
Are you a potato salad fan?

Is potato salad a summer staple for you?

I see the question sometimes asking if you are a creamy potato salad person or a vinegar-y/no mayonnaise potato salad person? For me? There really is only one type of potato salad and that is the classic mayonnaise one.

Maybe because it is the one I grew up with and it reminds me of large family gatherings at Grandmas house in the summer. Yep! Creamy potato salad is the winner for me.

I had seen a package of a dozen hard boiled eggs in the grocery store and knew I would come up with the creamiest potato salad recipe once home and I think you will agree that this recipe is a good one.

I also had a bag of baby potatoes from The Little Potato Company (link to website) in my pantry so I knew I could whip up a gluten free potato salad in no time.

Cooking does not have to be difficult or what I mean is, it doesn’t have to be all homemade. There is nothing wrong with picking up a bag of hard boiled eggs at the grocery store for quick convenience. Little short cuts here and there can make cooking easier for you.

The only other must have for this potato salad is fresh dill. While you could use dried dill there is nothing like fresh dill for a punch of flavour and I highly suggest you pick it up. Most grocery stores carry the fresh herbs now.

Hope you give this recipe a try.

Recipe: Creamy Potato Salad


12-14 baby potatoes

6 hard boiled eggs

1/2 cup diced celery

1/4 cup diced dill pickles

1 Tbsp fresh dill, finely chopped

2 green onions, finely chopped

1-2 tsp yellow mustard

1 cup mayonnaise

1 Tbsp dill pickle juice

1 Tbsp whipping cream

1/2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste


In a medium pot add potatoes and cover potatoes with water. Bring to boil and then turn down to low-medium heat and cover with a lid. Cook 10-15 minutes. Drain and cool potatoes.

In a bowl stir together the mayonnaise, mustard, dill pickle juice, whipping cream and apple cider vinegar.

Cut baby potatoes in 1/2 and add to bowl.

Slice eggs in half and half again and add to bowl.

Add the celery, dill pickles and dill and toss all together.

Add salt and pepper and salad is ready to serve.

You can cover bowl and place in refrigerator to keep cold also.


Looking for Delicious Salad Recipes?

In my

Gluten Free Salads Cookbook you can find 27 other delicious recipes your friends and family will love, including: Cucumber Herb Salad, Roasted Strawberry Goat Cheese Salad, Sesame Noodle Salad and many more.

Purchase yours today.

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