SASOLBURG-JANUARY 01 2015: “My brother in law -Johan, a truck driver-just got shot in the chest ! He heard a noise outside and opened the door and got shot point blank in the chest by a black thug!”
TAAIBOSCHSPRUIT (Sasolburg)- JAUARY 01 2015: Another white senior citizen was murdered without any motive by black thugs in Sasolburg.”A man’s Man’s wife noticed an black intruder on the property when she looked out of the window of the house they were renting on the farm, on Wednesday night,“- Lieutenant Livhuhani Hani said. “The man went outside to enquire what was going on and he was shot once in the upper body, on the left side. Unfortunately he died on the scene,” she said. “No one else was injured and nothing was stolen. The motive for the shooting is unknown.” No arrests had been made. RIP. Lizzy Van Vuuren.
HARTBEESPOORTDAM- 1 JANUARIE 2015: NOG ‘n bejaarde man is op die Rietfontein kleinhoewes by Hartbeespoortdam deur swart kriminele vermoor ‘n uur voor middernag! Twee bejaardes het gelê en slaap toe die voorval plaasgevind het. Die kamervenster was op n skrefie oopgelaat en swart terroriste het doodeenvoudig ‘n vuurwapen deur die oop venster op hulle gerig en begin skiet. Die bejaarde man is opslag dood. Sy vrou is in die rug en gesig gewond. ‘n Skoot is ook afgevuur op die oorledene se broer in die huis, maar het hom rakelings gemis. Die swart kriminele het nie gepoog om die huis te betree nie en niks is gesteel nie. Hulle wou eenvoudig die ou menseVERMOOR!!!
Hulp is ontbied op die radio-netwerk, en Plotwag en ander buurtwaglede saam met dieSAPD en sekuriteitsmaatskappye was spoedig op die toneel. Geen poging om die huis te betree is deur die aanvallers aangewend nie! Die motief was suiwer om te moor. Soos by die situasie vroeer vanaand, was daar drie swart terroriste betrokke. Toegang tot die perseel was verkry deur die heining te knip. Niks word vermis nie.
SYFERFONTEIN (Pretoria)- 1 JANUARIE 2015: n Afsluitingsbraai vir 2014 het ontaard in n nagmerrie toe die skote begin klap. Die eienaar van die plot het aan my bevestig dat die familie n geselligheid gereel het wat hulle buite op die stoep gehou het. Na die geleentheid, het hulle saam na die voertuie toe gestap om afskeid te neem.
Die nagwag op die perseel het nader gehardloop en die eienaar ingelig dat vreemde persone die huis binne gegaan het vanaf die oop deur op die stoep. Die mans het nader gehardloop, waarna 3 swart kriminele die huis uitgestorm, en skote op hulle afgevuur het. Volgens inligting ontvang, was 2 van hulle gewapen.
Alhoewel die mense erg getraumatiseer is, is niemand in die voorval beseer nie. Twee selfone word vermis.
Volgens beskrywing was een van dieswart kriminele ‘ n baie lang persoon. Die ander het n blou hemp aangehad. Hulle het weggehardloop in die rigting van 10 rooms. Ek wil aanbeveel dat almal die buitevure doodblaas, en verder die Nuwejaar ingaan agter geslote deure!!!
VEREENIGING-01 JANUARY 2015: Die Botes-familie se lewe het kort na die nuwe jaar aangebreek het onherroeplik verander, toe swart kriminele Chris Botes (43) koelbloedig doodgeskiet het. Volgens Chris se tweeling broer Gert, het Chris en sy gesin die dag teruggekom van vakansie en wou net rustig by die huis wees. Net na 01:00 op 1 Januarie het gewapende swart kriminele toegang tot die huis in Sonlandpark verkry. “My seun het ook die aand daar geslaap, en een van die rowers het ’n vuurwapen op die kinders gerig en hulle beveel om te slaap. Chris het opgestaan toe hy iets hoor en toe skiet een van die kriminele hom in die linkerbors,” sê Gert. Chris se meisie, wie se kinders ook daar was, moes bontstaan om te doen wat die kriminele sê, terwyl Chris besig was om dood te bloei. Meer as ’n uur later het die kriminele met ’n plasma-televisie, wapens, juweliersware, selfone en twee voertuie gevlug. Chris se meisie is ook deur diekriminele aangerand.
Chris se seun, Christiaan het gemaak of hy slaap en die rowers het nie sy selfoon gesteel nie. Hy het so gou as wat hy kon, sy niggie, Gert se dogter, gebel wat weer vir Gert gesê het wat gebeur het. “Ek het by die huis ingestorm waar ek my broer in ’n plas bloed aangetref het. Ons het Midvaal-hospitaal toe gejaag, hy het ’n baie swak pols gehad en geen reaksie getoon,” sê Gert. Chris het later aan sy beserings beswyk. “Die wreedheid van hierdie voorval is onmenslik,” sê Chris se pa, Lou. Hy en sy vrou, Elsa het ses kinders, van wie drie oorlede is. Twee van hul dogters is in ’n motorongeluk dood.
“Attacks on farms, which often result in the murder of farm owners, had nothing to do with the victims’ race. We are urging everybody, starting with the media and everybody — take the race issue out of farm murders. The people that are being killed are farmers. Whether they are white, black, yellow, green or purple, we have seen farmers coming under attack and we treat it as such. On our territory of farming, we do take it seriously. We would like to see everybody de-racialising it.”
