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(White Nation release white genocide stats on a monthly basis between the 25-and the end of the month. This stats are stats that White Nation researched and logged themselves- and not relevant or derived from any organization, police statistics, political party, – or any other governmental or private source. This stats is as reliable as possible with links to verify each case. HOWEVER – take note: this stats are by no means 100% correct- as MANY assaults on whites do NOT get reported by the mainstream media- and does not appear in sources feeding White Nation– but MAY appear in other sources and websites not familiar with White Nation – or never even get reported by the victims at all- such as old age homes, hospitals, institutions for mentally ill, rural abuse,police cells, penitentiaries, etc where assaults and abuse on whites are kept secret. Readers MUST understand that the current communist regime tries it’s UTMOST to hide these atrocities by blacks against whites as much as possible to save face and hide it’s true agenda against whites- and true reflections of black-on-white atrocities are hard to come by as a total media black-out and race identification were ordered by the communist regime on their controlled media reports as well. The stats below are merely these White Nation sourced in the main stream media, blogs- and websites that act as reliable sources of White Nation.-Ed)


VEREENIGING– 30 Mei 2015: Saterdag is ons drie dames in Houtkop weg in Vereeniging aangehou en aangerand deur drie jong swart kriminele. Ons is vasgebind en aangese as ons nie saam werk nie hulle ons sal verkrag en dood maak. Ons is vasgebind en ons monde is toe gemaak met geskeerde kussingslope. Hulle het geld, kos, drank, en laptops en juwele gevat. Hulle is weg met my vriendin se motor ook. Ek wil dit nooit ooit weer oorkom nie. Nie gedink ek gaan my kinders en famlie en vriende/inne weer sien nie. Ons het gebid aan een. Die arogante swart kriminele  het ons gevra ons ruik witmense het nie flatscreen tv’s nie hoekom. Hulle wou die eienaar van die huis wat gaan jag het se Mercedes ook gevat het maar die een het die sleutle op die bed gegooi waarop ek die sluitel voor in my jean ingedruk het. Ek dank net die Here ons is lewend, die skok is en bangheid is nog erg ens probeer dit verwerk maar dis moeilik.


NYONI( Kwa-Zulu Natal)- June 01 2015: Peter Johnson (56) was killed and his brother, Ian (54), was seriously injured when they were attacked by armed black thugs  on Tuesday night on their farm in KwaZulu-Natal. Colonel Jay Naicker, a police spokesman, told Maroela Media the brothers, both prominent Zululand cane farmers, were overpowered at about 19:00 on their farm in the Nyoni area south of Eshowe. Threethugs with assault rifles shot at the two brothers. ” It is not clear at this stage whether the brothers were working on the farm or just came home when they were attacked,” said Naicker. Peter was felled with a fatal gunshot wound to his chest while Ian was stunned by a bullet which shattered his jaw. Had the bullet, which tracked from behind his ear and through his cheek, been mere centimeters higher, Ian would likely have been killed Ian’s wife was in the house at the time of the incident, said Naicker. Two rifles belonging to the brothers were stolen. A case of murder, attempted murder and armed robbery is being investigated. Naicker said the provincial commissioner Lieutenant General Mmamonnye Ngobeni, advised the suspects to surrender themselves, as the police will do everything they can to catch and bring them to justice.


BRITS: -01 Junie 2015: Terwyl Andries Snyman (59) van Rashoop naby Brits om hulp geskreeu het, het sy seun probeer verduidelik dat hulle werkloos is en niks waardevols besit nie. Die swart kriminele was egter so vasbeslote om die gesin se laaste R30 en enkele selfoon in die hande te kry dat hulle Snyman drie keer met ’n mes gesteek het. In die vier uur wat hy nog aan die lewe vasgeklou het, het hy sy vrou, Annatjie (52), en sy seun, Stephan (29), probeer keer om in die donker te gaan hulp soek ingeval die aanvallers buite wag. As hulle hom regop wou help, het die bloed by die wonde uitgestroom. Daarom het Annatjie tog na die naaste bure gehardloop om ’n ambulans te ontbied. Dié het eers vier uur later opgedaag. Andries was toe reeds dood.  In die laaste paar maande het Andries en Stephan hul werk verloor. Hulle moes hul huis in Pretoria-Wes verkoop omdat die bank die agterstallige skuld geëis het. “Ons het gehoor daar is dalk werk in Brits. Ons het ’n huurhuis daar gekry, maar kon die huurgeld net vir twee maande betaal. “Twee weke gelede het ’n dominee vir ons blyplek in ’n huisie op ’n hoewe in Rashoop naby Brits gegee. My pa het werk by ’n winkel gekry,” het Stephan gesê. Daar was kort voor hul intrek ’n inbraak by die huisie. Die stopverf by die herstelde venster was nog vars. Saterdag 03:45 was dit waar die drieswart kriminele  by die huis ingekom het.  Stephan het wakker geword toe sy pa skreeu: “Help! Help! Iemand, kom help!” Toe hy sy pa te hulp wou snel, het twee kriminele hom en sy ma in sy kamer ingedwing. “Een het ’n pistool in my gesig gedruk en gesê hulle soek geld. Terwyl ek my pa hoor skreeu het, het ek hulle probeer oortuig ons het niks waardevols nie.” Die kriminele  het met die geld en foon gevlug. Ma en seun het Andries op sy kamervloer gekry. “My pa se hele lyf was vol bloed. My ma het die bloed afgevee om te sien waar die wonde is. Hy is twee keer in die bors gesteek en een keer in die ribbe. “Die kriminele  het ons enigste selfoon gevat, so ons kon nie om hulp bel nie,” het Stephan gesê. Hulle het sy pa op die bed getel. “Hy het gesê hy kry koud en ons kon hom mos nie net so op die grond los nie.” Sy ma het teen sy pa se sin na bure gehardloop. Toe begin die gewag op die ambulans. “My pa was baie lief vir sy koffie. Terwyl ons gewag het, het hy bly vra vir ’n bietjie koffie. “Ek het vir hom koffie in ’n botteltjie gemaak sodat hy op sy rug kon lê en ’n slukkie kon vat, want as ons hom gelig het, het die bloed geloop,” het Stephan gesê. Sy pa is net voor 08:00 dood.


