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(Please take note this is only the cases White Nation could trace in the mainstream media and social sites- as there is many more that do not get reported at all.-Ed)
” The Zionist corporate vultures of this world in Europe and America are more than willing to sacrifice a whole race of white Christians in South Africa into extinction to satisfy their own psychopathic greed- than to donate one single ounce of their stolen minerals from that land to ensure that their own false UN doctrines about human rights violations are correctly and justly enforced.”- Andrew K.
RANDBURG– April 30 2015: A 35-year-old white man was shot and left brain dead in front of his girlfriend at his Northwold home on 30 April. Just four days after Jan Byles moved into his new property on 1st Road, two armed black thugs shot him on the side of face before running off with valuables including a TV, money, cellphones, two hunting guns and a revolver. “He wanted to go out for a smoke and the guys just came into the house… They shot him once and he lost a lot of blood. They pulled me away and they asked for the safe… they threw me on the floor and tied me [on my hands and legs],”said Byle’s girlfriend Elizma Jordaan. “I just hoped that he would survive, that they won’t rape me and that we both come out of it alive.” The perpetrators used Jordaan’s scarf to tie her hands to prevent her from escaping. “When they left I hopped and used a knife to cut loose and I ran screaming for help,” she said. Neighbours Lee Roberts and Peter Schafer were the first on the scene. “She rang our bell; she was covered in blood screaming that her boyfriend had been attacked and shot inside the house,” she said.
“If the ambulance came sooner all this could have been avoided. They went to the wrong address and took over 30 minutes to arrive. The police and the security company were here first on scene but no one had any first aid background. There is a fire department close-by here but nobody came. Everyone was helpless,” he said. According to the residents, criminals gain access into this gated community through Golden Harvest Park. “This park has been an issue for years. There is never any response from the council about cutting the trees. Every time they cut, they only cut were it is easy and they leave the rest. Today we are going to cut some trees and burn all the bushes. I don’t care what is in there because whatever is in there can’t operate like a human being and has to be dealt with like a savage. A man has lost his life here and who will take responsibility,” said resident Tiago Dos Santos Serra.
Jan Byles subsequently died of his wound in hospital.
PRETORIA– April 30 2015: A white family in Waterfall 3 has fallen victim to an armed robbery on April 30, 2015 at o2:00. The husband woke up to a noise and was confronted by two black thugs while still in his bed. The one thug was armed with a fire arm. The thugs told him to turn over and they tied him up with a neck tie. They then heard their young daughters (8 and 10) scream. The man’s wife then asked if the kids could be brought to their room. A third thug who wore a balaclava entered the room. The thugs then tied them all up with neck ties. The thugs further told them that “We are here to do our job, and if you react we will rape your daughters and kill you. We are HIV positive.” They demanded firearms which the man does not have and he was slapped around. They demanded Kruger Rands and removed the wife’s wedding rings from her finger. They also took the couples ATM cards and threatened them again and said if the pins don’t work they will come back. The thugs helped them self to food and drinks in the kitchen while the family was being guarded in the bedroom by the balaclava clad thug. After eating they loaded two flat screen TV’s, surround sound, DVD player, microwave, laptop, two cell phones and a cannon digital camera. They fled in the families car which is a white Toyota Corolla. The wife managed to free herself and untied the family at 03:30. She phoned a neighbor who alerted the neighborhood watch (NHW) and SAPS. Secure link and Careline crises center attended the scene. The suspects attempted to draw money from the victims’ ATM cards they took. A location was given as Claremont. SAPS was notified and went out to have a look for video footage at the ATM. On searching the area they managed to locate the stolen vehicle. No arrests have been made as yet.
PRETORIA- May 01 2015- Last night 8 black thugs attacked a father and son in Winsor ave behind Hibiscus Mall ! A golden corolla NPS 81790 has been involved as a getaway car ! Both father and son badly stabbed with broken bottles. Please report this car if seen to your local police station or this group.-
NIGEL– 2 Mei 2015: ‘n Blanke man is geskiet in ‘n gewapende roof deur swart kriminele op ‘n plot buite Nigel. Hy het 5 koeëls in sy bo-lyf wat die dokters nie kan verwyder nie omdat dit te gevaarlik is. Hy is ontslaan uit die hospitaal en sterk goed tuis aan. Die dokter sê die koeël wat deur sy long is het sy hoofslagaar met 2 milimeter gemis.
PRETORIA ( East Lynne)– 2 Mei 2015: n Jong blanke man van East Lynne is Saterdagaand vir sy selfoon in die maag geskiet. Jaun-Pierre Stoltz (21) se ma Denise van der Heever sê hy is na die Steve Biko akademiese hospitaal gehaas waar hy steeds behandel word. Stoltz is buite gevaar maar nog in erge pyn, sê sy. Vier gewapende swart kriminele het Stoltz Saterdagaand omstreeks 21:00 in Lanhamstraat oorval in ’n poging om hom van sy selfoon te beroof. “My seun en sy vriend was op pad na ’n winkel nie ver van ons huis af nie. Vier swart mans het in ’n wit Volkswagen Polo by hulle stilgehou en drie het uit die voertuig gespring,” sê Van der Heever. Een van die kriminele het ’n mes by hom gehad en die ander een ’n vuurwapen. “Hulle het my seun rondgepluk en hy het terugbaklei. Sy vriend het om hulp geroep wat die kriminele vermoedelik skrik op die lyf gejaag het. Die krimineel met die vuurwapen het twee skote afgevuur voordat hulle almal in die Polo gespring en weggejaag het,” vertel sy. Stoltz en sy vriend is huis toe, voor hy op die sypaadjie ineengestort het. “Die koeël het hom net onder sy naeltjie getref en is aan die ander kant uit. Die vriend het nie geweet my seun is raak geskiet voordat hy by die hek in mekaar gesak het nie,” sê Van der Heever. Polisie woordvoerder Kaptein Coba Brits het Maandagmiddag bevestig dat die polisie ondersoek instel. “Die polisie het die saak geopen omdat die slagoffer na die hospitaal gevat is. Die polisie het ook met verskeie ooggetuies gepraat.” Van der Heever en Stoltz kom oorspronklik van Port Elizabeth af. Van der Heever woon slegs sewe maande in Pretoria terwyl Stoltz sowat twee jaar gelede saam met sy grootouers na Pretoria verhuis het.