-Bheki Cele ( Source)
Filip Rafalski,- a biker- fell victim to an attack and we would like to share his story: “This morning I was attacked by TWO BLACK GUYS. They stole my bike – SPECIALIZED EPIC COMP 29?,Garmin GPS EDGE810 and all sensors that came with Garmin .Both of them had big knives. One punched me on my face and started walking away with my bike. Second guy wanted to take my cellphone that was in my back pocked.Told him that I will give it to him.Wouldn’t listen.wanted me to Ly on my stomach.He said he will take my cellphone himself out of my pocket and than HE WILL KILL ME. Thanks to three Black ladies that live on the plot on Village Rd. I am still ALIVE . They made so much noise,screaming so loud that my attackers didn’t hurt me more. I needed 18 stitches to my face Also big thanks to Andrew and his wife from the plot on Village Rd. What is happening to our beautiful South Africa?”
NABOOMSPRUIT- 02 JANUARIE 2014: n Bekende sakeman van Naboomspruit, die 62-jarige Bernard Williams, het ’n traumatiese ondervinding gehad toe hy vroeg in die nuwe jaar deur gewapende rowers oorval is. Die voorval het op 2 Januarie omstreeks 11:00 voor Absa in Naboomspruit, plaasgevind. Williams was op pad om ’n groot bedrag kontant te deponeer toe twee swart kriminele hom oorval het. “Ek het onder die groot maroelaboom parkeer en het net uitgeklim, om my bakkie gestap en die tas met die geld uitgehaal, toe eenswart krimineel ’n 9 mm-pistool teen my bors druk,” het hy aan Die Pos vertel. Die ander krimineel het van agter gekom en die tas probeer gryp. Williams het teenstand gebied. “Die voorste een het my voor die bors met die pistool getik en toe besef ek dat ek die tas maar moet los,” vertel hy. Williams het op daardie stadium instinktief reageer en die swart krimineel ’n klap gegee, wat albei van balans gebring het. Die krimineel het toe op Williams geskiet en hom hoog in die linkerbeen getref. Daarna het hy opgespring en saam met sy makker in ’n wit Volkswagen Polo op die vlug geslaan. Die motor was skuins agter Williams geparkeer en moes hom van die vulstasie af gevolg het. Hulle was glad nie vermom nie en volgens Williams in hul dertigs of veertigs. Die koeël is onder Williams se heup deur en by sy regterboud uit sonder om enige been of are te tref. Lukas Rautenbach, ’n inwoner van Naboomspruit, sy broer Ruben, wat ’n sake-onderneming daar naby het, en Apthen McCray, ’n omstander, het Williams te hulp gesnel. Dr. Wynand Kruger en sy personeel was dadelik op die toneel en het mediese hulp verleen. Williams is na die Montana-hospitaal in Pretoria geneem waar hy behandeling ontvang het. Hy is ná twee dae ontslaan en sterk by die huis aan.
MONDEOR- Johannesburg: January 03 2014: Two elderly white people was robbed by blacks. 3 Black male thugs gained entrance on to elderly couples property, held elderly couple up, took Jewellery, money, 3 Brief cases and several house and business keys . They tied the elderly couple and the gardener up. NO one was harmed. Loaded the stolen goods up in to the elderly couples Gold Merc C250. Cpf Patrollers from Sector 2 were on scene with Saps Mondeor and Chubb . Victim support Mondeor is providing trauma counselling to elderly couple and gardener. Vehicle was recovered by Netstar in Rosettenville 30 mins later
“Alana van der Schyff (25) is in die 2de week van November 2014 deur 7 swart kriminele in Germiston ontvoer vanwaar hulle met haar Krugersdorp toe is. Daar het die swart kriminele haar vir dae lank verkrag en gemartel. Daar was bytmerke tot onder haar voete. Sy het daarin geslaag om weg te kom en is in ‘n hospitaal in Germiston opgeneem waar sy op 18 November oorlede is aan inwendige beserings.”- Sunette Bridges
RUSTENBURG- 03 JANUARIE 2015: Marius Van Der Merwe gee verslag dat een blanke man in die been geskiet is deur swartes. Hy laat weet: ” Kry nie bloeding gestop- en my swaer wat hulle agter na gesit het is in die maag geskiet! Nog nie seker wat aangaan! Die ou wat in die lies geskiet is is kritiek! My swaer is heel oraait! Darm niks raak geskiet nie! Skippie die ou wat in die lies geskiet is is oorlede! Ons dink aan al sy familie en vriende!”
ROODEPOORT- JANUARY 03 2014: A Helderkruin family was hijacked in their driveway this past Saturday. Deon and Annemarie Engelbrecht had just come from the doctor at 8pm when a red BMW two door coupe parked behind them, blocking the gate from closing. Two black thugs stepped out of the vehicle with 9mm guns while a third stayed in the car. The two thugs approached the driver and the passenger window with their guns raised and took Annemarie’s purse and cellphone. The assailants then ordered the two to step out of the vehicle and lie on the floor. “I just begged them not to shoot my husband because in cases like these, they always shoot the men first. They replied that they will not to anything because they knew my husband was sick. This means they had followed us from the doctor,” said Annemarie. The thugs then asked if there was anybody in the house. Fortunately the rest of their family was in the house. “I was afraid for my grandchildren, normally when we drive in they would rush out of the house and greet us,” said Annemarie.
