess it’s in largely because of white liberals and foreign meddling. Without women like Chalize Theron, and the internationalists that brought down SA’s nationalist government, there’d be NO ANC, no Nelson Mandela, no Jacob Zuma and no Julius Malema.

Although the EKP believe that Marxist inspired Neo-Liberalism is the scourge of all of our nations, this article will focus on another equally destructive group of degenerates – the white nationalists that have begun exploiting the genocide of white South Africans for their own gains.

We will also elucidate which whites, our supremacist oppressors really target for genocide, and which whites are in fact useful. This article is not intended to insult anyone, just to inspire us to facilitate and enact change. The fact that we have allowed vile lesser men to carry the mantle for western man, says a lot about how low we have sunk-a product of cultural Marxism.

Anyone that’s really done any reading on our website knows how we feel about Communistic white internationalism-the sort of reactionary gibberish, frustrated bottom feeders like these men (pictured below) espouse to make themselves feel better. As firmly as we stand beside white conservative god fearing men and women, we seek to distance ourselves from degenerate right wing extremists who only hinder our movement’s progress.

While white leftists vote for men like Zuma and Obama, white men like these, are too stupid and drunk to even know where to vote. When they do get involved politically it usually involves making racially motivated threats, urinating or vomiting on a government building and acting stupidly.

The actions of these people only fuel the anti-white left, who employ them (often time ACTUALLY employing them) to further their own agenda. This is why the EKP does its utmost to distance itself from what we refer to as white trashionalism. Most white internationalists do not want what’s best for their respective nations, or South Africa-they themselves are anarchists and fear mongers. Most are traitorous, hate filled reactionaries, facilitating the advancement of our Marxist enemies one beer can at a time.

These men are sadly now exploiting what’s transpiring in South Africa for their own gain as well, as evidenced by the numerous South African Genocide groups, run by people who have never even met anyone from South Africa. They use the ethnic cleansing campaigns perpetrated against the White Afrikaner, Boer and Anglo people to further their own gain, and hinder our efforts in the process.  Not one of these individuals has done a thing to assist white South Africans, having neither donated money to our movement and poor, or acted to see their governments change their policies towards white southern Africans in any way, way shape or form.

In fact when I spoke to Carolyn Yeager, a well respected American White Nationalist, about our plight, she told me she could “care a less” and only talked about it “because that is what people wanted to hear.” Each time I attempted to discuss the genocidal conditions in South Africa she wanted to speak about “Jews and Adolf Hitler.”

When asked why a so-called white nationalist didn’t care about the only true White genocide on the planet, she laughed. Yes, laughed.

The same holds true for people that run the White Voice, White Network and other organisations that have literally used our plight to further their racist anti-American gains.

Why have they latched onto the situation in South Africa? To exploit our UNIQUE life-threatening situation and spread the nonsensical notion that their governments somewhat anti-white policies compare to the genocidal conditions we live in.

The idea that there is a concerted effort by a global elite or illuminati, to kill off the degenerate elements of the white race is ludicrous. It’s our best and brightest traditional minded people, they want to destroy! Marxism’s enemy is Western European, specifically traditional Anglo Saxon culture and the elite people that created it in Europe, South Africa, the U.S. etc.

Our enemies hate TRUE Christian values & their proponents, conservatism, and our culture’s creators. The sort of white liberal middle class people that sip cappuccino, endorse gay marriage, embrace Marxist ideology and celebrate their nations ruin are our enemy’s teammates, not adversaries. White garbage that get pregnant at 14, find themselves in and out of the penal and family court system, live off the state and drink themselves to death are as equally useful. The people that prescribe to White Nationalism actually enable the left to hide what is happening to us. After all, who’d feel sorry for people aligned with skin heads and neo-Nazis!

For this I say we URGENTLY need to distance ourselves from these people. We have made many gains this past year with Canada and England acknowledging FINALLY that our lives are hard. If we associate our movement with the Ku Klux Klan, even engage this vermin, what do you think will happen?