PRETORIA– (Groenkloof)– May 03 2015: An elderly white couple was tied up, beaten, and robbed in the on Sunday afternoon, the third such attack in recent weeks. Fanie Terblanche (62) and his wife Ina (59) were doing a training walk in the nature reserve on Sunday, when they were viciously attacked and robbed of their gear for an upcoming marathon hike by black thugs. “We were always told that Groenkloof is still safe to walk in, but we were skittish, especially after the last attack at the Voortrekker Monument,” said Fanie. Ina added: “We were training for the Fish River Canyon Ultra Marathon, and had loaded our backpacks with everything we would take with on the marathon. This included our camping gear, cameras, sleeping bags, and everything we could need.” The two were on a designated walking path, when they noticed something was amiss. They had just crossed the 3km mark when Ina heard a noise and looked behind her. “I quickly turned around when I saw a man jump behind a bush next to the trail. I told Fanie what I saw, but we carried on.” The two had walked for a few more metres when the man re-emerged from the bushes, and came walking up behind them. The couple noticed this, and as they turned around a second assailant jumped from the bushes right next to them. The two black thugs then set upon the elderly couple, and started assaulting them. One of them picked up a large rock and hurled it at the couple. The other one grabbed a stick and began hitting them. The first assailant threw another large rock that struck Fanie in the stomach. Fanie and Ina were marched into the bushes, and forced to lie down. “The two thugs then began undressing us, taking off our shoes, and removing the laces. The took our belts and used the belts and laces to tie us up,” said Fanie. “It was so tight that it started cutting off the flow of blood to our hands and feet. At one stage they started making sexual remarks about Ina, and I was scared that they would rape her.” Thethugs then set upon destroying their backpacks as they picked their loot. They also took the couple’s prescription glasses and Fanie’s wedding ring. “The two of them looked nervous during the whole episode. In the end, after tying us together, they ran off,” said Fanie. The two managed to get free, and stumbled on the rocky hiking trail, walking with only socks to cover their feet. Upon arriving at the 4×4 trail, a man stopped and helped them get back to the entrance of the reserve, where they received assistance. “The entire event has been very traumatic. We will definitely go for counselling to help up get through what had happened,” said the two. The Tshwane metro said steps had been taken to improve security in the reserve. It said the two attackers had a clear modus operandi. “They have a getaway car standing at R21, close to Fountains circle or Botha Avenue, depending on which location they are going to rob,” said metro spokesperson Lindela Mashigo. “After robbing someone, they run along the fence where their car is parked, jump over and disappear. They tie up their victims to give themselves ample time to get out before the alarm could be raised.” He said the metro‘s nature conservator had acted to beef up security at the reserve. “The managers have been requested to assist victims of crime more by taking them to the nearest police station to open a case. The nature conservation is not a security force. They only try their best to keep these reserves safe by patrolling and engaging with any vagrants on these areas.” This attack comes shortly after two cyclists were tied up, beaten and robbed at the Voortrekker Monument on separate occasions. It was not clear whether the attacks were related.
NYALA PARK – May 03 2015: When two armed black thugs approached Kaylene van Vuuren and her son on Tuesday afternoon, she knew she would have to fight to keep her son safe. Just after 5pm, Van Vuuren had collected her two-year-old son from a crèche in Nyala Park, placed him in her car and was getting into the drivers’ seat when two men walked boldly up to her and demanded she hand over the keys. She refused, fearing for her son who was strapped into his car seat. ‘The one tried to grab the keys and we struggled. I had the ring of the key around my finger and I just held on,’ she said. Van Vuuren remembers only thinking about her son, and she did not want the attackers to take the car with him in it. ‘The one thug was quite big. He physically picked me up and removed me from my car. I could hear my son screaming, and I was screaming too,’ she said. ‘The other guy, who was smaller, kept telling the big guy to ‘shoot her, just shoot her’.’ Suddenly Van Vuuren heard a shot being fired, and her boy went quiet. At that moment, she feared the worst. ‘I remember thinking that they have shot him,’ she said. ‘I let him take the keys and rushed to the back of the car. I opened the door and I didn’t see him or any blood.’ The thugs then sped off in Van Vuuren’s Mazda. She described how frantic she was at that point because she did not know where her son was.