The thugs then took the car keys and drove off with Audi Q7 in a rush. Deon and Annemarie immediately got up and called for help. They called the police four times before they got through.
According to the family, the police reacted so slow that they had to ask for help from Dowry security who was parked in a nearby petrol garage. They claim it took the police 45 minutes to arrive at the home and were unhelpful. When they arrived, one of the officers allegedly asked where the car was. The car, which is fitted with a tracker, was found parked in Orlando East after Deon drove alone to retrieve it. The family has opened a case of hijacking at the Roodepoort Police station and the car will be sent to Lenasia’s section 13 to be cleared. This is not the first incident that has occurred in the home, just last year, three bicycles were stolen from their property on Christmas Eve and the police have allegedly done nothing to investigate. In another incident, a man tried to threaten a relative with a gun to open the gates of the home. The relative tried to call police and the police did not respond. The police could not be reached for comment.
MALELANE-January 03 2014: Mr Pieter Slabbert (51) is in a stable condition in Mediclinic Nelspruit’s high care unit where he is being treated for multiple gunshot and stab wounds. He and his family were attacked on a smallholding near Malalane on Friday afternoon. Lowvelder spoke to his wife, Ms Lizette Slabbert. According to her, she and her husband and their 22-year-old daughter were in the kitchen with the back door open at around 16:45, when two black thugs entered the house. Slabbert said the one thug had a 9mm pistol and the other was armed with knives. She said the thugs didn’t seem bothered about hiding their identities from the family as they weren’t camouflaged. They immediately started shooting at the husband while the wife and daughter ran to the other rooms. She said when the thugs got hold of her, “they kept hitting me in the face and holding the gun against my head”. Lizette stated that the thugs called them “white trash” and threatened to kill and eliminate them. She said they took all their phones and the laptop that was on the kitchen table. “The one thug shot at my husband four times but only two bullets struck him. After they had shot him, they stabbed him as well.”
Slabbert said she pleaded for her daughter as they were grabbing her by the hair, threatening to kill her too. She said they finally let go of them and suddenly left. Her daughter then hid in her room in a cupboard. “She had concealed her phone and called for help.” Although still traumatized, she wanted to make sure that all the people that had helped them were thanked. “I want to say thank you to the police, Securicon Lowveld and the whole farming community who had so kindly helped us. “I also want to thank Lowveld Hospital which arranged with Mediclinic to admit my husband immediately as well as the ambulance staff,” said Lizette.
HECTORSPRUIT – January 04 2014: A white man was shot execution style in front of his wife while they were having a braai in their lapa on Sunday night. However, justice was served when the two men responsible were killed hours later. Although this happened in town, another family was attacked on a smallholding outside Malalane on Friday. It is not clear at this stage whether the two incidents could be linked. Mr Leon Christo Clur (age unknown) and his wife, Ms Marli Clur (47) were having a braai with the family at about 20:00 in Blackwood Street in Hectorspruit. According to Komatipoort police spokesman, Capt Sarie van der Walt, two black thugs armed with firearms which looked like pistols, entered the lapa. The thugs ordered the family to be quiet. Mr Clur engaged in a fight with the suspects, but they managed to push him to the floor. “One of the thugs then shot him in the back of his head,” Van der Walt said. He lost consciousness immediately. Ms Clur asked the suspects to stop shooting, telling them they could take anything they wanted.
The thugs demanded money on which Ms Clur told them it was in the house. She took them inside and they took two laptops, two iPhones, Mr Clur’s wallet, a hunting rifle, shotgun and ammunition after which they fled the scene. He was rushed to Mediclinic Nelspruit with a Securicon ambulance, but died yesterday. Meanwhile, the thugs were being tracked by members of the police’s Crime Intelligence Gathering Unit, accompanied WO Jacques Nel and farmers Mr Nico Nel, Mr Riaan Lombaard and Mr Frans Ment. They were parked next to a railway line under the bridge at the Marloth Park crossing when two men approached. WO Nel identified himself to the suspects and ordered them to stop. One of them pointed a shotgun at Nel and the farmers. Nel and two of the farmers shot at them and both were killed. Two firearms, including a .38 revolver and a shotgun were found on the suspects.
RUSTENBURG- 04 JANUARIE 2015: Skippie de Klerk (30) en sy vrou en kinders is gisteraand deur swart kriminele aangeval op hul plaas by O Drom buite Rustenburg. Skippie is deur die swart terroriste doodgeskiet! Hy laat sy vrou en 2 klein kindertjies agter. Buiten die plaasaanval op Skippie – was daar nog ‘n ander plaasaanval op O Drom- asook een op Derby. Informasie is nog nie beskikbaar oor die twee laasgenoemde aanvalle nie.