This is why I decided to join the EKP and distance myself from so-called WN movements.

The sort of men that shave their heads and shout white power, are a tool of our oppressors, not a target for destruction. Recall, a disproportionate number of these people commit crime, molest children, engage in sexual deviant lifestyle and actually thrive in our modern liberal societies. They might claim they hate liberalism, however they themselves are a product of it!I doubt the beer swilling clown in the photo even knows the origins of the symbols he’s so proudly inked onto his disgusting body.

The notion of global white genocide at the hands of the Zionist & WASP elite, that includes filth like these, is a myth that’s been peddled to white simpletons for decades, in order to sell books, keep gun & liquor stores open, and tattoo ink flowing-the sort of people the White Power and 14 Words online warriors pander to. Sadly the misery and violence being perpetrated against the great Afrikaner people of South Africa is being exploited by these people. They care little for us and exploit us so they can advance their own agendas.

In fact I can count on ONE hand the number of YOUNG White American males I’ve met on my travels, that were not ruined by Cultural Marxism. It didn’t matter if they were self-described liberals, conservatives, white nationalists or hard-core leftists. Most young American males are morally and spiritually corrupted souls. This saddens me, as America was once a GREAT nation, with truly remarkable people.

Equally sadly, the same can be said for most young South Africans. After all it was a white Capetown girl raised in a liberal home that made global headlines for her animal murdering pornographic videos this past year. Black South Africans actually cite this case, a perfect example of white liberal degeneracy, as an example of our barbarity.

As stated earlier, what’s transpiring to white South Africans amounts to genocide. The systematic ethnic cleansing of their people, the murder of literally hundreds of thousand of innocent farmers and rural homesteaders, that’s been facilitated by the black ANC, its white liberal supporters, and apathetic conservatives that have sat idly by, is ACTUAL genocide.

What’s happening in America on the other hand, has more to do with our own base level impulses, greed and apathy, than any sort of intentional genocidal plan hatched by the ‘elite’ against white people. You don’t want to have mulatto children? Don’t have sex with blacks. You don’t want your kids to grow up delinquents that resort to sexually deviant lifestyle? Give them a traditional upbringing, discipline them properly and instill values in them.

Besides, all one needs to do is look at the state of the US to know that there’s NO shortage of white degenerates spreading their seed.

I spent some time in Mississippi a few years back and was astounded at the number of white teens pushing baby carriages. The same holds true in parts of northern England, where lily white 13-year-olds can be regularly seen pushing their unruly, unkempt WHITE children about. There’s no shortage of poor uneducated white consumers being born on a daily basis, and there’s NO effort to see these people stop breeding or spending.

These people will ALWAYS be good for business.

This is also why the Polish and Romanians, who are also white, are brought to Britain by the million! They too breed like rabbits, are already Bolshevised , regardless of their politically leanings, and typically vote left. They work for a pittance, are happy with a few bottles of vodka and a TV, spend their entire pay-checks, and question nothing. They are white and their birth rates are rising rapidly.  If our elite are trying to kill off whites why do they bring in groups of whites that out-breed the local populations 2 and 3 to 1?

Our newcomer Eastern European immigrant class, like our domestic white underclass, pose NO threat to the elite, and to the Marxists facilitating their rise, represent the very opposite of our culture. These people also breed, spend, mix with other low value people and can be controlled by way of their television sets. These WHITE people are not being ethnically cleansed as they are not the forbearers of our culture. Our culture is under threat-the race of the people that prescribe to what replaces it, is of no consequence.

They also care little when half their town becomes Islamicised, ghettoised and think it is funny, when there’s more Polish music being blasted from car stereos, than English. The fact that all of these communities have adopted ‘urban’ culture’s  (see photo of best selling Polish rap duo Donatan & MC Slut) should tell you something. Sure some object to the people they see as a threat to their communities, but when they do react, they do so with violence, which only serves our enemy’s interests. In order to wage war on European culture, our oppressors need VALUABLE members of our society to cease from procreating; something they’ve accomplished quite efficiently via liberalism.