Not this child
Grieta Heysman, the crèche owners wife, was witness to the scene as the drama unfolded. However, she did not just stand by. ‘I didn’t think. I just moved. I couldn’t let them get away with the child,’ she said. Heysman ran to the car, opened the back door, grabbed the boy and ran back to the crèche. ‘I was hoping the hijackers wouldn’t turn around and see me at the back of the car,’ she said. ‘As soon as I had him I just had to get away and get him to safety.’ As Heysman was running back, she heard the shot go off, and remembers her knees buckling. ‘I went numb. I thought they had shot her. I couldn’t believe it.’ The rescue was unknown to Van Vuuren, who only calmed down once Heysman informed her her boy was safely inside the crèche. ‘She is the reason my son is alive today,’ said Van Vuuren. ‘I can only thank her.’ Brazenly, the thugs returned to the scene to collect a cellphone which they had dropped. They even told Van Vuuren, ‘Do you want your car, come and take it’. By this time a small crowd had gathered, as neighbours nearby came to investigate and help. Tommy Chilcott rushed to the scene from his home nearby to assist after hearing the shot. ‘I have some first aid training, and thought I could help if someone had been shot,’ he said. While on the scene, he picked up the cellphone. ‘The thugs came back in her car, pointed a gun at me and told me to give the phone back. I handed it over and they drove away.’ Van Vuuren expressed her thanks to all those who rushed over to help. The vehicle was recovered later that evening near Mtubatuba, parked in bushes by the side of the road. The thugs had taken everything of value out of the vehicle, including the car seat. ‘Just imagine what they would have done if my son was still in the seat?’ said Van Vuuren.
ORKNEY– 3 Mei 2015: Goeiemiddag! Ek wil net vir julle laat weet dat daar ‘n plaas aanval was in Orkney. Dit was op die plaas van Daleen en Jan Potgieter. Hulle is vandag 12 uur aangeval. Hulle was oppad hospitaal toe om Daleen se pa te gaan groet wat sterwend is aan kanker in die hospitaal in Klerksdorp toe hulle oorval is. Hulle het ‘n rewolwer teen Daleen se kop gedruk en die sneller getrek maar die skoot het nie afgegaan. Toe het hulle haar met ‘n geweer in die been geskiet. Hulle het ook vir haar gese as hulle nie alles gee gaan hulle hulle doodmaak. Sy is in die hospitaal en moes ‘n operasie ondergaan aan haar been. Die koeël het van haar bo been afgegaan na die enkel en die koeël het die hoofslag getref. Hulle moes ‘n aar uit die been uit haal om die een te vervang wat stukkend geskiet was. Haar man is ongedeerd. Ek verstaan die plaas is naby 10 skag in Orkney. Die familie is nou te bang om terug te gaan na die plaas en gaan oornag in Orkney by vriende.
Carel Steynvaart
PRETORIA– 03 Mei 2015: ‘n Mountain View-man is in ‘n koma nadat hy vroeër die week met ‘n baksteen aangeval is deur ‘n swart aanvaller. Pieter Potgieter (47), wat los-werkies vir mense doen om geld te verdien, het Dinsdag tuinwerk vir iemand in Mountain View gedoen. Hy het na die dag se werk by sy werkgewer se hek uitgestap toe hy deur ‘n swart krimineel oorval en met ‘n baksteen oor die kop geslaan is. Volgens Potgieter se suster, Landa Jacobs, is Potgieter na Steve Biko-akademiese-hospitaal geneem, waar hy Woensdag ‘n breinoperasie ondergaan het. “Hy het in ‘n koma verval en moes Vrydag vir nog ‘n nood-operasie gaan, omdat hy bloeding op die brein gehad het,” het ‘n hartseer Jacobs gesê. “Die hospitaal meen dat dit ‘n week of twee kan wees voor hy uit die koma ontwaak, maar die dokter het hom ook ‘n vyftig-persent kans op oorleweing gegee na sy tweede operasie.” Volgens Jacobs is haar broer se aanvaller ‘n rondloper swart krimineel wat mense oorrompel en hulle geld steel. “Pieter het net klaar gewerk en die man het seker gedink hy het geld by hom,” het sy gesê. “Dieselfde krimineel het hom ‘n paar maande gelede ook aangeval en sy ribbes afgeskop. Die krimineel is bekend daarvoor dat hy mense aanval wat geld het,” het sy gesê. Die polisie is nog nie in kennis gestel van die aanval nie, maar volgens Jacobs beplan die familie om vandag ‘n klag by die polisie te lê.
KRUGERSDORP– 4 Mei 2015: Caden Slabbert (8) is in ‘n geïnduseerde koma in ‘n hospitaal in Johannesburg nadat ‘n baksteen hom teen sy kop getref het terwyl hy saam met sy pa en suster in die suide van die stad in ‘n motor gery het. De seun is die slagoffer van ? reeks van vier voorvalle wat verlede Donderdag aangemeld is waarby vermoedelik dieselfde swart kriminele bakstene na verbygaande voertuie op die N12 naby The Glen-winkelsentrum geslinger het, het Netwerk24 Maandag berig. Caden, sy pa, Justin, en sy suster, Eden (11), was op pad na hul huis in Benoni nadat sy pa hulle by hul skool in Krugersdorp gaan haal het. ‘n Swart man wat langs die N12 geloop het, het ? baksteen deur die motor se passasierruit gegooi. Slabbert het die geluid gehoor en dadelik gekyk of sy kinders beseer is. Eden was ongedeerd, maar hy het geen reaksie van sy seun gekry nie. Caden se kop het gebloei. ‘n Ambulans van Netcare 911 het in daardie stadium agter hulle gery. Slabbert het die ambulans in sy truspieëltjie gesien en van die pad af getrek om behandeling vir Caden te kry. Nog ? motoris, wat deur ‘n soortgelyke ervaring is, het kort daarna by die ambulans stilgehou. Die bestuurder, Darrell Badenhorst, het gesê sy vriendin, Marionette Schwab (42), is ook deur ? baksteen teen die kop getref terwyl sy in die motor was. Sy was bewusteloos en het ‘n kopwond opgedoen. ‘n Derde voertuig het kort daarna stilgehou om ? soortgelyke voorval aan te meld, maar daar was geen beserings nie. Albei slagoffers is op die toneel behandel en na nabygeleë hospitale geneem. Na wat berig word, is Caden en Schwab in ‘n stabiele toestand. Caden sal na verwagting teen Maandag uit die koma wakker gemaak word. ‘n Gedeelte van sy skedel moes verwyder word om te verhoed dat sy brein verder swel. Hoofsupt. Wayne Minnaar, woordvoerder van Johannesburgse metropolisie, het bevestig dat ? baksteen ook na ‘n vierde voertuig in die omgewing geslinger is. Dit was onduidelik of iemand tydens dié voorval beseer is.