Potgietersrus:Hulp gevra by Laerskool Zebediela.Volgens berigte word wit onderwysers daar geintimideer deur ‘n groot klomp swartes wat aandring om hulle kinders daar in te skryf. Een onderwyseres is ten aanhore van omstaanders reeds uitgeskel as ‘n “moersk*nt wat moet werk of moet f*kof!”-BRON-BKA
ESCOURT- JANUARY 05 2015: Another farmer lost his life in South Africa! …for nothing! 7 Years ago his cousin, David Green, was also murdered on his farm in Estcourt, KZN. Murdered Estcourt farmer Malcolm “Stick” Green uttered his last words to his son moments before succumbing to a single gunshot wound inflicted during a farm attack by black thugs in the early hours of Monday morning. The well-known Green, 69, was wounded during a confrontation with four black thugs who had forced their way into his farmhouse. As he lay prostrate and bleeding, his attackers fled with electronic appliances in his bakkie, which was later found abandoned near Ladysmith. Clutching his bleeding gunshot wound, Green called his wife, Ruth, who was on holiday at the coast and who raised the alarm. After he slipped into unconsciousness, a team of medics from Nsele Ambulance Services, Netcare911 and Emergency Medical Services tried desperately to resuscitate him for nearly two hours before he was declared dead on the lounge floor of his farmhouse.
Seven years ago, his cousin David Green was also slain in a farm attack at Estcourt. On Monday, yellow police cordon tape fluttered in the hot breeze, stark against the house’s ivy-clad walls. Bloodstains stretched from Green’s bedroom through a passage and into his lounge, showing the path he struggled along to where he finally collapsed.
Ruth recounted the frantic minutes after she was roused by a call from her husband. “I got a call from our guard and it took a while to make out what he was trying to say. When he gave the phone to Malcolm, he told me that he had been shot and asked me to call the police,” she said. After Green raised the alarm, she called her husband back. “The second time I phoned him, his voice sounded panicked and it sounded like he was starting to lose his grip. I was frantic after I heard the tenor of his voice and I started to get anxious. I had no idea where he had been shot or how bad it was until after he was gone,” she said. “We still don’t know how things unfolded. My son, Stafford, arrived and was trying to stop the bleeding before the paramedics arrived. He just lost too much blood. “We have a guard here because there has been so much theft, but that is the case with any farm; speak to any of our neighbors and they will tell you.”
HARTBEESPOORT- 05 JANUARIE 2015: ’n Bejaarde man van Hartbeespoort in Noordwes is Sondagaand koelbloedig met ’n graaf doodgeslaan in die vierde moord in dié omgewing sedert Oukersdag. André du Preez (75) en sy vrou, Elsabé (70), het juis kort tevore van hul plaas in die Brits-omgewing na ’n huis in Svenstraat in die woonbuurt Ifafi verhuis omdat hulle gedink het dit sal veiliger wees. Vermoedelik twee of drie swart kriminele het die sitkamervenster se diefwering met ’n koevoet oopgebreek, die huis binnegedring en André van agter met ’n graaf oor die kop geslaan terwyl hy na die kombuis geloop het. “Ons het klaar aandete gehad en ek was reeds in die bed. Ek het TV gekyk en André het ’n glas water gaan haal,” het Elsabé Dinsdag vertel. “Die volgende oomblik hoor ek ’n geritsel en toe ek opkyk, staan daar ’n swart krimineel met ’n graaf langs die bed.” Die krimineel het haar aangesê om stil te bly en het gevra vir geld en juwele.
Hy het ’n kombers oor haar gegooi en haar met die graaf op die linkerwang geslaan. Sy het haar bewussyn dadelik verloor. “Hy het seker gedink ek is dood, want toe ek bykom, was hy weg. Ek het my bewussyn weer verloor en toe ek daarna bykom, het ek my man gaan soek.” Sy het op haar man se lyk afgekom en deur die oop sitkamervenster na die bure geroep. “Die buurvrou het my te hulp gesnel en het die polisie gebel. Hulle het ons selfone en tablet(rekenaar) gesteel, so ek kon niemand bel nie.” André se seun, Jacques, het gesê: “Ons sou hulle vandeesweek na ’n aftreeoord geskuif het.” André se roudiens word Vrydag, op sy 76ste verjaardag, gehou. Volgens kol. Sabata Mokgwabone, polisiewoordvoerder, is André op die toneel dood. “Die verdagtes het ’n TV, twee selfone, ’n tablet en ’n trouring gesteel. Ons ondersoek sake van huisroof en moord,” het Mokgwabone gesê.
Die Hofsaak teen swart krimineel wat diere-redder Vanessa Cunningham in Strand met hamer aangeval en haar uitgevloek het vir ‘wit teef’ en ‘aap’ kom op 16 januarie 2015 va 9vm voor in Strand-B. Sy vra vir publieke ondersteuning! Lees asb wat sy skryf. Haar herstel verloop ook maar swak na die aanval:(Skakel)
Aanvalle ruk handuit
Volgens Harro Rust, voorsitter van landelike beveiliging by sektor 1 van die Hartbeespoort Plotwag, was daar drie ander moorde en een aanval in die omgewing sedert Oukersdag. Marietjie Luus, ’n inwoner van Schoemansville, het gesê die moorde en aanvalle het die laaste paar weke handuit geruk. “Ek woon al drie jaar lank hier en was nog nooit so bang nie.”