Four Black thugs caught on camera: Break-in at a house in Pasteur Road Lombardy East–(Link)


PRETORIA- O2 Junie 2015:  ‘n Tien-jarige Meisie, Nastaché, Hou Kop Na swart krimineel  Blinde Oupa Met Karbattery Bydam Sy het net gehoor ‘Grrrr… Eish…Grrr…Eish, Eish!’ soos haar oupa die swart krimineel beetkry. Chris Boshoff, 66, se kop is oopgekloof nadat ‘n swart inbreker hom met ‘n karbattery wat tydens beurtkrag gebruik word, gegooi het. Sy dogter Louise van Staden,40, is bly dat hy die aanval oorleef het.‘n Tien-jarige meisie is haar blinde grootouers se heldin nadat sy kop gehou het tydens ‘n inbraak waartydens haar oupa met ‘n karbattery beseer is. Chris Boshoff, 66, wat met tonnelvisie sukkel, vee kort-kort oor sy opgeswelde regteroog nadat ‘n inbreker sy kop Saterdagoggend net na 2nm met ‘n karbattery, wat as ‘n alternatiewe kragbron vir lig tydens beurtkrag gebruik word, oopgekloof het. Die egpaar se dogter Louise van Staden, wat haar pa se hand vashou waar hulle in die sitkamer sit, het gesê dokters vermoed dat dit moontlik die nagevolg van koptrauma is ná die harde slag teen haar pa se kop en dat geen skedelbreuk gelukkig opgedoen is nie. Haar blinde ma Roelien, 65, het eerste van ‘n geraas wakker geword en het aanvanklik gedink dit is haar jongste seun Roelof wat na ‘n laat kuieraand teruggekeer het. “Sy het bly sy naam roep, maar het geen antwoord van hom afgekry nie. Dit is toe dat sy opstaan om ondersoek in te stel, want sy het dit baie vreemd gevind dat hy haar nie terug antwoord nie,” het Louise gesê. By die kombuis het Roelien weer na haar seun geroep en toe sy geen antwoord kry nie het sy toe gevra: “Wat maak jy?” Die swart inbreker antwoord toe ewe arrogant in Afrikaans terug “Huh! Wat dink jy?” Chris vertel dat sy vrou terug na hulle slaapkamer is on hom wakker te maak. “Ek het onmiddellik wakker geskrik en die skokstok saam met my geneem. Toe ek by die kombuis inkom het ek gehoor daar is iemand by die venster en dit is toe dat hy op my afpyl waarna ek hom begin skok het.” Louise lag en het gesê haar dogtertjie Nastaché wat daar oorgeslaap het, het saam met haar ouma weggekruip waar sy gehelp het om hulp oor hulle Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF) radio te ontbied. “Sy het net gehoor ‘Grrrr… Eish…Grrr…Eish, Eish!’ soos haar oupa hom beetkry.” Chris het gesê hy het gesien dat die inbreker moontlik iets in sy hand het, maar omdat sy oë te swak is kon hy nie vasstel wat dit is nie. “Hy was daarna nie meer lus om iets te steel nie, want ek het hom goed gebraai. Hy het op die kombuistafel gespring om te vlug en het die karbattery van die tafel gegryp en my daarmee teen die kop gegooi.”Hy het gesê al waaraan hy die heeltyd kon dink is dat hy nie verby hom gaan kom nie omdat sy kleindogter by hulle kuier. Louise het gesê toe haar dogter en ma hoor dit is stiller het hulle gaan kyk of haar pa nog veilig is. “Dit was vir haar verskriklik om haar oupa bebloed te sien en te hoor dat hy huil en te weet hy het seergekry. Sy was die heeltyd eers sterk en kalm gewees – sy het gehelp handdoeke aandra om die bloeding te stop,” het Louise gesê. “Sy het eers begin huil toe die GPF, polisie en sekuriteitsmaatskappye by die huis opgedaag het; toe trek die skok haar eers.” Louise het self gehuil toe sy praat oor hoe traumaties dit vir haar was toe sy die oproep kry. “Dit is ‘n nare gevoel om daardie nuus te ontvang. Eintlik kon dit so gewees het dat ek my pa se begrafnis kon beplan het, of nog erger ook my ma en kind s’n.” Krugersdorp Polisie bevestig die voorval en het gesê dat die inbreker en ‘n medepligtige aangekeer is.



ALLANRIGE –02 Junie 2015:  Jan Jacobs (59) van Allanridge het meer as 13 steekwonde, onder meer in sy maag en aan sy gesig, opgedoen toe hy Dinsdag omstreeks 07:00 in sy huis oorval is. Jacobs is aanvanklik na die Mediclinic Welkom in die Vrystaat gebring waar sy toestand eers gestabiliseer is voordat hy na die Pelonomi-hospitaal in Bloemfontein oorgeplaas is. Volgens Mondli Mvambi, Vrystaatse regeringswoordvoerder, is Jacobs se toestand stabiel. Sy vermeende swart aanvaller is ook in ’n Vrystaatse hospitaal opgeneem nadat hy deur Jacobs gewond is. Die polisie kon teen Dinsdagmiddag nog nie die aard en omvang van sy beserings bevestig nie. Adjudant offisier Zweli Mohobeleli, polisiewoordvoerder, het die voorval bevestig. Hy het gesê Jacobs is verskeie kere met ’n mes gesteek nadat hy deur ’n booswig in sy huis in Allanridge oorrompel is. Die polisie ondersoek klagte van poging tot moord en huisroof.


