The land of the “Big Five””
I personally dunno why ESCOM have any problem? Was it not these same money-mongering despots that kicked-up such a helluva shebang just before the World Cup soccer that they have “enough” electricity for the WHOLE country- and that only THEY are the SOLE supplier of electricity to South-Africa? When a Australian and French consortium offered to build FIVE new power-stations over 10 years that would save MILLIONS of rands, supplying the consumer with electricity at a MUCH lower tariff– generate DOUBLE the current capacity- and cut maintenance TOTALLY…was it not these same monkeys from ESCOM that went running to NERSA- bitching BITTERLY about it? Did this SAME ESCOM nuggets not got a loan of 35 BILLION from the WORLD BANK to complete Medupe and Kusile and upgrade all their installations? So what did they do with that laon bar handing out exuberant ” bonuses” to their executive board members? Is it not the SAME ESCOM that are selling MEGA power to African countries at a MUCH lower cost than to us? Is it not the SAME ESCOM that bluntly REFUSES to cut power to literally THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL electricity thieves in squatter camps? I dunno- maybe they got a weird way of doing business- but as I note all the “golden handshakes” and “bonuses” their “top cats” are getting…I suppose they are doing MIGHTY good! ESCOM, SAA and the SABC REALLY are the THREE STOOGES of the ANC government- venturing on a ever lasting spree of loans, government hand-outs and “hot money” from international financial institutions Mean-time they are suffocating the general paying public with ever-increasing hikes and taxes to foot the bill for their exuberant loans they take, incompetent mismanagement of their administration, lag in completing power station projects , operations- and fat cat gravy train riders! When they then realize that they -AGAIN- have screwed-up…the ” Board of Directors” simply jump ship (Like the SAA and the ANCBC)-and ” disappear“- handing the evil reign to a new set of monkeys to start the dubious cycle all-over again. This is a tell tale characteristic of the ANC’s “BEEE” cadres- wade from no-where without proper credentials into top positions- rob the money coffers with lies and deception- – then just ” abandon ship” and disappear when the proverbial sh*t hits the fan. Not ONE of these villainous so-called “board members” EVER appear in a court of justice to explain their incompetency and loss of millions or rands in revenue.
But this is not where this demonic cycle ends- for if ESCOM bungles up- the price of electricity are spiked again. When that happens- IMMEDIATELY the price of fuel goes up as all petrol stations run on electricity- and when that happens- IMMEDIATELY the floor price of food and commodities goes up as well! This means the poor consumer are whacked again. As it is- for every R 10.00 you earn- R 5.30 is going to regime taxes and dubious con-artists like the retail chain hoodlums, ESCOM and the City Councils “levies.” . Thus you are left with only R 4.70 of your ten rand’s value on the end of the day to try to battle your way through ever increasing prices thrown in your face by Big Business as well. THAT IS THE “DEMOCRATIC” WAY OF DOING BUSINESS! The “Republican” way is MUCH cheaper- as the POPULACE determens by voting in referendums what the government are allowed to do and what not in cases of national interest like the price fixing of resources. In this evil “Democracy” a few Jew “elite” and their appointed Government G-Men rule SUPREME without asking any public opinion like we experience today in this “Rainbow Chicken “ Nation. THAT is the difference between “Apartheid” (NWO term for a Republican system) and “Democracy” (NWO term for a Socialist system)- for those that still wondered. With regard to ESCOM‘s blundering - the paying public then -AGAIN- are on the end of the “hot stick”- and sucker-punched every year into footing the bill for this nincompoop monkeys that leech the economy and taxpayer dry- and evil mongering City Councils that suck you dry with exuberant price hikes and levies. Thus the public (mostly WHITE)-are held accountable on a permanent basis to foot the bill for the ANC and their cohorts’ gross blunders. If you REALLY want to see HOW this current incompetent corrupt regime screwed-up this country since their hi-jack in 1994- please feel free to read THIS article from Forbes:
In Cape Town for example- You purchase R 500.00 worth of electricity pre-paid. What you get is only 325.50 kw of electricity- meaning the City Council hit you @ R 1.35 p.u ( sometimes as high as R 1.80 a unit depending the time of the month.) Bottom-line is the City Council of Cape Town (as many other councils)- rob you of R 52.00- and the regime rob you of R 61.40. This equals R 376.00 worth of electricity you get from your R 500.00 paid- a WHOPPING R 123.50 STOLEN!! ( Taken from physical evidence.) This- City Councils are making MEGA bucks from ripping off paying (mostly white) customers- while the majority black consumers in townships and squatter camps illegal tap and hot-wire theirs! Now ESCOM is yet again facing one helluva dilemma and crisis management scenario- too many free loaders and too little power and funding. To try to balance their deficits- the public again must be”smoked”- and in order to achieve that goal- threats of “Load Shedding” are forced and “psi-opsed” into the subconscious minds of the hapless public “sheeple“. This is what we call ” Corporate intimidation.”