An abundance of blacks and low class whites is the bread and butter of the financial elite and their Marxist colluders.

This can be seen by looking at the pitifully low birth rates of upper middle class whites born into professional families in Europe, South Africa across the Western World. For those of you that have a hard time accepting this, tell me why European Left, typically led by people with an actual anti-White hatred, encourage the mass immigration of WHITE Eastern European into western Europe? These people have birth rates two and three times higher than the indigenous British population, and through sex, are changing the genetic and cultural makeup of Britain!

So what has happened to us? Why have we lost our way to such an extent?

I merely need only look to England. Sadly, consumerism, aversion to family, materialism, paedophilia, drunkenness, loutishness, obsession with sex (while having little), sexualisation of children and all other facets of modern life are no more potent than in my beloved England. Besides impacting our psyche and turning us into a nation of hipster manginas and feminazis, it has allowed people with a lot more determination and drive than we have, to root themselves in or communities.

My dear grandfather had no idea that fighting for the Allies would result in his pie shop becoming a Polish & Baltic Food hole, pub-a Pakistani Halal Butchers, the park we played tennis in as kids-a Mac Donald’s’ parking lot, and his television set -a mouthpiece for venomous Zionist & Marxian American propaganda.

And, one can’t let South African whites off the hook completely. The proud Boer warrior, that fought in the Angolan Bush/Border Wars in South Africa and against the communist filth destroying his country would never have thought for one moment that young white South Africa men, with families, friends and countrymen impacted by rampant racial hatred and violence perpetrated against whites, would be care more about their cappuccinos, hair, clothes and PlayStations than their own countrymen.  This tells me the brand of liberalism, our Marxist oppressors have peddled to us, has worked like a charm.

A great man once wrote, “A country has the problems it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the Marxist destroyer can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.”

I ask, if we were strong, would this ever have happened? And if we are strong, why do we allow it to continue to happen?

Whites have lost their way. Cultural Marxism in the West, Bolshevism in the East, a lack of direction, greed, too much freedom, egalitarianism and even white nationalism has been the scourge that has ravaged a once proud people.

Recall we have the highest percentage of homosexuals, paedophiles, child predators on the planet for a reason. Although we like to claim we are Aryans, there are very few of us that actually prescribe to the Aryan ethos. Being Aryan – a Sanskrit term denoting nobility of mind, body, behaviour and spirituality, has as much to do with how we live our lives, as it does the genetic makeup of our ancestors. Does these so called white nationalists look noble to you?

I need not write more on the subject as John de Nugent, a great man and Anglo-Saxon visionary-someone I’ve followed for several years before aspiring to create my own website, penned the following piece on the degeneration of the white man, which eloquently expresses the remainder of my sentiments on the subject.

continued by John de Nugent

Willpower has been chemically paralyzed in the majority of Whites.

The causes are chemtrails, HAARP, cell phones, SmartMeters in our homes, wireless Internet and SmartPhones, cell phone towers, both fluoride and estrogen in the drinking water, bisphenol-A in the food packaging, and estrogen released by excessive body fat.

A further drug is, in a way, porn, which release just sexual hormones but no oxytocin, which is the love-cuddling-affection hormone. It is ice-cold sex, not warm-and-fuzzy sex that makes you feel good and act nice for hours or even days afterward. (I had a close co-worker over in France 2004-05, and I could just tell when he and his wife had made love by how happy he acted at work that day.

The implications of what Huxley wrote are far-reaching, and just add the passivizing effect of the Internet to all this! What we see now is typing online as a substitute for action. Certainly no WN revolution is possible, because WNs will never support any champion except with words. Things are drastically unlike the early 1990s, pre-Internet, when David Duke and I were running for political office and getting in donations and supporters. (http://www.democratic-republicans.us/wn-biography-of-jdn) Today, the disgust and rage are much, much higher than back then, and the decline of America is much more evident, in fact, to one and all. Even liberals see it.

