






Article by: White Nation correspondent- Warmbahs June 10 2014










Britain’s Immigration Crisis – Only Culturally Compatible People Like South Africans Should be Allowed In

by Gail Veronika Andrejeva


FACTS -Between 2010 and 2012, the London Metropolitan police proceeded against 46,588 criminals that were foreign nationals. Seven of the top ten offender nationalities were European. Poland came top with 4,742 alleged offenders, ahead of Romania with 3,952 & Lithuania with 2,561. Crimes include multiple homocide,dozens of examples of rape & murder, child rape & home invasions. South African, Australians & New Zealand communities committed an infinitessimally small number in comparison.

Within 5 years Polish will surpass Welsh and Irish (Gaeilge) as Britain’s second most used language. 74% of Poles polled said they didn’t think proficiency in English was a necessity to live and work in Britain.White South Africans, a group whose emigration into Britain we DO support, commit a disporportionately LOW number of crime, compared to EU migrants, reinforcing our belief that cultural & linguistic compatibility between host nation & newcomer is the key to full assimilation & cultural preservation.

Unlike Eastern Europeans-South Africans are required to apply for Visas, in spite of the fact many are persecuted in their own homelands, speak our language and have a great track record in our country.The EKP supports immigration of South Africa’s white and non-black population into Britain.This article will discuss EU immigration, our desire to see it stopped and belief that our non-black .Please visit our new EKP South Africa – Exposing theGenocide Page. South African friends are the answer to our, in turn their, problems. And before you leave us please for more articles, stories and news. Leave a comment below the article.- G Wolf


In spite of my surname, I am a proud Englishwoman! I will get back to how and why my family emigrated to Glasgow, then Surrey, from Latvia in 1987, later in my story. Some people have questioned whether it’s wise for me to write for a site that is openly against all forms of mass immigration into Britain. In the charter, Director Giacomo Vallone writes, ” The EKP oppose multiculturalism & the mass immigration of culturally incompatible people into western Europe & New World nations. We support merit-based immigration policies, that permit a limited number of people from New EU & non-Islamic Asian states, entry into our lands. Entry must be based on merit, level of investment & societal need – never solely newcomer need.”

The director of the EKP in fact refuses to enter Polish/Eastern European food shops or engage in relations with people that have arrived in England through EU mass immigration. He does NOT hate them, but feels if he patronises their shops or encourages them. he is contributing to his nation’s demise. He does however fight for the rights of oppressed non-black South Africans and Zimbabweans entry into Britain, on humanitarian grounds. So why whould I, the daughter of an Eastern European immigrant actively support an organisation that is seemingly against my being here? First I’d like to give you an accurate picture of my country’s immigration crisis.

As in the US – Britain’s Marxist left and to a certain extent, conservative right, are co-conspirators in the systematic destruction of Britain’s unique culture. That’s undeniable.The left support liberal immigration policy in order to strengthen their hold on society (the British left actively canvassing Polish voters) and, further their depraved ideological anti-Western agenda; while the conservatives, & their capitalist cronies in the private sector, as a means to enrich themselves. In the US this is done by internationalist organisations and treaties/agreements, embraced by BOTH America’s Democratic & Republican parties, like NAFTA and the UN. In Europe this has been acomplished by the communistic European Union.

Who suffers? As in most western countries, it’s the indigenous volk-women like my mother and men like Scot Martin Hadfield-and, decent law abiding naturalised citizens that love and respect their country’s of settlement, like my father. Then there’s the irreversible impact it has on our unique cultures-something that upsets me more than anything else. What we suggest is ending all New EU immigration and satsifying demand by offering places in British society to non-black South Africans and Zimbaweans. A liberal rabble rouser looking to interrupt a United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) meeting in Oxford asked UKIP members how they would satisfy immigration demands if Britain left the EU!

Several members of the audience suggested offering places to white South Africans. The entire auditorium applauded. Looking to seize upon the sentiment the EKP are in the process of drawing up a petition requesting that Britain’s Home Office (Dept of Immigration) lessen the requirements for non-Black South African applicants-both on humanitarian grounds and British need. The petition will be drawn up for the September 1st parliamentary session. The petition will centre around the cultural compatibility of South Africans as well as humanitarian outreach.