Die voorvalle het in die afgelope twee weke plaasgevind:
Mike O’Reilly (48) is op 24 Desember in Elizabethstraat, Schoemansville, in ’n huisrooftog doodgeskiet;
John Eckhard (70) is op 31 Desember in sy huis op die Rietfontein-hoewes vermoor. Hy is vermoedelik doodgeslaan toe hy nie die sleutel van sy kluis wou gee nie. Daar is wapens uit sy kluis gesteel;
Leon Snyman (48), ook van die Rietfontein-hoewes, is die aand van 31 Desember op sy bed langs sy vrou, Elize (50), doodgeskiet. Hy is deur die oop kamervenster geskiet en sy vrou is in die gesig gewond. Niks is tydens die voorval gesteel nie en die skieter het gevlug sonder om die huis te betree;
In nog ’n voorval op 31 Desember het drie gewapende swart kriminele op ’n gesin op die Syferfontein-hoewes geskiet. Die gesin was besig om afskeid te neem van hul gaste ná ’n braai toe drie kriminele wat gewapen was met ’n haelgeweer en ’n handwapen by die huis se deur ingehardloop het. Die vrou het die buurtwag ontbied en die kriminele het weggehardloop en skote afgetrek. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie.
There were 15 murders and 67 attacks on KwaZulu-Natal farms last year, according to the province’s Agricultural Union. This was up from 10 murders and 47 attacks on KZN farms in 2013. According to statistics provided by the union’s security desk manager, Koos Marais, and verified by police, there have been 793 farm attacks in the province since 2001 – 128 being murders.-SOURCE
ELLISRAS- 06 JANUARIE 2015: Die liggaam van Susan Kotze (76) is Dinsdag in haar plaashuis naby Ellisras in die Noord-Transvaal aangetref nadat sy glo verwurg is. Kolonel Ronel Otto, provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder van Limpopo, het Woensdag gesê inligting oor haar moord is nog skaars, en dit is nog nie duidelik wanneer presies sy vermoor is nie. Die bejaarde vrou het blykbaar alleen op die plaas gewoon. Na wat verneem word, is daar geen selfoonopvangs in die gebied nie en die inwoners van die omgewing is met ? radionetwerk aan mekaar verbind. Familielede het begin bekommerd raak nadat hulle sedert Maandagaand en Dinsdagoggend nie met Kotze in verbinding kon tree nie. Hulle het die polisie ontbied en later die dag op haar liggaam afgekom. Sy het glo geen sigbare wonde opgedoen nie, maar ? stuk draad was om haar nek en die polisie vermoed dat sy moontlik verwurg is. Dit is in die stadium nie bekend hoeveel verdagtes by die aanval betrokke was nie. Daar is reeds glo bevestig dat twee selfone en Kotze se Ford Bantam-bakkie vermis word. Verdere ondersoek sal bepaal of nog items uit haar huis vermis word. Niemand is nog in verband met die voorval in hegtenis geneem nie. Die polisie ondersoek ? saak van moord en huisbraak
KIMBERLEY –06 JANUARIE 2015: ’n Blanke Man van Monumenthoogte in die Noord-Kaap is in ’n kritieke, maar stabiele toestand nadat swart inbrekers hom Maandagoggend in sy huis geskiet het. Chris Jacobs (45), wat in Hugo-straat bly, is blykbaar omstreeks 03:10 deur die swart kriminele aangeval en in sy maag geskiet. Luitenant Andrea Cloete, polisiewoorder, het gesê hulle ondersoek ’n saak van huisbraak en poging tot moord. Drie verdagte swart mans het glo ingebreek terwyl die man en sy vrou geslaap het. Die verdagtes het ’n vuurwapen op die egpaar gerig. Een van die verdagtes het die slagoffer geskiet en hulle het gevlug. Die polisie kan nie bevestig wat die motief vir die aanval was nie, weet ook nie of hulle deel van ’n sindikaat is nie. Enigiemand met inligting word gevra om die polisie by 082-495-4646 te bel of ’n anonieme SMS na 32211 te stuur. Inligting sal vertroulik hanteer word – Volksblad
PRETORIA-06 JANUARIE 2015- Eve Mr. Pretorius aangeval deur swart terroriste en geskiet. Hy het dit oorleef.
“The EFF will expropriate white owned land and the president will pay for it.” Malema added that they will not support the compensation for land. “It’s cowardly of the ANC to reward the “criminals”.Last year, he said the fact that white people kept their land for 20 years after democracy is compensation enough…(Source)
PRETORIA- O6 JANUARIE 2015: Frans Lotz (F.B.Loodts) Ontvoer, vermoor en Begrawe in ‘n vlak graf-Pretoria/Witrivier.
WITBANK-JANUARY 06 2015: Mr. Antoni Grobler’s body was found wrapped in his bed sheet in his townhouse in Louis Trichardt Street. His hands and feet were bound and he was stabbed 13 times. The knife, with which he presumably was stabbed, was found next to his bed. The murder that took place on January 6, 2014 at about 23:00 left the townhouse complex in a somber mood. Neighbors stood around surprised and trying to make sense of the murder.
VEREENIGING-JANUARY 06: Chris Botes, 36, 6 January 2015: at his Sonlandpark Vereeniging home, shot dead execution-style in front of his wife and children by an unknown number of black male attackers.
They tied up the grieving wife and children and fled with electronic loot.
ELDORAIGNE- (Pretoria): On January 7, 2015 at approximately 20:00 CCC received a call from a neighbor to inform them of an armed robbery at their neighbors in Koedoe street, Eldoraigne. Within minutes the first patrol arrived on scene. The six black thugs gained access to the premises by lifting the gate off its tracks. They entered the house via an open garage door. Inside the house they gun-pointed the family of three white residents, which includes a 6-year old boy. They were then tied up with cable ties and forced to lie down on the floor. The black thugs fled with the family’s Silver Audi A4. The lamp post in front of the house was marked with black paint, but we are unsure if it can be linked to the incident. Residents are urges to become absolutely vigilant and safety conscious and to not leave open doors and gates. Also observe if followed home.