But activism on the street and in the real world is basically dead. We sit and stare at our coming disaster, we preach to the choir of the other WNS that the-Jews-are-coming, we shut up about it around our family and colleagues at work, and so the prophetic words of Aldous Huxley have come true.

We in fact are guilty of playing the same exact race card as the left. Whenever there is a failure in a non-white community, we are blamed. Likewise, whenever something’s amiss in our community, White Nationalists immediately point their fingers at the black man or his Jewish masters.

People often ask me if I believe that White Nationalists are guilty of playing the race card — and blaming every problem our race has on other races. To that I reply, yes, — and I am stating explicitly that WNs unconsciously, due to the tone and thrust of 95% of WN propaganda (in both what it emphasizes and what it leaves out), do indeed blame everything on other races.

“J’accuse,” (“I accuse” — as the Frenchman Emile Zola once said), Mr. Typical WN says: –the lazy, violent, white-hating Blacks (but how do you explain this man? Have you done anything comparably courageous or articulate?

–the cunning, malevolent Jews

–the Spanish-jabbering Mexicans

–the cruddy-product-making Chinese ????

–obnoxious PDA (public-display-of-affection) homosexuals

–(especially in Europe) the gang-raping Muslims

Is there partial truth in some of these accusations?

Yes, because, just as with Whites, there are some very negative characters in these other races. (And many, many Blacks, Jews, Mexicans, homosexuals, Chinese and Muslims themselves are appalled by this bad behaviour, which brings disgrace on their communities. Do you think, for example, do you REALLY think, that middle-class Blacks LIKE their daughters to listen to gangsta rap and hear women described in lyrics as “ho’s” [ =  whores]?

Do you really think “Blacks” rejoice when their son is shot dead at 15 in a drive-by shooting? Do you IMAGINE they enjoy being followed around by the store anti-shoplifting guy, the house dick (detective), as we used to say, when they are trying to pick up some paper towels? Do they like being suspected of crimes? No, and they KNOW crime is high in the black community and they themselves experience it — and they hate it.)

Now, am I selling out White Nationalism? No, but moving beyond it TO SOMETHING THAT CAN WIN.  I put 35 years into this Cause and it has not made one inch of progress during that time.

Proof we have FAILED despite sometimes heroic efforts?

We were 89% of the population when I was born on July 14, 1954 and now we are 49%. Klans, Nazis, skinheads, Identity Christians, Asatru — new groups come and go and our decline continues.

And why exactly is this?

Because we are obsessing (far more than we realize) on DNA, “racial differences” and every other materialistic issue. We are committing to the myth that nature is far, FAR more important than nurture, that genes FAR outrule environment,  and we love thinking that our struggle is (in the true hardcore WN view, which is not mine) a Darwinian, atheistic battle between civilized animals with light skin and wild animals with dark skin. (This ignores, btw, that Koreans and northern Japanese, like the girl in the photo, are often lighter-skinned than we are, have an average IQ about 5 points above ours, and less testosterone — so they are a lot less fidgety, and actually sit down and study better than we do. I know many, many, many East Asians personally, especially from my work as an American-accent tutor for foreign scientists in the Boston area from 1996 to 2003. Not one of them betrayed me, lied to me, embezzled from me, or defamed me. I cannot say that about White people in general or White Nationalists in particular. So you retort: “Yes, but their Asian cultures are intact;  Jews have not dismantled Asian cultures.” Mostly true — but this is also an admission that the environment and the culture are huge factors, decisive factors, and not just race. )

Now, I actually have had some good correspondence over the years with the man who invented the term “white nationalist.” His name is Eric Thomson. (Here is an interview with him: http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=94277)

And what he said to me by letter was something very harsh, and especially for White Americans.

“White Americans are materialistic entertainment addicts.”

What does this mean, concretely, as it impacts our struggle for white survival?

It means that 95% of American White Nationalists will do literally N-O-T-H-I-N-G for their race beyond typing online and fantasizing that some new Führer or Robert E. Lee will save them.