This is MAINLY because of the ANC’s OWN ” non-payment” culture it created among black leeches- and their racist policy of AA and BEEE vindictive attacks on whites in the job market -which left nearly a non-existent middle-class tax base to work with as middle-class blacks that now exist- factually is the poor black class from the townships that only moved into the vacuum left by the white middle class now being pushed by the ANC regime into squatter status. Still the black “middle class” refuse to pay their rates & taxes as they have been nicely “educated” by the PAC and ANC in their hey-days. Somehow yet- evil conspirators like Rob Davis still cannot understand the economics of this…but keep on forcing whites out of the job market. This now spirals to a evil circle of too many eaters and too little funding…where ESCOM and many other regime-controlled institutions found themselves at the moment. Yet the idiotic Communist ANC and their commi-side-kicks still are hell-bent to drive all white productive farmers off their land- thus food production are going to drop- and Monsanto poisonous GMO foods will have to be imported- and AGAIN the consumer will be hit the hardest when it comes at paying at the till. We do not even talk about the evil health ramifications that will follow after consuming THAT crap- but again “Big Business” like the big Pharma companies , retail outlets, Hospitals, Doctors, Funeral Services,and eventually the regime’s IRS goons will laugh all the way to the bank! Oppression , impoverishment and killing people is BIG Business in a “Democratic” society.
So Zuma opted for gas as a source of energy- and describes shale gas as a “game changer“. In his State of the Nation address he pointed out that the regime will now be looking more than ever to gas from shale (Fracking)- as a substitute- even nuclear energy. “Game changer ” – he said? Well- he is right y’know. The game now will change from MILLIONS into his personal elite empire’s bank accounts- to BILLIONS. Zuma and his ilk will NEVER agree to ANYTHING unless they get the Lion-share from the deal…that is Zuma. What Zuma is saying- is that they now are all-out giving alien companies like Shell , ENRON and BP the full right to start“Fracking” in our country- like in the Karoo. This again- Zuma is selling our land to be plundered by invading forces to destroy our natural habitats – and create a danger to our environment for the sake of the ANC “elite’s” own bank accounts at the cost of sacrificing our country’s natural resources.
If Zuma and his clan had any sympathy for the South African populace- he would’ve given instructions long time ago that a SOUTH AFRICAN rig be built- and the scale gas project done by a South African INDEPENDENT non- BEEE company. That way- at least- the fracking would be done by a local company and the dividends be ploughed back into the South African economy which could help us paying less for our fuel- and on the day have a more positive effect on our whole economy. This is NOT to say I agree with fracking at all. The old corrupt National Party at least had the decency to create Mossgas- with the intentions to start fracking off-shore to boost our won economy. When the villainous ANC hi-jacked the country- Mossgass was left derelict after a “AA” conscript nearly blew up the whole turbine- and was later sold- as with all our reserve oil- to the …yes…you guessed right…CHINESE! The Karoo fracking project as it is-and future scale gas projects- will NOT be done by any local company- but factually by “Big Brother“- i.o.w- ALIEN rapists such as Shell, BP, ENRON, TEXACO, et al. This means they will pay the ANC a hefty back-hander- drill and obtain gas at a give-away price as the rand get devaluated daily against other world currencies- take it and turn in to fuel- and then re-sell it back to us at DOUBLE the price as they do with our gold and diamonds. The mere fact that these vultures will be given contracts to drill here instead of South African companies – points directly that the Zuma regime already are not much interested in their own people as they are interested in their own bank accounts. Who is the fools to loose again? Just look what these vultures are doing in the rest of Africa….they plunder it to their bank accounts’ desire in paying off corrupt black politicians while the rest of the populace of Africa suffers in poverty.