BRITS- JUNE 02 2015: FARM ATTACK ~White Woman (57) attacked by 4 armed black thugs  on Thursday morning on a smallholding outside Brits.



SAMBANE– 03 Junie 2015: Aanval op Spoorsnyer.  Na gisteraand se hulp verlening by Sambane met die poachers is een van Die Spoorsnyers aangeval. Chris Human het ‘n verdagte voertuig langs die pad gevind. Chris het gestop en ondersoek ingestel. Daar was ‘n onbekende swartman en vrou in die voertuig. Chris het homself voorgestel as ‘n polisieman/

reservis. Die swartman het Chris neerhalend toegesnou en gevloek. Chris is hierna na sy voertuig om sy Aanstelling sertifikaat van die SAP te kry.

Die volgende oomblik het die verdagte met sy voertuig op Chris afgejaag en hom getref. Chris het op die voertuig se enjinkap beland en hy het vasgryp plek aan die ruitvëers gekry. Hy het later sy greep verloor en het afgeval. Die voertuig is later deur boere in die omgewing gevind. Die bestuurder het weg gehardloop, maar is bekend. Chris is OK onder die omstandighede. Chris het ‘n saak oopgemaak by die SAP.


BOKSBURG– June 03 2015:  A shootout between five armed black thugs and concerned white residents left two men injured yesterday in Grobler Street, Beyers Park. The incident happened after the thugs entered the complainant’s premises, with the intent to steal, at around 1.30pm. According to the Boksburg North SAPS communication officer, Lieut Juanita Coetzer, the suspects forced the complainant into her home. “Two workers were on the site of a neighbouring double story guesthouse witnessed the attempted robbery and phoned of their supervisors,” said Coetzer. “The supervisor rushed to the scene and he along with the two worker confronted the robbers.” A shootout ensued, with the workers being wounded in the lower body. The complainant was left traumatized but was not injured in the ordeal. The robbers sped off in a white vehicle. The victims were taken to Medi Cross and then transferred to the Glynwood Hospital. A laptop, cellphone and R3 000 cash were stolen. The case is under investigation.


DURBAN– June 03 2015:  – A White  man is recuperating in hospital after a gun battle with black thugs during an apparent home invasion in Pinetown last night. The thugs  stormed the Caversham Road home and forced two siblings to lie on the floor, police spokesperson Colonel Jay Naicker said.“Four [as yet unidentified] men entered a house and ordered two siblings aged 36 and 34 to… lie down. They removed jewellery, two plasma television screens, a laptop and three cell phones.” Naicker said one of the victims managed to gain access to his own gun and opened fire on the thugs. “The suspects returned fire, wounding the victim. One of the suspects was fatally wounded in the shootout while three managed to flee the scene unharmed. The victim was taken to hospital and is in a stable condition. “A case of armed robbery, attempted murder and an inquest docket were opened at Pinetown police station for investigation. The three suspects are still being sought by police,” Naicker added. KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Mmamonnye Ngobeni condemned the robbery. “We will leave no stone unturned in order to arrest the… suspects who fled,” she said.


PRETORIA– June 03 2015: An elderly man from Queenswood suffered a fractured jaw and three broken ribs in a road rage episode in Kilner Park last Friday. The 70-year-old Douglas Edwards was severely assaulted by a black thug , believed to be in his 30s, opposite the Super Spar in Lynette Street around 16:30. His attacker was driving a light-brown Mercedes Benz. Edwards said this week the assault came after the two of them exchanged unfriendly gestures in traffic. The man pulled over and pelted Edwards’ car with a stone as he drove past. “I pulled over to confront the man. He moved aggressively towards me as I approached his car. He attacked me and knocked me unconscious,” a battered and bruised Edwards said. “According to the doctor’s report, the man must have kicked me in the ribs when I was on the ground. He said my injuries were too extensive for only one punch.” Edwards said he suffered double vision after the attack. Other consequences were loose teeth, broken ribs, a fractured jaw, severe pain in his right upper arm, sprained wrists and abrasions on his hands, face and right elbow. His glasses were damaged in the assault and his R13 000 hearing aid fell off when he collapsed on the ground. “No one lifted a finger to help me during the assault. At first I wanted revenge for what he did to me, but later on I realised that the man needed help. He needed counselling of some sort and I hope he will seek professional help,” said Edwards. He implored possible eyewitnesses to come forward. Edwards alleged that the Villieria police refused to accept his typed statement because he could not identify his attacker. “In my totally disoriented and confused state after the man knocked me down, I tried to commit his car’s registration number to my memory, but had forgotten it by the time I reached home,” he said. Station commander Colonel Gawie Alberts said there might have been a misunderstanding between Edwards and the police. He urged Edwards to visit the police station again to lay a charge.


MIDDELBURG– June 03 2015: A white man was killed without offering  any provocation during a robbery on a bottle store by 4 black thugs. In a video- it can be seen the four black thugs enter the store- order the personnel and customers to the back.  The customers were lined up at the back against the wall while the thugs rob the tills. One black thug walked up to the line of customers at the wall- and bluntly shoot  the white man without being provocated. He died on the scene. This is a daily occurrence in South Africa. The main-stream media do not even report it anymore.

