
Hepatitis C is affecting millions, yet because symptoms are slow to start, many people don’t know they have it. Use this Q&A to get smarter about hepatitis C and viral transmission - By Madeline Vann, MPH

Ask the right questions about hepatitis C.

3 million in the United States have hep C, but many don’t realize it. A one-time hep C screen is needed for everyone born between 1945 and 1965. Simple steps can prevent further hepatitis C transmission. If you haven’t gotten a hepatitis C screening test yet, it might be time. A silent epidemic, chronic hep C affects more than 3 million Americans, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many of those with the virus don’t know they have it because symptoms are slow to develop. So, could you be at risk? To help you get smarter about hep C, here are 10 questions to ask your doctor.

1. Why is it important for me to get tested for hepatitis C?

National health organizations, including the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, recommend that everyone born between 1945 and 1965 get screened for hepatitis C once. This is because two of every three people with hep C fall into this age group. The “baby boomer” segment of the population may have been exposed to the hep C virus from blood transfusions before the blood supply was screened for the virus, among other risk factors. Hepatitis C screening is also recommended for anyone at high risk for transmission, including people who had transfusions prior to 1992, recipients of unregulated tattoos, and IV drug users.

If you learn that you have hep C, you can not only get important treatment but also take steps to prevent further spreading of the virus.

2. How does hepatitis C affect my liver?

Over time, hep C can cause serious health issues. “The liver is an uncomplaining organ,” said Thelma King Thiel, RN, who chairs the Hepatitis Foundation International in Silver Spring, Md. That means you might not see signs of the damage done by hepatitis C until years after the hep C virus takes hold. Over time, the virus kills cells, creating scar tissue and leading to cirrhosis, an advanced disease of the liver. This progression puts you at increased risk for cancer and liver failure.

3. What do my test results mean

Hepatitis C testing occurs in two steps, both simple blood tests. The first is a test for hepatitis C antibodies, which will let your doctor know whether you’ve ever had hepatitis C. Antibodies are signs that your body fought or is fighting an infection. Because it’s possible for this first test to show that you have hepatitis C antibodies even if you’re not currently infected with active hepatitis C virus, a second test will be needed. The second test checks the amount of active hepatitis C virus in your blood. This is called “viral load,” and indicates whether or not the infection is active.

4. How do I know if my infection is acute or chronic?

Acute (or short-term) hepatitis C infection occurs within six months of exposure to the virus. It may go unnoticed unless you happen to get tested during that period. Some people have the ability to fight hepatitis C successfully on their own, but most do not. Between 75 and 85 percent of infections go on to become chronic hepatitis C infection, which might not cause symptoms for decades. If your test results show that you have chronic hepatitis C, your doctor may recommend treatment.

RELATED: Baby Boomer Living With Hepatitis C

5. Is hepatitis C curable?

Most people can rid their bodies of the hepatitis C virus with treatments available today. “Many new treatment options are becoming available that should allow almost every patient to be treated successfully,” said David Nelson, MD, a professor of medicine and associate dean for clinical research in the College of Medicine at the University of Florida in Gainesville and one of the principal investigators for the national HCV-TARGET research program tracking hepatitis C treatments and outcomes. “This will lead to healing of the liver and marked improvement on quality of life.” Treatments now in the research pipeline hold promise as oral therapies that could cure hepatitis C in 12 weeks.

However, there’s no immunity for those who’ve had the disease. You can catch hepatitis C again if you don’t take precautions.

6. What tests will I need to determine the health of my liver?

If your doctor determines that you have hepatitis C, you will need more testing to answer this question. Blood tests, such as a liver panel, and an ultrasound will help. “Understanding who has cirrhosis is the most important initial assessment that helps frame all other discussions,” Dr. Nelson said. “Those with more advanced liver disease often need an endoscopy and liver cancer screening and should be prioritized for treatment.”

7. What lifestyle changes will help keep my liver healthy?

Besides treating your hepatitis C with prescribed medications, take steps to create a healthy lifestyle for your liver. “Simple measures like reducing alcohol consumption, exercising and losing weight, and cutting out marijuana can help limit liver damage,” Nelson said. Research published in the Nutrition Journal in 2013 showed that following a low-fat, low-calorie diet for a year improved liver health among obese people who had chronic hepatitis C. And there’s good news for coffee lovers too: Coffee consumption seems to help limit the damaging effects of hepatitis C, according to a review published in 2014 in the journal Liver International.

8. How can I prevent hepatitis C infection?

Preventing viral transmission is important whether you think you could be at risk for getting hepatitis C from someone else or you have hepatitis C and could give it to someone else. Hepatitis C is passed from one person to another through direct blood contact. “Avoid high-risk behaviors such as IV drug use, unprotected sex outside of a monogamous relationship, and sharing razor blades or toothbrushes,” Nelson said. But he stressed that you don’t need to live in total isolation. “You cannot spread this virus by hugging or kissing kids, family, and friends,” he noted. “It’s OK to carry out a normal life.”

9. Should I have other specialists on my treatment team?

One of the most challenging aspects of fighting hepatitis C may be quitting alcohol, cigarettes, or illicit drugs. You may benefit from working with a specialist who can help you overcome any addictions if you have them. Other specialists to consider are mental health professionals to help with anxiety or depression. A registered dietitian can help you create a healthy-liver diet.

10. Where can I find more support?

Ask your doctor whether your clinic or a local organization offers a support group. You can also look online to find one near you or join a virtual group. Start with the Hepatitis C Association or the Hepatitis Foundation International.

- Everyday Health Media

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