EAST LONDON– May 05 2015: A black nurse caught torturing an 84-year-old white cancer patient at an upmarket East London home for the frail is due to make her second appearance in court today. The February 3 and 23 assaults on Lily Kirchmann Complex resident Hope Shepherd were captured on a camera hidden in the room. The 15 minutes of footage apparently show nurse Ncediswa Mkenkcele punching Shepherd with her fists in the face. Mkenkcele is said to then take a deodorant can and bash it against Shepherd’s head before spraying the deodorant into a breathing hole in Shepherd’s neck. The elderly woman suffers from throat cancer. Another part of the footage shows Shepherd tied in her wheelchair, which in turn is tied to the bed, for three hours. Shepherd’s daughter Bernice Robertson said because of the throat cancer her mother was unable to speak or write of the horrors unleashed on her at Kirchmann. She believes the assaults could have carried on until her mother died had she not planted the camera that exposed the beatings. After viewing the footage, Robertson laid charges at the Cambridge police station and Mkenkcele was arrested on March 23. Police spokesman Captain Mluleki Mbi said the Duncan Village resident was charged with assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH). “She appeared in the East London Magistrate’s Court on March 24 and her case has been postponed to May 5 for further investigation,” Mbi said. Mkenkcele was not asked to plead and was released on warning. Berea Gardens Retirement Foundation executive director Mike Schulze confirmed the incident yesterday adding they had met with Shepherd’s family. “We apologised unreservedly for the assaults against her.” He said: “The employee involved resigned immediately on being confronted before disciplinary action could take place.” He said it was the first known case of assault of this nature in the complex in the nine and a half years he had been executive director there, and “to the best of my knowledge is the first case of this nature in the history of the foundation”. Robertson planted the covert camera on December 31 after her mother sustained an unexplained broken arm. Days before that she had noticed bruises and swollen marks on her mother’s body. “There were not enough good reasons as to what happened to her from the staff other than she had fallen off the bed or bumped herself,” Robertson said. In February, she noticed her mother had a blue eye and viewed the footage and came across the assault. She immediately notified complex management. “It really has been a traumatic experience for me and my family,” said Robertson. She has removed her mother from the home and placed her in a facility in Selborne. She said her mother was now confused and suffering from flashbacks. Clients pay as much as R14000 a month for their loved ones to be cared for at Lily Kirchmann. Schulze said in addition to criminal charges being laid, the foundation met with all Lily Kirchmann nursing staff on March 6 to remind them of the foundation’s zero tolerance policy to elderly abuse. He said the foundation also sent a letter to all residents and their families on March 5 to be alert to the possibility of abuse occurring. “The board of directors appointed a sub-committee independent of management on March 12 to investigate both the incidents and our policies and procedures, with a view towards strengthening them to minimise the risk of similar incidents occurring,” Schulze said
PRETORIA- 5 Mei 2015: ‘n Blanke boer in sy vroeë 60’s is vermoedelik Dinsdagaand op sy plaas in Bon Accord, noord van Pretoria, vermoor. Hy is met ‘n graaf doodgeslaan. Johan Coetzee se dogter het glo sy liggaam in ‘n buitegebou op die plaas aangetref. Volgens Will du Toit, ‘n jare lange vriend van Coetzee, is ‘n kluis op die plaas met ‘n slypmasjien oopgebreek en Coetzee se paspoort, ander dokumente en ‘n vuurwapen vermoedelik gesteel. ‘n Onbekende hoeveelheid geld word ook vermis. Die eienaar van ? troeteldierwinkel het glo Dinsdag duiwe by Coetzee kom afhaal en hom kontant betaal, het Du Toit gesê. “Geld het dus hande verwissel daar en ek weet nie of die werkers dit dalk gesien het nie. Ek sê nie die werkers was by die moord betrokke nie, maar dit is moontlik dat iemand kon gesien het Coetzee het kontant by hom gehad.” Du Toit het aan Maroela Media gesê hy het Coetzee Sondag vir die laaste keer gesien toe laasgenoemde by hom op sy plaas buite Rustenburg gekuier het. “Hy het ? paar duiwe by my kom haal, maar gesê hy het sommer net ? verskoning gesoek om bietjie by my te kuier. Ons het heerlik gelag en gesels.” Volgens Du Toit was Coetzee bekend vir sy groot liefde vir diere en het ook met skape en eksotiese apies geboer. “Hy het altyd vir my gesê hy is so lief vir sy diere, hy leef en werk net vir hulle. Hy het gesê as hy ooit iets moet oorkom, moet ek en Chris sy duiwe gaan haal sodat hulle nie in die verkeerde hande beland nie. Hy was so trots op hulle. Hy was ? pragtige mens. Niks was ooit te veel moeite as hy iets vir sy vriende moes doen. Ek en my vrou treur.” Riëtte Atkins, een van Coetzee se dogters, het aan Maroela Media gesê haar pa was ? trotse boer wat puntenerig was met sy boerdery. “Hy het altyd gesê jy doen ? ding reg of jy doen dit glad nie,” het sy gesê. Coetzee het met duiwe, skape, varke en eksotiese apies geboer. Hy was bekend in die gemeenskap vir sy spog-skouduiwe.Lt.Kol. Katlego Mokgale, polisiewoordvoerder, het die voorval bevestig en gesê ‘n saak van moord is aanhangig gemaak.