Footage of an armed robbery caught on CCTV on June 3, 2015 at 17:30 inside a Liquor store in Middelburg. Mpumalanga, South Africa. The man was shot and killed by the black armed thug without any provocation.



RUSTENBURG– 04 Junie 2015: Rodger van Parys (71) is in die aanval tussen Rustenburg en Mooinooi in Wes-Transvaal in sy slaapkamer oorval. Vyf gewapende swart kriminele  het sy hande en voete vasgebind en hom deur die huis gesleep. Die aanval het tussen 04:00 en 05:00 Donderdagoggend plaasgevind. Rodger, wat met moeite gepraat het weens sy beserings, het gesê die kriminele  het hom met die dood gedreig en deurentyd ’n vuurwapen teen sy kop gedruk. Hulle het volgens hom die swaard in sy keel afgedruk toe hy nie juwele aan die verdagtes kon verskaf nie. Sy verhemelte het diep snywonde opgedoen en sy slukderm is gesny. Hy is ook aan die linkerkant van sy nek met die swaard gesny. Drie van sy ribbe is ook gebreek. Mario van Wyk (40), wat by Rodger huur is in die bobeen geskiet. Sy hande en voete is vasgebind en hy is die veld in gesleep. ‘n Ander huurder Sharon Pieterse, het Donderdagoggend geskok vertel hoe Van Wyk geskreeu het. Die honde het omstreeks 04:30 verskriklik begin blaf. Toe hulle wakker word, het sy gehoor hoe skreeu Mario bloedstollend: ‘Ek is geskiet, ek is geskiet!’?” Pieterse het dadelik die polisie en veiligheidsdiens na die toneel ontbied. Rodger is vasgebind en in sy onderklere in ’n plas van sy eie bloed in sy kombuis aangetref. Hy en Mario word in nabygeleë hospitale vir hul beserings behandel. Die kriminele  het met onder meer R14?000 in kontant en ’n wit Nissan-bakkie gevlug.


ALBERTON– June 04 2015: A body of a white male was found in the veld next to Helston Street, Alberton, earlier today. Sgt Nkuna, Alberton SAPS spokesperson, has confirmed that the body found in Helston Road has been identified. His family has not yet been to Alberton SAPS, but they have been identified. The body was covered by the time a journalist was on the scene. The covered body was close to the bridge. An eye witness, who wishes to stay anonymous, said if she had to guess the man was in his late thirties or early forties. The body found earlier today has been identified and police have contacted family members. Sgt Nkuna, further said that it is still unclear how the man passed away, and what the time of death is. He also said that the man is about fifty years old.


PRETORIA- June 04 2015: An elderly white woman has been hacked to death with an axe on Thursday evening on a farm just outside Pretoria. Pretoria businessman Pierre Niemand told Rekord he received a call on Friday morning informing him that his mother-in-law, Marlene Brits (70), had been brutally murdered on Niemand’s farm on Thursday. Niemand said Brits had been living alone with her dogs. “The foreman on the farm saw that a veld fire had broken out during the morning, and ran to the house. When he got there he found a hole in the electric fence, and saw that Marlene had been killed with an axe.” Niemand said the murder seemed to be part of a robbery. The thug  had stolen her cell phone, some cash and had attempted to steal her car. “My mother-in-law’s car had an anti-theft device built in, so he could only reverse a short distance before he abandoned the car.” Niemand said police forensic units were on the scene to investigate and that they had arrested someone who had apparently confessed to the murder. Niemand made national news headlines on 17 Mei 2012 when he and his son Vincent crashed in a light airplane west of Bronkhortspruit. The airplane crashed on a runway after hitting a power pole and a fence. Both survived the accident. Police spokesperson Constable Sam Shibambo is yet to comment on the matter.


RUSTENBURG– June 04 2015: Danie Robbertse, was shot and seriously wounded in a farm attack in the Rustenburg area.


KATHU(Northern Cape)– June 04 2015: Eduard Mostert, 40, was attacked at a stop street on the 4th June 2015 at approximately 21h00. Two black thugs broke his windscreen and hit him in the face with a brick. He sustained numerous cuts and glass splinters in his face. He also had a gash above his eye. He managed to call a friend, Johathan Volgraaff and a colleague at MEK Drilling, to help him get to the local Medi-clinic for treatment. He was terrified to go back to his own rental home and slept over at the Volgraaff home. According to his wife, Lizelle, he believes that the thugs tried to steal his cellphone. The couple have a business in Kathu but they live in Kimberley. W/o Yvonne Cilliers confirmed that the police are investigating this matter. This is the second attack on Mostert. In February he was also attacked by two black thugs who tried to steal his laptop from his car. They, however, did not succeed. He requires further medical examinations at the Mediclinic in Kimberley to determine the extent of his skull injury.