MEYERTON- JANUARIE 07 2014: In die Meyerton gebied van Sentraal Transvaal is mnr. Phillip Matheus (68) op wreedaardige wyse vermoor deur swart kriminele en in sy motor gelos sonder om enige iets van hom te steel. Mnr. Matheus en sy vrou Marie is welbekend in Meyerton, en dit het talle vrae laat ontstaan waarom hy deur sy aanvallers keelaf gesny is en in sy Audi gelos is. Matheus was nie net ’n alombekende nie, maar ook ’n geliefde pa en oupa vir sy familie. Sy vrou Marie het etlike jare gelede haar been verloor en is in ’n rystoel vas gekluister. Sy is erg getraumatiseer en ontvang behandeling. Familie vra talle vrae en wonder wanneer die slagting gaan eindig. Die polisie ondersoek die saak.
VEREENIGING- JANUARY 08 2015: On January 8, 2015 at about 13:00 six black male thugs entered my brother’s house in Three Rivers, Vereeniging. They held his 15 year old daughter and the domestic worker in the house. They beat the child repeatedly with fists, kicked her and thrown her against the wall. The domestic worker was bound and choked. They broke the locks with a pickaxe. All his possessions which he worked so hard for was loaded on a truck after they urinated on the child and the domestic worker. With God’s grace, they did not rape or murder the child. We are no longer safe behind our locked doors.
“Apartheid!” roep die beskuldigde die hele pad selle toe ná sy tweede hofverskyning in minder as ‘n maand. Hy word aangekla van die moord op die veearts-me. Rensia de Wet. ” Mokoena, die klagtes teen u is ernstig, daarom is ‘n lewenslange vonnis in die geval van skuldigbevinding hier ter sprake,” het Oosthuizen opgemerk. Die beskuldigde is hierna by die trappe af vergesel. Hy het sy hande in die lug gegooi terwyl hy die woord “apartheid!” uitgeroep het. (Bron)
BLOEMFONTEIN- JANUARY 08 2015: : It was rather terrifying to stand on the wrong side of a pistol. We were held up just before 11am at my house and money was demanded. Fortunately something disturbed the (3 black gunmen because they fled, taking only R20 *about 20 cents US) and a blackberry cellphone. We want to warn everyone in Fichardtpark Bloemfontein that there were four black males, one stood guard outside. They fled in a white car. The way they got into the house is under the pretence of delivering a large parcel which forced me to open the security gates to take it. Then they just pushed past me, pointing a gun at me and walked into the house. Two ladies who were with me (she runs prayer groups) started praying out loud while one (black) man went to the bedroom with me where he demanded I open the safe. He shoved me around while I was having a hard time opening the safe and before I could open it the guard outside warned them and he demanded that I reopen the security gate so that they could drive through and flee. Jesus has held His hand of grace over us. My four grandchildren and their 3 friends who were watching TV in another room did not know anything about the drama. Thank you and thank you Jesus for sparing our lives’.
MOOINOOI- 08 JANUARIE 2015: Op Mooinooi het swart kriminele probeer om n vrou te roof, maar sy het kop gehou en nie nader gegaan toe die een haar roep en die ander in die gras wegkruip,toe sy nie nader wou gaan nie het die een wat haar geroep het sy hand in sy hemp gesteek sy het gedink hy het n vuurwapen toe skiet sy hom n kopskoot.
RUSTENBURG- 08 JANUARIE 2015: My seun se meisie is vandag helder oordag aangeval waar sy by ABSA in Rustenburg wou geld trek by die kitsbank. Gelukkig het sy die swarte krimineel aan gevat en terug baklei en hom bly vas hou tot ‘n sekuriteit ou haar kom help het. Sy het nie te erg seer gekry nie en het saak by sapd gaan maak.
PORT ELIZABETH- JANUARY 08: An 84 year-old white pensioner was tied up and robbed of his personal belongings when three black thugs ransacked his home in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth, during the early hours of Thursday morning. Captain van Rensburg says the man was awoken to noises in his house in the Methodist old age home in Pheasant Street just after 1 am. Three black men had gained access to his house. They assaulted the old man and tied his hands behind his back before throwing a blanket over him. The thugs then ransacked the property and fled with a number of household goods including a television set, cellphone, tablet and jewellery. The suspects also took the victim’s wallet, a number of old coins and liquor before fleeing. No arrests have been made and anyone with information is asked to contact the Walmer Police.