OTTOSDAL- 5 Mei 2015: Daar was ‘n plaasaanval in Ottosdal omgewing. Marius sal ons op hoogte hou. Dries is lig beseer. Wil net graag hoor of iemand meer inligting het met die plaas aanval wat huidiglik plaas vind te Ottosdal NW die manne is moet n spoed hier weg om te gaan help. Dries en Martie Schutte. Hulle is al 4:30 BUITE die huis aangeval deur swart kriminele toe hy vra wat hulle wil he, het hulle.hom gegryp. Haar vasgemaak. Het nou net van hulle gehoor….. boodskap lees as volg “is warm op hul spoor blykbaar kruip hulle in die bosse weg”
EMPANGENI- May 05 2015: A local white businessman and his wife were subjected to the whims of armed black thugs on Monday night, in what is now the fourth confirmed armed robbery in recent weeks. The couple, who prefer to remain anonymous, returned home in Union Street, Empangeni, shortly after 7pm and walked into the clutches of three thugs. ‘They tied us up and demanded cash,’ said the man. ‘I kept telling them we didn’t have cash on us, but they kept on shouting at us.’ He remembers how the thugs calmly discussed shooting them as they lay bound and gagged on the floor. ‘They hit me a couple of times on the head,’ he said. ‘I watched helplessly as they dragged my wife to another room.’ The thugs made off with a number of cellphones and house keys, as well as the keys to the husband’s shop in the Rail. As they fled, one of the thugs dropped a fully loaded 9mm magazine, which was recovered by the police. The couple sustained no serious injuries, but were visibly shaken by the ordeal. The Zululand Observer has reported on two other incidents, namely an armed robbery outside Standard Bank where one man was shot and killed last Tuesday, and another at the Sanlam Centre on Monday morning. On Friday last week, Power Spar was also robbed. Two armed black thugs entered the shop at approximately 7am and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash. Captain Mbongeni Mdlalose confirmed that no one was injured during the robberies at Sanlam Centre and Power Spar. ‘Empangeni SAPS are still investigating the incidents. No arrests have been made so far.’
PIETERSBURG– 5 Mei 2015: Die blanke vrou wat Dinsdagoggend vroeg saam met haar man in ‘n veiligheidskompleks in Pietersburg deur swart kriminele oorval is, is Dinsdagmiddag glo geopereer om haar steekwonde te heg. Die egpaar is intussen as Simoné en Ignat Oosthuizen geïdentifiseer. Maroela Media het vroeër berig Simoné (25) en haar man, Ignat (30), is rondom 03:00 in hul huis in Serala View in Flora Park oorval. ’n Swart krimineel het Ignat verskeie kere met ‘n skerp voorwerp, vermoedelik ‘n mes, gesteek. Hy is op die toneel dood. Simoné, wat ook met die wapen gesteek is, het geskree en die verdagte het op die vlug geslaan. Simoné is al die afgelope drie jaar ‘n administratiewe beampte by Galactic Auto in die dorp. Haar werkgewer, Jacques Swart, het aan Maroela Media gesê van die personeel het deur die dag die hospitaal besoek waar Simoné behandel word. Kapt. Ntobeng Phala, woordvoerder van die Polokwane-polisie, het gesê ‘n saak van huisroof en moord word ondersoek. Niemand is nog in verband met die voorval in hegtenis geneem nie.
RANDBURG– May 05 2015: A white man was robbed at gun point by a black thug on Bram Fischer Drive, Cramerview, on 4 May. Randburg SAPS station commander Col Andries Odendaal explained that at about 9.30am two black male suspects with guns approached the white man near his vehicle. They asked him for any belongings or money he may have. “The robbery took place in the Total garage parking lot,” Col Odendaal said. “The money was stolen from his vehicle and the suspects got away on foot.” Col Odendaal added that the man was traumatized and was sent to hospital for treatment. “We will be continuing with our investigations regarding the case,” ended Col Odendaal.
RANDBURG– May 05 2015: A White resident was robbed and hijacked on the morning of 5 May at around 8 amby a gang of black thugs. The incident occurred when Kremetart Street, Randpark Ridge, resident was loading his Isuzu bakkie for work.”The resident was then approached and held at gunpoint by five armed black thugs with knives and firearms,” said SOS ProTecSure operations manager Richard Saville. According to Saville the thugs then took the resident into his home and started loading electronics and other household items into the resident’s bakkie.” We then received a panic signal from our client and gave chase with the help of a tracking company,”explained Saville Honeydew Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs confirmed that there was an armed robbery incident reported to the station, however the complainant did not open any case. The vehicle was recovered in Protea North, Soweto with all the stolen goods still in the vehicle. Suspects are still at large.