BLOEMFONTEIN– 05 Junie 2015:‘n Blanke  man met 17 steekwonde skiet aanvaller wie dan twee beddens van hom af in hospitaal behandel word vir skietwond! Terwyl Chris Jacobs (59) in ? Bloemfonteinse hospitaal behandel is nadat hy verskeie kere met ? mes gesteek is, is sy swart aanvaller twee beddens van hom af verpleeg. Jacobs het sy aanvaller met ? .22-vuurwapen in die kop geskiet
Chrizette Rossouw (39), Jacobs se dogter, het Vrydag aan Maroela Media gesê haar pa en ma, Lilette (ook 59), was saam in die huis waar hulle al die afgelope 15 jaar woon, toe hulle Dinsdagoggend daar aangeval is. “My ouers het ? gangdeur in hul huis wat hulle elke aand sluit om die kamers van die res van die huis te skei,” het Rossouw gesê. “Toe my pa die oggend omstreeks 07:00 die gangdeur oopmaak, was daar ? jongerige swart inbreker besig om na die studeerkamer te stap. Ons weet nie hoe lank hy in die huis was nie. My ouers het vroeër geluide gehoor maar gedink dit is katte of honde. Ons weet nou nog nie of hy daar was om iets te steel nie, want niks word vermis nie, en of hy hulle ingewag het nie.” Jacobs het dieinbreker  gevra wat hy in die huis soek, waarna ? stoeiery tussen hom en die krimineel uitgebreek het. Die krimineel het homself met een van Lilette se kombuismesse bewapen en in die worsteling Jacobs 17 keer met die mes regoor sy lyf gesteek. Lilette het intussen deur die kombuis na buite gehardloop in ? poging om hulp te ontbied. Die krimineel het haar agterna gesit. ? Erg-bebloede Jacobs het intussen na sy kamer geloop en sy .22-vuurwapen, waarmee hy gewoonlik rotte verdryf, gaan haal Die krimineel het Lilette buite die huis gegryp. Sy het op die grond geval en gelê terwyl hy haar terug na die kombuis gesleep het. “My pa was van kop tot tone vol bloed en het begin duiselig word. Hy sê dit is met die Here se genade dat hy homself tot in die kombuis kon kry sonder om sy bewussyn te verloor. Hy het op ? kombuisstoel gaan sit en gehoor die krimineel is besig om my ma in die huis in te dwing. Toe die verdagte my ma in die kombuis ingesleep het en naby genoeg was het my pa hom in sy kop met die .22 geskiet. Hy het gesê hy is verbaas dat hy hom raakgeskiet het want hy kon skaars sien deur al die bloed in sy oë. ” Die krimineel het op die grond geval. Lilette het weer na buite gehardloop en hulp van ? voetganger ontbied wat in daardie stadium verby die huis geloop het. Jacobs is eers na die Mediclinic Welkom geneem, waarna hy na die Pelonomi-hospitaal in Bloemfontein oorgeplaas is. “Terwyl hy daar gelê het, is die verdagte ook daarheen oorgeplaas en die twee het skaars twee beddens van mekaar af gelê,” het Rossouw gesê. Jacobs is intussen na die Universitas-hospitaal in Bloemfontein oorgeplaas waar hy behandeling in ? spesialis saal ontvang. Buiten die 17 messteke het hy ook frakture in sy gesig opgedoen en moontlik geringe bloeding op die brein nadat die aanvaller hom op sy kop geslaan het. “My pa is stabiel, maar hy kry dan en wan nog ? terugslag.” Rossouw-hulle is ingelig dat die krimineel Woensdag of Donderdag aan sy besering beswyk het. Rossouw het gesê haar ma is baie getraumatiseerd en emosioneel. Buiten seer spiere en ? besering aan haar voet, is sy verder ongedeerd. “Ons is nie bitter of met haat gevul nie. Ons is wel kwaad oor die omstandighede want dit alles was so onnodig,” het sy gesê. “Ons is baie dankbaar teenoor die Here. Uit al 17 wonde is net een baie ernstig en diep. Die wond is by sy keel en het sy gorrelpyp beskadig wat komplikasies veroorsaak. Dit is ook ? wonderwerk dat hy ná al die bloed wat hy verloor het, glad nie nodig gehad het om ? bloedoortapping te kry nie. As ? mens sien hoe baie bloed in die huis was, kan ? mens dit omtrent nie glo nie.” Sy het gesê hulle word oorweldig deur mense se boodskappe van bemoediging. “Dit is vir ons en my ma wonderlik om te sien hoeveel mense omgee, besorgd is en ons in hul gebede dra.” Die gesin vra dat almal vir Jacobs se volkome herstel sal bid. Rossouw maak ook broodnodige geld bymekaar om te help betaal vir haar pa se mediese onkostes.


CAPE TOWN- June 05 2015: Cape Town – Police have arrested a member of one of the notorious crowbar gangs that have been terrorizing city suburbs for the past three years. It’s a moment celebrated by residents, but one white woman is still looking for justice. It has been three months since Caron Sam Sin’s Plattekloof home was broken into by three knife- and crowbar-wielding black thugs who attacked her and her sons, stabbing and hitting them, leaving them bleeding on their lounge floor. The wounds are healing, but the fear that another gang will barge through her doors again still hangs over the family. “They are not only coming to rob people anymore, they want to terrorise us,” said the traumatized mother. She contacted the Cape Argus on Wednesday, shortly after security guards and police nabbed the driver of a red VW Golf GTI in Goodwood. The vehicle has become synonymous with a crowbar gang’s activities in the northern suburbs, with sightings of the red car shared on social media almost daily.


WARDEN- June 06 2015:   Attempted armed farm attack at Trutersrust , Warden- district . No one seriously injured and the black thugs were arrested.