“11 White South Africans murdered by Black attackers in the 1st 12 days of this year! 8 of these people murdered on farms. 9 of the Victims older than 60. 3 of these victims murdered on farms in the Free State Province TODAY! …and not a word from this government! All of this following a weekend of ANC celebrations and threats to “take more farms” and blaming 20 years of ANC failures on white South Africans! How many more of us have to die before the world takes notice? …before these killings start happening hourly and not daily?” -SUNETTE BRIDGES
MULDERSDRIFT-Pretoria- 09 JANUARIE 2014: ‘n Bejaarde blanke vrou het Vrydag in die vroeë oggendure met haar sterwende man se kop op haar skoot gesit en wag vir hulp nadat ‘n groep swart kriminele hulle in hul huis in Lindley, Muldersdrift in Gauteng, aangerand en beroof het. Oom Charles het tragies gesterf vasgebind aan sy vrou. “Ek kan nie meer nie,” het ’n hy gesê aan sy vrou, aan wie hy rug-teen-rug vasgebind is. Toe sterf hy. Charles Henderson (61) en sy vrou, Jenna (60) was Donderdag net ná 23:00 die slagoffers van ’n plaasaanval by Lindley, naby Muldersdrift. Hy is met ’n graaf en ’n baksteen DOOD GESLAAN. Jenna het ná die aanval drie ure lank gesukkel om los te kom. Terwyl sy gesukkel het, is Charles dood. Paul Orffer, die Henderson-egpaar se skoonseun, het Vrydag gesê sy skoonpa het baie bloed verloor. “Hy het gesterf vir R600, selfone, ’n TV en DVD-speler en ’n iPad.” Die honde het net ná 23:00 begin blaf terwyl Charles in die sitkamer was. Hy het gaan kyk wat aangaan en is buite deur die swart kriminele oorval, het Orffer gesê. “Die swart kriminele het hom ’n paar meter van die kombuisdeur met ’n baksteen oor die kop geslaan en by die huis ingesleep. Sy vrou het kom kyk wat aangaan en is ook aangerand. “My skoonouers is in die kombuis aan mekaar vasgebind. Dié twee moes met hul rûe na mekaar sit en is met ’n tou om hul nekke aan mekaar vasgebind.” Orffer het gesê sy skoonma is teen die kop geskop en geslaan en sy skoonpa is met ’n graaf aangerand.Terry-Ann Booysen, woordvoerder van die veiligheidsmaatskappy Drift Reaction, het aan Maroela Media gesê die man het omstreeks middernag gaan ondersoek instel nadat sy honde begin blaf het. “Hy het na sy stoorkamer gegaan waar vier gewapende swart mans, twee met vuurwapens en twee met messe, hom oorval het,” het Booysen gesê. “Hy is met ? houtpaal en ‘n baksteen aangerand en buite die huis vir dood agtergelaat.” Die aanvallers het hierna die huis betree waar hulle die vrou vasgebind en erg aangerand het terwyl hulle geld en vuurwapens geëis het. Die man het vermoedelik intussen teruggestrompel na die huis en een van die verdagtes in die kombuis verras. Hy is daarna met graaf op sy kop geslaan en is op die kombuisvloer dood. Hulle het die huis geplunder en vier vuurwapens, ammunisie, kontant, selfone, rekenaars, ? tabletrekenaar en ander waardevolle items gebuit. “Hulle het selfs die egpaar se alkohol gedrink terwyl hulle gewag het vir ? voertuig om hul buit op te laai, waarna hulle van die toneel gevlug het,” het Booysen bygevoeg. Die erg beseerde vrou kon daarin slaag om haarself los te wikkel en het Drift Reaction ontbied deur die noodknoppie te druk. Toe die beamptes van die maatskappy se Iron Fist Squad en taktiesereaksie-eenheid by die huis opdaag, het hulle die vrou op die kombuisvloer aangetref waar sy met haar man se kop op haar skoot gesit het. Sy is na ? hospitaal geneem vir behandeling. Die Muldersdrift-polisie ondersoek die saak. Booysen het gesê die Iron Fist Squad en die polisie is warm op die spoor van die verdagtes en hulle gaan alles in hul vermoë doen om hulle spoedig aan te keer. ? Beampte van die gespesialiseerde ondersoekeenheid staan hulle by.
VIRGINIA –09 Januarie 2015: Mnr Theuns Hurter, en sy vrou Lynette, van Virginia in die Vrystaat was Vrydag oppad om hul dogter Monique Haywood by ‘n geseligheid te gaan afhaal toe hul aand in ‘n nagmerrie ontaard. Lee-Ann, Theuns se stiefdogter het aan Afrikaanse Nuusblad gesê dit het omstreeks 10:00 plaasgevind. Theuns Hurter en sy vrou Lynette was oppad om haar suster Monique by vriende wat ‘n geseligheid gereel het te gaan afhaal. Theuns het voor die huis in Valley Drive, Virginia oorkant die gholfbaan stilgehou. Op daardie stadium het hy geen onraad vermoed nie. Hy het die motor se toeter gedruk. Toe sy dogter nie uitkom nie, het hy die toeter weer gedruk. Die swart kriminele was blykbaar omgekrap daaroor en het die huis uitgestorm. Hulle het die motor genader, Theuns en sy vrou uit die voertuig gepluk en die huis ingedwing. Hulle moes op die grond gaan lê. Daar was glo 7 swart kriminele in die huis, nie een was gemasker nie. Die kriminele het almal vuurwapens en hammers gehad. Die kinders wie se name nie bekend gemaak is nie asook die eienaar van die huis vir die veiligheid van hul gesinne is erg getraumatiseerd. Die kinders was blykbaar betas deur die kriminele. Een van die meisies was glo beveel om haar klere af te trek, sy is op haar knieë gedwing en deursoek. Volgens die kriminele is hulle blykbaar deursoek om seker te maak hulle steek nie iets weg nie. Die kriminele het ook die kinders se kos ge-eet en dit uitgespoeg, asook die koeldranke gedrink. Volgens Lee-Ann is Theuns na die kombuis geneem waar die kriminele sy pin nommer ge-eis het van sy bankkaart. Toe die kriminele bevind hy het die verkeerde pin nommer gegee was hulle woedend. Hulle het hom agt houe geslaan met ‘n hammer op sy rug en enkel. Hulle het ook ‘n skroewedraaier teen sy kop gehou, hy het gevoel hoe dit dieper in sy vel insteek, en geskop toe hy op die grond val. Lee – Ann het gesê dat die kriminele selfone, die tablet waarmee die aand se musiek gemaak was en verskeie ander items gesteel het. Hulle het gevlug met drie voertuie. Al die voertuie is weer teruggevind. Die polisie is besig met ondersoek, geen arrestasies is gemaak nie.