BENONI– may 05 2015: : The decomposed body of Michael Ross was found on Sunday, after a three-week search for the teen, who went missing on his way to Homestead Dam, on April 12. “An officer came to our home at around 10.30pm to inform us that the body of a teen was found wearing clothing which matched what my brother was last seen wearing,” explained Ian Ross. The family were asked to identify the body on Monday and, from what they could tell from the clothing, it was that of Michael. “We also had DNA tests performed and they came out positive,” added Ian. According to the family, the teen had decided to not join them at a family braai, at Homestead Dam, on April 12. He, instead, wanted to spend the afternoon with a friend and went missing on his way to give his family the only key they all shared to their Woburn Avenue flat. The family still have many questions as to why Michael went missing and what led to his death.
Journalists and researchers looking for previous archives of farm murders and farm-attacks against whites in South Africa by black attackers will not find any archival-records from before 2015 on the websites of (Naspers) except two incidents. None of the previous years’ farm attacks (which are logged meticulously on can be found on Naspers records.
The South African Police Service also does not log these extremely violent, excessively sadistic attacks against white farmers on their archives after 2005- Source
PRETORIA– 6 Mei 2015: ‘n Blanke ma wat skaars een en ‘n half meter lank is en die skaal nie eers tot op 50 kilogram trek nie, het so verbete teen twee swart kriminele geveg, dat hulle op die vlug geslaan het! Narisha Pienaar het twee kriminele laat les opsê tydens ‘n inbraak die naweek. So erg het sy een boosdoener getakel dat die polisie, hospitale en klinieke later gebel is om uit te vind of iemand nie vir diep snywonde aan sy gesig behandel is nie. “As ek nie my kind hoor huil het nie, was daar nou ‘n moorddossier by die polisie oop. Ek weet nie waar ek die krag vandaan gekry het nie, maar ek het met alles wat ek in my het baklei.” Narisha Pienaar (33) is Vrydagaand deur tweeswart kriminele in haar woonstel in Jan Cilliersstraat aangeval, terwyl sy en haar tweejarige seuntjie alleen by die huis was. Sy was besig om gordyne op te hang. Kort-kort het sy ‘n geritstel buite gehoor maar kon niks verdag sien nie. Nadat sy haar seuntjie, Leonardo, aan die slaap gemaak en in sy bed gesit het, het sy uit die huis gestap, om ‘n tuinstoel waarop sy gestaan het om die gordynreling by te kom, buite te gaan sit. Sy het omgedraai toe sy haar veiligheidshek hoor kraak en het gesien hoe ‘n donker figuur haar huis binne glip. “Ek het besef my kind is in die huis!” ‘n swart krimineel, wat haar ingewag het, het haar vol in die gesig met die vuis geslaan toe sy by die deur instorm. Nog een het in die gang af verdwyn. Sy het haar kind in die kamer hoor skree. Haar aanvaller het haar verhoed om na hom te hardloop. “Ek het vir lewe en dood baklei. Ek het enige iets wat ek in die hande kon kry, gebruik om hom te gooi of na hom te slaan.” Die krimineel moes vir ‘n suikerpot en ketel koes en sy het ‘n baie swaar tafel op hom omgekeer. ‘n Glaskandelaar van sowat 1,5kg het haar oog gevang en sy het dit gegryp en haar aanvaller vol in die gesig geslaan. “Ek het hom baie seer gemaak. Ek kon die vet onder sy vel sien uitpeul by die sny. “Die heeltyd het ek gedink ‘Die Here beskerm my. Julle gaan my nie rape nie. Julle gaan nie my lewe neem nie, ek het twee kinders vir wie ek moet lewe.’” Haar aanvallers het gevlug en sy het na haar kind gehardloop. Sy teddiebeer waarmee hy gewoonlik slaap het in die gang gelê. Mev. Pienaar het om hulp geroep, maar niemand het gereageer nie. Sy het toe met haar kind in haar arms in die straat af gehardloop, na haar ouers wat ‘n entjie daarvandaan bly. “Dit was so gesukkel om die polisie uit te kry. Eers moes ons die straatnaam spel. Toe gooi die vrou sommer die foon in ons oor neer. Iemand het die radiogroep geroep en hulle was vinnig daar.” Die rowers het weggekom met juwele en horlosies. Buiten vir die blou oog, sny en krapmerke, sit mev. Pienaar met emosionele letsels wat heelwat langer gaan vat om gesond te word. “Ek weier nou om te stort as my man nie daar is nie, want dan kan ek nie hoor wat buite aangaan nie. Ek is net dankbaar dat my oudste seun nie by die huis was toe dit gebeur het nie, anders sou hy ook nou met hierdie goed moes deal.”
JOHANNESBURG –May 06 2015: Police have intensified calls to the community to come forward with any information that could lead to the arrest of those responsible for the murder of Celia da Costa. The 49-year-old businesswoman was shot and killed in a robbery by black thugs on the M2 Highway towards Sandton at the weekend. It’s understood da Costa was traveling from the Lusito Land family festival in La Rochelle, where she had a stall, when she was cornered by two vehicles. The black gang opened fire and fled the scene with her belongings. The police’s Kay Makhubela said no arrests have been made. “We’re still appealing to the community to help us with information of the two cars which were involved in the shooting of a woman on the freeway, where they shot her on the left side of her neck.”
CITRUSDAL– May 06 2015: Provincial police spokesman, Captain FC van Wyk has confirmed that the 18 yr old black woman who comes from Citrusdal has been arrested in connection with the murder of 74 year old Sandra Malcolm. The suspect is in custody and will appear in Muizenberg court on Monday 11 May. According to SAPS the victim was not known to the suspect. We congratulate all the detectives, forensic experts and members of the South African Police Service who have worked tirelessly on this case from the beginning, which has led to the arrest of this suspect. News24 has reported on this arrest.
