Samsung Electronics announced yesterday a new generation of multimedia memory eMMC, created using 10 nanometers technology. Embedded memory is a key component in cellular phones and tablets today, which rely more heavily on internal storage then on external storage options, such as microSD.
The new storage solution from Samsung has a write speed of 2,000 random IOPS (input / output per second) and a random read rate of 5,000 IOPS. In addition, sequential read and write speeds are 260 MB/s and 50 MB/s and up to 10 times faster than a class 10 microSD card that offers a read speed up to the 24 MB/s and writes at 12 MB/s. The new solution greatly enhances multitasking abilities of mobile gadgets.
Samsung applies the latest technology to 64 GB eMMC high performance cards through NAND memory manufactured using 10 nm technology, to result in the new 64 GB eMMC Pro Class 2000. The new embedded memory solution exceeds the performance levels of the conventional 64 GB eMMC Pro Class 1500 based on an eMMC 4.5 interface. The Pro Class 2000 eMMC memory measures just 11.5 mm to 13 mm for the current model, which represents a reduction of 20 percent in size compared to previous generations.