And this is what they type:

1) It’s all the fault of the non-Whites, who took over and brought down our noble race;

2) and the WN movement is going nowhere thanks to the wretched comrade X, incompetent leader Y and obnoxious activist Z, who all supposedly are frauds and jerks. (And probably agents, homosexuals, swindlers and psychopaths to boot.

One guy threatened to drive 400 miles to “punch my lights out” as a “discredit to our cause,” but would not drive five blocks to hand out literature to bring more people into said cause. Now he wants to “save the Boers” — online, of course — by posting comments how it sucks they are being killed, (while actually doing nothing to help.) As a result of this fantasy thinking, where typing stuff is seen as action, and we passively await Super-Leader, Mike Delaney, who did 1) the truly magnificent video “9/11 Missing Links” — which shows Israel did 9/11 and not, as “Loose Change” claims, “Bush, the banksters and Big Oil”), and recently created 2) the great alternative to Youtube, www.Trutube.tv, has had to resort to being a truck driver to feed his five kids and a wife, a lovely family whom Margi has met, and I myself and she have also met with Mike at our home in Pennsylvania.

David Duke (I will not go into into my problems with him) announced in 2010 he wanted to run for president against Obama and whatever Republican sell-out the GOP would serve up in 2012.

He dropped out (photo) because he got NO WN support! And this is a man with worldwide name recognition (50 million hits on Google), tens of thousands of WN readers, and a track record of success in running for office! (He won for state representative, and nearly won for US Senator, Louisiana governor and the US Congress in the 1990s. I know — I was living in Louisiana part of this time, and one of his own former girlfriends and active volunteers was at that point my own girlfriend! I know exactly how Duke achieved what he did, which was considerable.)

There was simply no excuse for hard-core WNs to not support these men of proven ability.

Or for not supporting me AT ALL in my winnable sheriff race in 2013 in a 98% white, rightwing, Tea-Party, Obama hating county.

Fundamentally, we are into blaming other races, and not looking ALSO AT OURSELVES. (And let no man say I am “going soft” on Black or Jewish crime, or Muslims, or homosexuals, or anything. No one can look at my blog and say that for a microsecond.)

And thus we as WNs are into WHINING VICTIMHOOD.

YES, WE SEE OURSELVES AS HELPLESS VICTIMS. Our fate is sealed, we are beaten, and nuts like Delaney, Duke or De Nugent are just Don Quixotes, deluding ourselves with romantic visions like white survival and victory over the Jews (thought they are an infinitesimal and hated 1/4 of 1% of the human race, they still are unbeatable ???? ). The fact that Americans have just bought 600 million guns is also deemed irrelevant. ???? And even the fact that 39% of African-Americans say they would not vote for Obama again, that too is no grounds for hope.

The WNs toss off at most, at their best, meaningless, time-wasting electronic compliments via email or Faceberg like “great blog, man,” but if you dare ask for a donation after working 70 hours a week, or seek to run for any office, they call you “a mooch” and say “get a job.”

One local white “friend” (he loves to rag on the Blacks while eating chicken wings) just got a ten-thousand-dollar settlement from a work-related injury and yet would not lend me $200 to keep my website up. As a result, it went down for three days. He accused me of doing nothing. When guilty as hell, counter-attack. Admit nothing. ????

Jews, as miserly as they are, never call Abraham Foxman a mooch and tell him to get a job. He has a job, running the ADL. And Jews pay from their pocket the salaries of his 1,600 full-time employees. AbrahamFoxman ADL logo Now, those made uncomfortable by my reasoning will say “Yes, but/yes, but — lookit all the crimes Blacks/Jews/Muslims, etc, have committed against Whites.”

I answer: “Yes indeed, but en masse they do so only when agitated to do so. Are you ignoring that the black ANC government in South Africa was Moscow-trained in the 1960s in Soviet methods of inciting hatred and preaching mass murder of the Boers as ‘class enemies’”?

Poles and Czechs also massacred Germans after WWII, but they were also being bombarded with hate propaganda. I am a bit of an expert on both these massive atrocity campaigns, which killed huge numbers of German people, often after indescribable tortures.