Robert Mugabe and many other despots like him are obvious examples- and South African “politicians” are no less different. Look what they have done with ALL our minerals like Platinum, gold, diamonds , uranium and whatever resources we have. You and I cannot even take ONE single little diamond among the millions in our country we pick up without these bastards throwing you in jail for “ smuggling”- while all the natural resources belong to the land- and the land belong to the people. So WHY do only a few ” Chosen Ones” have the right to the riches of this country? Why are “laws” created to suppress the majority and deny them the right to also share in the abundance the land has to offer- while at the same time that same “laws” then “protect” the “rights” of only a few scrupulous “elite” con artists? Why are our resources and the rights to mining sold to ALIEN companies and not shared among the public so-that me and you ALSO could purchase a piece of land- stake a claim- and start our own mining on that piece of land? Why does ALL our resources belong to alien invaders such as Anglo American, etc? After all- the government- who is PUBLIC appointed employees- does not OWN the land- that contorted idea was created by the Jews- but they are merely here to ADMINISTER the AFFAIRS of the land. So why do they have ALL the rights to “claim” all the resources- and above that- illegally selling OUR resources ( which does not belong to them)- to alien invaders without the consent of the people of this land? You go to the registrar of deeds now- and see if you can find ONE piece of land that belongs to the ANC as “Liberation movement” by cart and transport. You go look if you find ONE farm that white farmers have- that have a share-holding title deed with the government that gives this corrupt regime the” right” to take away 50% of that land. You will find NONE! This regime- as with the ESCOM monopoly- is blatant THIEVERY!The ANC are mostly aliens THEMSELVES. The “State-owned” land does not belong to the “government” either- it belongs to the PEOPLE- and the PEOPLE represent the “STATE” – NOT the ANC hooligans!So who gave THEM the right to sell our land, mining rights and resources without consulting the people of this land in a referendum first?
We as the public- will not reap ONE single penny of the “fracking” benefits. Our fuel prices, food prices – and electricity bills will still soar beyond imagination to feed the fat cats- but lucrative back-handers to the Zuma-empire from these big corporate vultures will see to it that hundreds of alien drilling rigs will now litter our once beautiful natural landscapes while the Zuma-mob will be raking in the billions. This is just ANOTHER spin-off from the “Democracy” shoved down our throats by the Jews- and reason why the white government just HAD to go…to make place for the vile Wall Street banksters and Big Business to institute their own corrupt henchmen like the ANC that could give OUR resources to these vultures on a platter. It had NOTHING to do with “Apartheid“- but ALL with CORPORATE CONTROL of our resources. …irrespective if the country itself are plunging into the financial abyss. All the minerals and resources still are fixed in the claws of a small few like the Ruperts, Oppenheimers, Zumas, Guptas, Mandelas, Ramaphosas, etc- but the people- the RIGHTFUL owners of this land- must still beg, steal and borrow to even qualify for a meager fishing license! -Ed)
Just how grim Eskom’s finances are was laid bare during a joint meeting of energy and public enterprises committees.
Johannesburg – It’s a slow-motion train wreck happening before our eyes, on a scale so vast it has already stunted the economic growth potential of the country, yet it is only now that the government appears to have fully grasped the danger.
Citizens may groan (or worse) when they are unexpectedly plunged into darkness, but the situation at Eskom is much worse than the odd power cut would suggest. Just how grim was laid bare during a presentation to a joint meeting of Parliament’s energy and public enterprises committees this week. For starters, Eskom is struggling to make ends meet and faces a possible credit rating downgrade in September from two rating agencies, which would push up its borrowing costs. Given that it is heavily dependent on borrowing to finance its massive build program of new power stations, which it desperately needs to bring online to cover a spiraling energy supply shortage, this would be a serious blow to its precarious finances.
Eskom blames the National Energy Regulator of SA (Nersa), which sets the prices it may charge, for the bulk of its financial woes, saying the increases granted under successive multiyear price determinations (MYPDs) were inadequate, leading to a projected R225 billion “revenue shortfall” for the current period. But the truth, said UCT’s Professor Anton Eberhard, an expert in energy sector regulation and reform and member of the National Planning Commission, was that time and cost overruns for the country’s new coal-fired power stations were the biggest factor. “This is by far the major item on their balance sheet and it has a direct impact on their cash flows,” Eberhard said in an interview.