NORTHCLIFF( Johannesburg)– May 06 2015: A white woman in her 80s has been left bruised after being tied up by three black thugs. A woman in her 80s was robbed and tied up with cable ties by three black males at around 3am on 6 May, at her residence on Panorama Drive, Fairland. She was found by her gardener Mischak Ithole 28 hours later at 7 am on 7 May. “I work for the madam every week on a Thursday and have for the last five years. Today I was so scared for what I had seen, I saw the madam lying on the floor at the front door tied up and so tired,” said a startled Ithole. Victim Support Unit member of Fairland Police Michelle Spies said entry to the house was gained through the lounge window which was broken by the suspects. The victim’s car, jewellery and electronics were taken. According to Spies, the woman is doing okay now but is feeling sore. “She was tied up for a very long time and as a result has bruises on her wrists.” Spies urged the community to remain vigilant and if any suspicious noises are heard to press their panic buttons or alert the police. Ithole explained the series of events that led to the discovery of the tied-up woman. Normally, when he arrives at work, he would go around the house to the store room to fetch the broom for cleaning. While on his way to the store room he noticed the garage door was halfway open with the light on. “I then was wondering why it is open and I found a glasses case lying on the ground in front of the garage and when I bent down I noticed the car was gone,” explained Ithole. He then went to the woman’s bedroom window and saw clothes scattered all over the floor. Ithole called Chubb, the woman’s security company. “We (a security guard and Ithole) noticed that there was some blood on the bed, then we saw the burglar gate open and the door was open. That is when we saw the madam tied up,” said Ithole. Spokesperson for Fairland Police Station Constable Michael Kgathla said a case of housebreaking and robbery has been opened and is currently under investigation. Const Kgathla urged the community to come forward with any information that may assist the police with the investigation. The woman and her son were on scene but did not wish to speak to the media.
PRETORIA (Muldersdrift)– May 6 2015 : At about 02:00 the Drift Reaction control room received a panic call from their security officer Alfred at a venue in Muldersdrift. Tactical Units were dispatched and upon arrival they found that Alfred as well as the private security officer was severely assaulted by three armed black thugs. The suspects tried to gain access and when confronted they tried to overpower the guards. The thugs were in for a huge surprise! The two fought back with all their might. Although the suspects made off with their cell phones they did not succeed to gain entry into any of the rooms! Drift Reaction’s partners, Quick Response Service, was called and they treated Alfred and transported him to hospital. His jaw is also broken amongst all the other injuries. Well done Alfred! We are extremely proud of you and the other guard. You fought hard and you fought without hesitation! We hope Alfred makes a speedy recovery.
NIGEL– 6 Mei 2015:’n Blanke man is geskiet in ‘n gewapende roof op ‘n plot buite Nigel. Hy het 5 koeëls in sy bo-lyf wat die dokters nie kan verwyder nie omdat dit te gevaarlik is. Hy is ontslaan uit die hospitaal en sterk goed tuis aan. Die dokter sê die koeël wat deur sy long is het sy hoofslagaar met 2 milimeter gemis.
SOMERSET WES– 7 Mei 2015: ? 37-jarige kleurling krimineel man is in hegtenis geneem kort nadat hy ? bejaarde blanke vrou verlede week in die oprit na haar huis in Somerset-Wes in die Wes-Kaap gekaap het. Kapt. FC van Wyk, polisiewoordvoerder, het Donderdag by navraag aan Maroela Media gesê die 85-jarige slagoffer is op 29 April omstreeks 15:27 gewelddadig voor haar huis uit haar motor, ? wit Fiat Uno, geruk. Kringtelevisiebeeldmateriaal is van die voorval geneem en deur Crime Watch op sosiale media geplaas. ? Mens kan sien hoe die vrou ná die voorval op die grond lê, getraumatiseerd voorkom en sukkel om op te staan. ? Man kom kort daarna tot haar redding. Van Wyk het gesê die verdagte, Marvin George van Eersterivier, het met die vrou se motor in ? onbekende rigting in gevlug. “Die voertuig se inligting is versprei en twee speurders wat aan diens was het dit verlate in Macassar opgespoor,” het Van Wyk gesê. “Hulle het besluit om die motor dop te hou en hul vasberadenheid het vrugte gewerp toe die verdagte teruggekeer het en daarmee weggery het.” Die beamptes het die verdagte tot in die Parow-omgewing agtervolg, waar hy van die pad af getrek en in hegtenis geneem is. George het Maandag in die Somerset-Wes-landdroshof verskyn op ? aanklag van kaping. Die saak is tot 11 Mei uitgestel. Hy bly in aanhouding.
NELSPRUIT( Kingstonvale)– May 07 2015: Mr and Mrs Kunnecke were attacked when he went to shut down his generator after load shedding. 3-5 black thugs attacked him with a spade. He sustained serious injuries. They hit his wife in the face too and forced her to open the safe. They took his fire arms, TV’s and cellphones. We were on the scene in minutes and our ambulance transported them to Medi clinic. We would like to encourage everyone that owns a generator to ensure it is situated in a well lit area and if at all possible, set an automatic transmission that as soon as Eskom power comes on that the generator cuts out, saving you having to go and switch it off. We are sorry this family had to go through this and decided to place this picture for public to see the kind of brutality victims go through that have been in a farm attack.