Now if I took out the word “Czech” and put in the word “Zulu,” you would say as a well-trained WN ???? “typical violent Blacks.”

But no, the Czechs were not and are not Black. They are in fact often very blond.

Because I am also a bit of an expert on German history during the Thirty Years War (I majored in German at Georgetown), let me tell you about that episode too. And then tell me how a Black man or Chinese should view what happened.

It began as a Protestant-Catholic war and ended up killing off at least 20% of the people in Germany (and some sawy far more than 20%). Again, here we see ideology, culture, and environment at work, not race.

Both sides accused the other of belonging to a wicked, satanic religion (the wrong version of Christianity). ???? The Protestants were heretics and the Catholics the whores of Babylon.

Some of the worst atrocities were committed by the Swedes. The Swedes? Yes, their king came down from Scandinavia and intervened, and grabbed German territory during the chaos.

Swedish troops had a fun torture, called “the Swedish drink” (der Schwedentrunk). It involved raping the wife and daughters of the farmer in front of him, and when he protested, then making them watch as they held him down and, jamming a funnel into his mouth, poured urine from the soldiers — brought to a BOIL in a pot — down his gullet, and from this he perished under incredible screams of agony — as his raped women watched.

And no, they were not Zulus. They were Swedes with blond hair.

Water torture. Woodcut from 1556

The Schwedentrunk (English: Swedish drink) is a method of torture and execution. The name was invented by German victims of Swedish troops during the Thirty Years’ War. This method of torture was administered by other international troops, mercenaries, and marauders, and especially by civilians following the Swedish baggage train, who received no pay. It was used to force peasants or town citizens to hand over hidden money, food, animals, etc., or to extort sex from women.

Even though 15% to 20% (locally up to 60%) of the German population perished due to violence, famine, and disease during the war, the memory of the Schwedentrunk was preserved. The method was immortalized in one of the first widely read German books, the satirical Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus published by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen in 1668.


“ Den Knecht legten sie gebunden auf die Erd, stecketen ihm ein Sperrholz ins Maul, und schütteten ihm einen Melkkübel voll garstig Mistlachenwasser in Leib, das nenneten sie ein Schwedischen Trunk ”

Its English translation is: “ They lay the bound servant on the ground, stuck a wooden wedge into his mouth, and poured into his belly a bucket full of foul manure water, which they called a Swedish Drink. ”

Use of the Schwedentrunk is recorded in the histories of towns throughout Southern Germany. Though specific circumstances differed, in every case a restrained and gagged victim was forced to swallow (by means of a funnel) a large amount of unappetizing, sometimes boiling liquid. Substances such as urine, excrement, liquid manure, and sullage were used for this purpose.

Apart from disgust, illness, and the possibility of bacterial infection, the Schwedentrunk inflicted intense gastric pain. Because liquids are incompressible, the victim’s stomach and bowels must expand to painful proportions to accommodate the copious quantities of fluid. The torturers then squeezed the distended belly with wooden boards or trampled the victim underfoot.

Now you may ask: Has John de Nugent abandoned our cause of Whites surviving and yes, once again thriving?

Perish the thought!

But we as a race must take responsibility for our own spiritual state, not play the race card and victim hood every second, and stop saying everything is the fault of other races.

And we could not have been corrupted by the Jews, were we not corruptible to begin with.

Our path back to health and power is through Aryan thoughts, words and deeds, not trashing other races for everything. My friend, the heavily persecuted French revisionist historian Vincent Reynouard, once wrote that unevolved people want to read atrocity stories every day.  Black-guy-did-this, Jew-did-that, cop-got-brutal, Mexican-killed-prostitute, Muslim-raped-Swedish-girl, and gays-marched-down-Main-Street.

But evolved people want to search for, and find the truth. Whether glorious truth about the great deeds of our ancestors or the heroes who now are defamed, or also the shortcomings we and others may have, WE WANT THE TRUTH. White people are their own worst enemy.



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