MARQUARD. –06 Junie 2015:  ’n Bejaarde egpaar is Sondagaand in hul plaashuis deur drie  swart kriminele  oorval nadat ’n slaapkamervenster met ’n 20 pond-hamer gebreek is. Die kriminele  is later dieselfde aand in hegtenis geneem. Gert van Rooyen (74) van die plaas Saaibult, sowat 6 km buite die dorp, het omstreeks 20:30 in sy bed gelê toe hy ’n “hengse slag” hoor. Niksvermoedend, en onder die indruk dat ’n kas dalk omgeval het, het hy opgestaan. “Nadat ek opgestaan het, het ek het my vrou, Sonya (73), hoor skreeu. Toe sien ek hoe klap en ruk ’n man haar rond,” het hy gesê. Die volgende oomblik is Gert van agter af deur ’n ander krimineel getakel en op die grond vasgepen. “Die man het my aanhoudend in die gesig geslaan. Ek kon nie van die grond af opkom nie,” het hy Maandag gesê. In die aanval het sy bril gebreek, wat ’n sny aan sy wang veroorsaak het, en sy tandvleis is geskeur. Die Van Rooyens se dogter Mientjie (42) het op daardie oomblik haar kamerdeur oopgemaak. Toe die deur oopgaan, het die krimineel, wat steeds bo-op Gert gesit het, opgespring en weer deur die stukkende venster geduik. Die ander kriminele is agterna. “Ek is nie geskok nie en ek is ook nie kwaad nie. Ek het nou net ’n begeerte om hom in die hande te kry, sodat ek met hom kan werk soos hy met my gewerk het,” het hy Maandag oor die aanval gesê. Die Van Rooyens woon reeds nege jaar lank op die plaas. Die kriminele is met leë hande by die toneel weg. “Ek weet nie wat hul doel was nie,” het Gert gesê. Die polisie het Sondagaand laat drie kriminele, onderskeidelik 26, 30 en 32 jaar oud, ná ’n wenk uit die gemeenskap in hegtenis geneem. Kapt. Phumelelo Dhlamini, polisiewoordvoerder, sê hulle verskyn vandag in die landdroshof in Marquard op aanklagte van inbraak met die opset om aan te rand.


PRETORIA– June 06 2015: A 71-year-old white man has been brutally murdered in his Waterkloof home. Chris Johannes Orban, a well-known figure in the real estate field was assaulted in his home in Banket Road in Waterkloof on Saturday afternoon, said Brooklyn police spokeswoman Captain Colette Weilbach. A handyman found him, brutally beaten but alive. “A 30-year-old handyman discovered his elderly employer around 15:15 with head injuries inside the house in Banket Road,” said Weilbach. “The man noticed that his employer’s light green Hyundai Tucson, a mountain bicycle and a plasma television were missing. There was no forced entry to the house.” Weilbach said the injured man was taken to hospital, but succumbed to his injuries on Sunday. “According to information, the old man brought a homeless man to his house earlier on Saturday,” said Weilbach. His niece, Liz Diederichs has said that under the circumstances the family is holding up well. “The family is doing well despite what happened. We are all busy with his funeral arrangements, which is scheduled to be held next Monday.” Orban was not married, but he had a 13-year-old adopted son. Anyone with information on the matter could call investigating officer Warrant Officer Frank Radue at the Brooklyn police station at 012-366-1764 or the Crime Stop number at 08600-10111. Do you have more information about the story? Please send us an email to editorial@rekord.co.za or phone us on 072 435 7717.


PRETORIA– June 07 2015: Pretoria, South Africa – Ponty Thuynsma (76) was confronted by 4 black thugs on his smallholding in Tweedracht, east of Pretoria on Sunday evening. The savages poured an entire can of petrol down his throat and threatened to set him on fire in an effort to get the keys to his safe. They then brutally tortured him with a hot iron for hours severely injuring the elderly man. They eventually found the safe keys, stole 4 firearms and fled. Despite being tortured for several hours, Thuynsma whispered through his burnt lips and swollen tongue that he is still not afraid of them. Thuynsma had to be admitted to the intensive care unit of the Wilgers hospital.


FRANSCHOEK– 07 Junie 2015: Goeie more BKA. Kan julle asb vir ons se of iemand iets weet van die aanval op Tannie Monica Hugo van Franschhoek. Oom Japie was blykbaar in die tuin besig toe Tannie Monica aangeval is. Die aanval het Vrydag middag of gister gebeur. Oom Japie en Tannie Monica is geliefde inwoners van Franschhoek.


RANDBURG- June 08 2015: Black thugs  tried to bite an engagement ring off the finger of former Miss South Africa Lorna Potgieter-Rossetti during an attack in Johannesburg on Saturday morning. “It was in Randburg. I was on my way to a friend’s birthday lunch when I stopped my car on the side of the road to check the address and to write out the birthday card,” the 52-year-old 1984 pageant winner told reporters. “From the corner of my eye I saw the men coming.” She said one of them then pointed a gun at her. “It all happened so quickly, but I was calm and put up my hands. I apologized and said ‘I’m so sorry’.” She said they told her to open the car, which she did. Hit on the head. “The first thing that happened was one of them grabbed my hand and tried to rip off my ring from my finger,” Potgieter-Rossetti said. “I said, ‘I’ll give it’, but then he bit my finger. I eventually got it off and told them ‘I promise to give you everything’.” The thugs then demanded money. Potgieter-Rossetti said she had withdrawn money earlier and had put it in an envelope in her handbag. “I said, ‘take the money, but please leave my handbag’. One of them then hit me on the head.” The two took her car keys out of the ignition and left with the ring and the bag.


GOURITZRIVIER– 08 Junie 2015: ‘n Middeljarige blanke vrou wat alleen naby die Gouritzrivierbrug oor die N2 in ‘n spoorweghuisie gewoon het, is gistermiddag, 8 Junie wreed aangerand deur vyf jong swart kriminele wat net verlede week uit die Outeniqua fasiliteit vir minderjarige verhoorafwagtendes op George ontsnap het. Na bewering het die vyf swart kriminele die vrou laatmiddag by haar huis om water gevra. Die vrou, wat alleen woon, het hulle water gegee waarna hulle weggedraai en van haar af weggeloop het. Kort daarna het hulle egter omgedraai en haar aangeval en wreed aangerand nog voor sy weer in haar huis kon ingaan. Sy is herhaaldelik, vermoedelik ook met ‘n klip, in die gesig geslaan. Die vyf swart kriminele, waarvan drie nog jonger as 18 jaar is, het na wat verneem word vantevore reeds met die gereg gebots met gevalle van huisbrake en roof. Hulle het van die vrou se waardevolle items soos lampies, kos en ‘n selfoon gesteel voordat hulle weer vort is. ‘n Vriend, wat kort voor die voorval nog met die vrou in selfoonverbinding was, het aan die polisie gesê hy het net skielik gevoel hy moet na die vrou se huis ry. Daar het hy op die bebloede vrou afgekom en het die polisie ontbied.