What’s wrong with Britain’s current immigrant base?

Britain’s Immigration Crisis: The numbers


This past year, almost 200,000 EU immigrants entered the UK, purportedly ‘looking for a better life’. Of those, more than 80,000 applied for benefits (freebies) inside 6 months! More still, applied for tax credits, local housing benefit and/or relied upon other public or subsidised services of some kind. Those that work, pay a pittance in taxes, work for a fraction of what an Englishman can afford to work for, import their children, spouses and extended family, who bleed our benefits system dry (there are lines of their women out the door of the local welfare office each day), and typically send the fruits of their profiteering endeavours back to their homelands.

This has had a detrimental impact on the English which can be evidenced by the spike in unemployment applications we have seen since since 2010 and the vast numbers of new homeless Englishmen I see on my city’s streets daily. Then there’s the societal unrest and the negative impact the migrants have had on our society. Eastern European migrants commit a disproportionate amount of crime, have higher than average HIV rates, not enough cash to support themselves, traffic women into prostitution, dilute our culture, and undermine our sovereignty. And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg!


What makes these people different than other immigrants?

These people didnt arrive on our shores based on merit. They didnt have to apply for a visa as people typically do when applying for entry into sovereign nations that govern themselves. They were not required to be able to take care of themselves, provide their own accomodation or even speak the language. Their entry into Britain was contingent upon a decision made in Brussels. Instead of gaining entry based on the merit of their application, as my father did, they merely packed their bags, hopped on a bus and landed in my homeland because my government, due to pressure some frog eating Frenchman imposed upon them in Brussels, decided to relax rules it had imposed on immigration from 2004/2007

Enlargement EU states.


It also prevents us from allowing in immigrants the right way-ie via skilled visas. Because we are required under EU law to allow so many EU citizens in, we let in less worthy people. I think of the tens of thousands of culturally and linguistically compatible non-black South Africans, Zimbaweans, and Ugandans that our government turned away this past year-people that had the means to invest in the country, could have contributed, and speak our language. Our government is quite clear-until EU immigration slows down, immigrants from other nations, those that have applied to enter because of their skills and merit, will have to wait. Refugees and asylum seekers from Africa and the Middle East, however, as ordered by the communistic UN, will still be allowed entry.

So why Am I writing this article?

As our director says, “Romanians change our crime rates, while Poles, our culture.” We need people that do neither! That’s why the EKP believe that opening our door to non-Black South Africans might be the solution. Britain needs decent western people that share what makes us unique, and yes superior! I said it! OUr culture is superior to those of our immigrant populations. That is why they arrive here by the hundreds of thousands. Poles leave Poland because it is poor, economically and culturally inferior to England. Unlike Bulgarians and Romanians, South Africans aren’t fleeing their failures, rather they’re being forced out by hatred.

Then there’s the fact that most South Africans are proficient in our language, think like us and share our spirit. If individuals don’t, we believe they’d want to come. If they aren’t proficient in our language I have NO doubt they will learn it, and FAST. That’s why they were able to turn a spit of parched land into a vibrant economically powerful nation within a century. Boer, Anglo, Asian-whatever path they arrived on, they made SA work until the ANC wrecked their nation.

Sure there are differences, however generally speaking, our cultures share literally tens of thousands of years of history and civilisation. We share NOTHING with the people currently arriving on our shores, regardless whether they are white Eastern Europeans or non-whites. When South Africans arrive they will only have positive impact on us. They will work, contribute, pay taxes, buy houses and assimilate. Some of us even think we should extend the invitation to South Africa’s Asian community so we don’t appear racist! If South Africa’s Asians think as we believe they do, we are open to the idea. Hopeffully we hear from enough of you, so we know if we are correct in our assumption.

And South Africans will not change us,. Unlike the migrants arriving here from Eastern Europe I am certainm they will be grateful . We are also certain they will become our friends, not kill us in our sleep and force their language and culture upon us. The EKP are CERTAIN of these things, based on our experiences with South Africans, our country’s needs, and our desire to right the wrongs perpetrated against them by their government and their enablers in ours.