Genocide in South Africa makes “Apartheid” look pale- James Manning ( Video)
CENTURION- 09 JANUARIE 2015: “n Gestremde seun is in die gesig geskiet en sy pa is aangerand nadat hulle Vrydagmiddag in hul huis in Heuweloord, Centurion aangeval is deur swart kriminele. LookLocal Centurion berig dat die pa en sy seun omstreeks 13:00 Vrydagmiddag deur drie gewapende swart kriminele in hul huis oorval is. Die seun, wat gestremd is, is in die gesig geskiet nadat die gewapende kriminele hulle oorval het. Die pa is glo aangerand. Volgens die berig is die seun in ? stabiele toestand in die Unitas-hospitaal. ‘n Buurman het glo gehoor hoe die pa skree: “My seun is geskiet, help.” Die polisie is in kennis gestel en het kort hierna op die toneel aangekom. Dit is nog nie duidelik of enigiets uit die huis gesteel is nie.
PORT ELIZABETH- JANUARY 11 2015: – An 84 year old pensioner was tied up and robbed of his personal belongings when three black thugs ransacked his home in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth, during the early hours of Thursday morning. Captain van Rensburg says the man was awoken to noises in his house in the Methodist old age home in Pheasant Street just after 01:00. Three men had gained access to his house. They assaulted the old man and tied his hands behind his back before throwing a blanket over him.
BAINSVLEI- January 15 2015: The Swanepoel couple of Bainsvlei, Bloemfontein was shot on top of each othert: First Toon (72) and then his wife Rienie (70). The couple, who were very close to each other, was entangled together at their death. Their bodies were covered with thorn bushes. A black thug stood and ate Rienie’s biscuits while he watched his accomplice shoot the couple in the head. Shortly after their bodies were pointed out in an old braai .One of the three alleged black killers wanted to know if he can be released on bail of R100. “I got work at a neighbor. I have to start tomorrow” he said. None of the three showed any sign of remorse or cared about the murders. The couple was described as “beloved and friendly” people who cared for all people. Boys from the area regularly went to her home for help and said, “Grandma, we want biscuits!” Toon as owner of Hamilton panel beaters bought a car for his black partner, Tammy to drive to Brandfort. The Swanepoel murder is the seventh double farm murder in the region since 2010. These murders are almost the same as the double farm murder in September 2012 when Johan Fourie (71) and his wife, Cecile (72) died on their farm outside Trompsburg. Like the Fourie’s the Swanepoel couple was attacked in their farmhouse shortly after they attended the morning service on Sunday in the NG Church Waterbron. The Swanepoel couple was apparently tied to the bed where Toon’s mother Fien Swanepoel (95), sleeps when she lives there. They were tortured for hours and were told they had to be killed because they can identify the attackers, it is believed.At dusk they were loaded onto the back of Toon’s bakkie (pickup) and the attackers drove into the field. The stolen goods, like a television set were also on the back of the bakkie. Their plea prayers did not help – they were shot on top of each other and thorn bushes thrown over them. Some of the murderers drank the stolen liquor under a tree after they shot the couple. When they were drunk they caused problems on a neighboring farm and the police were called in. When Toon’s bloodied tie was found on the back of the bakkie they feared for the worst. Nico Swanepoel, their only child, said after the realization of what happened sank in, he felt bitter. “I am bitter because they were severely tortured. I’m very grateful they went together. They were inseparable. If one has had to suffer more, it would have been terrible.” The family was very impressed by the actions of all the police units on the farm.
WITRIVIER- JANUARY 14 2015: White resident Clive Bowers was murdered by black thugs on his Bundu Estate farm at Witrivier. According to provincial police spokesman Col Leonard Hlathi, an unknown number of suspects gained entry to his home at about 23:30 by breaking a window of the sitting room. “They surprised Wagner in the home and sprayed him with pepper spray after which he was shot. He died later. It is not clear if his own firearm was used in the attack,” Hlathi said. “The suspects fled with various stolen items, of which the most were later recovered. One of the items found included a firearm. Wagner’s wife, Renate, was also in the house, but didn’t sustain any injuries.
She posted the following on her Facebook profile on September 18: “Beware: there is a gang of thugs out to steal flat screen TV’s. They are after some kind of powder, which is coating a ‘card’ inside the TV, which they believe is a drug – total myth! We have had four TV’s stolen on the Bundu Estate, ours included”.
Lowvelder went to the scene early this morning and found the Wagner couple’s domestic worker at the house. She said that she had been working for them for 24 years and that this had been the third time the couple had been targeted by