
Yaaaaaayyyyyy!!! I couldn't be more excited because 1. It's Friday! 2. The start of our new Friday series #GoldRushCrush

So what is #GoldRushCrush? Welp... every other Friday we're going to be featuring a fellow blogger that we have a serious crush on!  The whole reason I started blogging was to join this amazing community and what better way to get to know and share such an awesome person and their blog!  It's not just about follows here... it's about making #BFs (blog friends)!  Which I love doing! #likesforlife (wink wink)

So to start off this amazing new series I get the pleasure of introducing you guys to my fellow Atlanta blogger and personal trainer JESS!  (I would definitely recommend her!)

She's a fitness guru and mom to the most adorable little boy.  Her lifestyle blog is called Happily Hughes and in her own words focuses on health, fashion and fun!

I love following her instagram for lots of fun fitness tips and tricks and killer recipes!

Do me a favor and gold rush (hah so cheesy... see what I did there) her blog or instagram to say hi!  I hope you crush on her as much as I do!

xoxo Ady

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