What sort of an impact has Polish immigration in particular had on our nation? A recent study by the left wing Communist pro-immigration, Progresives United for Change, proudly proclaimed that, ” Polish is the second most spoken language in England and is now the most spoken language in Britain after English, with more than 1.4% of Britain’s population speaking Polish. It has surpassed Welsh (a language indigenous to Great Britain) in 2013.” Some estimates claim that by 2016 more than 4 million Eastern European nationals will be living in the UK.

That is an astounding, and upsetting number. To the idiotic COMMUNISTIC white nationalists that thinks this is a good thing-take a wild guess which sort of immigrants have been flooding Poland, since a quarter of their populations has, or plans to, move to mine! Ask yourself, if you think it’s right the indigengous languages of Welsh and Irish (Gaeilge) are being supplanted by ones born to foreign people, born thousands of miles away?

Left wing Wikipedia, gleefully reports that, although “2001 UK Census figures recorded 60,711 Polish-born people resident in the UK. With the migration that has followed Poland’s accession to the EU, the Polish-born population in the whole of the UK is estimated to have risen to 515,000 in the year to March 2010. Unofficial estimates have put the number of Poles living in the UK higher, at up to one million.” Yippee! At least the Liberal Democrats and Labour Party can canvass new voters .

Then There’s the crime!

The Daily Mail wrote that “between 2010 and 2012, the London Metropolitan police proceeded against 46,588 criminals that were foreign nationals. Seven of the top ten offender nationalities were European. Poland came top with 4,742 alleged offenders, ahead of Romania with 3,952 and Lithuania with 2,561.” Crimes included multiple homocide, dozens of instances of rape and murder, child rape/molestation, and home invasions, resulting in murder. California’s Mexican population would be proud!

Last month the Daily Mail reported that,”A string of horrendous attacks carried out by Eastern European criminals in recent months has raised concerns over the lack of checks on new arrivals. Earlier this week a Polish burglar was jailed for at least 34 years for the murder of an elderly couple in their home – just one week after he arrived in the UK. Ireneusz Bartnowski, 22, stabbed and battered to death grandparents Guiseppe and Caterina Massaro in Wolverhampton. He lay in wait in their bedroom and attacked them with a knife and a hammer, the court heard. ” The Metropolitan Police statistics were unearthed by the London section of BBC Politics.

An Italian waiter who described his new life in Britain as ‘perfect’ was beaten to death just days after arriving. Joele Leotta, 20, who came to the UK to improve his English, was sharing a flat with a friend and had already found a job in an Italian restaurant. But on Sunday night a group of men are said to have kicked down the door to the flat before launching a savage attack on Joele and his friend. Up to seven men are said to have kicked and punched the pair and neighbours heard loud shouting’ in a foreign language. Joele was taken to hospital but doctors were unable to save him. His friend, Alex Galbiati, was taken to another hospital and is believed to be recovering.

Polish criminals thought British prisons were like being in ‘a spa’, he said, adding they would ‘think twice’ if they thought they would be sent home to serve time. Last month, Lithuanian Rimvydas Liorancas hanged himself in prison while on remand for the double murder of Carole and Avtar Kolar at their home in Birmingham. After his death, it emerged Liorancas got into Britain despite a conviction for armed robbery. Earlier this month, a senior judge demanded to know why a Lithuanian child-rapist, Victor Akulic, was let into Britain, where he went on to beat and rape a woman. He had been jailed for nine years in his homeland after raping a seven-year-old.

Then there was the story of George-Josif Blaj, a man who a top British Judge called “the vilest rapists he’d ever come across”. This filth received violent non-consusal sex from of our governments obscene immigration policies-a government that puts $$$ and ideology before the citizenry they’re supposed to be serving. The poor indigenous girl (whites can be indigenous as well, liberals) he raped on the other hand, received a life sentence of misery and depression. One can argue British perpetrate rape as well. We can’t deport violent Brits. Then there’s the argument that Eastern Europeans are better than non-whites. That’s like being forced to choose between being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour or liver failure.


