
Trayvon, Jeantel and Critical Race Theory: Not just for whack jobs anymore.

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Trayon, Jeantel and Critical Race Theory.

It’s not just for whack jobs anymore.

by Colin Flaherty

You might not know why Trayvon Martin’s friend seemed hostile and dim and ill mannered when she was testifying about their last conversation.

But your child does.

Especially if he or she attends school in one of the hundreds of districts around the country that use Critical Race Theory to teach their students about black and white people in America.

Critical Race Theory made the headlines last year during the Presidential election. The investigators at Breitbart.com came up with a video tape showing then-law student Barack Obama giving a warm introduction to the godfather of Critical Race, Derrick Bell.

Critical Race Theory says racism is everywhere. And it is permanent. As for any gains made in the courts or in public or private life, they are an illusion. And serve the White Supremacists who lead a life of White Privilege.

Today, Critical Race is more than just a theory. It is an industry, with consultants crisscrossing the globe to explain how White Supremacy, White Privilege and Institutional Racism are oppressing black and brown people. Today more than ever.

The Critical Race practitioners were out in force following the disjointed testimony of Rachel Jeantel at the trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of her friend Trayvon Martin.

In an article called Why Black People Understand Rachel Jeantel, Christina Coleman broke it down: “Any attorney, jury member, judge or white person in that courtroom is not going to understand Rachel Jeantel. And I don’t expect them to…In fact, I certainly understand why white people wouldn’t like Rachel.”

This could be any one of of dozens of articles from MSNBC to NPR. Even Geraldo at Fox.

Coleman talks about White Privilege and how it makes people blind to the differences between Jeantel and us. That is not to say black people are different. No, any Critical Race Theorist will tell you black people are normal. White people are different.

After all, who said White People are the norm? White Supremacists, that’s who.

Twitter was alive with hundreds of people talking about how more White People should learn Critical Race Theory to understand Jeantel. And their own racism.

Derrick Bell may have invented Critical Race Theory. But Glenn Singleton is the Pied Piper spreading it through schools. What we call achievement, he calls White Privilege.

What we call dim witted and angry — as we saw on the witness stand from Jeantel — Singleton would say is a nothing more than the different learning and communication style of black people: “Non-verbal. Personal. Emotional. Process Oriented.”

This is opposed to “White Talk: Verbal. Impersonal. Intellectual. Task-oriented.”

Glenn Singleton is not just an obscure academic theoretician casting pearls before undergrad sociology students. He trains teachers at hundreds of school districts around the country in how to bring Critical Race Theory into the classroom so they can “overcome the deeply embedded institutional racism” that is the only reason for the achievement gap between black and white students.

Critical Race explains it all: More blacks in prison? Racist cops. Black unemployment? Racist employers. Black drug use? Racist cops ignore white drug users. Black health, black crime, black poverty? Racism. Racism. Racism.

Singleton likes to give the example of how black students only seem to misbehave in class because that is what they learned in black churches. One of his clients, California State Supt. of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell, proudly told the world about it:

“Black children learn at church that it’s good to clap, speak loudly and be a bit raucous. But doing the same thing at school, where 72% of teachers are white and may be unfamiliar with such customs, will get them in trouble.”

O’Connell was immediately lashed for using stereotypes to make ridiculous generalizations. He apologized. Singleton’s business grew.

One of Singleton’s acolytes, the principal in a Portland school, said a lesson plan was racist because it referred to an artifact that may be outside the culture of some minority students. He was talking about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Most of Singleton’s training involves getting the mostly white and liberal and female public school teachers in a series of Courageous Conversations. There they are brow-beaten into admitting their own racism. Those unwilling to admit their role in the self-evident Institutional Racism often are looking for new jobs, except this time with a Scarlet R on their resume.

Much of this training in Critical Race theory takes place beneath the notice of parents and school board members.

One of Singleton’s disciples published a glowing review of his program from the San Diego Unified School District. So I dashed off a message to my Facebook Friend and elected member of that school board, Scott Barnett. I asked him what he knew about Singleton and White Privilege and Critical Race Theory in San Diego classrooms.

“I’m sorry u sent me an email the other day. I am not the guy to talk to about curriculum issues. Not my expertise.”

Even Rachel Jeantel never said anything that dim-witted.

Last year in Atlanta, Nkosi Thandiwe shot three white people, killing one, paralyzing the other, because he said he learned in school to be angry about slavery.

He is not alone. If you read the regular reports in WND on the epidemic of black mob violence and wonder why so many young black people are so angry, even to the point of violence, now you know where they learned it.

Follow @ColinFlaherty




Here is a link and beginning of an article about one black person who attacked several white people and killed one because he learned in school that white people were evil.

He was black and angry. They were white and guilty, just the way he learned in school. So he shot them.

That’s the evidence that has emerged from the Atlanta trial of Nkosi Thandiwe, who has been sentenced to life in prison plus 65 years for shooting three white girls last year. One died, one is paralyzed.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Thandiwe testified the reason he purchased a gun probably was “to enforce beliefs he’d developed about white people during his later years as an anthropology major at the University of West Georgia.”

“I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,” he said. “In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend.”

The report says the night before the shooting, he was at a “Peace Party,” and was enraged that two white people were there.

“I was upset,” Thandiwe said. “I was still upset Friday. I took the gun to work because I was still upset from Thursday night.”

A jury found him guilty of murder – following a decision by a judge that just because he learned crazy things in school, that did not make him too crazy to stand trial.

See the Big List of black mob violence.

According to the CBS affiliate in Atlanta:

Thandiwe said during his last few years in college, his history studies changed his thoughts about how some white people treated black people.

“In terms of slavery and race, it was something that needed to be answered for. I saw it as something that the black community hasn’t recovered from so my initial way to handle that was to spread information to help combat some of the ignorance that was in the black community about our history,” said Thandiwe.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/youre-white-youre-guilty-youre-dead/#CzxL8RcPktzdIH0P.99

Epidemic of black mob violence: White Girl Bleed a Lot. - And how the media ignore it.

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