Because the plants had overshot planned commissioning dates by years, Eskom was paying interest on the capital raised to build them before they were even completed. “They’re not generating electricity and they’re not generating revenue to service those debts,” Eberhard said. What Eskom called a “revenue shortfall ” was effectively the consumer paying for the delays and cost increases at Medupi and Kusile. Because the economy had been bumping up against electricity supply limits since 2007, stretching Eskom’s ability to deliver enough power, it had been forced to run its aging power plants harder than they could manage, with limited maintenance being done, causing the “unplanned failures” we experience as load shedding, according to the Eskom presentation.
Another consequence was a drop in the energy availability factor – the time power plants are able to be up and running – from 85 percent to 75 percent. It also meant Eskom had been forced to run its expensive open cycle gas turbine plants – intended only as a top-up measure in peak demand periods – almost continuously, costing R10.5bn instead of the budgeted R3.5bn. Strangely, considering it has been battling to meet demand, it lost 9 000 gigawatt hours, or R5.8bn, in electricity sales, according to financial director Tsholofelo Molefe.
Add to all of this the fact that municipalities alone owe Eskom R2.9bn in unpaid bills, up from R1.5bn in September last year, and it’s not hard to see why a credit rating downgrade is considered a real possibility – unless something is done fast. Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown seemed alive to the crisis, telling MPs at the joint meeting in Parliament a plan was being drawn up. “We have a time frame that’s kicking – and that is that by September we have to have a plan in place that makes logical sense to all of us,” Brown said.
The possibility of a capital injection from the fiscus – Eskom has suggested R50bn – or further tariff increases beyond the 8 percent granted under the current MYPD3, were among measures being considered. As it is, Eskom was granted permission this week to raise tariffs next year – on top of the planned 8 percent – to make up for a R7.8 billion gap between revenue anticipated under MYPD2 and what it actually received. Eberhard said he had calculated this would translate into a 5 percent tariff increase, which, with the MYPD3’s 8 percent, would bring the price hike next year to 13 percent. (This now the paying public have to fork out for ESCOM’s blunging and overstressed loans.-Ed )
Should Eskom apply to re-open MYPD3 – effectively asking for a top-up increase to tide it over the crisis, this figure could be even higher. Brown said all options to meet the financial crisis were on the table. “There has been serious public speculation about public sector equity injection, assets being sold, private sector equity and tariff hikes. These are levers which must be considered in any serious discussion,” said Brown. Whatever the government chooses to do in the short term, the crisis seems to have triggered a shift in its thinking about the energy future.
For one thing, it is taking the ever-expanding possibilities of gas-generated power – from gas fields off Mozambique and our own west coast to shale gas deposits in the Karoo (Fracking)– more seriously than in the past, with President Jacob Zuma describing shale gas as a “game changer” in his State of the Nation address. Eberhard said the hugely successful renewable energy procurement program had been a “path breaker” in opening the government’s eyes to new possibilities.
“There’s been an extraordinarily successful procurement of private investment. Over three years, R120bn of private investment has come into the power sector and 3 922MW will be connected, and prices have fallen.” There would soon be an independent power producer procurement process for a new coal-fired plant, followed by gas. “So we’re definitely seeing the beginnings of the opening of the market for the private sector,” Eberhard said.
The passing of the Independent System Market Operator Bill – which will put private power producers on an equal footing with Eskom – was a key step in this direction. For ordinary households choking on ever-rising electricity bills, this will come as a welcome relief (???) :- whatever profits they may reap in the future, private power producers – unlike Eskom – carry the costs of unforeseen expenses and delays themselves and are locked into 20-year fixed-price contracts, adjusted for inflation. If there is a silver lining to the Eskom crisis, it is that it has opened the door to a more flexible approach to meeting the country’s energy needs.
But a stark anomaly looms in the shape of nuclear energy – a huge capital investment notoriously prone to overshooting deadlines and budgets – which Zuma and government ministers have described as a non-negotiable option that should be implemented immediately.