Critics say Britain’s open borders with other EU members make it impossible to control who comes and goes. In many cases, Brussels regulations make it impossible to stop criminals from entering even if we know of their convictions. And why is this happening? Because Britain has had its sovereignty ripped from her by EU bureaucrats that force us into accepting migrants that don’t serve our interests. EU laws also restrict the Government’s ability to send criminals back home after prison, something UKIP have been quite vocal about. Currently, there are more than 11,000 foreign national offenders behind bars in England and Wales.

A UK Border Agency spokesman said: ‘Any foreign national offender sentenced to more than 12 months in prison is automatically recommended for deportation.’ At least they’re white, right? I am sure that’s some consolation for victims of murder, beatings and rape. Victims can proudly tell their white nationalist friends they were beaten by a white man with a foreign accent from their blood stained beds.

The fact is, Britain’s murder rate still comes in at a paltry 1.2/100,000 population. This is in spite of our non-white populations. Compare that to some of the naitons serving up our recent arrivals, with Russia’s 9.2/100k (higher than Senegal & Pakistan), Lithuania’s 6.6, Estonia’s 5.2 (both higher than Niger, Mozambique, the U.S. & India) and Bulgaria’s 3.4. (nearly 2/5X the Western European average), and you can get some understanding of why we are in the toruble we are. Good bye England, hello Kosovo!


In 2013 there were more Islamic Albanians & migrants from the Balkans (both whites) – the same people that first brought rape and crime to Sweden, than immigrants from Scandinavia, Germany and Holland, South East Asia, Australasia, South Africa and the America’s combined! Thern there are the French, Italians, SPanish and Portuguese migrants, who are non-violent in comparison to our Eastern European arrivals, that arrive on our shores without a lick of English under their belts. When I asked a French woman I met in town last week, whey she came to Britian, she said, “free money.” I didn’t understand much more than that to be perfectly honest. I felt like saying, “Because yor economy is in the toilet, you come here t explot ours?” In fact the French piss me off more than people arriving from the east. At least they can blame communism! The French have only their own mismanagement and corruption to blame!

Many French claim that unlike Eastern Europeans that come to reap the reward of our marvellous benefits system, they enter Britain for work, but the fact remains a good percentage of them apply for benefits inside a year as well. They too work for less, and like migrants from Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa, send much of what they earn back home to their families in France.

They also aren’t bothered, or willing to do anything combat the Islamification of London, due to the state of their home country, and the fact they are only here for economic reasons. As one indigenous French man I met on my travels in London this past March told me, “London now feels a lot like Paris. I barely hear any English anymore, which is music to my ears! There’s as many sign posts in Arabic as there are in English in London.” He then laughed and closed with a “Fuck Britain!”

How lovely! Napoloeon would be proud!

Lastly, in order to drum home the severity of our crisis I need to return to Britain’s culturally incompatible Eastern European newcomers- the hundreds of thousands of culturally and linguistically incompatible Poles, Bulgarians, Baltic people and Romanians (I can hardly tell the white from the Roma gypsies to be fair) that have flooded my homeland since 2004.

When we speak of Eastern Europeans we are not talking about the wave of professional Slavs, people like my dad, that arrived immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union, rather an underclass that were born and raised poor in morally bankrupt post-communist USSR. Sadly, because of the conditions in which these destitute people have suffered since the Judeo-Bolsheviks ravaged their lands, they are culturally incompatible with the west-evidenced by the impact they are having on Britain, the filthy shops they set up that cater to non-English, and the fact that our government now offers services in Polish, and Romanian, along with Arabic, Urdu etc. I understand this issue well as my father arrived in Western Europe from Latvia, some 30 years ago, however in an entirely different manner and with totally unique intentions.

My father, an anglophile at heart wanted nothing more in life than to settle in a country he loved from afar. Moving to Britain was his dream since childhood. He wanted to assimilate and make a life for himself in the nation and culture he idolised. As silly as it may seem, his adoration began with his interest in British music-bands like Led Zeppelin, Cream and The Police. His interest in Britan, then progressed to adulation for her language, history and culture, subjects he studied as an undergraduate at Riga Stradin,š University. By his 21st birthday he was fluent in English-at one time a prerequisite for entry into Britain. Upon completion of his degree he decided he’d had enough fo life in Latvia and applied for a position at Glasgow Caledonian University. Although defecting from Latvia was an arduous task, it was permitted when it was seen as beneficial to the state-as it was in my dad’s case.