LAERSDRIF– (Limpopo)– June 08 2015: Japie du Toit (60), a farmer from Laersdrif in Limpopo survived the fifth farm attack in less than a year on Monday June 8, 2015. Du Toit and his wife, Christina (55), were attacked by six armed black thugs  in their home about 03:00 in the morning. “I have the flu and so my wife slept in the guest room for the night,” he told Maroela Media. “I woke up of my wife’s anxious voice when three of the black thugs  walked into my room. They were armed and demanded money and firearms,” he said. Du Toit handed the safe’s keys to the robbers where after they took R5 000 in cash, three rifles, a handgun and other household items. They then fled with Du Toit’s Toyota Hilux and Mercedes ML. Col. Ronel Otto, police spokesperson, said one suspect, David Mokgetle (38), was later arrested in Mamelodi, Pretoria. Du Toit’s bakkie was also found there. Mokgetle have already appeared in court on a charge of burglary and is connected to several other crimes in Limpopo and Mamelodi. “The Mercedes was found in Moloto Road in Pretoria after it collided with a bus,” she said. “The other five suspects are still at large.” According to Du Toit he is already the third generation on the farm and have been farming full-time since 1975 with grain and livestock. The Du Toit’s have been the victims of a spate of attacks in the area for the last few months. In September 2014 there was a burglary in the home when the couple was on holiday while someone was taking care of the house for them. In December 2014 there was a break-in into the office on the farm, and in January at Du Toits’ son’s house, about 400 meters from Du Toits’ house. In February, the couple was also detained during an armed robbery. “My sons live with me on the farm and they will be the fourth generation. To be honest, we consider our options now. We already have all the places secured where they broke in and are working to significantly improve our security. But the long and the short, if we want to stay here, we will have to live in a prison. I grew up on this farm. We have not made a decision … but we are considering all our options.”



MOSSEL BAY:- June 09 2015: A well-known artist from the Mossel Bay area has been admitted to hospital after being assaulted by five young black thugs  at her home near Gouritz Bridge. Jacolene du Preez, reportedly sustained multiple injuries and was admitted to hospital in George on Monday. Police have arrested five black young thugs  in connection with the attack and also recovered bags filled with stolen goods. The thugs, who are believed to have escaped from a Youth Centre last week, will appear in court soon. According to information the five thugs asked the victim for water at her house where she lives alone. Du Preez reportedly gave them water but was then assaulted by the thugs who allegedly hit her in the face with a rock A police vehicle drove past the thugs  on the N-2 and gave chase when they started running away, dropping bags filled with stolen goods. They were later connected to the attack on Du Preez and will appear in court soon.


JACOBSDAL– June 10 2015: Two white elderly men were lying tied up and bleeding in their home for almost a day after they were overpowered and assaulted by twoblack thugs  on a Free State smallholding. Const. Mosili Ntsika, police spokesperson, said Conrad Groenewald (78) and Conrad Bezuidenhout (66) were attacked by two black thugs  Wednesday June 10, 2015 on a smallholding about 6 km outside Jacobsdal. “The men were hit with objects on the head and sustained serious head injuries,” Ntsika said. “The attackers fled in a white 1400 Nissan bakkie, a firearm and tools.” One of the victims was eventually able to untie himself on Thursday at 16:00 and called for help. According to Chitra Bodasing, ER24 spokesperson, Bezuidenhout and Groenewald were rushed to Kimberley provincial hospital. “We still do not know what happened, because when the investigating team visited the men in hospital, they were unable to speak. They were really in a very bad state, because they have lost a lot of blood,” Ntsika said. According to Gerrie Botha, safety risk analyst at Free State Agriculture, only one of the men is living on the smallholding. The other man was apparently a friend who stayed over for the night. Ntsika said a case of burglary, assault and theft is being investigated. The bakkie was found abandoned near Modderrivier, but no suspects have been arrested.


OAKDENE– June 11 2015: June 11, 2015 – “It is with great sadness that I report the loss of my beautiful niece, Odette Barkhuizen (40yrs) – Glenvista area. Odette was hijacked and shot in the head and chest, she died on the scene.  Here the info as we received it: “Glenvista Community Policing Forum: Oakdene resident shot and killed today in a hijacking on High Street near Middle Lane, Oakdene at 13h33 as she was arriving home. The lady was shot in the head and chest and passed away on scene. The suspects took her brown KIA motor vehicle Reg: PBF612GP. Description of suspects currently unknown.”

Update: – victims car has been recovered in nearby Erongo Avenue. Police are investigating. It’s suspected the criminals may have come over the top of the ridge from Erongo Avenue, which is at the back of the property where a white  woman was killed. The woman’s vehicle being driven away from the scene by the suspects was captured on CCTV footage but the photo is unclear. The hijacked vehicle is a Kia Carnival, gold/brown, registration number – PBF 612GP. An Emergency 911 vehicle reacted to the call-out and paramedics pronounced the woman dead on arrival. “The thugs must have been on foot as no other vehicle was seen in the cul-de-sac,” said a resident of Middle Road. “Two armed robberies have taken place in this road over the past year. It’s not nice living here,” she added. Don Hooper from Sector two Moffatview CPF, said:  “People are often seen walking through this piece of ground from Erongo Avenue to Middle Road and apparently black men were seen hiding in the grass this past week.”  Moffatview SAPS and Victim’s  Support Unit were on the scene. If you have any information pertaining to the murder, please phone warrant officer Mosomi from Moffatview SAPS on 079 180 0383.The vehicle of the murdered woman who was being shot in the head has been found nearby the murder scene in Erongo Avenue, Oakdene.


