I’m writing the dedication and acknowledgements for the WND edition of White Girl Bleed a Lot.
Did I leave anyone out?
Here’a draft. Let me know.
For Frances Klepsis Flaherty
Who told me to be kind.
And for all my cops: Thanks for letting me tell your stories.
When I wrote the first edition of this book, I had no idea how I was going to get people to read it.
But thanks to a lot of great people, brave people, this book touched a lot of lives around the world. Becoming an Amazon #1 Best Seller.
Without racism. Or rancor. Or apologies.
So I have a lot of people to thank.
First, Joseph Farah, the bravest man in America, for demanding we tell the truth.
For my brother John Dennis, who invited me to co-host his show at WDEL in Wilmington, Delaware. It was there I first saw the enormous gap between what the newspapers were saying about black mob violence, and what I saw on YouTube.
For Al Mascitti, a talk show host at WDEL and the smartest liberal in America. Without his permanent denial, I would not have written this book. He showed me this story had to be told.
For Thomas Sowell, for reading White Girl Bleed a Lot and writing a column about it. My cousins in Lebanon, Pa. loved seeing that in their hometown paper. Having your hero read your book is very, very cool.
For my early and enthusiastic readers, Kitty Myers and Connie Gargrave Swanson, for their support.
For all the cops, and all the readers of who keep me informed.
For Anthony Cumia, who will not be denied.
For Jesse Lee Peterson, who cannot be denied.
For Mick Pattinson, a great friend and greater man. For Thelly Daust, who readers from Redwood to Deadwood, a 53-year old dude hitchhikes around America, will recognize as the World’s Greatest Girlfriend.
For Terry Lynch in Scripps Ranch, who forced me to write books.
For Bob Unruh, the WND editor par excellence, for his patience.
For my two childredn, Caitlin and David, who taught me more than I taught them.
For my book editor, Geoffrey Stone, for not getting angry when I told him to write his own book. But making this one a lot better.
For Michael Thompson, the marketing guru at WND, for his encouragement and great skill.
For James Courtney, whose counsel and editorial advice is invaluable. I hope we can work together on my next book on Critical Race Theory.
For Tom O’Halloran, my Twitter guru (@TPO_Hisself), who helped me take it to a new level.
But most of all, for everyone who listened.
Epidemic of black mob violence: White Girl Bleed a Lot. - And how the media ignore it.