My dad then had to pay a small fortune for his visa, proved to the British Home Office, that he was going to invest, had the means to support himself and desire to contribute to society upon completion of his degree. He did just that, marrying a local woman he met while teaching at a Scottish university, began teaching history at a local parochial school, and the rest is history. The same can not be said for the majority of the Poles, who account for 43% of Britains newcomers, Bulgarians and other newcomers that arrive here daily.

And how does this sit with the indigenous British population?

Communist Polish news rag, Gazeta Wyborcza, writes that ‘Hate crimes against Polish are at an all time high in Britain. In early 2014, a Polish man, whose helmet was emblazoned with the flag of Poland, claimed he was attacked by a group of 15 English hooligan types outside a pub in Dagenham, London.The victim, a Polish migrant, blamed xenophobic speeches of the conservative Prime Minister David Cameron. In January 2013 alone, in Belfast there were 7 attacks on Polish homes within 10 days, in which stones and bricks were thrown at the windows.‘ The numbers and impact they’ve had on Britain, are well documented.

It is fair to say most of these people do not have those same intentions. They have little respect for our cultures as they’ve arrived in a different manner and with entirely different goals than my dad, and for the most part, have no intention of assimilating into our communities. Much like Pakistani’s they open shops catering to their demographic. The signs are in Polish, nary a soul that works there can communicate in proper English and the standards are low-disgracefuly. I walked into the Polish supermarket pictured right a few weeks ago to get a glimpse of how these people conduct business. The woman behind the counter, reeking of cigarette smoke, greeted me in Polish. When I aksed her if she had any Cornish Pasties, she responded in Polish, before going back to her Polish magazine.

I was appalled. And this isnt the worst of it! These people glue posters onto our lamposts that are written entirely in Polish. They set up busineses with their help from the left leaning political organisations that cater to them , and worst of all vote invaribally for leftist Labour and Liberal Democratic parties! Much like America’s Mexican migrant population that become supporters of the Democratic Party, Poles come here for free healthcare, 3k a month in benefits, a quick buck and some cash in hand when they’re ready to head back HOME. Unlike my family, who fled eastern Europe to make a better life in England (the right way with a skilled visa) away from Soviet hell, these people have no respect for our country. The moment they are eligibile they invarialy vote for the leftwing politicians that facilitated their eintry into our country.

Our director recently wrote:

“My deargrandfather had no idea that fighting for the Allies would result in his pie shop becoming a Polish & Baltic Food hole, pub-a Pakistani Halal Butchers, the park we played tennis in as kids-a Mac Donald’s’ parking lot, and his television set -a mouthpiece for venomous Zionist & Marxian American propaganda. Is this what generations of Englishmen died for? I can NOT accept that, and won’t.”

Neither can I. Why? Because of these people I look bad!

I grew up the daughter of an immigrant. Although I am white, I don’t look British. This however never hindered me, as British people are generally very welcoming. Sadly, now it does. When people now meet me on the street they ask me if I am Polish. They tell me how wonderful my English accent is and ask me how long I have lived in the country. When I tell them I was born here they seem surprised. Many ask me when I expect to return to Poland, as if I too am here as a migrant On several occasions people have been rude to me. I was once told that ‘I need to get the fuck out of the country’ by someone that heard me say my name. This upsets me to no end. My father often tells me that if he knew this this was going to happen, he would have moved to New Zealand. That’s how horrible life has become for us. This change is generally upsetting to people thar emigrated to England for a better life. As the daughter of an immigrant that saw the beauty of the Britain, why should I now be forcibly transported back to Riga, or worse yet, Krakov, every day I walk from my home to the shops.

Notes - The EKP supports immigration of South African white and non-black population into Britain. White South Africans, themselves arriving in record numbers, committed a disporportionately LOW number of crime, proving that cultural compatibility, as one sees with people of White South African descent is the key to assimilation and societal health. In fact we are drafting a letter to the home ofice asking for asylum to be granted to more people of White and non-black South African descent.




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