JACOBSDAL- 11 Junie 2015:  Twee bejaarde blanke mans wat op ‘n kleinhoewe ongeveer 6km buite Jacobsdal woon, is in die vroeë oggendure deur twee swart kriminele aangeval, vasgebind en ernstig beseer. Een man kon daarin slaag om homself los te wikkel en het vanmiddag die polisie ontbied. Die kriminele  is weg met ‘n bakkie asook verskillende stukke gereedskap.  Volgens die polisie is paramedici tans op die toneel om die mans te behandel. OFM-nuus verneem een van die slagoffers het baie bloed verloor sedert die aanval. Die twee mans is onderskeidelik 66- en 78-jaar oud.



BRAKPAN- 12 Junie 2015: n Blanke Egpaar en hul 21-jarige seun het Vrydag, in die vroeë oggendure, ‘n uur van loutere hel beleef toe hulle deur drie swart kriminele in hul huis oorval en getreiter is. Die voorval het veral die 48-jarige vrou erg getraumatiseerd gelaat. Diekriminele het deurentyd gedreig om haar leed aan te doen, maar het ook die pa en seun aangerand. Die gesin woon in Sherwood Gardens en het versoek dat hul name en straatadres nie gepubliseer word nie. Die eienaar (45) van die huis het aan die Herald gesê dat hy om ongeveer 3vm wakker geskrik het van ‘n geraas wat uit sy seun se kamer gekom het. “Ek het soontoe gegaan en gesien hoe ‘n man ‘n vuurwapen op my kind rig,” het hy vertel. “Ewe skielik was daar nog twee swart kriminele by; waarvan een ‘n mes en die ander ook ‘n handwapen gehad het.” Volgens die man is hy en sy seun na die hoofslaapkamer, waar sy vrou steeds was, gedwing. “Ek en my seun is gedwing om op ons mae op die bed te gaan lê en my vrou moes op die vloer, langs die bed, gaan lê,” het hy gesê.

Die twee mans se hande en voete is styf vasgebind terwyl die vrou se hande vasgebind is. Die kriminele het haar hardhandig opgepluk en gedreig om haar seer te maak. Toe haar eggenoot probeer opspring om haar te help, is hy met ‘n vuurwapen teen die kop geslaan. Die seun is ook herhaaldelik met die vuis teen die nek en in die ribbes geslaan. “Twee van die kriminele , wat baie jonk is, was veral uiters aggressief en ek is basies deur die huis gesleep,” het die vrou, wat sigbare beserings het, aan die Herald gesê. Die kriminele het die huis vir sowat ‘n uur lank geplunder en talle huishoudelike ware in die man se bakkie gelaai. Almal se selfone is ook gesteel. “Hulle het na sowat ‘n uur met my bakkie weggery,” het die man vertel. “Toe alles stil raak het my vrou ‘n mes in die kombuis gaan haal en ons kon onsself bevry.” “Daardie uur het soos ‘n absolute ewigheid gevoel. Die kriminele het uit hul pad gegaan om ons te verneder en om soveel vrees as moontlik in te boesem,” het die vrou gesê. “’n Mens is heeltemal magteloos en basies aan hulle genade oorgelewer.” Die egpaar woon die afgelope 20 jaar in die huis en het net een keer van tevore probleme ondervind. Die kriminele  het toegang verkry deur ‘n skuifdeur oop te breek. Die saak word deur die Brakpan SAPD ondersoek.


PIETERMARITZBURG– June 13 2015:  The quiet community of Howick in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands is reeling after a white jogger was hauled from the road and raped at knife point by a  black thug – just two metres from the Curry’s Post Road at the weekend. The hunt is now on for the woman’s attacker, who had tackled her into a roadside ditch less than a kilometre from her home. She watched helplessly as cars drove passed while she was raped. When he was done, he also took her watch, tracksuit and shoes. South African Community Action Network head Brian Jones said that the woman, an acclaimed business leader, had been visiting her parents in Howick over the long weekend. “She goes running every day and decided to go for a hill run up the Curry’s Post Road. She ran to the Tweedie turn-off and then turned back and when she was less than 500m from Main Road, she was rugby tackled into a ditch by a thug,” he said.


LAERSDRIFT– June 13 2015: Yda Ruthven (65) might lose the use of her right hand, after she and her husband were attacked on their farm in Laersdrif, Limpopo, South Africa and she was shot in the arm. Yda and her husband, Hannes (75), runs a liquor store on their farm. Martie Ruthven, the couple’s daughter, told Maroela Media her parents decided to close the store about 17:00 on Saturday June 13, 2015, but they usually close at 17:30. According to Ruthven her parents have to go through several gates to get back from the liquor store to the farmhouse, about 20m away. Ruthven said her parents were already outside when they saw three cold drink bottles on a wall. They threw the bottles away. “My mother bent down and when she came up a man was in front of her, who put a gun to her chest. My mother screamed and five shots were fired.” According to Ruthven no shots hit her mother. “She bent down again and then the black thug shot her in the arm.” According to Ruthven there were two black thugs, they grabbed a bag in her mother’s hand, and fled. There were magazines and a tablet in the bag. “My parents had money and cell phones with them but it was not taken.” Ruthven’s father was some distance behind her mother during the incident. He was not injured, but extremely shocked. Ruthven said they suspect the bottles were placed there to show how many

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