PLETTENBERG BAY– May 08 2015: As a gang of black thugs tortured her for more than two hours while ransacking her home, a Plettenberg Bay mother prepared herself that her life was about to end. “At one stage they made me sit on the couch and shoved a cushion in my mouth. I thought that this was it, they were going to kill me, but instead they started hitting my feet with a mallet. The cushion fell out, but they shoved it back and continued smashing my feet,” Joy Burns said. Burns had just returned from Rocky Road in Loredo South on April 23 where she had dinner with friends, when she and a friend were overpowered by a group of gun and knife-wieldingblack thugs who brutally assaulted and robbed them. “After hitting my feet they threw my dog’s blanket over my head and said they were going to kill me. Again I thought that my life was about to end. I pleaded with them not to kill me as I had two children. They then started hitting me through the blanket.” Burns said she usually just walked home after spending time with friends at Rocky Road, but that night her friends insisted that someone accompany her. When she and her friend arrived home at about 23:30 they sat on the verandah to enjoy a cup of tea. “The next moment a black thug with a gun burst through the verandah door and hit me in the face with the weapon. He then pushed us inside the home.” Burns also noticed a few more thugs following them inside the house. “They pushed me to the floor, grabbed my bracelet and tied my wrists with cable. The kept on whispering and asking me if someone else was in the house. I told them there wasn’t. At that stage they had also hit my friend over the head, fracturing his skull and pepper sprayed both of us.” The thugs demanded Burns show them where her safe was. “I don’t have a safe, but kept a little bit of money in a pot in the kitchen. They dragged me to the kitchen but pushed my head down as they did not want me to look at them. They then demanded I show them my car. They couldn’t believe it when I told them I didn’t have one.” When they realised there was no car and no money the thugs wanted gold, but Burns could not meet this demand either. “I don’t have gold, but I run a craft shop from home so I had a little bit of silver which I gave to them. They then dragged me back to the living room. One dragged me to the bathroom, I was convinced that he was going to rape me, but I just suddenly very sternly said, ‘Don’t touch me,’ and he dragged me back.” Back in the living room the thugs tied her ankles and dragged her onto the couch and threatened to kill her friend. “Suddenly one of them asked me where I was from. I felt sick to my stomach as I thought that it was a xenophobia attack because I’m from Zimbabwe. I therefore told them I was from Durban. They didn’t believe me and said I was from England and that all white people were rich. I kept calm and told them again that I’m South African and did not have much.” At one stage one of the thugs held a knife to her throat, tied a rope around her neck and chocked her. “They pulled so hard that the rope snapped. They then made me lie on the couch, but every time they came near me I rolled out of the way.” It was also thereafter that the thugs started hitting her feet with a mallet, covering her head with a blanket and further assaulting her. They also hit her pubic bone with the mallet. “While they were ransacking the house, I managed to untie the cable around my wrists with my teeth. It suddenly became quiet and I realised that they had left. I managed to free myself and searched the house for my landline telephone as they had taken my cellphone. I found it and started phoning as many neighbours as possible and they were there in a flash. Police, everyone just rushed to my aid.” Because she does not have medical aid she was taken to Knysna Provincial Hopsital where she was treated for a fractured foot and her friend for a fractured skull. “Afterwards we saw that the thugs cut a hole in the fence to gain access to the property and saw where they were waiting in the grass.” The robbers fled the scene with about R3 000 in cash, her cellphone, some silver and a few other items including Chloe Narcisse perfume. Her cellphone was later found near her home. No arrests have been made.
WELTEVREDEN– May 08 2015: A white Farmerwas shot and injured during a farm attack by black thugs in Weltevreden- Western Cape. His wife and children are traumatised. Dagbreek Farm – 1 patient code blue. Farmer shot and injured, woman and children traumatised. Dagbreek Farm Weltevreden shots fired no services on scene.
BARKPAN– May 08 2015: JJ van Dyk sustained a broken wrist, broken ribs and was cut with a knife during the ordeal, which occurred on the corner of Boyd Street and Prince George Avenue, at about 7.30pm. His vehicle, a light blue Peugeot 206cc, was taken by black thugs. JJ told the Brakpan Herald that he was driving back home from a nearby petrol station and had stopped at the robot, when he noticed three black male thugs approaching his car. “One went to the front of my car and aimed a firearm at me; the other two went to either side of the car and pulled the door handles to see if the doors were unlocked,” he said. The window on the driver’s side was slightly open and the hijacker standing at the driver’s side made use of the opportunity to reach through it and unlock the doors. “He then pulled me out of the car and told me not to get smart with them,” said JJ. “He started to punch and kick me; I felt completely helpless.” The other two hijackers climbed into the car and waited for their accomplice, who took out his knife and put it against JJ’s throat. “I was afraid that he would slit my throat and I wrestled with him; in the process I sustained cut wounds to my arms,” said JJ. Thankfully, the other two thugs who were waiting in the car urged the armed hijacker to get into the vehicle. The hijacker then climbed into the driver’s seat and drove off. “There was a white Toyota Tazz behind me at the robot, but the driver drove away as quickly as possible,” said JJ. He also tried to draw the attention of people driving past him, but nobody stopped and he had to walk all the way to the Brakpan Police Station, bleeding and suffering extreme pain. The incident has left JJ traumatised and he battles to sleep. “I try to sleep during the day, because I just cannot fall asleep when it’s dark,” he said. Joseph van Dyk, JJ’s father, told Herald that this incident has had a enormous impact on his son’s life. “He’s not sleeping and, when he does, he wakes up screaming, because of the nightmares he’s experiencing,” he said. “No father should ever see his son like this and, although he blames himself for what happened,